Blue and White Society

Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043 – Humans: Give It All

Chapter 1043 Human: Do everything

More and more members have transformed themselves using entropy beasts as materials.

They look hideous, their bodies are dark red, like demons.

All members of the club who are not locked by the queen are running around the galaxy, looking for scattered humans.

Most of them are in constant death, waiting for the rescue mentioned in the previous Heidi Universe broadcast.

At this moment, as long as it is not an entropy beast, it must be one of our own.

When a group of people finds another group in the vast universe, they will only weep with joy.

“Don’t come here! There are monsters behind!” He frantically sent gravitational waves, reminding people who came.

Afterwards, they were directly ‘consumed’ by the entropy beast as energy.

However, each of the members now has the six characteristics of the original Jiujiu, plus the creative authority of Mo Qiong and Qin Huali, and distributed a large number of characteristics.

They can jump in space at will, find a group of people, or find information about the dead, and then resurrect them.

And provide entropy beast materials, let them transform themselves. At the same time, using his body as bait, he fought with the surrounding entropy beasts.

It doesn’t matter if some people are not technically skilled enough, the members will directly transfer the knowledge information to them.

Of course, members of the club cannot help them move, and humans can only rely on themselves if they want to return to the earth.

Fortunately, human beings are no longer flowers in the greenhouse, and have experienced a series of turmoil, coupled with the ever-changing technological explosion, and the memory awakening of the Zerg warriors.

The vast majority of people did not cry or complain.

They all know what to do at the moment, they are decisive and agile, and they are not procrastinating at all.

Unite and live, that’s all.

I have to say that Mo Poor was well prepared.

If Mo Poor hadn’t broken the tradition, human beings at this time would still be just flowers in the greenhouse.

In the case that the members cannot directly help them escape, they will only become a drag.

At this moment, every human being can be a warrior.

From all directions, gather to the earth, and fight to the end.

”When everyone uses the material of the entropy beast to transform themselves, the entropy beast will not be able to directly capture the energy of the human body, and then it can only use ordinary attacks…”

“And people who are killed by ordinary attacks can be resurrected! Not only that, but ordinary attacks can be blocked with special characteristics.”

More and more people gathered in the ‘Heidi Galaxy’.

They were pleasantly surprised by Mo Poor’s strategy, the absolute laws of nature, and the addition of entropy beasts as materials to resist the characteristics of entropy beasts.

Entropy Beast’s energy is paid by the universe, everything, and all beings, except itself.

This property, when the entropy beast can proliferate infinitely, when other entropy beasts appear, it becomes the energy payment of the entropy beast, and will not be paid by other entropy beasts.

In this way, resist the entropy beast with the body of the entropy beast.

It was a genius idea, and all of this seemed to have been arranged long ago.

From promoting the technological leap of mankind to unlocking the memory of Zerg warriors, this is all done by Mo Qiong against all opinions!

In fact, Mo Poor didn’t think so far.

Mo Poor just doesn’t want to regret, doesn’t want to have regrets, and goes all out to improve everything that can be improved and strengthen everything that can be strong, so that after disaster strikes, even if he loses, he will not regret it.

is to make all the preparations in advance, whether it can be used or not. Just like the training of commune members, after learning so much, one of them may die without using it, or one of them may save the life of a commune member.

“We have tens of thousands of people dying every moment, and they can only rely on themselves to transform their bodies. Now there are only three billion people left…and they are the ones that cannot be resurrected.”

“There may only be two billion people who can reach the earth alive in the end…” Qin Huali said solemnly.

Grandpa Gou said: “There are two billion, it’s better than all dead!”

“Damn, when the time comes, two billion people will be immune to the entropy beast’s attack, and they can be stabilized. Can’t Mo Poor be shot? Let him keep shooting, and the entropy beast will kill all of them sooner or later.”

“When the time comes, copy my energy and let’s recreate the universe!”

Qin Huali said: “You forgot, the giant only has six days to live.”

“…” Lord Gou frowned.

Qin Huali said: “Do you know how many entropy beasts there are now? Suppose the giant can shoot and kill a million of them every second…he will also shoot for a year…”

“This…” Everyone was shocked, and then smiled wryly.

Qin Huali continued: “And this number is still growing. The entropy beast can split and reproduce without restraint. Anyway, any of its behaviors are paid by the universe. The universe is drained, and there are other universes. As long as the giant can’t From information killing to eradicating it, any physical behavior is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.”

“Ten thousand steps back, Juzi came up with an amazing and brilliant way to shoot all the entropy beasts. The entropy beasts will not be extinct, because the entropy of the universe cannot be zero, and if the entropy is not zero, then the entropy beasts Undying and immortal, will create something out of nothing!”

“In terms of information, the entropy of the universe can be zeroed!” David said.

Lord Gou shook his head and said: “But that is tantamount to killing everyone, because there are people, there is entropy, and any matter has entropy. Resetting the entropy of the universe from information to zero is tantamount to erasing the material world and making it nothingness. “

Time keeps passing.

Humanity has never been so united. Even in the plague of Zerg, there are still some internal problems.

Now, no matter the superior or the inferior, regardless of men, women and children, they are all fighting side by side.

Three days later, there were already 2.4 billion people arriving in the ‘Heidi Galaxy’.

These 2.4 billion have been immune to the attack of the entropy beast.

Correspondingly, a vast herd of entropy beasts like a shady curtain also came from the perspective of the whole week.

The most intense and bleakest hand-to-hand combat has already begun.

The entropy beast blasted past with a high-energy torrent, and the people were unscathed. They now have absolute defense. Not only that, but a backhand blow can also cut the entropy beast open.

But the entropy beast was beheaded, but it changed from one to two.

The last 2.4 billion people will no longer die, but they can’t kill the entropy beast either.

The fight between the two sides is unlucky for the universe.

All the mass energy of the universe is in the bodies of humans and entropic beasts, and the material world has collapsed.

And this collapse has spread to other multiverses.

The queen didn’t care about those people in other universes, and Mo Poor was able to take advantage of these three days to send them all to another dimension.

So far, humans and entropic beasts have become stalemate.

Although human beings can continuously reproduce active energy, they can’t resupply the universe. Anything created, as long as it is not an entropic beast, will be consumed immediately and turned into an entropic beast.

So, Qin Huali and the others could only watch helplessly as each universe fell into darkness and dead silence.

Although human beings have survived for 2.4 billion, can they survive in this endless darkness and fighting?

“It’s time…” Mo Poor said after sending off the last group of people from other multiverses.

“What?” Lord Gou was astonished.

“Young man, you have a way to destroy the entropy beast!” Qin Huali said.

Mo Poor said: “The entropy beast is not the key to the problem… It doesn’t matter whether you defeat the entropy beast or not.”

After hearing this, everyone thought carefully, as if it was true.

In the past three days, everyone has been thinking about how to completely eliminate the entropy beast, but in fact this is meaningless.

“Actually, none of the issues we are considering are considered by the president…” Adams smiled wryly.

Qin Huali thought about it and said: “The giant said that the disaster of the entropy beast is the best situation…”

Mo Poor said: “The queen didn’t take action in person, which is the best situation. We didn’t directly face the swarm, but the entropy swarm. This is the reason everyone is still alive now.”

When he discovered that the box was useless to the queen, Mo Poor knew that he had only one way to go.

He first used words to remind the queen that there were still four years left in the agreement, and then sent the box away, no one else needed it.

Even though the Queen indirectly created a herd of entropic beasts to torture humans because of this, Mo Poor just breathed a sigh of relief, and then instantly came up with a strategy to use entropic beasts to control entropic beasts, saving 2.4 billion people.

With an absolute hit, Mo Poor directly imprinted his words into everyone’s minds and said, “The queen is the essence of the problem. The entropy beast is just a **** of the queen. I have no interest in defeating it. If I win, it will only usher in greater suffering. “

“Whether we escape and allow eight billion people to die, or defeat the entropy beast and break the queen’s ‘war game’, there is no benefit.”

“The empress is likely to use more means to ‘discipline’ us and pass the remaining four years…”

Grandpa Gou said: “Even if the Queen didn’t do that, after four years, you will be dead, and facing the Queen will be the same disaster as us.”

There is no point in defeating the entropy beast. It is precisely the current situation. Neither human nor the entropy beast can eliminate the other. Only the queen will be satisfied when they fall into the endless fight in darkness.

“I see, so Juzi, you still want to win the polo song… You said that this is the only way to win.” Qin Huali said.

“But isn’t there no way?” Lord Gou said.

Mo Poor smiled and said: “There is one…and it’s Po Luoge, the way I left behind.”

Everyone is puzzled, Po Luoge has a way to stay?

It was David, who was the first to react, and said in surprise: “Don’t! What’s the point of that method?”

Qiu Huali was shocked, is there really a way? And when Mo Poor reminded him, David actually thought of it?

David said anxiously: “No one can occupy that corpse except the consciousness of Polo Ge…”

“Damn!” Everyone immediately realized what Mo Poor was going to do.

Sanqing also said: Except for the polo song, the corpse is isolated from all consciousness.

In fact, this has revealed the only way. That is, turn yourself into a polo song.

Bologe created these countless clone corpses back then, but he actually refused them on the surface, but actually allowed others to use them.

As long as you really have the ability, you can seize the body, otherwise Po Luoge directly sets that the corpse cannot be seized and it’s over.

And he himself left a method, which is to become one of his ‘incarnations’.

If a person is kind enough, transforms himself into someone else from the information level, washes away all consciousness, personality, memory, and transforms into the incarnation of Pologo, with Pologo as the deity, he can live in that body.

Then what is the standard for becoming an “Avatar of Polo Song”? No one knows what the consciousness of the real polo song is, it has long been beyond description.

Where can the corresponding information cover one’s own personality?

In fact, there is, and that is the information history records captured by the void server. According to the historical information records, Cthulhu Games can create a “Cthulhu Polo Song”.

Yes, it is the ultimate evil **** who turned them into the three-eyed family, the body of pure white aurora.

This is the real polo song, the only image of information awareness left in the world that can be queried!

Use the same information to cover all of Mo Poor’s personality and consciousness, and ‘Mo Poor’ becomes one of the innumerable incarnations of Bo Luoge, and he can live in that corpse.

But in this way, Mo Poor is no longer Mo Poor. He actually died the moment he erased his personality.

It is only the will of the incarnation of the evil **** Poluoge that lives in the corpse.

“This is just speculation. Maybe you can erase your own will and become one of the countless incarnations of Poluoge, and you won’t be able to give up!”

“If you want to do this, let us try it first!” Adams said.

Mo Poor said: “What are you trying to do? I just want one landing point.”

Everyone’s eyes widened, realizing Mo Poor’s operation.

First inject the information of the “Pure White Aurora Body” and “The Final Will of the Evil God Pologo” worshiped by the consciousness of the members into the corpse.

Because that is one of the countless incarnations of the pologo, it is very likely to be accepted.

But in this way, there is a coordinate in the corpse! Mo Poor then shot his consciousness at the ‘Will of the Final Evil God’. According to the absolute hit, he forcibly entered the spirit platform of the corpse.

Mo Poor said: “Lianzhu arrow, I will shoot the ‘final will’ first, and then shoot my own consciousness, and the landing point will be the ‘final will’…”

He has to operate in this way, instead of merging with the final will in advance, because then he will not be the incarnation of the Polo song, and I am afraid he will not even be able to enter.

“But in this case, isn’t it the ‘final will’ that seized the Polo song first? At this time, your consciousness forcibly enters, can you really occupy the corpse? I am afraid that at the moment of reaching it, you will be bound by the infinite power of the ‘final will’ How can you kill it?” Lord Gou asked.

Mo Poor said: “I use the continuous arrow technique. With my current ability, I can guarantee that I will enter one Planck unit after the ‘Final Will’ enters.”

“There are three possibilities. First, as you said, I was erased. Second, the consciousness enters the corpse, and it takes a process to fuse with the corpse. At this time, there are two consciousnesses inside, so the two consciousnesses merge and control the corpse at the same time .The last one who won the house may be the ‘End Yan Hei Di’, neither me nor the final will, but another, a brand new personality.”

Everyone shuddered.

Mo Poor continued: “Thirdly, the fusion of consciousness into the body also requires a process. During this process, I will fight against the ‘final will’, and then I will be able to control the characteristics of the corpse. Whoever wins is the master. “

“Among them, the first possibility is the highest. After all, I will be backward, even if it is almost at the same time, backward is backward. As long as the consciousness occupies the whole body for zero time, I will die. This probability is about 90% .”

“The second possibility is second, it accounts for at least the remaining nine point nine percent.”

Everyone is dumbfounded, that is to say, the third possibility, Mo Qiong and Final Will, fight for the outcome, the possibility of whoever survives will take the initiative is only 0.1%.

In a fight with Final Yan Will, I am afraid that someone else may fail, and only Mo Poor, who has absolute hits, can guarantee victory.

Because as long as Mo Poor is given a chance to fight, Mo Poor can shoot his final will out of the corpse again…

That is to say, as long as it is the third possibility, then Mo Poor will definitely be able to seize the corpse.

The one who seized the home can only be Mo Qiong.

He is the only one in the blue and white club, as long as he is given a chance, he will win.

Opportunity, as long as the judgment mechanism of the corpse is seized, give Mo Poor a chance! Give him even a moment of time! Instead of obliterating him directly.

“Without this opportunity, everything will be over…” Master Gou said in a complicated mood.

No wonder Mo Poor actually thought of this method a long time ago, but never used it, and kept looking for other methods, because this is tantamount to courting death.

Qin Huali looked at Mo Poor deeply, and he realized what Mo Poor meant when he said that there was an extremely dangerous method.

Moreover, I can’t afford to lose.

Because the first possibility means that an evil **** of the end will be born. Although this evil **** gives strength to human believers, it will not take the initiative to help human beings.

David has cleared the Cthulhu game on this point, checked the background information, and confirmed it.

The Chaos and Selflessness of the Final Evil God is not actually a subjective consciousness, but mainly instincts, one of which determines that once he appears in the world, he will destroy the world.

But it can destroy the world, maybe it’s okay, at least with the power of the corpse, the queen must die, everyone in this dimension will also die, and then the era of containment will end!

And there are a billion people in the other dimensions, plus others in the multiverse, who continue human civilization.

The second possibility means that a unique new existence will be born, with a part of Mo Poor’s character and a part of the instinct of final will.

Maybe he will still kill the humans, maybe he will kill the queen, or he will just leave without doing anything.

“The second possibility, that fused personality, is very likely to kill the queen. Because the queen has implanted a countdown to death in me. If the brand new ‘Final Black Emperor’ appears, it will also inherit the countdown to death, although it does not affect him. There is no threat, but it may become an opportunity for him to kill the queen.” Mo Poor said.

Everyone sighed, although the probability of Mo Poor’s failure is extremely high, but overall, the probability of the queen dying in the end is also very high…

Mo Poor’s goal was to get rid of the Queen. It didn’t matter whether Mo Poor was Mo Poor or not, whether he was dead or not.

As long as the queen dies and the ‘ruler of the corpse’ leaves again, the person with the strongest mental power will be Qin Huali.

Combined with the editing authority Mo Poor gave to Qin Huali, a certain level of world is white but I am the only black can still come.

“Now, humans and entropy beasts are in a stalemate, and no one can kill the other. I have done everything I can… I am no longer needed here.” Mo Poor said.

Everyone was silent, Mo Poor had done everything he could do, he had done what he could do while he was still alive, and even made clear arrangements for himself after death.

Just like all pioneers, Mo Poor will finally give up everything he has.

Now, he is going to fight for the last chance. If that chance exists, it will be a big victory! The common people in the world should also sing praises for it.

If    does not exist, he must die, and even so, he may drag the queen to die.

Win or die, it’s as simple as that.

p.s: Sorry. These two chapters have 10,000 words, and I accidentally finished writing them so late. You said, did he have this chance?

(end of this chapter)

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