Blue and White Society

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011 – Beauty Revival

Chapter 1011 Recovery of the Goddess of Beauty

The statue of the God of Beauty is absolutely beautiful. Any thinking creature will see the beauty in his heart on it.

And after that, it got out of control, arousing a strong possessive desire in my heart.

The longer you watch, the stronger your desire to get her.

Some people even stayed close to each other for more than ten days, and finally died of thirst.

In addition to this, there is also a ‘protective desire’, no one is willing to destroy her, and even the slightest harm is unacceptable.

In fact, this is a typical mind distortion. David is fine. He didn’t fall in love with her once he saw the statue.

Qi Huali was fine, and the fifth element also resisted the statue of Beauty.

In general, although she played a vital role in the battle of the apocalypse, she is actually not a very important containment object.

Threat is also very low, just harmless alpha level.

Mo Poor and Qin Huali sensed her at the same time. In just five minutes, Qin Huali understood all of her absolute characteristics, while Mo Poor didn’t feel anything yet.

I have to say that the perception of the golden apple is still strong, but the perception of the open universe information is very unstable.

But it is useless for Mo Poor to shoot his own depth to the depth of Qin Huali’s golden apple, and it is completely impossible to improve his perception.

Because function is function and depth is depth. In addition, the depth of the golden apple is actually not as high as the depth of perception that comes with the information opening of the mother universe.

The perception of open information, in the case of information shielding and hiding of the target, still has the highest perceivable dimension, and its depth is the depth of the dimension.

Golden Apples are different. The other party’s information shielding is higher than the depth of Golden Apples, so the perception will not be perceived for a lifetime.

In addition, Mo Poor will not casually shoot at the depth of his own information.

Once you shoot, you shoot as a whole. This may inadvertently cause some of his originally high-depth characteristics to be lowered instead.

“She is really a person who was permanently petrified by the price of earth!” After another ten minutes, Qin Huali finally sensed this.

“What else?” Mo Poor asked.

Qin Huali said: “There is no way to know. At most, I can only know that this sculpture was not originally made of stone, but was implanted with a permanent petrified state of earth.”

“Don’t tell me, my obliteration depth is really low, and I can’t even obliterate this permanent petrification.”

Information obliteration is a bit like a flop, a situation that is good, suddenly reversed, and the status is turned upside down. The previously active, functioning function is closed.

The death of a person is actually the state of a living person, and the computer is turned off.

Of course, the erasure of information can only turn in the direction of death, it is impossible to turn death into life, it will only lead to the birth of another kind of thing.

Qiu Huali, theoretically, the depth is equal to or greater than the Holy Shield, and it can obliterate the permanent painful backlash that shuts down Mo Poor.

Similarly, this permanent petrified state can also be erased and closed.

She was originally a living person, but because of the cost, she was covered with a layer of permanent petrification. To erase this state is actually to reset the cost of using the earth awn!

This woman will be resurrected.

This reminded Mo Poor that the Queen also reset Kelong’s death time.

After eating the golden apple, he died seven days later. Kelong had already triggered this death state. Later, the empress reset Kelong’s price, returning to the time when he just ate the golden apple, and let the seven days count again.

At that time, it may be a similar operation.

Of course, he gave Kelon five years directly, which was probably another kind of information manipulation, such as tampering with the time of death, so that the original seven-day countdown became five years.

To this day, I have finally looked up to a little bit of the queen’s strength, and it is no longer the state of being ignorant.

“Let’s go, let’s meet her.” After Mo Poor said, he directly sent the tombstone to the statue of Beauty God, and he followed closely behind.

In the brand new headquarters, David was notified and led a group of members to Mo Poor.

These are all spiritual resisters, and Zhao Tengkong is naturally there.

“By the way, this is the tombstone of the first generation, why is your soul inside?” Mo Qiong asked Qin Huali.

Qin Huali said: “When I was about to be killed by the golden apple, I was killed by him first, so as to pass on the Geshan Daniu to him.”

“And this behavior itself will trigger another situation, that is, my chaotic tail takes my soul and attaches to his soul.”

“My soul is still there, so Chaos Tail didn’t abandon me, but I don’t have a body anymore, so it chose a new host. It can be regarded as a host candidate. As soon as my soul dies, it will immediately become someone else containment.”

“So the first-generation assassin you mentioned became the carrier of my soul, but I can’t communicate with the outside world, and I can’t control that body, so he doesn’t know about it.”

“But in this way, he can indirectly obtain my soul defense, and I can help him block some mental distortions.”

Mo Qiong understood that the first generation had one body and two souls, and he didn’t even know that his soul was still connected with Qin Huali’s soul.

Qin Huali really did his best for this first generation. Before he died, he not only used his own life to give the first generation 100% to be beaten by cattle, but also protected his soul.

Perhaps in Qin Huali’s heart, the first generation is also like a son.

But in the end, the first-generation assassins were not qualified enough, and it was the second-generation assassins who really pushed the Little Brotherhood to its peak. He allowed the Little Brotherhood to expand from a self-preservation and containment organization to new businesses such as assassinating political leaders and promoting social change.

At the beginning, assassination was for containment and rescue, and gradually joined the assassination for the sake of the times and the general situation: You blocked the change of the times, so I want to get rid of you.

Although it has flourished for a long time, it also planted the seeds for the decline of modern times.

They became revolutionaries, not pure containment persons. When the containment objects in the world exploded and the containment persons were most needed to stand up, they got lost.

In fact, some people are also using this to allude to Mo Poor’s behavior.

In fact, Mo Poor also pushed the power of Lanbai Club to its peak. The entire human race is led by the Blue and White Society.

Although society is developing rapidly today, this kind of distorted society is actually what Lanbai Club tried to avoid in the past.

Mo Qiong broke some stereotypes and violated the original intention of some blue and white societies when they were established.

Some members didn’t say anything, but they felt a little guilty in their hearts.

In the end is right or wrong, really only time will tell.

Perhaps from top to bottom, the only one who has no doubts about the path to implement is Mo Poor himself.

Everything is for existence, and then talk about other things. Mo Poor tried his best to improve the strength of his own camp, but he didn’t know if it would have a miraculous effect in the end.

But even if you try your best and fail in the end, you will have no regrets. Just like the training of members, they break the limit to improve themselves, learn everything, but how many members are killed by the contained objects without using any of them?

Mo Poor was thinking while feeling the depth of permanent petrification.

The perception of this thing is actually exhaustive.

The information of a thing is vast and infinite, and the absolute characteristic is only one of the information points.

Maybe you perceive it all at once, or you may perceive useless information. When encountering information blocking, it will be even more difficult, which is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Especially now, Mo Poor is also burdened with great pain and care for Che Yun who is crying deep in his mind.

Coupled with the attractiveness of the statue of the God of Beauty, it is also affecting Mo Poor’s mind.

Sitting for hours, Mo Poor still couldn’t find the permanent petrification.

“Can you share with me the depth you perceive?” Mo Poor asked.

Qin Huali smiled and said: “How is this possible? This feeling cannot be summed up by any picture or language at all, and the mental power is simply not enough to convey this kind of beauty.”

Mo Poor nodded. There is no special information sensing feature, and it is impossible to convey the sense of information with mental power alone. This is like using a telephone line… no, it is like playing GTA5 online with a fuse.

“Take your time, don’t rush, get the characteristics, you can’t meet them, but if you just perceive the characteristics, calm down, you will find them sooner or later.” Qin Huali said.

Mo Poor touched his Adam’s apple, and suddenly thought of a way.

When he perceives the statue of Beauty God, he also perceives a stone at the same time. Compared with the two, he can directly eliminate a lot of information without carefully perceiving it.

The feeling of each information point is different, and the information points with similar feelings indicate the same kind of information.

The statue of the Goddess of Beauty has a certain feeling, and the stone also gives a similar feeling, so don’t check carefully, it must be ordinary information.

In this way, Mo Poor saved a lot of time.

It seems that you don’t need to push the door to go in. You can know that it is not an absolute characteristic just by looking at the facade.

Ten minutes later, Mo Poor added the first-generation tombstone to it, and perceived it together.

The first-generation tombstone and the statue of the God of Beauty both have the characteristic of “permanent petrification”, which adds another variable and speeds up Mo Poor’s perception.

This is a technique that improves some efficiency.

Finally, after two hours, Mo Poor sensed ‘permanent petrification’.

Mo Poor signaled to Zhao Tengkong to divert his love for the statue of the God of Beauty.

“Resurrect her!” Mo Poor pushed the bird again, and immediately shot it to the depth of permanent petrification.

In the next second, the statue of the Goddess of Beauty suddenly changed from a stone to a human.

It was a naked woman with long straight black hair, smooth skin, and exquisite facial features. She seemed to be a woman from Xinjiang.

She still has the characteristic of supreme beauty, which seems to be her characteristic.

The moment he opened his eyes, his gaze was like lightning, his left hand was placed across his chest to block it, and his right hand pointed at everyone, as if he was going to make some big moves.

Zhao Tengkong quickly closed his eyes.

David really didn’t care. He looked at the woman like a dead fish, and he had already recruited tentacles, and formed a disgusting jelly-like shield on his body.

Mo Poor slightly raised his hand to stop David.

Because of the woman’s finger, nothing happened.


The woman blinked, made another strange gesture, and then waved her hand violently.


Still nothing happened.

She didn’t believe in evil, she stepped back lightly, and turned her body 540 degrees, that is, turning her body around a half at high altitude, trying to land on a high platform mountain.

However, she bumped her head against the base of the raised platform and fell to the ground.

At this time, Mo Poor had already pushed a small cart up, and the woman quickly jumped up from the ground, covered her chest with one hand, covered her bottom with the other, and shrank to the corner with a vigilant and dumbfounded expression.

At this time, Mo Poor was too terrifying, his whole body was pitch black, like a human-shaped abyss.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m the president of Lanbai, code-named Heidi. You change your clothes first, and we’ll wait for you outside.” Mo Poor smiled and left the trolley, which contained the clothes he had prepared a long time ago. Let everyone leave.

(end of this chapter)

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