Blue and White Society

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009 – Information Obliteration

Chapter 1009 Information erasure

Mo Qiong was speechless for a long time. After coming into contact with the Qin Huali at this moment, he was almost certain that Qin Huali was not yet in despair.

Even if 1,500 years have passed, he still believes that he can succeed.

There are certain measures that cannot be pretended.

The golden apple and the fifth element are the contents found by Qin Huali.

He first ate the fifth element and gained a powerful immortal soul and consciousness. But when he found out that once he died, he would take the initiative to take away his own son, he felt very regretful.

All the immortals later wanted to reincarnate infinitely, but Qin Huali gave up this kind of eternal life.

Because he didn’t want the fifth element to harm future generations, he would rather die forever.

However, he also knew that he would not die completely, and his soul would exist forever and endure endless suffering.

So he did not die in vain, but chose to devour golden apples when he was old.

On the one hand, the death price of the golden apple will prevent him from being reincarnated automatically, so that he cannot be resurrected in any way, which is equivalent to sealing off all his escape routes.

On the other hand, he can also use this to stay in the state of golden apple perception all the time, and then after a long period of suffering, he can attack the realm of heavenly ghosts.

It can be said that he made a realization similar to that of Kelong.

Qin Huali is Mozi’s most proud disciple. He gave up his position as a giant, traveled westward alone, and founded the Assassin Organization.

He gave up immortality and reincarnation, and took the initiative to step into infinite suffering.

Even at the end, when the characteristics of the golden apple were about to kill him, he let himself be killed by the first-generation king of assassins first, so as to transmit 100% of the infection to the other party.

There is no doubt that he is a person who shines in an era.

He has done all he can to end the Containment Era.

The two have the same level of stamina, and Mo Poor believes that Kelong was probably also so open-minded when he was tortured for a thousand or two thousand years.

It’s just a pity that Kelong entered the Chuangjie Mountain, and it took 750 million years…

No matter how strong the belief is, it is wiped out. When Mo Poor went in to rescue him, Kelong never asked: How is the Lanbai Club now? How about you?

And the current Qin Huali is like Kelong who hasn’t changed his mind yet.

Mo Poor said: “Qinzi, I really admire you. There are only two people in the world who dare to take the golden apple and the fifth element at the same time, and you are one of them.”

Qin Huali said: “There is another one? You mean, someone dug my grave?”


He didn’t pass down the fifth element at all, unless someone dug his grave and dug out the fifth element from his corpse.

This man is the king of the second-generation assassins, not only that, but he also handed over the fifth element to the Qin Huali family to pass on from generation to generation.

It can be said that this greatly violates the original intention of Qin Huali.

Qin Huali would rather fall into boundless suffering than harm his descendants, otherwise he could be reincarnated continuously and live to this day.

As a result, things backfired. Since the death of the contemporary “Ether”, the Qinhuali clan has all been wiped out…

After Mo Poor told Qin Huali about this, Qin Huali finally couldn’t help shouting: “What’s waiting for you!”

Literal translation is: what!

“Little Brotherhood…Little Brotherhood…”

Qin Huali began to think about it again. Although he was open-minded, after more than a thousand years of torture, he was obviously a little fond of talking to himself.

He traveled west alone, broke some Mohist rules, and established a violent shelter organization. Now it seems that he has failed completely.

He devoted too much to the Little Brotherhood, but in the end, it was all in vain.

“Are they all dead?” Qin Huali asked.

“I killed the last Ether with my own hands.” Mo Poor bluntly told him.

Qin Huali said bluntly: “You bastard, if I come back to life, I will kill you for revenge!”

“Good!” Mo Poor said.

Qin Huali smiled helplessly and said, “You expect me to be impossible, don’t you?”

“No, I really hope you can come back to life. I said that there is another person like you. He is my partner. I will definitely change everything. When I save him, I will save you. At that time, you If we want revenge, we did one.” Mo Poor said.

Qin Huali was astonished, and then smiled and said, “You giant, where do you have the confidence?”

“Am I going to wait to die?” Mo Poor said.

Qin Huali said: “Very well, let’s go, for Zimozi’s sake, please come and accompany me more in the future.”

Mo Poor didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and said, “To be honest, I’m afraid I don’t have that time…”

After all, he talked about the current situation on the earth, especially the entropy beast and the Zerg queen.

After listening to Qin Huali, he said incredulously: “You said that you can use the depth of information as an axis to force one containment to reach the depth of another containment?”

“Yes, I have verified it.” Mo Poor said.

Qin Huali excitedly said: “Aren’t you a heavenly ghost!”

Mo Poor said: “I’m not…”

Then he talked about the various types of ghosts, and the two came and went, exchanging their understanding of the information.

Mo Poor hopes that this will increase Qin Huali’s golden apple talent.

An hour later, Qin Huali said, “I can try it for you.”

After hearing this, Mo Poor immediately observed the entropy beast sealed by the information through the perspective of God, and then shared his observation spirit with Qin Huali.

This is the only way Qin Huali can feel the reality, and he feels it silently without saying a word.

Mo Poor was also very patient, so he waited silently.

Five days passed quickly. At the beginning, Kelong sensed for more than ten hours, but he was sure that he could not sense it, as if there was no information at all.

Qiu Huali has been sensing it for five days, and it seems that there is always a slight sign. This proves that Qin Huali’s talent is higher than that of Kelong at this moment.

“Mo Poor.” Qin Huali finally spoke out.

“What are the characteristics of the entropy beast?” Mo Poor asked.

“No, I can’t feel the information of this entropy beast at all…” Qin Huali said.

“Okay, I see.” Mo Poor was not surprised.

“But…” Qin Huali couldn’t believe it: “I realized it, the information is obliterated!”

“What?” Mo Poor was taken aback.

Information obliteration is not information deletion, nor is it absolute obliteration. It is to close the current state of things from information, and obliterate them to death.

In fact, it is straight to death. The target is dead directly from the information and from the root. Life and death are two states. Turning life into death, changing a state of what can be into a state of not being able to be, is to obliterate information.

Qin Huali’s talent for golden apples was similar to that of Kelong. After getting a lot of understanding of information from Moqiong, his talent increased greatly, and he directly comprehended a powerful root algorithm.

“Can you kill the entropy beast?” Mo Poor asked.

“I can’t feel its message, how can I kill it?” Qin Huali shook his head.

“What about Taotie?”

After finishing speaking, Mo Poor turned his perspective from God to the glutton who was eating meat on his stomach.

Taotie didn’t realize it, he was eating meat.

Suddenly, it floated stiffly, motionless.

The peripheral personnel in charge of feeding were shocked, but Mo Poor’s spiritual power informed them: “I am Mo Poor, don’t panic, keep feeding the meat!”


The feeding continued, and the meat flew one meter away from Taotie, disappeared suddenly, and was still swallowed.

“Stop feeding.” Mo Poor said again.

After waiting for a long time, the outside staff became more and more surprised, because there was no feeding for ten minutes, and the glutton did not run away! It lay prone in the suspended gravity field, as if dead.

Without thoughts, it will not go berserk, only this indelible concept of devouring is left for Taotie.

Whether this devouring characteristic expands or not depends on Taotie’s thoughts. Now that Taotie’s thoughts are silent forever, it becomes a corpse that devours everything that will never go berserk.

Even when the corpse disappears, the phagocytic effect still exists, forming an immobile phagocytic area with a diameter of about three meters.

“Can you also kill this devouring feature?” Mo Poor asked.

Everything in the world has life and death. The dead things in human cognition actually have two states of life and death.

Thunder and lightning are fleeting, and the moment of flickering is its life. When the energy is exhausted, the thunder and lightning dissipate into other states, which is the death of thunder and lightning.

Man’s death is a corpse, but to the corpse, this is the life of the corpse. After the corpse dies and dissolves into other substances, it is the death of the corpse again, but it is the life of other substances.

The cycle of life and death is endless. Everything in the world is in the process of birth and death. The death of one thing is the birth of other things.

The boundary between life and death is actually a kind of transformation. When a thing loses its existing ability, it dies. It’s like a star that stops fusing, and if it doesn’t shine, it dies. A living thing cannot move, and without thinking, it is dead.

But generally speaking, with respect to natural things, death is not eternal death. A flame dies when it is extinguished, but if it still has heat and fuel, it will rekindle the moment it is wiped out.

Judging from the information, the previous fire has died, and this is another one.

Normal information is obliterated, unless the function is inherently immortal, or it is locked and reversed, it will basically be restored due to various external reasons. For example, when the upper limit of the speed of light is obliterated, the moment of obliteration is restored, because all other natural laws require the existence of the upper limit of the speed of light, which is the harmony of information.

On the contrary, it is an absolute characteristic, not so easy to recover, black and white, very upright.

Theoretically, information obliteration can turn off the absolute characteristics, making it dead silent and no longer running.

Because once the state of the absolute characteristic changes from on to off, it is impossible for any natural situation outside to restore it.

Exactly no, or die forever.

Only other characteristics such as information regeneration and easier information status can make it turn from off to on again.

Qin Huali said: “I tried it, the devouring characteristic definitely exists, and its depth is higher than mine, and my characteristic has no effect on it.”

Mo Poor nodded, some contained objects can be destroyed, for example, like the black lightning of the robber, it disappeared with the death of the host.

But most of the contained objects are useless to destroy, and they directly have the setting of absolute existence.

There is still a part, maybe there is no special characteristic to indicate absolute existence, but its effect itself contains absolute existence.

For example, some absolute characteristics do not change with the life and death of external objects at all. Whether the contents are turned into water, sand, pens, or even pigs, whatever should be done.

At this moment, Taotie is dead, but the devouring range is still there. When Taotie is angry, the engulfing area will expand accordingly, otherwise, the engulfing effect will still be available within a distance of at least one meter, that is, within a diameter of about three meters.

This lowest range is doomed, and its characteristics cannot be turned off.

Any feature that will cause the disappearance of the phagocytic effect is in contradiction with it, and violates this minimum range, so it is necessary to fight for depth.

Qian Huali’s information erasure does not seem to be particularly deep.

However, this characteristic is contradictory to most of the contained objects!

That is to say, for Mo Poor, there is a depth axis between this erasure of information and 90% of its absolute characteristics.

Mo Poor said: “As long as I perceive the depth of the gluttonous devouring characteristic, and then shoot your soul to that depth, you can obliterate the devouring effect!”

“Similarly, you can obliterate any containment that I can perceive the depth of!”

Qin Huali was silent for a moment and said, “Including you?”

“Including me, I don’t exist absolutely, your current depth can kill me.” Mo Poor said.

“I, Qin Huali, will avenge any revenge in my life. Go to hell!” Qin Huali shouted suddenly.

(end of this chapter)

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