Blossoming Path

Chapter 61: Feng Wu’s Return

Chapter 61: Feng Wu's Return

As Feng Wu's question about the Silent Moon sect hung in the air, I felt a trickle of sweat slide down my back. The way Feng Wu's eyes crinkled at the corners told me he was more amused than angry, yet I couldn't help but gulp.

"Ah, you heard about that, huh?" I tried to chuckle, but it came out more like a strangled squawk. "I might have... slightly, possibly, maybe... gotten into a tiny bit of trouble. But who hasn't right? Even someone like you must've got into something like this before."

Feng Wu's smile widened, though it didn't quite reach his eyes, which sparkled with a mix of mischief and reprimand. "Kai, Kai, Kai," he tsked, shaking his head. "Nobody gets into 'trouble' like you. I leave for a few days, and you decide to take on a whole sect?"

I scratched the back of my head, offering a sheepish smile. "Well, you know me. I never back down from a challenge. Even when maybe, just maybe, I should."

He shook his head and put a hand to his face, but I could see him smiling; a hint of the old Feng Wu resurfacing. "You never change, do you? Always jumping headfirst into the fray."

"Hey, I like to think of it as being... proactive," I defended, grinning despite the situation. "Besides, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? I'm still alive, not reduced to a paste on the sect grounds."

Feng Wu's laughter was genuine now, and he clapped me on the shoulder. "Only you, Kai. Only you could stir up trouble like this and come out smiling. Just be careful, alright? We can't have a rising star like you getting snuffed out too soon."

I nodded, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. Feng Wu's easygoing nature had always been a comfort, and even now, his words put me at ease. "I'll be more careful. I swear it on my honor as the genius of the realm, Kai Liu!"

Feng Wu raised an eyebrow, his smile turning into a smirk. "On your honor as the 'genius of the realm,' you say? So I take it everything you say from this point on is a lie, then."

I feigned affront, puffing out my chest slightly. "Of course not, I stand by my word! And for the record, it was more of a misunderstanding than an actual fight."

Feng Wu let out a soft chuckle, his demeanor easing into a more relaxed state, yet still tinged with disbelief. "A misunderstanding that leads to a standoff with the Silent Moon sect? Kai, you really do have a talent for finding trouble."

I grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "What can I say? Trouble and I have a special bond."

Feng Wu shook his head, his expression turning serious. "Alright, Kai, let's hear it then. What exactly happened?"

After I finished explaining what happened that day, Feng Wu shook his head in disbelief, running a hand through his hair. "I heard most of it from Elder Chen, but hearing it from you... it's no less surprising. You have a knack for turning even the simplest of situations into an adventure."

I shrugged, a bit sheepishly. "I guess I have a flair for the dramatic."

Feng Wu looked at me, his expression a mix of exasperation and admiration. "That you do, Kai. Just remember to be careful. You're making a name for yourself here, and not all attention is good attention."

I nodded, taking his words to heart.

Feng Wu patted my back, his typical calm and composed demeanor returning. "Good. Now, let's get going. Crescent Bay City won't wait for us, and I'm sure you have a long list of things to get."

With that, we continued on our journey, Feng Wu's presence a comforting reminder of the balance between seriousness and levity that I often needed.

As we walked along the path leading out of the Verdant Lotus Sect, I found myself opening up to Feng Wu about the cascade of events following my impromptu challenge to Elder Jun; my meeting with his sect leader, Ye Shaotian...

"You met with the sect leader? I suppose he left quite the impression on you, didn't he?" He said with an imperious smile. "I still remember the first time I saw him during my initiation into the sect."

...And my training regime that I've been grinding away at.

A small grin played on Feng Wu's lips. "Instructor Xia Ji...She's a taskmaster. Good. You need someone who won't go easy on you."

"It's been brutal, Feng Wu. Early mornings, late nights, non-stop drills. But I've learned so much. I've been focusing on the Bamboo Reprisal Counter, trying to get it just right."

Feng Wu shook his head in mock dismay. "The Bamboo Reprisal Counter? Unorthodox, although I trust Instructor Xia Ji's judgement. But I'm glad to hear you're taking it seriously."

I laughed, though there was a hint of nervousness in my laughter. "Well, I've got no choice, do I? I have to land a single hit on that third-class disciple. Just one hit, and I win."

Feng Wu's expression sobered, and he looked at me with a serious gaze. "That was smart, setting the challenge that way. But, Kai, I don't mean to offend you, but you need to be realistic. Going against a third-class disciple in a full sparring match, especially with a beast core at stake... you dont stand much of a chance."

For a moment, I was tempted to mention that the challenge wasn't entirely my idea. if it weren't for the Heavenly Interface recommending my next course of action, I don't think I would've proposed such a bold idea in front of a sect elder. But I held myself back, and biting my tongue.

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"I know, Feng Wu. I'm not under any illusions here. I'm outclassed in terms of experience, strength, and skill. But that's why I'm focusing on strategy and technique. If I can outmaneuver them, even for a moment, I can land that hit. Do you remember your advice regarding the Memory Palace technique?"

A flicker of recognition appeared in his eyes. "Yes, I do."

"Well, I used it to visualize my training, re-live moments, analyze outcomes, and refine my decisions." I said, copying his tone and facial expression. Whenever Feng Wu got preachy and taught me things, his voice flattened out and he tended to use bigger words. His face would become impassive. Those were the few times I remembered he wasn't just a friend, but a senior who commanded respect. It reminded me of his demeanor before we became steady friends.

He seemed bemused by my impression, so I continued. "It helped against my sparring with Li Na. Almost too well. I knew how to read the signs and tells of when she'd strike. Although it hurts whenever her visualization manages to hit me, it's really helped me build up my confidence in real life."

"Impressive, I'm surprised you were able to-Wait," Feng Wu raised an eyebrow, his interest visibly piqued. "Pain in your visualization? That's unusual. Most cultivators can't replicate sensations that accurately in mental exercises. Are you saying you actually feel pain during these visualizations?"

I nodded, suddenly aware of how strange it sounded. "Yeah, it's weird. The pain isn't real, of course, but it feels incredibly vivid, almost like actual combat. I don't do it at will; it just happens."

Feng Wu fell into a contemplative silence, his gaze distant. "That's quite extraordinary, Kai. I've practiced various visualization techniques over the years, but to replicate sensations to such a degree... it's rare. Even in my own memory palace, I can't replicate the sensation of pain like you. Are you sure that's the case?"

I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe it's because I read too many tales and fictions as a kid. My mind's probably overactive from all that imaginative stuff."

Feng Wu smiled slightly, but his eyes remained thoughtful. "Perhaps. But there's more to it than just an active imagination. Your abilities, they're... unique."

His words hung in the air as we continued our journey, the rhythmic trot of the horses providing a soothing backdrop. Feng Wu seemed lost in thought, and I couldn't help but wonder if my abilities were as peculiar as he made them seem.

As the silence stretched, my mind wandered back to my Essence Extraction skill. It was another ability that baffled me at times. I could extract essences from plant matter with ease, but when it came to metals or living beings, the skill was utterly ineffective. Was it another quirk of the Heavenly Interface?

"Kai, have you considered that these unique aspects of your abilities might be influenced by the Heavenly Interface?" Feng Wu finally spoke, echoing my thoughts.

I nodded slowly. "I have, actually. It's like each ability comes with its own set of rules or limitations. It's helpful, sure, but sometimes it feels like I'm only scratching the surface of what's possible."

Feng Wu looked at me, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "You're adapting well, considering how recently you've been exposed to all of this. Just remember, cultivation is a journey of discovery, and sometimes the path reveals itself in unexpected ways."

His words resonated with me, and I felt a renewed sense of determination. "Thanks, Feng Wu. I'll keep exploring these abilities, see where they take me."

The rest of the journey passed in comfortable silence, each of us lost in our thoughts. As we approached Crescent Bay City, the bustling energy of the marketplace and the scent of street food filled the air, pulling me back to the present.

I turned to Feng Wu, my spirits lifted by the lively atmosphere. "Oh, I'm so excited! Let's go shopping first!"

Feng Wu smiled, the earlier pensiveness replaced by his usual calm demeanor. "Let's see what Crescent Bay City has in store for us. Why don't we visit the Azure Silk trading Company's shops? You're bound to find better deals there."

Accepting Feng Wu's suggestion, we made our way to the center of Crescent Bay City. Transitioning from the serene environment of the Verdant Lotus sect to the bustling cityscape was like stepping into another world. Despite having seen it once already, the sheer vibrancy of the city left me in awe. The streets were a swirling kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, teeming with travelers, merchants, and cultivators from different sects and regions.

I found myself instinctively scanning the crowd for any Silent Moon sect disciples, recognizable by their dark blue uniforms. Thankfully, I didn't spot any, and a wave of relief washed over me. It was one less thing to worry about.

Feng Wu, ever the calm and collected guide, led me to a large, open courtyard buzzing with activity. This was the heart of Crescent Bay City's market, a sprawling expanse filled with rows of stalls and shops, some sheltered under elegant wooden pavilions. The variety of goods on display was staggering from everyday essentials to exotic weapons and mystical equipment. The air was rich with the scents of spices, herbs, and the tantalizing aroma of street food.

I looked around, slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of shops. "How do we find the Azure Silk Trading Company here?"

Feng Wu pointed towards a few shops with a specific marking on their signages. "See those symbols? That's the mark of the Azure Silk Trading Company. Any shop with that emblem is affiliated with them."

I followed his gaze and noticed several textile shops sporting the same symbol. It was a delicate, intricate design that couldn't be missed if you knew what you were looking for.

"Do you get a discount for your supply contract with the company?" I asked, curious.

Feng Wu shook his head slightly. "No, not personally. But the Verdant Lotus sect has a standing agreement with them. We receive a 20% discount on our purchases due to our long-standing relationship."

I couldn't hide my dismay. "Really? Why don't I have something like that?" I sighed but then shrugged it off. "Well, can I use your discount then? I need to stock up on a few things."

Feng Wu nodded, a slight smile on his lips. "Of course, you can use my discount. Consider it a perk of being accompanied by a Verdant Lotus disciple."

I grinned at him, feeling a rush of gratitude. "You're the best, Feng Wu! I owe you one. How about I treat you to lunch at whatever restaurant catches your eye?"

He chuckled, the familiar ease between us returning. "I'll hold you to that, Kai. But first, let's take care of your shopping."

Feng Wu elaborated as we strolled through the lively market, "The Azure Silk Trading Company is renowned for their textiles. In fact, our Verdant Lotus sect uniforms are supplied by them. They're known for their quality and durability."

His words sparked an idea in my mind. My current robes, though functional, were starting to show signs of wear and tear. And honestly, they lacked a certain... flair. "You know, I've been thinking about getting a new set of robes. Something in maroon, my signature color. It's time for an upgrade."

Feng Wu nodded in agreement. "A wise choice. Good robes not only offer protection but also represent your identity as a cultivator."

We entered a textile shop adorned with the Azure Silk Trading Company's emblem. The interior was a haven of luxurious fabrics and elegant designs. I was quickly attended to by a courteous shopkeeper, who took my measurements with a professional eye.

As the shopkeeper brought out various shades of maroon fabric, Feng Wu stepped forward, flashing his lotus charm. "This young man is an esteemed guest of the Verdant Lotus sect."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up with recognition and respect. "Of course, honored disciple. We're always pleased to serve the Verdant Lotus sect."

I couldn't help but feel a bit like a celebrity under Feng Wu's wing. As I tried on the new set of robes, tailored to fit me perfectly, I admired my reflection in the mirror.

As I turned and admired myself, I immediately noticed their comfortable fit and the quality of the maroon fabric, a practical yet stylish shade that complemented my complexion without being overly flashy. The material felt durable and light, allowing ease of movement essential for my cultivation practices. Simple but elegant, the robes were accented with subtle patterns that added a touch of character without being ostentatious. Looking in the mirror, I felt a quiet confidence; these robes were a fitting upgrade from my old attire.

Now I truly looked the part of a cultivator!

However, when the time came to settle the bill, even with the discount, the price made me wince internally. 'These robes better last me a lifetime,' I thought, handing over the payment. 'I need to be more careful with my spending. Can't get carried away, even if I am in Crescent Bay City. Meat for Windy, alcohol for Tianyi!'

Getting such a nice robe was a luxury I couldn't afford back in Gentle Wind Village. But after my contract with the Azure Silk Trading Company, I amassed a small fortune on my hands so spending it on something I used everyday wasn't such a terrible idea.

Stepping out of the textile shop, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of buyer's remorse. The robes were exquisite, yes, but the cost...

Feng Wu seemed to sense my thoughts. "A cultivator's attire is an investment, Kai. You'll understand its worth in time."

I nodded, trying to shake off my unease. "You're right, Feng Wu. Thanks for the reminder."

We continued our stroll through the bustling streets of Crescent Bay City, the lively energy of the marketplace a stark contrast to my introspective mood. My mind was still reeling from the purchase when a sudden collision brought me back to the present.

"Oh, pardon me!" I exclaimed, as I bumped into a hooded figure. I reached out instinctively to steady them.

The figure steadied themselves and then turned to face me, pushing back their hood. My heart skipped a beat. It was her - the mysterious woman who had tried to buy Tianyi back at the noodle shop. Her eyes narrowed as she recognized me.

"You," she said, her voice low and tinged with something I couldn't quite place. "The boy with the Azure Moonlight Flutter. Where is it?"

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