Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 241: The Final Plan

Captain Shunsui bade farewell to Unohana and Kazuya, having fulfilled his duty of vouching for Kazuya. With Unohana now involved, Shunsui could return to his typical routine of napping, avoiding work, and flirting with the lovely ladies of his division.

His willingness to entrust the future of the Soul Society to Unohana spoke volumes about his unshakable faith in Dai Senpai.

In the wake of Shunsui’s departure, a silence settled over the room, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves and the melodic chirping of birds drifting in from the garden outside.

Kazuya sat in a relaxed posture, eyes closed and a faint smile playing about his lips. Much like Shunsui, he looked relieved at how smoothly events had unfolded. Unohana’s acceptance of his true Hollow nature had come as a most welcome surprise.

Nanao, for her part, seemed lost in thought, her mind a million miles away from her immediate surroundings. Witnessing Kazuya’s transformation into a Hollow and then a female had her questioning the deeper meanings of the universe and its purpose.

Meanwhile, Yoruichi's unblinking gaze remained fixed on Unohana, whose own eyes were closed for an entirely different reason than Kazuya’s. She could see the tightness around Unohana’s mouth and the barely suppressed anger in her clenched fists. Unohana had been in this state of controlled agitation ever since Yoruichi had revealed the truth about her Hollowfication.

Nanao shook off the dreadful existential crisis and gently set aside the book she had been clutching to her chest. “I think I’ll brew tea for everyone.”

In truth, she so rarely entertained guests in her private quarters that the finer points of hospitality had momentarily slipped her mind. Moreover, her burning curiosity regarding Kazuya’s purpose in seeking her captain had her distracted.

“Thanks, but I’ll pass,” he said and poked Unohana’s knee with his sheathed Zanpakutō to get her attention. “Unohana, you don’t have to make that face. Yoruichi doesn’t regret her transformation.”

“I did. In fact, I am happy it happened,” Yoruichi chimed in with a snicker. “Now I have a shot at reclaiming my Flash Goddess title from Chameleon-san, who can take the color of every race.”

“Flash God,” Kazuya corrected her with a blank stare. “Don’t get it wrong ever unless you want to get spanked.”

Yoruichi laughed. “Why not both? You can assume both genders, after all.”

He reached out and pulled her furry cheeks. “Naughty kitty needs to be punished.”

Heaving a sigh, Unohana finally broke her silence. “I’m angry at myself for underestimating the Arrancar threat. If only I had suggested Captain Yamamoto to send more reinforcements, then—”

“Nothing would’ve changed,” Yoruichi insisted. “More reinforcements would’ve made for more Hollowfied Shinigami. Aizen wouldn’t have stopped. I can’t blame Kazuya either for not showing up on time. He was doing his best against the Arrancars.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Unohana agreed with a nod. “After this is over, maybe Kazuya can try his Shikai on you.”

“I am not going to undo it, even if it makes me distant from the Soul Society,” Yoruichi said in a serious tone. “By the way, how do you know his Zanpakutō can undo Hollowfication? Did he tell you?”

“He already fixed many afflicted with Hollowfication.”

Yoruichi turned to him with wide eyes. “I was away for a few hours, and you pull this off.”

“Your fault for leaving. Where the hell were you?”

The fact that Yoruichi had apparently voluntarily removed herself from his side for an extended period piqued his curiosity. Kazuya didn’t take her as someone who’d run away just because he ignored her for a few minutes. Tenacity was one of her defining traits, after all.

“I was at Kūkaku’s place,” Yoruichi said in a flat voice. “I needed her advice on something.”

“I see. Anyways,” he said, eyeing Unohana. “When will you expose Aizen?”

“We can’t do it right now,” Unohana said with a distant look. “Captain Yamamoto can temporarily seize Sosuke’s seat, but we can’t put Aizen. Without evidence, he will be out in no time.”

Unohana didn’t point out the obvious case of Yamamoto doing things the non-traditional way — killing Aizen. Yamamot had grown accustomed to the judicial system of the Central 46.

“Wait, our testimonies won’t be enough? We have Shunsui, you, Nanao, and me. That should be enough, right?”

“No, Aizen has Tosen and Gin for support,” Yoruichi added with a snarl. “We need concrete evidence to convict a Captain. During Kisuke’s trial, Sosuke must have manipulated the high-level figures of the Council to rule against Kisuke.”

“Kyōka Suigetsu,” Kazuya said with a sigh. “I thought telling Unohana should be the end of my mission. I guess I was too optimistic…”

{Aizen won’t go down that easily. Partner, you have to stop him yourself… as is the burden of the chosen one.}

‘This is karma for thinking with the wrong head. I don’t regret it though.’

{That is because you managed to seduce them. Imagine helping the girls, making an enemy out of Aizen, and saving everyone in the Soul Society… only to get rejected. The worst case would be everyone showing disgust upon learning your Hollow nature.}

‘That sounds sad as fuck.’

{It’s brutal, yeah. Even in the direst of circumstances, I’ll be here… we’re soulmates, you know? All I’m saying is, never hesitate about acting on your evil urges. I’ll never leave your side.}

‘Eh, playing saint is boring and playing pure evil is also boring. It’s fun being in the middle.’’

{Keep that ‘Middle is the best shit’ away from your sexuality…}


Kazuya noticed Nanao staring at him with wide eyes and quivering lips. “Nanao?”

She held out a hand. “Are you really going to leave after this… this mission?”

Her poker face fell apart under the surprise. She hadn’t expected her time with Kazuya to end right after she befriended him. Then again, she had forgotten that he was a Hollow — he had no business following the Soul Society’s orders to purify Hollows when he could have an easy, peaceful life with his lovers in the Living World.

As these thoughts churned in her mind, Nanao made an effort to collect herself. It was then that she noticed the mean smirk playing about Kazuya’s lips. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Kazuya held himself back from teasing her, instead going for a more earnest response. “I didn’t think you would be sad about my hypothetical departure.”

“I’m not a monster with a heart of stone,” she retorted and rubbed her pooling tears with a handkerchief. “I know I made a terrible first impression with my foolish operation… but I care about you. How can I not after everything you did for my Captain and Lisa Nee-san… not to mention your willingness to risk your life to help the Soul Society.”

Yoruichi laid her head on Kazuya’s lap, gazing at Nanao with a soft look in her eyes. “Lisa and you aren’t just alike in appearances but also demeanor. Are you sure your mother isn't the same?”

“H-Huh? No, we aren’t. We’re not even from the same clan.”

Kazuya rubbed Yoruichi’s ears. “Let’s focus on our mission, shall we?”

“My mischievous friend, you’re always the one getting distracted… so, what’s our next goal?”

“I can seduce the female council members and make them judge Aizen.”

{You can do that for males as well. Have you forgotten how divinely beautiful your other form is?}


He’d rather fight Aizen to the death than stooping to the act of seducing a man.

Yoruichi shook her head. “Those high in position were too egoistic and narrow-minded to accept women into their mix. Has that changed, Unohana?”

“No.” Unohana rose up and closed the door, covering the room in darkness. “We don’t need to rely on cheap tactics. I have a better plan.”

Something in her tone sent a ripple of unease through the assembled group. Kazuya could feel it in her voice, that her plan was violence or very closely related to it.

She turned around, her blue eyes gleaming and a cold smile dancing on her lips. “Kazuya, I’ll train you to bring out a hundred percent of your strength. Afterwards, I’ll use my position and power to create a scenario where you and Sosuke are alone outside of the Soul Society, preferably Hueco Mundo.”

She paused, letting the gravity of her words settle in before continuing, “When that happens, you’ll finish what you couldn’t because of external interference — remove his poisonous existence once and for all.”

“Slaughter him.”

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