Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 217: In the Hot Springs

Soi Fon and Yoruichi reached their destination, the hot spring pool. Even after a century, the water cascading into the natural pool still retained the same warmth.

“Those days I spent training here to become strong…” Yoruichi whispered, an undeniable hint of nostalgia in her voice. “A century has passed, yet I haven’t reached my limit.”

Her ceiling had further expanded with her Hollowification. She didn’t mind learning new abilities as long as they were fun. Thankfully, she had the perfect companion to educate her in Hollow abilities while keeping her entertained.

Disappointment filled Soi Fon's eyes as she shook her head. “You haven’t reached your limit because you grew weak away from battles.”

Yoruichi laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Wait for this out-of-shape young lady to beat the crap out of you.”

Soi Fon let out a disdainful snort before she started removing her Shihakushō.

Yoruichi transformed back into her original form and playfully dipped her toes into the warm water. “Ahh~, it feels so nice.” 

And with that, she took a plunge into the hot spring, splashing water over the surprised Soi Fon. “What ya standing there for?”

Soi Fon raised her arm and pointed at the twitching cat ears on Yoruichi’s head. “Yoruichi-sama... Are those real?”

“Huh? These?” Yoruichi asked as she pinched her ears. “You saw me transform from cat to my true form. Where did I get the time to put these on?”


“You’re wondering why I have them in the first place, right?”

Soi Fon slowly nodded her head. “You didn’t have them before.”

“I also wasn’t an exile before.” Yoruichi shrugged before revealing a grin. “They look cute, though.”


“I can’t wait to tease—” Yoruichi suddenly paused as her Reiatsu spiked, making the water quiver. Her eyes narrowed as pulled at her cat ear. “This baka neko.”

Her Hollow self was the embodiment of a wild feline, so it had a natural aversion to water. The aversion was so strong that it made her Reiatsu unstable — the Hollow self did her best to take control of Yoruichi and pull her out of the water.

“Yoruichi-sama?” Soi Fon asked, bewildered. “What’s happening to you?”

Yoruichi ignored the confused Soi Fon and crossed her arms,  stubbornly remaining seated in the hot spring pool. “Get used to it, for I’ll not move an inch.”

Soi Fon moved out of Yoruichi’s line of sight and undressed completely, wrapping a white towel around herself. She had bathed with Yoruichi before, but she didn’t feel at ease with the current Yoruichi.

Yoruichi’s unhinged laughter echoed behind Soi Fon. “I won’t let you become a dirty cat who never cleans herself!”

Soi Fon trembled and cautiously entered the hot spring. “Y-Yoruichi-sama, you’re starting to creep me out. Why is your Reiatsu acting like that?”

Yoruichi opened her eyes and revealed a grin. “Don’t mind me. Just enjoy the hot spring.”


“Why are you wearing a towel? Take it off.”

Soi Fon clenched her towel. “No.”

Yoruichi’s brows twitched. “You’re tainting the spirit and cultural significance of hot springs. The towel should be up on your head, not around your waist.”

Soi Fon tried to argue, but Yoruichi effortlessly silenced her with her overwhelming confidence. In the end, Yoruichi left her no choice but to be completely naked in the hot spring.

Following Yoruichi’s Reiatsu led Kazuya deep into a dense forest. He started to grow worried. For one he couldn’t sense any other Reiatsu on the same level as his favorite black cat. If she was having a battle, her opponent couldn’t hide her Reiatsu to the point of becoming invisible to his spiritual senses.

The second and more frightening possibility of Yoruichi’s erratic Reiatsu entailed Yoruichi losing control to her Hollow side.

Skeptical and concerned, he walked into a hidden cave. As he ventured further, the darkness gave way to a cavernous space, revealing a towering wall adorned with a single sliding door.

His heart raced as he sensed Yoruichi’s familiar Reiatsu emanating from the other side. Without hesitation, he pushed the door aside, only to be greeted by a room enveloped in a misty haze, the steam rising from the natural hot springs that surrounded him.

Not too far from the door he could see the dark-skinned cat girl relaxing in the hot spring. Her back was turned against him but he wouldn’t mistake her skin color and cat ears for anyone else.

His gaze fell upon the familiar toned back of the dark-skinned woman relaxing not far from the entrance.


He had been tirelessly searching for her, expecting her to be engaged in a wild battle against Aizen or some other captain. Yet here she was enjoying her time in a hot spring. What caught him off guard was the presence of another woman in the steamy waters.

“Kazuya?!” The naked assassin hurriedly covered her modest breasts and glared at him with an unmistakable killing intent. “Leave before I—”

Yoruichi kicked the pool, sending a splash of water at Soi Fon’s face. “Relax, little pup.” Leaning back against the warm stones, Yoruichi looked over her shoulder. “Take off your clothes and join us. This water has the power to heal both your body and mind. Such an opportunity may not come again.”

Soi Fon didn’t speak against Yoruichi’s wishes, but her eyes made her intentions known to him. ‘I will kill you if you step inside with me’ was more or less the message behind her deathly glare.

A sly smirk formed on Kazuya’s lips as he reached for his belt, swiftly unfastening it in one fluid motion. Against Soi Fon’s wishes, he began to undress, much to her chagrin.

{Partner being a massive S is turning me on.}

He wasn’t that big of a sadist but inflicting emotional damage to a bully like Soi Fon would never stop pleasing him. He simply loved oppressing those oppressed others.

{Partner, kiss Yoruichi. The simp would literally explode.}

‘Not now.’

After taking off all his clothes, he reclined in the position beside Yoruichi, who proudly and unabashedly revealed everything to him.

He revealed a faint smile. “One of these days you’ll pay for your seduction.”

The side of her eyes crinkled — an unmistakable sign of joy. “You couldn’t sleep without checking on me.”

Kazuya sighed. “I thought you were caught by him, and were fighting for your life.”

Yoruichi paused, her expression turning solemn. She yanked him closer, sandwiching his arm between her soft, jiggling tits. “My other self was throwing a tantrum over water. She became calm when you came. It’s as if she likes having you by her side.”

Kazuya blinked in surprise. His last interactions with Yoruichi’s Hollow weren’t the brightest as he had brainwashed her to sleep and let Yoruichi take control of her body.

Somehow he became the Hollow’s favorite person.

{It’s simple, Partner. She likes strong, dominating men.}

He couldn’t argue with Nami’s logic when proof was before him — Yoruichi’s Reiatsu had indeed returned to its normalcy now that he joined her in the hot spring. The Hollow cat truly found his company pleasant.

“Did you seduce her when I was sleeping?” Yoruichi whispered in a honeyed, almost sensual voice. “You can say it to me. I won’t judge you.”

The alluring former assassin devised her first honey trap to extract his secret. She, however, forgot she was dealing with a man who had plentiful experience with women of three realms.

“I prefer you over a kitten,” he whispered, his voice captivating the catgirl, and pressed his lips against her wet neck. “Because I adore you.”

Yoruichi took a shuddering breath, gripping his arm tightly. Her breath hiked, her heart pounding in her chest. “Kazuya, I have something to tell you.”

He swallowed hard, feeling a sense of anticipation building in his mind. The excitement she displayed gave him a kindling of hope — that Yoruichi was ready to confess her love for him. The chances of everything being a playful attempt to tease him were considerable, but he was willing to take the chance.

With glazed eyes, she glanced up, her gaze unfocused and distant. “Kazuya, I want you…”

A/N: Soi Fon in the background


Meanwhile Yoruichi in the background


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