Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 209: Acceptance

After telling Shunsui to find Sung-Sun’s flower shop, Kazuya made his way back to his mansion to pick up Yoruichi.

{Izumi accepted you quite easily, Partner. I thought she’d go through another meltdown.}

‘She loves me that much, I guess.’

{More like she’ll cling to you like a parasite.}

‘Come on, Nami. You two should get along as fellow yanderes.’

Kazuya harbored no illusions about all his lovers living in perfect accord. However, he had to maintain a semblance of peace among the yanderes, or things might escalate to a battle royale.

Nami clicked her tongue in annoyance. {The only thing we have in common is our love for you… But I’ll try for your sake, Partner.}

‘I knew you’d understand me.’

{That’s because we’re soulmates~.}

{By the way, Partner. Are we letting Shinji go?}

‘I’ll see him next time.’

Revealing the secret lifted a massive weight from his shoulders, though it consumed more time than necessary. Now, with his conscience clear, he could direct his undivided attention towards bringing down Aizen.

{Partner, don’t you want to take the Hōgyoku from Kisuke and merge it with yours?}

‘I’ll try to hit my natural limits before taking the Hōgyoku.’

He had yet to reach his full potential as both Shinigami and Arrancar. Mastering them both would bring the most out of the Hōgyoku’s benefits.

{Aren’t you just chickening out because of Aizen’s monstrous forms?}


With the power of rebirth at his disposal, he could change his features and figure by simply thinking about it. The only concern was Soul King’s Royal Guards, Squad Zero. Aizen’s Hōgyoku transformation didn’t alert them but Kazuya, who was born from a Soul King’s fragment, could very likely bring the attention of Ichibei and the rest.

{Better safe than sorry…}

Entering the mansion, he greeted Apacci with a kiss at the door and made his way to his room. Standing before the door, he couldn’t help but recall Schrödinger's cat experiment.

‘Will she be back to her usual self or will she be a feral cat?’

{Just kick down the damn door!}

His laughter echoed softly as he swung open the door, revealing Yoruichi sitting on the bed’s edge. Her cat ears twitched as she gazed at the ground, surroundedby an aura of melancholy.

Her somber demeanor was the least expected outcome after that life-changing experience tonight.


His soft call ended her daydreams, bringing her attention back to the room.

“Kazuya!” she exclaimed, her eyes alight with an unbridled joy that contrasted sharply with her previous disposition. Gathering herself, she pounced towards him. “Catch me!”

Today seemed destined for catching women mid-air. Casting aside his musings, he welcomed the embrace of the dark-skinned catgirl.

“I have never seen you like that… is it about your Hollowification? I’m sorry I let that happen.”

If only he had reached her side sooner, he might have spared her this transformation.

Yoruichi drew back and narrowed her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

She had been grappling with her decision to stay with the students, a choice that, in hindsight, had kept her from helping him fight the Arrancars. Her lack of caution had nearly allowed Aizen to leverage her as a pawn, threatening Kisuke and nearly securing the Hōgyoku — a move that could have spelled disaster on a grand scale.

“What do you mean?”

She lightly punched his chest. “I let my guard down and got thoroughly bested by Aizen. By all accounts, I should have met my end at his hand... yet, you were there to save me. Are you sorry about that?”

“Of course not.”

Her demeanor softened, a smile breaking through. “Then, it is I who owes you an apology. I chose my duty to the students over standing by your side against the invaders. Both apologies cancel each other out, don’t they?”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. Her way of comforting him was downright threatening. “Understood. Can you switch into your cat form?”

Her head tilted in curiosity. “Are we leaving?”


She took a few steps back and leaped at him. With a puff of smoke, she transformed mid-air, leaving her black bodysuit behind. Taking a seat on his shoulder, she let out threatening hisses, her flaring Reiatsu switching its signature between Hollow and Shinigami.

Her Shinigami Reiatsu thoroughly squashed her Hollow Reiatsu in a one-sided battle.

“Don’t you try that again,” she hissed and climbed atop his head. “Sorry for that, Kazuya. My Hollow tried to take over my body.”

The lack of seriousness in her voice conveyed her acceptance of her Hollow side. She wasn’t against living as a Visored.

“Well, it did take over your body when you were unconscious.”

He relayed his experience with her feral side without leaving out a single detail.

Yoruichi went completely silent for a few seconds, then she burst out laughing. “Out of all possibilities, you gave it the command to sleep. Kazuya, you could’ve made me do every perverted thing on your mind. You missed a golden opportunity.”

He shook his head. “The thought never crossed my mind. I was more occupied with ‘Will Yoruichi stay like this forever?’”

She reached out and patted his cheeks with fluffy paws. “This one is quite elated that you didn’t lose your mind in the face of temptation… more elated that you didn’t join the ladies gang.”

“That transformation was a one-time measure to combat Aizen. It won't happen again.”

“Even if my life is in danger?”

He refused to answer her tricky question, which would lead to even trickier questions.

She giggled and relaxed on his head. “Kazuya, tell me everything that happened today. I wanna know more.”


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