Bleach: Cero Devastador

Chapter 36: The Seireitei I

I was minding my business training and gauging Mikoto and Sakuya's progress. Murasaki was in the living room bantering with his girlfriend, her name was Aria and we hadn't met her too long ago. 

At the cost of glares and a brief anger from Mikoto, Sakuya and Kurayami... I tried to seduce her to see if she was with Murasaki only trying to get to me. It has already happened several times in the past. 

The young girl remained loyal. I asked Kurayami to use her connections to get a background on her too. 

"Don't you think you're exaggerating?"

"I am not; do what I am asking you, Kurayami".


She reluctantly did what I said and headed to her headquarters for the day. The result of her investigation was that the girl was from a middle-class family in the tenth district. There was nothing noteworthy about them. Their last Shinigami ancestor was her grandfather who only happened to be an officer in the first division before dying to a hollow; this was the reason why her family was middle-class. After some nagging from Sakuya, I had to let the matter go, and the girl started coming to our place more often to hang out with Murasaki and get to know us better. 

I was usually quite secretive and secluded in my training with Kurayami but she did become acquainted with Mikoto and Sakuya.

She opened the door to receive a letter that was directed at me. The letter was delivered by a Shinigami personally, which was amazing enough at least to the people in Rokungai. 

"B-Big brother, you have been challenged!" Murasaki rushed to the courtyard to tell me.

"... challenged by who? Anyone interesting?" I retorted, not very thrilled given how disappointing challenges usually were, I wasn't expecting a second Kurayami.

"A Shinigami seated officer!" He yelled and got my whole attention. 

Kurayami immediately stopped what she was doing and yanked the letter out of Murasaki's hands, "It is written with the 5th division as the remittent, not Ichimaru..."

"Seated officer?" I wasn't yet well acquainted with the Gotei13's bureaucracy, it made me sick.

"It is more than a seated officer, Ryōma... this boy has been recommended to be a captain by three other captains despite being so young, he is talented for sure" Kurayami puffed out her chest as if she was proud of someone else's achievements. 

'It could be you if you went to the academy' I almost heard her say in her mind. 

"So he's strong~" I couldn't give less of a fart about his achievements, what matters is whether he knows how to use a sword. 

"He's a rather young yet extremely talented... he's one of Sozuke Aizen's seated officers and although he frequented the underground in the past, it is been a long time since his last fight".

"Was he undefeated then?".

"He was... he didn't fight that many times, but his opponents were always high-profile ones, like Benimaru who was once easily defeated by him. I had the chance to speak to him once and he told me the only reason he was fighting in the underground was to eventually catch the eye of the Gotei13. He has virtually no reason to fight you other than vainglory. After defeating me, you can no longer be considered a mere rookie".

"So what do you think he wants?" Sakuya interjected, she was tugging on my robes.

"To scout Ryōma into the 5th Division, it is clear. Besides, there is another detail which we aren't really paying attention to" She put the card in front of me, pointing at a particular spot. 


"The fight won't be here in the tenth district. The fight is to take place in the Shin'o Academy's arena".


"It seems you're going to the Seireitei~"



The Seireitei was a gigantic city surrounded by massive murals. If the divisions of class between the tenth district and the outside were noteworthy, much more so the difference between the Seireitei and the rest of the soul society. 

The moment you entered, the quality of Reiryoku was evident. In order to enter, you had to have a permit or be accompanied by a Shinigami. As this was a sparring match and no money or underground activities were involved, we were chilling until the match started and hung around. 

Sakuya's first idea was to go to the Shiba Clan where we visited Ryosuke and Ryota to make sure they weren't being mistreated. And forget about being mistreated, these boys couldn't be any more spoiled. 

The manor was massive, divided into family branches with Kukaku's being one of the biggest. Even though I told her to, Sakuya knelt in front of her a few times due to how nice Ryota and Ryosuke were being treated. They had their own room, home teachers, allowance, cute maids... even I was fucking jealous. 

Sakuya asked them if they wanted to come back and since she missed them, she got a big flat 'no!'


"You got challenged by Ichimaru Gin? He is quite the odd fellow, be careful" Kukaku smoked from her pipe, she allowed us in and treated us to dinner in the massive manor that was the Shiba Family.

The fight would be in a few hours at dusk it was going to be a demonstrative spar that all disciples of the academy would witness.

"The Seiretei is quite old-fashioned. In the same way you vehemently refuse to attend the academy, those old geezers also refuse to believe a talent such as yourself won't be serving the Gotei13's purposes. Some captains may put their eyes on you naturally... some may be compelled to. Be it as it may, you won't be ignored anymore. In fact, you may have a little trouble".

"Why all of the sudden?".

She pointed at Hebimaru and Shitsutora, "If you use Shitsutora, it will be revealed that it is no longer in the Shihoin Clan's hands. If you use your Zampakuto, it will be revealed you took it from somewhere, tying some loose ends they will connect the dots to Shuuhei Ryosuke. So regardless of what you do, you would be fucked".


"Stop laughing. That's why I came up with a countermeasure: You only need to use your Zampakutō and I will intercede for you and say it was a gift from the Shiba Clan towards your future. That way there won't be problems in the long run. Not only they won't ask questions but they also won't ask any further since it is akin to being sponsored by the Shiba Clan, aren't I bright?".

"Wow, so bright aunty!" Ryosuke and Ryota clapped in joy. Those boys... they already learned how to bootlick? so quickly?

"Thank you for that. Will you come to watch the fight?" I asked. 

"Any money in it?".


"Then I don't care" She shrugged her shoulders, "Why would I even care cowardly brat like you does?~" She mumbled grimly.

"Coward...?" I frowned with twitching brows.

"You better not forget how you left me. Or do you want to continue where we left off?~"

My frown disappeared, replaced by anxiety. 

"What is she talking about, Ryōma?" Sakuya and Mikoto tugged harder on my shoulder with curiosity.

For some reason, Kurayami was grinning as if she knew, "Who would have thought Kamishiro Ryōma has a weakness?~"

"This woman is crazy that's all–".

"Crazy about poking my finger into that thing~".

"Say that again~"

"Why repeat myself?~ I better just get onto it, come here sweetheart!~".

"Get away from me you crazy bitch!".



The sun began to fall and the disciples of the academy slowly conglomerated around the massive arena at the centre of the Soul Society. Thousands of them all wearing black haori representing their status as Shinigami. 

"Gin-san is going to fight that boy now, isn't he?!" An upperclassman asked. 

"Is that what we were called here for? What a waste of time" A young man with a long redhead said while sticking his finger into his nose. 

"I have seen some of his fights. He's strong, Renji" A short lady with short black hair said next to him, struggling to see the stage with the crowd of people. Eventually, she had to get on that boy's shoulders to be able to see the stage. 

"He even defeated Ikkaku–"

"Pft! Anyone can step on that baldy" A mock that brought about a crowd of laughter. 

"The fuck you said, redhead?!" Yelled the aforementioned baldy in outrage.

"Can't you see all this hair? You're off my league".

"But they say bald people have big dongs, Renji... what is a 'dong' anyway?" The raven-haired girl asked a blushing Renji, puzzled. 

"Don't be using words which meaning you don't know, Rukia!"

"I know what it is... and I can confirm hehe~"

"Shut the fuck up, Yumichika!".


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