Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 71 The Dark Creature Boiling to the Extreme

Woo! Woo! Woo!

War, war, war, I want to be an officer, I want to be a nobleman, I want to become stronger!


When the sun slowly sank and half exposed in the sky, the blood mist dissipated.

More than a hundred ogre officers who have raised their life levels to the first level, or even the second level, have completely filled their eyes with the word war.

The centurion ogre, at this time, there is no anger in his eyes at all. His wife and children have contributed to his strength, which is a good thing.

Besides, they just bled them, and didn't kill them.

Feeling that the inside of his body was stronger than before, several times stronger, the centurion ogre laughed ferociously and crazily.


This is power, this is power, and I want more!

The centurion ogre's eyes were full of madness towards war.

He wants to become stronger.

As a centurion, he could only stand on the periphery, and the area near the vat with the thickest blood mist was firmly occupied by those centurions.

There were less than ten of them, and all of them had become Tier 2 ogre heroes.

At least 70% of the blood mist was absorbed by those commanders, and their hundred ogre centurions only absorbed less than 30% of the blood mist.

The sharp contrast between the centurion and the thousand commander made him feel extremely crazy.

One hundred ogre centurions among them only absorbed less than 30% of the blood mist, while the other party had only ten ogres, but directly surrounded 70% of the blood mist.

The gap is so big that there is no limit. Any centurion seeing this scene will have an unparalleled desire to become those thousand commanders.

The word war soared into the sky.

Nearly 10,000 ogres, on the wooden platform, saw the group of fellow ogre warriors and second-level ogre heroes who had raised their life levels to the first level.

Totally insane.

They howled crazily in the swamp, jointly roaring out the most sincere desire in their hearts, war.

War, war, I want power, I want wealth, I want slaves.

War, I am no worse than him, he can cut off the enemy's head, so can I.

A ferocious howl resounded through the sky.

Nearly 10,000 ogres were commotioning wildly like lunatics.

Apart from the craziest and most exciting ones, except for the ogre slaves, the ogre captain and ordinary soldiers who did not go up to absorb the blood mist also fell into the most extreme madness.

Although they don't have to worry about food or drink now, there is still a huge gap compared to the guy above who can crazily improve his life level without doing anything.

They also want to obtain that unparalleled power.

On the tall tree above 30 meters, more than a thousand pandaren with salted fish looked at the ogres who were in a state of madness and wanted to fight.

All of them were frightened and hugged the trunk of the big tree.

The group of guys below have been driven crazy by the huge power and endless benefits.

Did this group of salted fish pandaren come to the wrong place?

Time passes, in the swamp.

Accompanied by one blood sacrifice after another to sacrifice to the dark gods.

The red blood mist almost enveloped the entire nut tree plantation.

The crazy atmosphere of war filled every corner of the swamp plantation.

On the throne made of full-body marble, Ace looked at the crazy outside world, howling the word war crazily, and the family members who wanted to start the war.

My heart is trembling involuntarily.

He released the demon named War, but he could only barely hold the reins around the neck of this one named War Demon. For the sake of war, those guys outside were almost crazy.

In the face of war lunatics, sometimes the deterrence brought by traditional fear will be drastically reduced.

After all, some things are beyond life and death.

Except for the pandaren, all of them are now staring with red eyes, full of murderous intent.

I'd better sleep to avoid the limelight!

Ace shrank his neck, turned his head and ran towards his den.

But in just a day or two, the group of family members under him have suggested war to him more than ten times.

If they were threatening him with force to start war.

He wouldn't be so distressed at all and wanted to avoid it by sleeping, and just kill the guy who wanted to threaten with force with his paws.

But this group of guys are better than each other. Every time they make a suggestion, they come to him with a lot of gold coins in their arms.

What an embarrassment.

It's definitely not too much for my subordinates to give property to his boss, and to make a small suggestion by the way, let alone kill them because of that trivial matter.

Ace, who received the gold coins, said, I forgive you for the psychological harm you caused me.

Then war is impossible war, get the hell out of me.

After being driven away, they were not angry. After a while, after contacting their legendary ancestors above them, a lot of treasures were sent over.

And then keep coming back to suggest.

One or two times is not too much, four times and six times is not much, ten times and nine times is no problem.

But they gave more than once, and Ace, who took too many gold coins, said that he was a little bit overwhelmed.

People respectfully gave gifts more than a dozen times, each time more than once, and these gold coins were all obtained from those dark legends.

There is nothing wrong with rejecting a request for more than a dozen or more wars.

But once it is rejected dozens or even hundreds of times, the nature changes a bit, because it is too shameless.

When corrupt officials receive money, they will do things well obediently.

Although he is a black dragon, as one of the evil dragons, there is nothing wrong with taking money and doing nothing.

But if he still doesn't do anything after taking the money dozens of times, it's a bit too much, and he also has to be so shameless.

You can't always just take their money and do nothing.

Of course, if it's just this group of third-tier dark nobles, Ace can just collect money and do nothing.

After all, in the eyes of the evil dragon, the treasures of the family members are his treasures. Isn't it natural to put the treasures of the family members in their pockets?

But the money was obtained from those dark legends, he couldn't be too shameless, and the opponent's fist was bigger than his.

So he can only go back to his lair to sleep.

Early the next morning.

Ninety-eight third-tier dark nobles came to the wooden palace with high spirits and bags of treasures on their backs.

They swore to fight to the death for their Majesty, and to hack all their enemies to pieces.

As for who the enemy is, they don't know, anyway, if there is an enemy, let them kill it.

Among the ninety-eight dark nobles, seven dark nobles seemed a little more relaxed than the other ninety-one dark nobles.

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