Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 64 It's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant

In order to alleviate the emptiness in my heart, many incredible things will be created by it.

Just when the Duke of Bihai was devastated by the king's marriage proposal.

in a family in the city.

A young man who was newly married sat silently on his chair at home, and he was obsessed with recalling Miss Daisy's beautiful face like a star in his memory.

Every time he thinks about it, he can feel his soul trembling. It is the human yearning for beauty. This is also the first time he feels that he has broken through the darkness and saw the most beautiful beam of light in the world.

William, what's wrong with you?

Still thinking about Miss Daisy

A tall and strong woman with a big shoulder, a horse running on her shoulders, and a person standing on her arms, who is 1.8 meters tall and looks only eighteen or nineteen years old, is holding a large plate of roast chicken , put it on the dining table, and said worriedly to the young William who was in a daze.

William was awakened, and looked up at his burly new wife.

Daisy appeared in front of his eyes, she was so cute, kind, elegant, and beautiful, and this guy in front of him was stronger than himself.

William's heart was full of frustration.

Originally, he was very happy to marry this woman who was very capable in his father's eyes.

But ever since he met Miss Daisy, he felt a little irritated when facing this new wife.

All he could think of was Daisy's incomparably beautiful appearance, and the wife in front of him was so beautiful that he couldn't stop talking.

A person in the dark, if he has not seen the light, he does not feel that there will be suffering in the dark, but after he has tried the warmth of the sun, the suffering in the dark is no longer unbearable for him.

It is human nature to go from frugal to extravagant and easy to go from extravagant to simple.

William is no exception.

After seeing Daisy's face that was more beautiful than the stars, it was already hard for him to bear the ugly wife in front of him.

Just like those born in the 90s and 00s in modern times, what they come into contact with every day are all kinds of beautiful women and handsome men in anime, movies and TV dramas.

Eyes will naturally become higher unconsciously.

Men want to marry beautiful ones, and women want to marry handsome ones.

The marriage rate has decreased and the divorce rate has increased. Although various external reasons account for a large part, the higher vision definitely accounts for a lot of share.

This is the case for William now. Daisy is so beautiful. After seeing such an extremely beautiful woman like Daisy, his eyes can't help but become higher.

After looking higher, looking back at my unsightly wife, can I not feel irritable?

This kind of situation didn't just happen in William's house. Many men who had seen Daisy's incomparably beautiful appearance, most of them raised their eyes.

After my vision became higher, I looked back at my unattractive wife at home, and I couldn't help comparing the two in my heart.

A comparison, the contradiction will come naturally.


In the lair.

Elena was hung upside down on the beam of the house, crying desperately at this moment.

Eliza, we are allies, you can't unite with Ace to treat me like this.

I don't mean to steal the gold coins, you have to trust me.

Elena's voice was extremely shrill.

However, facing Elena's cry, Eliza rolled her eyes directly.

If she believed that Elena didn't intend to steal the gold coins all by herself, then she would be a real tease.

What is Elena's personality?

When the other party wagged his tail a few times, she knew what the other party was thinking.

After all, is Elena the one who doesn't want to steal the gold coins all by herself?

Isn't this bullshit?

How can a dragon not love gold coins.

Ace gently licked his extremely dark dragon claws. The books had already been sent out. After that, the human world would naturally change.

He doesn't believe that those old middle-class sex critics, after being able to choose the enhanced version of beautiful or ugly women at will, will marry those who don't look very good.

Men know what kind of women men like.

Anyway, he likes young and beautiful women.

Without their army of dark creatures overwhelming the land, and the terrifying enemies who can take their lives anytime and anywhere, can those human beings really maintain their traditions and marry women who can make their offspring more capable of fighting?

He didn't believe it anyway.

And with the advent of the peaceful age, the absolute effect of force will be reduced, and the bonus brought by appearance will slowly show up in the human world.

Ace, shall we continue to fool humans?

Ignoring Elena who was crying, Eliza said eagerly.

She likes intrigues the most, not to mention targeting humans in intrigues, which makes her even more excited.

Ace shook his head.

The silver dragon is very arrogant. It is normal to be summoned by a human summoner occasionally, but if it is successfully summoned by the other party frequently.

A fool can see the problem.

Once a year is enough.

Ace said regretfully.

He somewhat hated that iron could not be made into steel. Elena was obviously so easy to fool, and the whole dragon was still in a daze.

With a gold coin, you can exchange a lot of books from her at will.

In the end, the little girl opposite was really petty. Three boxes of gold coins were exchanged for only three books.

This really almost made him spit out a mouthful of old blood. He got thousands of books, but after a long time, only three were fooled by the other party.

Although he strongly condemned the proficiency of the opponent's flickering skills, the result was good.

That little girl is quite cute, wearing those little skirts, her combat power can definitely kill all other little girls who don't wear little skirts.

With the comparison, everything is easy to handle.

Ace turned his head and took Eliza out of the lair.

The family members outside are in a mess, and they should be taken care of, although they can't change their living rules.

But there's nothing wrong with tightening up their rules of survival.

And he also had to find a few guys who could fly, and go to the outskirts of the swamp to see how the battle between the dark creatures and humans was going.

Looking at Ace and Elisa who disappeared.

Elena, who was hung upside down under the beam of the house, stopped screaming like a salted fish.

The waist shrank, and the wings directly wrapped her into a ball.

If she gets hung up, she gets hung up. Anyway, she got a few more gold coins this time, so it's no big deal if she gets hung up for a few days.

Moreover, she was used to being hung, and was able to sleep soundly in this state.

She just didn't like the two dragons below watching her joke, otherwise she wouldn't bother to bark.

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