Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 41 The Wrath of the Dragon

In the dim swamp, dozens of pig-headed people carrying large and small bags moved forward quickly under the leadership of their patriarch without looking back.

Mosquitoes, leeches, and all kinds of insects surrounded this group of cowardly and cowardly bereaved dogs like dark clouds.

The swamp became more turbid as they walked, as if the swamp was laughing at their cowardice and incompetence.

The pig-headed patriarch tightened his grip on the food he was carrying behind his back, his face full of surprises.

What he did today was actually the same as what his ancestors did. The dragon asked them to go to fight in the past, and they had to bring their own dry food.

If the enemy is about to collapse at the first touch, all the dark races will fight together, grab food, pots and pans, weapons, and earn a lot of money.

If the enemy is evenly matched with them, then there is nothing to say, and of course they will run away.

They brought their own dry food and followed the giant dragon to rob. They were unwilling to gnaw hard bones, let alone be cannon fodder.

If you are at a disadvantage, there is nothing to say. Of course, you will run away when you can't even see the enemy.

This time the recruitment of the dragon is not like before. They didn't give us anything, so they pulled us over as cannon fodder, and instead gave us food.

The clansmen didn't die much, but picked up this pile of food for nothing.

What a stroke of luck!

Come here a few more times, so you don't have to go out and risk your life to find food this year.

The patriarch of the pig-headed man was cheerful, and he didn't think about whether the dragon's food could be taken for nothing?

The five-color evil dragon is the cruelest existence among the dark races.

The reason why they were allowed to escape before was because the main force of the five-color evil dragons was the dark race that had been inherited.

It is the existence that can really be called family members, and those of them who brought their own dry food and were temporarily recruited are actually used as dry food for those real dragon family members.

The free dry food ran away, of course the giant dragon didn't care, the free stuff left and left without losing anything.

But this time it was different, Esco distributed food to them.

The situation is different from the previous situation. Taking other people's things, they don't even do things for the other party, and prostitute the other party's food for free.

This is equivalent to an ordinary Mexican who takes money from a gangster who is similar to a warlord and promises to do things for him, but when doing things, the ordinary Mexican turns around and runs away.

The strange thing is that this ordinary person's family is actually under the rule of the gang boss. After running away, he didn't go anywhere else, but ran back home.

At this time, facing this ordinary person who is desperately jumping on his own territory and greedy for his own money, what will the gangster do?

Does that need to be said? Of course, the opponent was caught and dismembered, and he was sunk.

Now the situation of these running dark races is actually the same as that of ordinary people in Mexico. Obviously their home is under the rule of the gangsters, and they take the money from the gangsters, run away swaggeringly, and then run back home up.

The five-color evil dragon is not comparable to those gangsters. The gangster may forgive the family of that ordinary person, but the cruel five-color evil dragon is too lazy to care about those twists and turns. He and his tribe must die.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

The deafening horn sounded.

Above the sky, more than a hundred harpies carried huge horns, and ten ogres desperately blew the air from their mouths into the horns.

More than 200,000 dark races followed the direction of the horn and quickly advanced in the swamp.

Like lightning, Elena and Eliza flew to the forefront, their violent eyes staring fixedly at the countless running dark races below.

An ant-like existence dares to take my food for nothing.

What awaits you and your tribe is the fate of death.

Go to hell and repent!


The deafening roar of the dragon resounded through the world, and the 230,000 dark races that had fought bloody battles burst out with all their strength.

The black line rushes forward rapidly from the end of the swamp, and the 230,000 dark races are arranged in two curves that are hundreds of miles long, rolling forward like a tide.

Wherever they passed, countless dark races fleeing from the battlefield with large and small bags on their backs disappeared into the swamp as if they were wiped off the ground by an eraser.

All that was left was the layers of blood floating on the surface of the swamp that attracted countless mosquitoes.



A miserable howl came from behind.

The patriarch of the pig-headed man who was speeding away didn't dare to look behind him at all.

Terrified, he led his tribe and ran forward desperately.

He didn't understand what was going on, his ancestors and countless dark races had also run away, so why was the recruitment this time different from before? After running away, he was also hunted down.


A giant three-meter-long mace slammed fiercely on a tree that was more than ten meters high.

Sawdust flew, the trunk broke, and the tall tree, more than ten meters high, fell into the water with a clatter.


The ogre, who had been as tall as two meters five, rushed out of the shadows roaring, followed by dozens of ogres around two meters three and two meters four.

Humble coward, not qualified to live in His Majesty's territory.

Chris Cooper, a third-rank ogre nobleman, had a desire to kill flickering in his bloody eyes.

At the moment of the decisive battle, he thought these cowards were not pleasing to the eye. If they hadn't started the fight, they would have run away first, and it was really uncertain who would win.

Now that he survived the battlefield and brought his people to the dark swamp, what he saw was still this group of cowards who could only run away. Of course, he would not hold back now.


The huge mace swung down fiercely, with a huge force of nearly a hundred tons, it was like dropping a lot of bombs in the swamp, and then detonated them all at the same time.


There was a deafening sound.

Water splashed and rippled everywhere, and the invisible air wave hit dozens of fleeing pigmen like a tsunami.

Blood splashed everywhere, flesh flew, and dozens of pig-headed men howling were knocked away by the air wave and fell into the swamp from the sky.

The dozen or so pig-headed men who were running slowly in the rear were directly turned into dilapidated corpses under this wave of attacks.

As for the remaining dozens of pig-headed men, most of them were seriously injured, and they only had the strength to crawl in the water.

Stepping down with one foot, a pig-headed man's head was firmly pressed into the mud, and there was a sound of forceful, head-shattering.

Dozens of ogres stepped forward, excitedly picked up each pig-headed man, and opened their mouths wide.

Puff puff!

Blood fell from the sky like rain.

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