(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Master and slave relationship

It was highly suspicious. Eric knew that. But it was tempting. Was this a real demon? A devil? Knowing the risks but still luring him in with empty, sweet promises. Tempting, so tempting.

Yet Eric hesitated because that demon in front of him- back then and even now in his eyes, it was obvious that he held only contempt for Eric. So why would he want to help Eric all of a sudden?

There he stood, all in black, straight posture, stern face, his black wings behind him asserting dominance, speaking the words that only a devil would, "I can give you what you want but in return your soul belongs to me."

Well, ok, he didn't really say it this way but it sounded like it in Eric's ears.

"I know you want to go to the human world, I can get you there without dying."

But where was the soul part? Ah, here it came... 

"Since the curse has you die if you step outside the demon world, only your soul can go to the human world." 

Eric had no idea how it worked. So was the curse only bound to his body and not his soul? Was he as a human split into different parts to make him human in the first place? His body and soul? But this tempting devil didn't elaborate on that so Eric could only guess forever.

There was a bigger problem. Could Eric even trust him? Because from just a glance it was obvious this damn person wanted him dead. He would be happy if Eric's curse was triggered and thus died! Eric had no idea why that person hated him so much but the fact was, Eric was not welcome here!

And who was this person? Who else than Mak, Del's butler! Eric really had no single clue of an ounce of an idea why Mak disliked Eric from the beginning. Was it because he was human? And Mak, as a superior demon, condemned a human just being in the Demon Lord's mansion or was it because Eric was Eric and Mak just hated Eric but was fine with other humans?

Dammit, all these questions swirled in Eric's head and he didn't know who to trust and what to follow. Should he continue to listen to Mak and give in? Or should he be wary because Mak was out to get him, this possibility wasn't actually slim. But then, Eric weighed his options, he was offered an opportunity to go back to the human world, why wouldn't he take it?

He has always wanted to go back, even if it was for a bit and especially now that lusting demons were all around him 24/7 preying on his meek and vulnerable human body to be deflowered, Eric could use a good proper holiday to escape them.

"This works?'' 

Finally, Eric bit the flying bullet and swallowed it in front of Mak who revealed a small smile. Fuck, don't be so suspicious and shady! You make me regret it!

"Of course, in the name of the Demon Lord's butler, I would never lie. Also, I would never dare to harm what's dear to the Demon Lord."

Well, Eric wasn't so sure about this but Mak looked to be kind of sincere and this was enough to convince Eric.

So like always, Eric was being reckless and followed his intuition. And not a minute later after Mak left behind a heap of information, Eric went to seek out Nol.

"Teacher?" unassuming, silly and foolish Nol was so excited that his teacher came to see him he couldn't contain himself, "Does the teacher want to fulfill his promise because I'm leaving the human world soon? Don't worry teacher, I'm strong and will bring those two brats back immediately! So you shouldn't feel lonely without me!"

There was so much wrong in these few sentences Nol spoke that Eric's rant could be as long as a whole bible. But the only thing Eric decided to comment on was the fact that Nol, the super mega brat, called these other two brats! No brat has business calling other brats! If you are a brat, you are a brat!

But then there was a bigger problem, Nol thought Eric wanted to sleep with him! Fuck, how many times did Eric have to tell him, any of these demons that his little flower hole was not strong enough to take all those dick pounding! See, this was why Eric wanted to leave them and rest for a good while alone! Back to his human world where he was king and reigned over everything!

"Nol," Eric said very gently after calming himself down so as not to smack some sense into Nol, "I promised and I will keep my promise." 

Yeah, no, I'm gonna drag it out as long as I can-

"So you don't need to be so anxious about it. However, like I told you before, I don't want to do it right now. Please understand."

Nol's puppy ears lowered and his imaginary tail stopped wagging, it was a sad sight to see.

"Oh..." even this damn 'oh' was so forcefully pitiful that it stabbed Eric's heart and conscience a hundred times. Fuck, why do I have to feel bad for you not getting your dick plunging if I'm the one in danger?

"Don't be sad," why do I have to console and comfort you?

"I will keep my promise like I said," Eric reassured and reassured until that little tail of Nol's started wagging again and he looked with hopeful eyes at Eric, "Really?"

"Yes, really, so I need you to do one thing for me." 

"What is it? I'll do anything for teacher!" 

Good, good, Eric was really good at manipulating! He was trying hard to not manifest an evil chuckle and laughter being very cringe and cliché.

"You have to pretend to go to the human world while I actually go." 

"No!" vehemently Nol immediately shut Eric down, "Teacher can't! Teacher will die at this rate!"

"Thank you for your concern, but I won't. I have a way to go without dying."

But Nol still couldn't be appeased and started to sulk. Why the hell was this brat now sulking? "Nol, didn't you say you'll do anything? I swear it's not dangerous for me, I won't die." 

"I still don't trust it, the curse is a curse, you can't just try to outsmart it."

Wow, what a smart thing for you to say. Now Nol even turned away from Eric and faced a wall, he slid down and started growing mushrooms in a corner. Eric rolled his eyes again and again until they wanted to top and spray Nol with some magic powder to brainwash him!

Eric had to resort to the last method he never wanted to. 

'Skill? Are you here? I know you are. C'mon help me out for once.'

[Interest will be charged at-]

'Shut up. Don't play games with me like this! The interests are already high enough as they are!'

Interests? What interests was the system talking about? Obviously the damn interests it charged Eric since Lav's story where Eric bought the useless visualiser skill for who knows how many million points!

Eric had to ring with this one demon here and then with this skill there. He was so sick of everything happening in his life.

'I'm your master, obey me!'

[I have no master.]

'Oh really, then what am I?'


Fuck. Off!


Shut your dry mechanical ass laughter!

[Skill activated because a good show is about to unfold.] 

Eric missed the time when his skill didn't have the ability or attitude or desire to converse with him. How good the old times were.

In an instant, Eric was able to read Nol's mind and he wanted to die, die, die out of anger! This brat really!

'If the teacher lets me do this, then I might play along...'

So this was what you mean huh? Instead of actually being worried about me, you still think about bedding me you little mini bulldozer! And what do you mean you might? If I already offer you my ass, you better go and lick my soles and become my damn mindless slave for life! 

Eric was despairing but he needed to go back to the human world! This was a once in a lifetime chance for him! Mak said this was only once possible, how Eric hated these suddenly made up rules, but it was whatever.

Forcing himself to act, Eric went up to Nol and said, "Nol," very tenderly to the point anyone would think they were lovers.

"Tea...cher?" Not believing Eric was so gentle with him, Nol's eyes became round and big and then he jumped up. 

W-What was happening? 

Before Nol knew it, he felt a softness on his lips and then a wet, slippery yet delicious tongue inside his mouth. For a good minute, Nol was pleasured until he heard an erotic whisper right next to his ear, "I promised you, so just wait for a bit longer. After his ordeal's done and I've recharged my energy-"

Nol swallowed in anticipation before he shuddered. Eric stroked his chest and his hand naughtily moved to Nol's dick! 

Nol liked this very much! Eric being initiative, pleasuring him, Eric wanting him! Nol liked this very very much! 

On the other hand, Eric only cursed seeing how the insane mountain once again stood up to declare its might. 

"Ok, teacher, anything you want, I'll do it!"

Fuck, this is what it took to convince you? Go to hell for making me a demon temptress!

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