(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Expected floor, of course

Wasn't that just great? Attaining enlightenment, fighting your way to reach heavens, becoming OP to shake the deities from their seats and finally showcasing how humans can kill gods, only to fall from the highest of high with your back facing earth ridiculing you for leaving it, while you desperately mimic Lucifer's fall.

A scene that perfectly described this moment. Eric had no idea either, he just did what he always did, outsmarting everyone in the dumbest way and finally on top of a sandy mountain in the middle of this black desert, Eric somehow managed to get a grip of the game master.

The very one that condemned him to play these stupid games, but the game master hid behind a mask and was shrouded in darkness, but what Eric could see was the grotesque form it was trying to hide under its bulky jacket and trousers that floated in the air to reach the ground.

Since it was dark and Eric only had tunnel vision, he had no way to catch a good glimpse of this person trying to suck him dry of his life. So, Eric fell from the high spot the game master floated at and fell back onto the sand but just like with the previous level, he didn't crash but fell right through, into an endless abyss.

And this was when Eric knew- He fucked up. He should've clung onto the damn game master with his life on the line! Why the hell did he get so surprised when he had the game master right in front of him, within his reach only to chicken out at the last second to grasp him? Why?

This all familiar feeling of endlessly falling with the black void engulfing him, threatening to devour him whole if he didn't fall quickly enough. Eric knew exactly what was going on. He was going right into the next crap! The next level! Only to repeat and repeat and repeat the same levels over and over again. What a literal pain in the fucking ass!

Screw this all! Wasn't this supposed to be some light-hearted and good shit, with occasional threats of dicks floating from all sides to get to you? Why the hell was it turned into this survival game mimicking the purest of the purest brutal forms out there? This was none of it! Just get over it!

Eric just wanted to rest, sleep and be pleased, yes he finally admitted it! Was it that hard? Was it?

But then in the midst of his internal complaining, the scenery changed. The blackness made way for a colour scheme to unfold itself in a way that Eric never wanted to witness or wanted to know that it existed.

All the levels were like a quick blur to him as he fell past them, looking at them as if he was falling from a tall skyscraper watching the busy offices still working into the night with the poor white-collared workers having to work in addition to the already deadly boring and damaging 9-5 job.

15, 17, 20, 23, 29, 34

All the different levels just flashed past Eric's eyes and he could barely see what they were made up of but what Eric could clearly catch was that the demons were only getting more and more grotesque! Ugly as hell, deformed and with skin that didn't even seem to belong to a living organism.

Fuck, Eric was only falling further and further, what insane and disgusting monsters would he have to meet that called themselves demons and were put on the same level as Del and the others? 

Just what nightmare was ensured to erupt once Eric's soft and youthful body hit the hard ground in hopes he would explode and die, but no, instead he still magically survived and had to walk down a tightrope that was literally invisible!

The higher the level, the lower he went down, the more dangerous and worse it'd become that not even the princes and nobles with their powers would be able to take care of these bloodthirsty monstrosities that needed to feast on human flesh, drink their blood and bathe in their skins? Fucked. Eric's completely fucked.

Please just stop falling. Please! please!!!

But Lord had no mercy for there was no Lord in this place riddled with sins and human defilements (aka Eric).

40, 41... 43... 35

Dammit, stop, just stop! Eric started to cry, he couldn't help himself, he was already in the 40s, the more he fell, the more he anticipated his crashing death as he saw what torture rooms each floor was now made up of! Each level from the 40s onwards was just basically one S kink after the other!

It was too brutal and fucked up to even describe! Not even an age restriction of 1000+ years would be enough to cover this up! Aha, of course, because demons could literally live until who knows when! Of course, after 2000 years it'd be ok to talk about all the torture kinks that showed up here!

A normal human's mind couldn't even fathom! Not even the evils of all evils' minds could fantasise about how a human body, a demon or any living being could be so dismantled, tortured and defiled! They were too innocent compared to that!

But mercy long kissed goodbye to Eric's ass as it had its chance to just patiently lie in bed and be pounced. Because the next horror movie came. Level 50. And it just went worse and worse from there on.

Erm... hello? Eric gulped and shut his eyes. Do... Do I really have to endure all of this? C-Can I not fall back to level 5 or so? I'm sorry, the lava level seems so much tamer after this whole circus of showcase! No need to flaunt and show off! I get it, we get it, everyone gets it, you're a hardcore Do S and can destroy any person's will to live, even the devil's!

So, stop, please! Plot armour come and save me! Don't let me fall into one of the hellish levels! Please be a reversal! How about this? A plot twist? The levels from 60 onwards will be... will be tame and all rainbow and love and honey sweets whatever!

Ok? Let's just do it like this?

But there was no plot armour to save him anymore, no heaven or Lord he could pray to, and no worshippers to save Eric because in truth what they wanted more was to see Eric suffer! So, in the end, there was only one choice! Eric had to do something himself!

'S-Skill?? Hello? Do you remember the shop? Can we do that? I'll exchange all points and even give you a 200% interest if you-'

[S...k..l.. brok- cann- recei----------]

Then BOOM. A loud crash tore through Eric's mind and then a wave of static noises, high-pitched and cruel, rang through before finally it became quiet. Eerily quiet to the point Eric couldn't even hear himself falling nor the noises coming from the different levels he flew past.

What the hell just happened? Why did his system crash like this? How could this happen? Wasn't his skill in his head so-

Wait, could it be that ... his skill needed to be transferred to his mind? Like a signal? Like a transmitter? Fuck, just what the hell was this skill in his head? What were these systems? But then, Eric realised, that even the almighty systems that loved to play god also had their boundaries.

And this realisation somehow broke a part of Eric. Didn't that just mean what was to come was so terrifying that even the systems or skills were afraid and couldn't stop it? Even the mightiest things would eventually fall. Like the saying went, there would always be someone, something stronger, better and wiser.

Eric didn't like this at all, he had to do something himself! He couldn't fall any lower, he also couldn't rely on his absurd naïve mindset hoping that the levels would become a fairytale later on because Eric just remembered, wasn't the lowest of the low the prison? If Eric fell to where the worst and most fucked up demons were wouldn't he just die a 100 deaths?

What could he use or do to halt his fall? First, Eric tried to move his body, he started from the tips of his fingers to finally be able to resist the strong air pressure. He turned his body around and tried to curl up to a ball. He was falling from each ground of a level to another.

So what he needed to do was to stop this and try to grab onto something solid and strong in the split second he passed through the ground of a level.

It was easier said than done but it wasn't long before Eric managed to move to his right as he was just about to collide with the ground and touched the tip of a large rock before he hit his head on it and bounced on the hard ground.

Through whatever force. He- He did it! Only to have his hopes and dreams shattered. 

The floor he landed on was.... 



The floor, the paradise of ho-o-o-o-rniness...!!!!!

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