(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Deadliest attack of the lowest of lowest

But all excitement left in the face of disappointment. It was always like this. Expectations led to being let down and disappointments. Nothing else could be connected to expectations. It was a disaster from the beginning.

And a very smelly one for Van. Van just had the amazing luck to catch that highly weird and dubious human teacher sneaking around, looking like he was about to rob the whole demon world with his little paws. Anyways, Eric was acting so suspicious, that any store, any bank, any person on the streets would have long called the cops to get that pervert out of this world.

But Van was long used to Eric and humans' weird behaviours, though Van was never in the Human world before, Nol was the only one who frequently visited the human world. So, Van thought nothing of it and walked behind Eric. With all his courage summoned to bow in front of this puny human, hidden excitement dancing in his eyes, Van was about to ask Eric for advice like every normal student would go up to their teacher at the end or after class to get extra help or maybe even brownie points.

However, they were in the demon world and nothing was normal about a human teleporting here because of a curse and made a teacher only to be coveted and hunted by lustful and horny demons. So, no point in hoping to achieve normality anywhere in this storm- scenario. Yet Van only wanted to revive his creative pulse that had long ceased to exist and the only person able to perform CPR on it was this feeble life of a human, with one thrust able to be penetrated to his throat.

"Teach-" Van coughed once in order to get used to having to address this thing as a teacher but he took too much time and while Eric was sneaking around all lost in his mind about not wanting to be caught, the fatal opposite happened.

With all tension and anxiety holed up in Eric, like all good things, it came to an exploding point of holding it in for a bit too long. Eric never had the habit but he developed it on the spot, when he was nervous, about to be oh-so-clever, he felt a very bad urge at the rear of his two buns.

Yes, his non-existent tail bone. Well, under it. There, a large bubble of smelliness was accumulating and upon the slightest touch or the slightest startling this bomb of translucent but highly poisonous, toxic cloud would be set free and anger even the strongest and vicious beings in the world.


So, being scared to death of being caught and hearing a familiar voice, Eric jumped up and at that exact moment, Van crouched down wanting to kneel, their focal points were in a perfect line.

Eric's rear lined up with Van's nose and


An overused tragedy ensured. Shot out like a bullet from a laser gun with the light of speed, with the devastating impact of a nuclear bomb and the weight of ten thousand earths combined, the deadly weapons detonated to hit its target.


And the target immediately fell to the ground in face of this mighty sneak attack none of the Demon World has ever seen. Terrorist attack! This could only be called a terrorist attack on the fourth prince! Someone wanted to take over the Demon World with stupidity and disgust!

Who could it be? Of course only humans!

"V-Van," dead like a murdered victim trying to blame the innocent murderer for their death, Van lied there and was waiting for justice to be done for him and revenge taken on Eric!

Eric quickly waved his hand in front of his ass and then slowly brought it up to his nose. D-Did his fart really smell so bad that this fucking demon prince fucking passed out like this? Come on! Eric ate well, he trained well, he! He! HE! Did none of this actually. Cough cough. So, was his digestion so bad that his fart was able to almost murder someone?

Killed by a fart! Was this more embarrassing for the murderer or the victim?

"Van, you'll be fine right? I had nothing to do with this! It's your fault for being so weak to not even be able to endure a normal fart in your face!" Eric sweated and tiptoed away from the murder scene. Hit and run this was right here! Ladies and gentlemen, you witness the act and deed of a true scum!

Welcome, welcome, now pay up for this horrendous scene playing in front of your not so innocent eyes and be glad to have been tainted by this! Eric wasn't heartless to leave Van there if Van was a fragile human, but Van was a full-fledged demon who had power, a longer life span and was just inhuman in every aspect so... there wasn't anything to worry about!

If only Eric knew with what pure, hopeful and positive thoughts Van came to Eric only to be disappointed, left to die and rot right there even though he was supposed to be a precious pupil of this two-faced teacher who only spit toxic lies out of his mouth that has tasted demon saliva more than once, Eric's ass would come to bite itself off.

Van would be so heart-broken and have his hatred against humans reinforced to the point that he would literally go to the human world and eradicate it! At least, that was what Eric thought would never happen.

Yet the moment Van woke up, he made up his mind. The human world... couldn't be left like this! Van would not take such a viciously planned and obvious attack lying down! With all anger pent up, Van was thoroughly disappointed in his human teacher and even the slightest bit of trust and hope has completely vanished inside Van's heart.

He was about to darken if it wasn't for Timo waiting in his room with an innocent smile greeting Van. Yes, Timo was one of the only pure one in this whole universe who wasn't faking it when he smiled so angelic. When Van saw Timo's bright aura radiating around his room, Van suddenly immediately felt at ease and all negative feelings were flushed out of him.

His golden eyes blinked sadly and his soft strands of hair fell into his face after he threw himself on his bed and stared at Timo. Catching the emotions welling up inside Van, Timo quickly became incredibly gentle and rubbed Van's head.

"What's wrong? You were so excited..." Timo only had good thoughts of wanting to comfort Van but how could he know he actually touched a sore spot full of trauma mingling together like pulsating disgusting balls? 

At the mention of being excited, Van was angry at himself for even having such naive expectations. What else should he have expected from this two-faced fake human disguised as his teacher?

Van didn't say anything and only turned away from Timo. But not enough for Timo not to be able to pat him anymore. Van still remained within the range because he liked being patted by Timo. It felt nice and comforting to have a good person console and touch him. Van would never ever let anyone disgusting as Eric touch him. The only people Van ever allowed near him were his eldest brother Nol, his second brother Lav and his best friend Van.

The Demon Lord wouldn't want to touch anyone else beside this disgusting human anyways, even Van could see how infatuated the Demon Lord was with Eric. So, Del's spot in Van's eyes fell to the lowest of the low. He had no respect for the Demon Lord anymore, but of course, Van could not openly show it.

What was more infuriating however was that Van also started to become very disappointed in Nol. His dignified, strong and amazing idol demon crown prince, was now a hungry slave wagging his tail for a human! 

In this case, Nol's position in Van's heart should've taken a dive down as well, but Van still remembered all the care Nol has given him, thus it was hard for Van to actually abandon Nol and send him to the depths of the pits of his rankings.

"Van, should we do something fun? What do you want to do? I'll do anything with you!"

Just hearing Timo's soft and pleasant voice, made Van be at ease even more. Timo was always like that, he always disregarded himself for Van's feelings and emotions. As if Van was Timo's priority. Timo was really just a good person. He would always first make others happy before even thinking about himself. Van sighed. What should he do with such a naïve walnut? Rack it open to reveal its most tender parts and have it blacken?

Van and Timo were complete opposites. While Timo was bright, friendly and positive, Van was grumpy, negative and like an emo kid. Van would never want anything to happen to Timo, but then again Van didn't want Timo to ever leave his side. So, very spoiled, a sight he would never show anyone else but Timo, he grabbed Timo's shirt and said with a puppy face, "You do anything I want?"

"Yes, of course,'' Timo's expression softened. 


"Really," Timo reassured but then the next second tried to not regret it hard. Because the moment, Van touched his hand-


He felt the surroundings bend and warp, golden strands of lights exploded everywhere. They...

They were teleporting! 

And there was only one place Van could teleport to that would spit golden sparks out since this was forbidden without the Demon Lord's permission and it was-

The Human World!

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