(BL) I just wanted to take a break, so why the script changed?!

Chapter 02 – High fever and dreams

Klaye had nightmares. His fever was higher than he thought. He turned in the bed and groaned. His whole body hurt. In a dozed state, he slowly realized, his injuries were infected, that’s caused his fever became worse.

He seemed to hear the doorbell, but his thought was too messy, he wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t. When he heard someone knocking the door, he finally crawled out from the bed.

His clothes was a mess, but it was dry. The sun brightened the room and his eyes hurt. He touched around, but couldn’t find his glasses. He vaguely remembered as if it was broken and he left it on the table in the living room…

The doorbell rang again, and the knocking didn’t stop. He slowly stood up and went out while leaning against the wall. His headache became worse from the noises.

„Stop it!” his voice was hoarse, and his throat was dry. He swallowed, but it didn’t help. „I open it… right away…” he said slowly and the knocking really stopped.

He looked around, but without his glasses, he wasn’t able to see where he left the keys. He groped around in the hall, but he couldn’t find it. His clothes became wet again from his sweat.

 When he took a step he heard the jingles. He looked down and something was in front of his legs. He bent down and grabbed it. From the touch he realized, it was his keys.

He finally opened the door and blinked to see who the man standing outside was.

„… Vincent…” he whispered, then flopped down to the ground. He felt as if someone hugged him, but his consciousness became blurred.

Now he was sure, it was just another dream. How else could that man be here? He just celebrated his engagement. Right now he had his blissful time with that bitch! Why could she has such a happy time, when he needed to go through hell?! He cried and hugged something. It was so big and cold, it felt so good.

His thought was a mess and his headache became worse from the crying. He touched that cold thing and tried to remember what it could be… It was enveloped with some fabrics and it was hard, but he didn’t remember having anything alike in his room…

He sighed, released it and turned away. Who cares, let’s sleep!

But his dream just became worse. He fell into the cold water and couldn’t come out. Something always grabbed his arms or shoulders and pushed him back. He had enough. He hit and even bit that thing, but it wasn’t let him go, the hold even became stronger… He didn’t know how long he fought, but finally, he was lifted out from the water! He was taken to a warm place and  he was able to sleep peacefully.

But his sleep didn’t last long. Something started to burn his injuries. He wanted to scratch them, but he was held down again… He really didn’t understand what kind of shitty experience it was…

After a while, the pain finally stopped. He hasn’t tormented anymore and fell into a deep sleep.

Klaye didn’t know how long he slept. Sometimes he heard Vincent calling his name, but when he looked at him, he only said ’drink some water’ or ’eat a little porridge’… After a while, he felt frustrated, but he couldn’t do anything. Why can’t I have a normal wet dream? Even now does he need to be so cold?!

Being tormented with different dreams, once he dreamed about a garden with a lot of flowers. He slowly walked around and enjoyed the warm sunlight, but suddenly a cool wind blew and all his clothes disappeared. He hugged himself and looked around. Suddenly Vincent appeared in front of him and lifted his hands. He almost touched his chest, when it turned into something wet and cold. Klaye shivered and felt that thing slowly moving on his body and touched every part of his body. He didn’t know why, originally that thing could make him feel disgusted, but when he saw Vincent’s face, he became excited.

His fever was high enough, yet his excitement made it jump higher. He wanted to touch Vincent, but something always stopped him. It was as if this invisible power tried to tell him, you could always watch but never touch. Klaye became angry and cried in his heart. At least in my dream let me have my way!

He lifted his hands again, but then he froze. He saw Vincent shake his head and heard him sighing. Klaye held his breath and waited for him to say something. He feared that his next words would toss him down to the abyss. But in the next moment, he became shocked. Vincent didn’t push him away, but touched him! His big and cold hand gently hold him and slowly moved. Klaye felt his excitement became stronger and he lifted his hands again. This time nothing stopped him, and he was able to hug Vincent’s neck. He buried his face into his chest and happily panted.

„Vin..en..” Klaye whispered while panting. He still had a high fever and his head hurt, but he didn’t care. His old wish finally came true. What’s the world’s end? What’re zombies? What’s human experiment? He didn’t mind them anymore. After this, he would be able to die happily.

„Vin..cen… ah… Vin...ent…” his body became hotter, and he felt that he would go crazy.

Klaye smelled the man’s neck and felt his own shower gel’s scent. He knew that a dream couldn’t be perfect, but it made him a little disappointed. Then he remembered, he never had the chance to go enough close to smell Vincent body’s scent. He was always afraid, he would find out his feelings and despise him.

He shook his head, then looked up to that handsome face. It was still the same, expressionless. Even in this kind of dream, he wasn’t able to make him show any feelings. He watched Vincent and his tears dropped. Klaye didn’t know if he cried from happiness or sadness.

„Vin..ent… I… ove… ou…” he slowly said out those forbidden words he hid deep in his heart.

Vincent’s hand stopped and he looked at him. His eyes were different than usual. As if he fought with something in his head. He slowly hugged Klaye with his other arm and stroked his head.

Klaye laughed foolishly, but his tears didn’t stop. He felt that he completely melted in those arms…

He moaned while released it, and fell into another happy dream. His fears for the future finally disappeared. This one dream gave him enough strength to face with everything. He felt that it was funny and mocked himself. He sold his life for so cheap…

After letting go of everything there was only one thing that made Klaye troubled. Just what kind of mess will welcome me when I wake up?

He didn’t take a shower before falling asleep and he was sure some days already passed. He sweated a lot, and there were some other things that were impossible to hold back for so long… Not to mention, he even had a wet dream… He was sure, once he woke up, he would need to throw out his bed. From that thought, he started to itch.

He really envied those protagonists, who fell into coma for a week or months, then woke up and walked out without changing clothes. I will never ever believe that they are not pissed in their pants at least once!!!

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