Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

055. Adam and Soldiers

The world blurred around the half-elf. His heart pounded furiously. His fingers twitched with magical electricity. His feet were like lightning as he barelled his way towards the figures in the distance.

‘I could get addicted to this…’

Adam, in his hastened form, that was to say Imma cast Haste on him once again. He had made a great pace towards the now growing figures, though at the end of the minute his entire body tensed up. He froze, tripped, and then tumbled into the earth.

222 -> 215

Yet, he was already so far ahead of his allies, and even Bandlor, who was unabated by the earth, was nowhere near him. Adam shambled up to his feet and then continued to bolt towards the figures in need.

As he approached he noted that there were dozens of people facing a single golem at a time. Most of them were armoured in chain mail or breast plate, and wielded shields and spears. They each wore a tabbard across their chainmail, dark grey in colour, that of Ironhall. When one golem fell, the group split in half. Half of the group went to the nearest golem, and the other half split off to reinforce the other squads.

Before Adam had even reached them, there was only one golem remaining. He slowed down as the final golem fell, crashing against the floor. A few of the soldiers had noticed him, and they marched in formation towards him, stopping some ways ahead of him. One of them, a man in breast plate, stepped forward and pointed towards Adam with his shortsword.

Adam stopped at the gesture. His eyes fell across the golems, which lay fallen, strewn all about the field. They had been defeated expertly, as though the soldiers had faced this threat countless times. Did the soldiers wield magical weapons? There was no way they'd be able to defeat the golems otherwise, unless their blades had been made of some kind of special metal.

"State your business, stranger!" The soldier remained at attention, sword pointed towards Adam.

Adam snapped out of his thoughts. "Hello! I had come to assist you against the golems, but I see that the help was not needed." Adam pointed behind him. "I'm with Sir Andal. We passed by a few days ago through the tunnel." He paused for a moment, and the soldier remained with his sword in hand. "We've finished with our task so we were planning on heading to Ironhall."

The soldier nodded his head. "Yes, I do recall such a thing." He paused for a moment and then sheathed his blade.

"Looks like we weren't needed," Jay said as he appeared, alongside Lady Elowen and Ylra. A small ways away, Andal was being escorted by Kay and Imma, as well as Rojer and Redboulder. The dwarves, though able to run large distances with little issue, did have a small issue with their speed.

"That's for the better," Adam supposed. "If the army wasn't able to deal with the golems, who could?"

"Adventurers." Jay looked to Adam.

"Oh right…"

"Looks like the fun's over," Andal said.

"It's all yer fault, elf-wench!" Redboulder grumbled. "If yeh weren't so slow to see, we would have been able to fight."

"Perhaps if you were six feet taller, you could have actually seen them." Ylra smirked. "Speaking of slow, it took you some time to catch up."

Redboulder grumbled another curse at the half-elf, but left it at that, there was nothing more he could say.

"It's good to see you return with your health, Sir Andal," the soldier said, escorting the group with his squad. He had introduced himself as Captain Billy, the leader of the twelve man squad. Billy had dark eyes, and the statue of a veteran soldier. Even his walk was confident, from years of having been a soldier.

"Aye, though we've had quite the trouble with our own golems as well," Andal said.

"So you've come across them as well?" Billy asked.

"Aye, we saw them awaken when we were making our way north. One awoke beside us, and that was quite an issue."

"How did you manage to survive?" Billy asked, not hiding the surprise in his voice.

"We managed to defeat it." Andal threw a look to Adam, who looked away. “We were fortunate.”

“Fortunate is right,” the Captain said, nodding. “We had to hire some steel ranked adventurers to assist us.” The captain pointed over to a group in the distance. They were certainly a group of adventurers. They wore a diverse assortment of armour, and carried with them all sorts of weapons. One even wore robes, no doubt a mage. Adam wondered if the army had any mages, he hadn't yet seen any.

Captain Billy led them towards a small group of soldiers. Save for one, each of them wore breasplate like the Captain. Each also wore a shortsword at their side, beside their longsword.

“Commander, Sir Andal has returned,” Billy said, thumping his chest in a salute.

The Commander was lightly armoured, wearing bits and pieces of armour across their body, their balck feathers sticking out. Adam did not know whether they were male or female, since they were of the birdfolk race. Black feathered, and black eyed, Adam assumed they were a crow or a raven. They carried a longsword at their side, a shortsword like the others, and a few rings across their fingers.

“It’s good to see you return in good health, Sir Andal.” The Commander extended a hand towards the dwarf.

Andal nodded his head and shook the Commander’s hand. “Aye. We’ve much to say with you, if you’re able.”

The Commander turned to the Captains, gave them a nod, and then they began to lead Andal and his group away. Adam followed, silent as a ghost. He looked all around, noting the soldiers who were following them. As they entered the tunnel, the Commander led them through a side tunnel, which was cool and dark. They continued past several other rooms, until finally arriving at a large open space. In the centre of the room was a large round table, with enough space to allow a dozen people to stand around it. There were a few seats stacked to the side, and the Commander motioned their hand to allow everyone to sit.

“I understand that you may be exhausted from your journey, but I have need to ask you a few questions,” the Commander said. She looked around the party, eyeing them up for a short while. The other soldiers took their place on each exit, not blocking them, but standing beside them.

Adam noted that each soldier here wore breast plate and carried a longsword at their side. They also wore tabbards, but they were black, and each wore a helmet which covered their faces in their entirety.

“I am Commander Krikee, the Commander of the North Tunnel. My role is to see to the business of everyone who makes use of the tunnel, as well as to make sure the path is safe for everyone. I’m sure you know that recently there have been some golem attacks nearby. Do you know anything about these attacks?"

“Aye, a little," Andal said. "A golem awoke beside us a little over a week ago. We managed to defeat it with some effort, and then we retreated to safety. A few more golems awoke nearby, but we remained far enough away that they did not bother us.”

Krikee’s eyes flashed across the party. “I see. Your group is large enough that you could defeat the golem with ease. Did you meet with the other group during the bout?" Krikee asked, motioning their head to Redboulder and his group.

Andal shook his head. “No. We faced the golem with the five of us. We met with the group a few days later.”

“So the five of you defeated the golem." Krikee remained focus on the party, their eyes moving along each of them, spying their weapons. “How were you able to defeat the golem when two of you couldn’t damage it?”

Andal looked to Adam and then back to Krikee. “We were extremely fortunate, for the golem was already damaged.”

“Damaged? It awoke beside you, didn’t it?” Krikee asked, unsure of how it could have been damaged already.

Andal nodded. “The golem must have sustained some damage over time, or it must have been harmed before it deactivated.”

Krikee remained deep in thought. “How did you meet with the latter group?” Their eyes fell across Redboulder and his companions. There was a suspicion in the Comamnder's gaze. Lady Elowen’s mission seemed to be quite secretive, and now they were within the grasp of a foreign military.

“They were facing a pair of guardians, distant cousins of golems, but much easier to handle. We assisted them in dealing with the threat. We are currently returning to Ironhall, in order to assist them in another matter."

Krikee turned to face the other dwarf in the room. “What is this other matter?”

Redboulder looked up towards the birdfolk Commander. “A sick child,” he replied. “We need a potion brewed tah save her.”

“May I see this child?” Krikee asked, their eyes darting between each of the group.

“We cannaeh allow that.” Redboulder shook his head.

Krikee remained silent for a moment. “I must verify that this is the truth, and the most simplest way would be for me to see this child."

“I’ve seen it,” Adam finally spoke. Krikee did not turn to face him.

“Aye, and I have too,” Andal said.

Krikee threw a glance back towards the pair of them. Their eyes scanned Adam's face first and then Andal's. They bowed their head, leaving the matter be.

“I would like to hear about your journey in greater detail," Krikee stated.

“Aye, we’ll speak with you.” Andal nodded to Redboulder, who nodded his head in return.

Adam wondered why Elowen was not taking charge. Why were they not showing the child to the Commander? He remained silent, not wanting to spill any of their secrets.

Adam and the others guided along to a common room, where six soldiers were currently relaxing. They wore chain mail, a grey tabbard, and had placed their helmets on the ground beside their left foot. They nodded towards the newcomers, who took their place at the nearby tables.

The air within the room was quite awkward, that was until a soldier retrieved a handful of dice. The dice were six sided and made of bone, with the faces marked with tiny slashes.

"Any of you want to play total?" The soldier had copper hair and hazel eyes, and was quite lean. He was young, around Adam's age, and held a going within his eyes.

"Sure," Adam said, breaking the tension. Jay joined him, walking over towards the soldiers.

"Is it just a friendly game?" Jay asked, taking a seat.

Adam shook his head. Jay was eager to lose some coin it seemed, for he was willing to wage against soldiers. Soldiers were well versed in the game of total, which was a game about rolling some dice and getting the highest number. If you rolled a double, your total would increase by one, and if you rolled a triple, your total would increase by three. Usually it would be played in three rounds, with the winner being the one who scored the highest across all the rounds. Adam was sure the soldiers knew how to roll the dice well, like charlatans.

"I don't mind taking your coin," the guard said, smiling.

"No gambling," Imma called from behind.

Jay frowned, but he made no move against the woman. "A friendly game it is."

"Arnold," the guard said, rolling his dice. "What brings you around these parts?"

"We were helping someone pick up some plants and herbs," Jay said.

12 (5, 5, 1)
9 (6, 2, 1)
13 (6, 3, 3)

The group chatted as they played. Adam had come in second, behind another soldier, who had rolled five points above him. She smiled at Adam.

"Aren't you lucky you didn't bet now?" she said.

Adam shook his head, but smiled. He looked towards Arnold, who had been asking them about their journey. "How long have you been a soldier for?" Adam asked.

"I've been a soldier for five years, coming up to six in a few months. Then I'll be able to take my officer exam." Arnold smiled at the thought.

"An officer exam?" Adam asked.

Arnold nodded. "Once you've spent six years in the field, you can take an officer exam. It's brutal. You have to complete a maths test, a written test, a history test, and the physical training."

"Sounds rough." Adam thought about how similar that sounded to his schooling.

"Yeah, you aren't kidding. I have to study for three months for the first two tests, the math and written test. If I pass those, I have to leave to study for the history test, all the while undergoing the physical training with the other potential officers."

"How many people take the test, and how many pass?"

"The first phase is the hardest. Only one in ten manage to pass that, and then half pass the remaining test. Sometimes it takes two or three tries."

"I wish you the best of luck with the test," Adam said.

"That sounds different to when my father took the test," Jay said. "There was no history test."

"Your father was in the military?" Arnold asked.

"He is." Jay nodded. "He serves with the Roving Bands."

"You don't say. My uncle is in the Roving Bands. Halfhand, they call him."

"Halfhand, I know him," Jay said with a large smile. "I met him when I was a boy, he let me shake his dead hand.

"Who is your father?" Arnold asked, intrigued.


"Battlemaster Bigclaw?"

"Yeah." Jay nodded, though he was holding back a sly smile.

The other soldiers perked up, and suddenly Jay was the most popular man in the room. Adam excused himself, withdrawing to Imma and Kay.

"I didn't realise that we were in the presence of a big shot," Adam said.

Imma furrowed her brows, not familiar with the phrase, but she nodded. "Battlemaster Bigclaw is well known in the eastern contingents, but his fame carries throughout the land."

D20 + 8 = 13 (5)

Battlemaster was quite a high rank. It was above a Captain, but below that of a General. Bigclaw's name sparked a few memories of some border disputes, which the Kingdom managed to win due to the Battlemaster's efforts.

"Jay's nothing like his father though," Imma said.

"Have you met him?"

Imma nodded. "When we first started adventuring, we were captured by him near one of the forts. We had gotten lost near the border, but he didn't give us too much trouble. Well..." She smiled to herself. "Battlemaster Bigclaw is a serious man. He gave Jay quite the talking to, and then a pretty harsh spanking. Jay couldn't sit right for two days."

Adam hadn't expected her to mean it quite so literally. "I hope I never get lost near the eastern borders," he said.

"He's a fair man. I'm sure if you mention Jay's name, he'll be quite lenient. Well, as long as you aren't doing anything illegal."

"Illegal? Me?" Adam joked. Adam had spoken with the group whilst they had been travelling. He knew a few things about them, their ages and how long they had been adventuring, but he never asked much more. "How did the three of you meet?"

"I grew up in a small town, Little Grove. We met at the academy within the town. Little Grove isn't known for much, but the academy is one of the best in the Kingdom. Jay was sent there to study by his father. He was sent to the martial campus, and I studied in the magical campus. Jay was too stupid to learn in the magical academy, obviously, but he excelled in the martial academy. Kay was in the martial academy too." Imma looked to Kay, as though to ask permission.

"Kay was fostered by Jordan, Battlemaster Bigclaw," she explained. "She and Jay grew up together from when they were babies. Jordan had some issues with the orcs, and so when he beat them back, he took Kay as his… ward."

Adam could tell she meant hostage. His eyes from to Kay, whose expressions were like stone, unable to be read.

"Jay and Kay graduated together, and they were looking for a mage. I graduated around the same time, and though I wanted to become a town mage, well…" Imma looked to Jay, who was currently in a mad chatter with the other soldiers. "I was stupid enough to follow the idiot."

Adam spent a long moment looking at the way she gazed at Jay.

D20 + 1 = 3 (2)

He had no idea what the look was.

"Once we're steel ranked, well head back to our homes and then find some stable positions there," the mage said.

"Oh?" Adam asked. "Why is that?"

"A steel ranked mage can become a town mage without any issues. A steel ranked martial could become the Captain or Commander of a town guard."

"Oh," Adam replied back. He had recalled something about towns making deals with adventurers before, he wondered if this was the same. "How much is the pay for a town mage?" Adam asked, unsure of how rude it was to ask.

"Usually it's a percentage of some of the taxes, plus a monthly stipend of a hundred gold pieces."

Adam whistled. "That's a pretty penny."

"It's a costly business. Most mages retreat to the wilderness to study once they have enough coin. I'm not interested in becoming a hermit though."

"How much does a guard Captain make?"

"Depends on the town or city, but at least fifty gold pieces a month. There are bonuses to such positions too, like free armour, weapons, housing, food, and much more."

Adam nodded. That sounded like a pretty cosy job. He kept that in mind for when he would retire, once he had explored his fill of the world.

"What about you?" Imma asked, breaking Adam's thoughts. "What do you want to do?"

"Right now I just want to adventure," Adam replied

"Why do you adventure?" Imma asked.

"To make a lot of gold and to explore the world."

"A wanderer," Imma said.

"Yeah, something like that."

"If you ever want to retire, Little Grove is a wonderful place. I'm sure someone with your skill set could easily become someone influential. You could even find work in a city."

"I'm not sure." Adam shrugged. "I just want to adventure and explore. Having influence isn't my cup of tea." Imma cocked her head, unsure of what he meant. "It's not something I like," Adam explained.

"You sound like Kay," Imma said, frowning. "You don't want influence either." She looked to Kay. "What's with the pair of you? Is it because you're not wholly human?"

"It must be our non-human halves," Adam joked, nodding his head.

"Must be it. Elves don't usually get wanderlust, except the wild elves. Though it's even stronger for orcs. Don't you guys usually go from one place to the next?" Imma leaned her head into her hand as she looked at the half-orc.

They remained like this for some time, listening to Jay’s stories about his father. Some of them were quite wild, though Adam was sure that he was putting it on.

“Are you ready to leave?” Andal asked, appearing from within the tunnel. Adam had heard the man arrive. Dwarves weren’t known for their stealthy approach, especially in their heavy armour.

“Did everything go well?” Adam asked, throwing a quick glance towards Krikee.

Andal nodded, and with that they said their goodbyes to the soldiers, and made their way to Ironhall.


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I'll be drafting up the next two chapters, plus a few more works, over the day.

I hope you liked the chapter!

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