Besides forever

Chapter 2: chapter 2 clumsiness

Lorraine Lauren's POV🦋~

" you think he's married", my co-worker giggled into her perfectly manicured nails

"Who cares , as long as he has no ring around his finger", another girl said bumping into her friend playfully before giggles filled the entire room

They are having a blast after our chairman suddenly retired and his son took over....heck the whole world is going berseck

He was on the news , on news papers , all over the internet and was even featured on Forbes magazine....multiple times

And to say his fanbase is all over the world is an can resist a blue eyed , 6'4 mascular guy with snowhite hair

"I heard he called you over to his office , what , did you save the universe in your past can you be so lucky", my best friend Sara Lee said in her usual loud hoarse voice ignoring the judmental stares our other co-workers shot at her....

I just shook my head smiling down at documents spread across my desk

"How can you be so relaxed when God's best work is calling for you . You better pray to Jesus thanking him for making you that stud's personal assistant", she added leaning forward towards me with her pink nails on her hips

I stood up , piled up a few papers and turned to face my bubbly blonde asian friend....I slightly smiled and brushed past her shoulder to the CEO's office

I was a 100 % sure my smile would throw her off from her noticing my internal mental nervous state breaking the background I could hear Sara rasping to our two other co-workers excitedly , giggling, wheezing about how hot our new CEO is....if only they knew

Every step past offices and meeting room raised my blood pressure.....every minute through the long corridor spelled his name in caps with a hint of danger on edge....every fast heartbeat meant we'll finally be together again....alone

I stood outside his door with the words in caps reading CEO on it

I wiped the sweat dripping off my palm on my skirt and knocked softly....with no answer from the office I shifted my hand to the golden handle . Slowly and gently I pushed the door forward and braced myself for his deep blue eyes that seemed to lazer through anything , and sure enough there they were....right behind his desk....

His eyes descended up to my face as soon as I stood halfway into his brighly illuminated office

The glass wall behind him blinding me making only his silhouette visible from my standing

I didn't even know how much time had passed when I was standing in the middle of the door....our eyes were on each other after 5 years since our last meeting...5 years since he vanished from my life....5 years since we signed off to spend the rest of our lives together

He finally husband...the youngest brother of the Negan brothers

I flashed a smile...hoping to break the quiet atmosphere hovering above us

He didn't return the smile...and he didn't wear the ring . Although hurt...I maintained my smile and finally stepped into his office , slammed the door behind me and just stood there....kind of hoping for a hug or a warm smile....anything at all to show he was as happy as I was for seeing him

But all I got was a cold hostility

"Lorraine Lauren....who let you in", he said in his usual monotone....his voice not to deep , not to low....but stable enough to let me know there's not gonna be any hugs or smiles , strictly business

"Oh I'm sorry Ryle , I just let myself's just a habit from the previous CEO...."

I had managed to say but was cut off by his smirk

He gently leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table

"I'm not the previous CEO , am I . And we're NOT close enough to call each other by our first names ", he said lowering his voice dangerously low I had to wince to hear him clearly

"I'm sorry sir and....", I blurt out

"Now get out and knock like you're supposed to", he cut me off

I bowed and turned in shame...wishing it was all a nightmare

Despite the shame I had managed to grab the handle...feeling his eyes glued to my back...but as soon as I was turning the door knob the door flew open from the outside with so much strength that it hit me on the face and knocked me down

I fell on my back scattering the papers all over the creamwhite carpet

My head ached and my nose was blocked with pain...and I'm pretty sure blood

My hand rushed up to my nose before I even raised my head . But as I did my eyes met with a tall woman standing at my feet....she looked down at me with worry in her green obits

"Are you okay hunny , I am so sorry I didn't know you were on the other side", she said extending her long pale hand to me

I reached for it and she helped me up....I didn't care for how short I was until I stood beside her...I was at her shoulder length even in heels

"I'm fine , thank you", I voice barely above a whisper

"Leave her alone , Alicia...she said she's fine", I heard Ryle say behind me

"I'm so sorry", she softly said before leaving my side . Her red stilettos careful not to step on my papers all over the carpet , she gracefully walked around Ryle's perfectly organised table to his seat...she bent down and planted a passionate kiss on his lips

"Hey babe", she said after cutting their kiss short but still leaned in on his face

"Aren't you LEAVING , miss Lauren", Ryle asked ignoring the woman

Trying so hard not to cry I went on my knees and carefully picked up my papers....maybe with my eyes on the ground he won't see tears welling up in my eyes

After hastily picking the papers up...I stood on my feet and backed away from them with my eyes still on the ground

I turned...grabbed the knob , turned it and exited the office

Although hesitant I stood outside the door for the second time and knocked softly from the outside

After what seemed like a decade , a loud come in echoed from the office

Again I gently entered the office and stood across them with my papers on my hands

"I'm sorry to disturb you mr Negan but you have some papers to review", I said in squint whisper

"LOUDER", he screamed

"I'm sorry to disturb you mr Negan but you have some papers to review ", I repeated louder

Seeing his hand wave at me to bring the papers over , I half ran to him

But it seems luck was never merciful

My pointy heel got caught under the carpet as I was trying to run and I felt my body slowly descend to the ground

My head hit first....then came the loud thud of my body

With no time to process....I scrambled to my feet and saw my papers raining down on us

I have no absolute idea of why I chose to look at Ryle at that moment but I did...I expected to see his face red with anger...or him ruffling his white hair in frustration but what I saw was not even close

A calm a cold interior was all I could see....his eyes staring lazily at me and lips in a staight line

"Out", he just voice came out...just cold fog blowing from his mouth....I didn't need him to say that twice....I literally flew away from the floor

Should I have just quit right there and then....I have naver felt so humiliated like that

And I guess for that....I have to blame my clumsiness

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