Believe In The Weird and Wild (Star vs. the Forces of Evil x Steven U)

Chapter 163: Chapter 148: A Sibling Bond Spanning Dimensions


All dimensions

"How are we doing, lads?" Rainbow asked the little ones, spinning them on top of their umbrella. "We havin a good old rally of fun?"

"Awwah!" Little Mariposa cheered, flopping around on the makeshift ride.

"Looks like this little Butterfly is ready to fly! Isn't that right, Meteora?" He gestured to the half Mewman baby, who giggled and clapped at the sight of her playmate enjoying herself as he lightly juggled her in the air. 

"Thanks for coming Rainbow, we really appreciate it." Star said with a smile.

"Ain't no problem at all, Pearl's happy to help Steven however she can after holding a secret like that for so long." As mentally jarring as the experience was, the two finally seemed to have bridged a gap in their relationship that had lingered between them since they met. "And Steven knows how much stress Marco puts himself through trying to keep Meteora pacified."

"That's…putting it…lightly.." Marco himself responded, covered head to toe with bite marks and scratches while Kelly provided him with an ice pack. "Why do I put myself through these hardships?"

"Because your sister gets antsy if she doesn't see Meteora at least twice a week and Eclipsa pays good money for babysitting." Kelly responded bluntly, gently moving Steven Jr from one of the cribs they snuck into onto their floor pillow.

"Ah yes, young friendship, how charming." The fusion noted, letting the two children fall into their arms as the girls hugged. "They're going to grow up to be incredible people."

"Yep, people that don't hate by differences and appearances." Star cooed as she rubbed their tiny heads. "Mariposa's not much of a surprise, she's a Diaz. All of them eventually accept the weirdness."

"Yep, she definitely has the gentle soul of dad." Marco held out his puppet finger, which was hugged adorably by the little girl.

Meteora hissed, only for Kelly to hand over a bat shaped doll. "And Meteora is pretty much a prime example of nurture over nature, she just likes biting more than the average baby."

"The playful mischievousness of Eclipsa no doubt." Rainbow laughed as he gently rocked the little tykes. "Now now, my little angel and hellion, it's time to sleep now." They gave off cute yawns, gently resting their eyes as the two of them placed the children down. After making a hand motion, they quietly exited the room. "And like that, your little ones are rested."

"Nice one." Marco nodded. "I'm gonna go ice these wounds, Star, you divide up the money."

"Ahhh, fresh hundreds, I almost forgot what you felt like for a second." The former princess began shuffling the stack of bills. "A solid eight hundred, troubling as she might be, Eclipsa's sure knows how to pay."

"Wait, wasn't there the whole 'missing vault' thing?" Kelly asked. "Where did she get all this money?"

"We already excused the attempts to free Globgor and I hate Mewni enough as it is." Star grunted towards the Woolet. "Don't pile on more reasons." 

"Honestly, when you've dealt with as many queens as Pearl has, you learn to take the good and bad where you can find it." The gem shrugged. "Eclipsa was high up for practicality and lack of standards." So like Pearl. Meh, accurate.

"Sounds about right." Kelly mulled. "So…since your half Steven, shouldn't you be Rainbow Diamond instead of Quartz?"

"The old rose called it Rainbow Quartz, and Quartz was Steven's old name. I like to think it fits." The fusion shrugged. "Besides, I think we've all learned that our heritage doesn't define who we are as people."

"No matter how annoying it is to acknowledge it." Star sighed. "So how's the reveal been for you, being half Pearl?"

"Pearl already knew everything, it's mainly just a weight being lifted from her and placed onto Steven … so not much has changed." Rainbow gave a 'so so' motion with their hand. "The only real difference is that they understand each other far better than before, so forming right now… it's like a broken pipe being sealed up slightly. Not completely perfect, but everything is working better."

"Another relationship improved." Kelly muttered, staring at the door. "Maybe if we work all this out we can make a book for kids about how to not fuck up their lives."

"Huh, an author, never thought about it before now." Star rubbed her chin introspectively. "I've made my own book of spells, this sounds promising."

"It's better than the alternative of therapist Marco." It was nice watching the two girls laugh it out … even if the topic concerned the Pearl half to no end.

"Anyway, I believe it's time to split." They hugged Star. "It was nice seeing you again Sis."

"Nice seeing you two Rainbow, thank you for being a stable fusion." Star chuckled. "We need more of them with Garnet being a no show."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that." Rainbow waved off. "Sapphire and Ruby just need their space to grow on their own, like Kelly and Steven did. In fact, Ruby's currently taking a mini vacation of her own."

"Oh yeah, I haven't seen her in a while." Kelly noted. "You think she's out in the Neverzone like Marco does sometime?"

"Probably not. She said something about calmly trotting the desert heat while putting on a cowboy hat." Man, being a cowboy sounds so cool!


Ruby rode on through the desert. A lone ranger looking for adventure … alone … with nothing but her horse. "Hey, so how long are we going to keep moving in a straight line?" Amethyst, shapeshifted into her horse, asked as they trotted forward. "Because that's all we've been doing for two days."

"A Lone Ranger can do nothing but move forward." Ruby idly mumbled as she adjusted her hat to give herself that mysterious stranger vibe. "There's nothing for the Lone Ranger behind, no past to anchor the Lone Ranger down, just the open road that lays ahead."

"Yeah, but keep going forward and we're gonna reach the ocean at this rate." Amethyst grunted with a horse whine. "And Greg can only follow behind us with desert music for so long."

Ruby looked behind and saw Greg's van, the man himself slowly driving as he let the radio play. "Huh..actually forgot he was behind us this entire time."

"Yeah, he's surprisingly low maintenance for a human." Amethyst noted. "But he's gonna run out of gas and food at some point." She turned her head directly to her. "Come on Rubes, we've talked the first time you and Sapphire split. Spill the beans, what's eating ya?"

"It's just …" They turned. "I already did this whole dance and routine. Back when Steven wasn't here and Sapphire split up and we were away for a long while … so I should've discovered who I was back then." Ruby looked at her own hands. "Am I so obsessed with fusion that I became the type of problem Garnet was always trying to tell everyone to avoid? Heck, two days ago I ate a pizza and realized how much I enjoyed it, not how much we enjoyed it." She sighed.

"Well you definitely needed the break." Amethyst muttered. "But are you sure walking in the middle of nowhere with no one to talk to is the solution?"

"In hindsight, I may have jumped the gun with the cowboy shtick, but at the time, it sounded good." Ruby responded. "Not having someone else's thoughts or opinions guiding every decision I make sounded relieving." She turned to her teammate. "How do you do it? Get so comfortable with being yourself all the time?"

"It helps that I don't have anyone to be someone else with." She bluntly answered. "I started off having no identity for who I was back at that kindergarten, so over half of my life I spent trying to make one by myself."

"So you got comfortable with being alone." Ruby summarized. "With homeworld, with Sapphire, I was always with someone else...the thought of being alone scares me to my core." 

 "Well, the thing that mainly helped is just having friends. Just because you aren't fused doesn't mean you have to be alone." Amethyst added. "Look at Greg over there, he never fused yet he's far from alone."

"I guess that's true …" She glanced at the man jamming in a van. "He seems pretty content … and Kelly made friends in another dimension when she left …"

"And the kids made their own crazy group of like minded troublemakers in the meantime." Amethyst chuckled. "Even Lapis and Peridot, the most antisocial gems we know, live together in a barn with a living flirt dispenser and a mobile pumpkin." The purple gem laughed. "Anytime you need space, there's always going to be someone out there willing to listen."

"Yeah, that is true." She never really thought about it much, but the truth was that they had a lot more friends and family than they realized. "I still do like being with Sapphire though. I'd like for us to both still be together and apart at the same time."

"Why don't you just get married?" Greg asked, leaning out of the window. "I know me and Rose never did it, but Steven already has this big book he showed me and-"

"Already thinking about someone else's wedding and not your own?" Amethyst snickered, only for the man to be weirdly quiet. "Wait, are you..?"

"Not yet, though it's been on our minds for a while." The man admitted. "It's a discussion, I'd like to save up just a little more for expenses, and we're nowhere NEAR ready to move that fast." He gave a small chuckle. "Maybe in a few months, when the Rose drama has dried up just a little."

"It's funny you think that's a well that can dry up." Amethyst deadpanned. "Life's too short to play it safe, and everyone's too stubborn to do so anyways."

"Those are good points, both of them." Ruby thought out loud. "I'll definitely keep it in mind." It would be an even bigger commitment than just fusion, and Ruby needed to be sure it was one that she was ready to put on herself.

"Well it's your choice." Greg nodded. "As long as you think long and hard about … hey, are those clouds heading our way?" He pointed to a pitch black sky.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot this was tornado valley." Amethyst muttered.

"Tornado what now?" Ruby asked.

"You said you wanted to get away from it all, especially a 'scorching desert with a light chance of life threatening danger'."

"Amethyst, I don't have any protection!" Greg shouted. "I have a van!" This reminded Ruby of how much she also came to rely on Sapphire's future vision to protect herself. Looks like just a little more time alone was required to get over that.


Marco finished wrapping up his injuries, waving to Pearl as she left the door. "You know, there was a time she hated us … times have changed."

"I'm not sure if you mean Pearl or Meteora, because both fit pretty accurately." Kelly stated, which was a fair point."

"Besides Toffee, Jasper, and Mina, we have a solid track record with dealing with our bad guys peacefully." Steven said with a smile. "I really like that we have the ability to just talk out our problems."

"Even the Mewmans as a whole are willing to be just a little bit less jerkish to the new status quo." Star said as she laid down. "One or two families have actually moved back into the kingdom. So all there's left to do is stop Eclipsa from doing something stupid, and we'll be free of Mewman problems for good."

"Easier said than done." Marco noted, before pausing. "Didn't Eclispa ask us to do something?"

"Oh right, the pic of sleeping Meteora!" Star remembered. "She said she'd add an extra thousand if we can get a pic of them cuddling in their sleep."

"I'll just pretend she worked hard for that thousand instead of most likely stealing it and my conscience will be cleared enough." Steven said as he got out a camera.

"Alright, let's be quiet though." Marco said. "I don't wanna wake the little guys up … so flash off." He stared at Steven.

"I know how to do that." Steven pouted. "... It's the gray button right?"

"They're all gray." He reminded the boy.

"Well sorry, most stuff I used to own runs on magic." Steven muttered as he fiddled with the device.

"Chill bro, I got it." Star turned the switch that was on top as they entered the nursery. "Hey there my … little … munchkin …" Star's voice slowly trailed off from a quiet and cute pacifying to an even and horrified shock. Which made sense … considering the giant red portal in front of them.

"Ahhh! Neverzone portal!" Marco rightfully freaked out as he immediately feared the worst case scenario, running over to the crib…and flipped it over. "They're gone! How did this happen!?"

"Marco." He turned to Steven, who was holding up his shattered wallet, and the discarded scissors hanging out of them.

"But … but …" The boy's mind was scrambling. "Why would they even THINK about the neverzone!?" The scissors only functioned when you thought of a place after all.

"Most likely scenario, Meteroa got a hold of it, and wanted to sink her teeth into something dangerous." Kelly guessed. "Guess something in that baby head of hers still recalls locations."

How many minutes have they been in there? How many years? How long would it take for something to hurt his baby sister? "We're going in after them."

"No duh!" Star shouted. "Come on, let's..!"

"No way!" Steven shouted. "I've already gone through there one time, and I spent my entire birthday being the wrong age!"

Marco liked to think he calmly, and rationally, began attempting strangling the half gem. "If my baby sister is hurt I am going to rip out that diamond pointed gem and shove it through your lungs!!"

The boy responded by glowing pink and punching Marco through a wall. Almost forgot about the power gap between them for a second. "I'm sorry, I really am, but while the Neverzone may have been the best day of your life, it was one of the worst experiences for me!"

Kelly, in a weird switch up of how this type of situation played out, pacified and calmly eased her boyfriend into breathing calmly. "Hey, it's gonna be alright … remember how we got through the Neverzone last time?"

"Sticking together and watching each other's backs at all times?" Steven asked.

"Exactly. Neither of us are going to be alone there." She held Steven's face affectionately. "In fact, if you're really uncomfortable with this, you don't have to do it as you … we can do it as us." Kelly gave Steven a knowing nod.

"Are you sure?"

"Mostly … I need to have more faith in us … in Kurtz if we're serious about doing this right."

"Kurtz …" He noticed Star tense her hands, but kept a smile on her face. "Sure, sure … yeah, this is fine. Alright, you two do your thing, I'm gonna help Marco up." Star went to the hole Marco was in, and slapped the back of his head. "That's for threatening my brother. I know your worried, but that's a line you never cross."

"Sorry, my sister is on the line and every instinct is screaming 'jump in consequences be damned.'" He answered with a wince. "Really hope the time difference fixes my ribs." Marco saw a flash out of the corner of his eye. "Sorry you have to deal with … that."

"Ugh, it's fine. If they're trying to do good by the relationship, then the least I can do is not harp on it." Star grumbled as they turned to the fusion. "Ready?"

"To kick ass, take names, and save babies? You don't even have to ask." Kurtz smirked, looking slightly more jovial than the last time they saw them.

"Good, we don't have a second to lose."


Kurtz was … alright. It wasn't perfect, but they were around, Steven and Kelly didn't feel nearly as bad about themselves, and Star … seemed somewhat restrained. So a single trip was a good starting point, even if their insides felt squirmy at the moment in stress. This place still gives me the creeps. I'd hoped to never come back here again. "So, what's the plan, oh master of-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!?"

Kurtz had vague memories of what happened in the Neverzone, three years giving them a minimal understanding of the layout … but they don't remember Marco like this. He was a few inches taller than Kurtz, who was taller than Garnet, which alone was an indicator of how long he's been here. His hair was lighter, a few gray hairs popping out of his cap, an M shaped scar was marked on his chest, just above his abbs … and his right arm was completely gone , replaced by machinery. "I got older." The adult responded like it was nothing.

"Ah…Ah…" Star was slapping herself silly with red all over her face, likely conflicted between the horrible scars on her boyfriend's body and the abbs she was staring at like a piece of meat. "Why's your arm gone?"

"Oh, when we were fighting the body empire … Monster Arm came back." Marco explained with a growl. "So I ripped them off with good old lefty, and replaced my arm with this high tech replica." He displayed it by shape shifting it into a cannon, a sword, and a mirror phone. "The one thing it can't do is make coffee …"

That is so cool! I'd like it more if it didn't look so painful to attach. Should we get a robot arm?  It was pleasant to hear the two be more agreeable in their head, so the trip so far wasn't utter hell. "Okay, so considering at best we can assume they entered the portal when Rainbow put them in the room, that gave them around three to four minutes ahead of us."

"Which means six to eight years." Marco noted, walking over to a blue light … and crushing it. "Pixie guts, perfect for a ritual summoning." He said, placing it on a skull. "If there's anyone who keeps an eye on who comes in and out of here … it's her."

"Her who? Heckapoo?" Star asked.

"No. In my earlier years in the Neverzone, I had to rely on the kindness of strangers for the longest while. It usually ended with a knife in my back."

"Oowch." Kurtz winced.

"Luckily, I found a ritual that would let me summon the goddess of combat, who is surprisingly fair and nice compared to the rest of this place."

"Wait, we're summoning a goddess!?" Star shouted, only for lighting to strike down in front of them, the flash vanishing to show a dark skinned woman, with purple locks of hair, and muscles that put Marco's to shame. Their outfit consisted of plants and animal bones. "... Does everyone here just have … gorgeous abbs?"

"Whoa, giant woman." Kurtz tried to hide the blush forming on their face. They weren't sure if the Steven or Kelly side was more attracted to this absolutely stunning Amazon.

"Greetings once more, Yammy!." She spoke, pulling out a battle ax. "What quest are we on for today!?"

"Yammy?" The two of them asked Marco.

"Nickname, don't ask." He grumbled. "Brunzetta, I'm looking for two young girls, who came in about six to eight years ago."

"Hmm." She hummed. "There's an elder five lands to the east, she may have the answers you seek." Brunzetta aimed their weapon in the direction. "Shall we go?"

Marco chuckled. "Sorry, this is a family matter, I'd rather not have anyone else get involved."

The woman blinked, before the ground started to crack with their glare. "Did you call me for directions? "

"No, I wouldn't do something as trivial as that." He laughed nervously. "I came to … to … also introduce you to my friends!" Even as a fifty-sixty year old badass, Marco was a complete dork. "This is Star, my best friend."

"Crush me with your abs." Steven's sister said in a trance like tone, oblivious to the outside world around them.

"This is the girl you had fantasies about one day returning to, Yammy?" Brunzetta asked with a smirk. "Never took you to like the scrawny type, or for jailbait." Damn, that's a sick burn. And funny.

"Time dilations, it's a whole thing." He waved off. "Also she has enough magic power to blast a Septari to dust."

"Wow, talk about Star powered." They chuckled, pulling the girl into a one sided hug as she let out a giggle. "And what about your hot friend over there?"

"H-Hot?" Is she talking about us? She thinks we're hot? This was the first time they were ever flirted with, and as such had no genuine response.

"That's Kurtz, a fusion of my two other friends." The boy responded. "Steven and Kelly."

"Oh, so they got both sets." The goddess sent her a wink. "Just upped yourself to an eight … maybe a nine if you let your hair grow out."

Quick, you two flirt all the time, what do I say!? Say something nice about her muscles! Make her acknowledge that you value her strength and confidence! "I would like to punch things with your muscles." They nodded almost robotically.

Crap, that was bad! She's going to think we're lame! "Nice sense of humor…and a fighter …" Brunzetta let out a purr that pushed every button Kurtz had, even the ones they didn't know existed. "You know, if you're not too busy later, I wouldn't mind punching a few things with you too."

"I can't tell if this is a good thing or not." They could idly hear Marco say to Steven's sister.

"This is the least egotistical they've been in a long while, I call this a win." Star muttered. "Even if it means I can never lay claim to those abbs …"

"Well I'd love to punch you later-punch THINGS with you later, but now we got to make sure that Yammy's sister hasn't been turned into minced meat."

"Mariposa!" Marco shouted, as if remembering the problem at hand. "Nachos, come to me!" He called, as a dragocycle came out of nowhere, engine/throat roaring out.

"Heh, classic Yammy, also heading into one problem after another." Bruzetta laughed as she brought Kurtz closer to her, and the fusion could feel just how thick and firm the goddess's body was. So tall. So strong. She smells like nature and confidence. "Knock some head in for me, would ya kindly, Kurtzy?~."


"Will do Brunzetta." They nodded so fast it felt like their head would pop off. Was this what love felt like? We would feel insulted in any other situation.  Wait, do you like her? Don't you? Is this what goes on in Fluorite's head? Looks like there was hope for this fusion's existence.


Grob looked down at their latest pot. "Five spiders, three centipedes, and a fish for Hsh." She noted.

"Release me, and I shall grant you a wish." The fish flopped about.

"I wish for you to be our meal." Bork deadpanned as they drove a wooden stake through the head, and tossed it over to their overprotective but loving cat.

"Grrrrr." Hsh tore into the sea creature immediately, scales and bones flying everywhere. 

"This would be a whole lot easier if Mama just stabbed a bear for us. Not only is it a free meal for a week, we get new fur coats for the winter." Bork mumbled.

"Come on, you know how busy she is." Grob pouted. "She already does so much for us, we need to be more self reliant for her sake." She smirked and pointed to her razor sharp teeth. "Besides, it gives me more chances to test out these babies." Nothing like biting down your prey as they squirmed in fear and terror.

"I never understood why you have such an obsession with biting." Bork noted. "Like, I get you're half monster, but shifters don't chew their food, they outgrow it."

"I like texture. I like savoring every bite of meat I can get my hands on." She waved off. "It's like when Mama gives you sugar cubes and you suck on them as slowly as possible."

"Meh, I guess you have a point there." She noted. "We have to ration this then … at least until we can get more prey."

"That's not going to happen." Grob pointed out. "Everyone knows who our Mama is, who would be stupid enough to show up near our territory?"

"Why didn't you tell us you knew a hot goddess!?" A voice shouted out, sending the duo on edge. "More importantly, why didn't you ever mention how jacked her bod is!?"

"We already had so many weird relationships with gods as it is, I didn't feel like dumping it on you when you guys have been hounding me not to come back here." Responded the male voice.

"I don't know, she offered to help and she's really easy on the eyes." Spoke a third voice that they couldn't identify what gender it belonged to. "I definitely wouldn't mind coming back here if she's around."

"That could actually be a nice change of pace." The male voice noted, as the two of them set up their cloak, Hsh forming the hand of the 'hagged woman'. "Kurtz gets some time as themselves, and Steven and Kelly don't have to experience this nightmare zone personally."

"And they get all those abs to themselves." The female voice grumbled. "Are they even comfortable with that?"

"They're not into adding romance into the mix … but they definitely find that woman attractive as heck, so I'll play it by ear, keep it casual." The third voice noted, as the figure, now noted as a bushy haired pinky, came from the bushes, staring at their brilliant disguise. "Marco, have you ever encountered a cloaked sage with a cat head as a hand?"

"Do they have fifteen eyes and a golden aura?"

"Nope, just four." The female of the group pointed to them. "Please for the love of corn don't let this be a cat finger situation."

"What do you seek, travelers?" Grob asked with, in her opinion, a spot on raspy voice.

"We come seeking aid." Spoke an old man with a robot arm and a chest scar, bowing down. For some reason, Grob felt the need to rip off his other arm. "We seek a human girl with a mole on her cheek, my sister." They already were going to die for that lie alone. "And a half Mewman, half monster, who is this girl's …" They paused. "… Distant cousin?"

"That's the simplest way to explain it without getting into the messy details." The blonde nodded. "Anyway, they'd be around our age, maybe a bit younger."

"Hsss." Hsh hissed at them.

"My companion senses regret and hesitation. If you wish to seek them you must complete a trial." Sending them in a death quest seemed simple.

"Huh, that cat head seems familiar." The third figure narrowed their gaze at them. "One eye, blue pupil….Steven jr?!"

"Steven what now?" They asked.

"Oh my corn, we forgot about Steven Jr! My baby must have been so lonely!" The blonde said in shock, before her eyes widened. "Lion is gonna kill us!" Who was 'Lion'?

The strange androgynous figure approached dangerously close. "Steven Jr, it's me, Steven's fusion, don't you remember?" Hsh responded by pulling out her glock with their tail, cocking it with their mouth. "I don't know if that's more cute or frightening." 

"Oh be afraid…be very afraid! " Seeing as these weirdos were going to be stubborn, they threw off the cloak and had Bork adjust the skull helmet as she rode on their back, growing out her six arms and letting her wings lift her up in the sky.

"A mewman … Meteora!?" The man shouted in shock. "If she's here, then Mariposa must be nearby!"

"You guys know some really weird names!" Bork announced as she stood on top of her back. "Do is a favor and say those names anywhere else!"

"Plus side, they're all okay!" The androgynous thing created a pink shield, blocking Hsh's bullets and her lasers. "Negative side, we might not be!"

"Look, if you just listen to us, then you'll know that..!" Grob didn't give the girl a chance to finish as her hands glowed green, blasting the intruder with a sticky slime that pinned her to a wall. "Huh, she's pretty well trained in magic, good for her."

"Mama taught me well!" Grob shouted, continuing the aerial assault on the group.

"How did Eclipsa find out before us!?" The androgynous figure asked.

"Again with the made up names? I'm going to start feeling insulted if you people keep this up!" Bork flipped off her back and kicked the old man right into his scarred chest. "Don't think just because you're old I'll take it easy on you! I've tangled with geezers far better than you!"

"Listen to us!" He shouted, his metal arm changing into a shield. "We know where you came from, I'm your brother Mariposa! You have to believe me, we even share the same mole!" He pointed to a dot on his face.

"If I had a gold coin for every monster I fought that had a mole.." Bork mumbled before her eyes went wide. "Actually, I would only have two coins, but it's weird that it happened twice."

"Bork, what have we talked about!?" She shouted. "The battlefield is not the place for existentialism!" Yet they kept getting caught in it anyway.

"Tell that to half of every enemy we fight!" The androgynous figure floated towards the blonde, and slashed her out of the gooey trap she was on with a pink sword. "Quite the sticky situation we've landed in, huh sis?"

"Alright, snark is one thing, but please stay away from puns. Even Steven can't make it funny." The blonde deadpanned. "Listen to us, you two, we can talk this out!"

"The last person to talk it out was a blue genie that tried to eat us with his stomach!" Bork pulled out a crossbow and began shooting it at the girl.

"Mega Cupcake Blast" The blonde shot multiple warm and delectable looking objects towards the approaching weapon.

"You have magic too?" Grob stopped fighting, but kept her distance. "I thought it was just me and a few deities … and Mama."

"No, I have it and you have it because we're both Butterfly's!" The blonde twirled into the air and showed off her own flying form with golden wings. "I know it's been years for you and you don't remember, but the last thing we'd ever try to do to you is lie!"

"And how are we supposed to trust you!?" She shouted. "What proof do you have that you won't try to eat us like everyone else!"

"I can vouch for them." They all turned to the warm voice that kept them safe for all these years.

"Mama!" Grob and Bork shouted with smiles.



"Gotta say, you guys took your sweet time getting here." Hekapoo looked down at a nonexistent watch on her wrist. "You were off by two minutes."

"I … what …" Marco looked like he was having a breakdown. "If you knew they were here why didn't you bring them back!?"

"Well in Bork's case.."


"My kid that I raised, I named them."

"Wait." Bork turned to her with confusion. "Is … that my real name?" She asked with hesitation.

"Yes!" Star yelled in exasperation. "That's what we've been telling you the whole time."

"It's … horrible." Their daughter gave a gag. "Ugg, seriously, Bork is so much better." Glad to see her taste wasn't messed up.

"I legitimately didn't know that she was your sister until she was ten, that's when the resemblance kicked in with the face and mole." Probably should've kicked in a lot sooner with the girl's fascination with martial arts.

"So you're my … my real brother." The young girl stared hesitantly at Marco.

"Yes, I am." The teen in an old man's body tried to reach out, only for her second adopted doubt to attempt to bite off his only good hand left.

"Back off!" Grob stood in front of him, glaring. "I don't care if you're family, I still don't trust you! Any time I see your face, some instinctually part of me I didn't even know existed screams unholy thoughts of rage and mutilation as I seek to ruin your entire life."

"Calm down, Grob, you can beat him up all you want later." Heckapoo ruffled the half monster girl's head, making her tail wag like a puppy. "As for Grob, it was much more obvious, but I chalked up her being here to Eclipsa being a bad parent."

"You seem strangely…more friendly to her than I assumed you would be." The third figure, that Heckapoo's guessed was one of those fusion things Marco mentioned once stated.

"Well at first I thought this would be a sort of do over on taking care of the growing threat she was, but she was hugging Bork when I found them, so I couldn't just separate the two, and then one thing led to another, and I now have two strong and capable daughters."

"But Rhombulus said that you had no maternal instincts and that you were terrible with kids." The probable fusion said with confusion.

"What example did he use?" She would be having roasted snakes tonight.

"Something about leaving Festiva on top of a bloodthirsty dragon?"

"Oh come on." Bork waved off. "That's just 'raising a child' basics. Put them next to a dangerous creature to learn how to kill it." See, they got it!

"Anyways, I spent the last fourteen years keeping them safe and teaching them everything they needed to survive." She told the kids. "And we've just kinda been a big family since."

"What about Steven Jr?" Star pointed to the cat, reloading their gun meticulously.

"Oh, Hsh? It followed me back home when I picked the two up. Wasn't doing anyone harm, so I let her stick around." She petted the tiny feline. "I may be a cat person after all."

A pink portal opened up, the pink feline that made her life a nightmare roared as it came through, walking over to Hsh. In response, the tiny feline hissed, running up to Hekapoo and jumping into her arms for protection. "Wow, talk about two something's I never thought I'd see in my life." The androgynous person muttered.

"I know … I finally got one over the bastard." She smirked at the Lion. "I know your here to take them back…just give me a while to process this."

"What, no!" Grob shouted. "We're not heading with them! This is our life, we're not leaving it behind!" She hugged her.

"I know sweetie, and I'd never want to let any of this go, but this is for the best." Hekapoo rubbed the girls heads.

"We can always run away, they look really slow!" Bork tried to suggest. "And the old man looks like he'll die if you breathe on him."

"Girls, you know that I'm immortal, right? And that time works here differently?" Her two girls nodded. "If you stay, your lives will speed up rapidly, you'll be old women in what would amount to five minutes in my life. If you go back, you'll get back the years you've missed out on."

"That's a double no then!" Tears came from Grobs eyes. "I'm not going to forget you, forget Bork, forget everything that gives my life meaning!"

"And I don't want to see my kids turn to dust when I've finally found something that truly makes me happy!" Heckapoo begged the children. "At least like this, I can still watch the two of you grow up into the amazing people you are now."

"Hold on, I think I can solve this." Star walked up. "I've tweaked the mind eraser spell, I can preserve the memories you have and give them back to you when you're old enough."

"Seriously, when did you get so good at magic?" The fusion asked with bafflement.

"I dunno, I just think of stuff and it works. Honestly Dark Magic is the only thing giving me trouble these days." Heckapoo would choose to question that later.

"So..we won't lose Mama?" Grob asked.

"She's a really good friend of mine, you're not going to stop seeing her anytime soon, baby or not." Marco confirmed.

"Yeah, trust me, I'll be seeing Marco a lot with you guys." She told the girls.

"Wait … Marco … as in Marco Diaz?" Bork asked with sparkly eyes. "The hero of the Neverzone!?" The girl suddenly got super giddy with laughter. "The only human to survive Mama's trial ever!? You're my brother!?"

"Looks like I'm the Rose Guard in this situation." He chuckled, before leaning down. "Yeah, that's me, do I live up to the legend?"

"They say you fought off an army of demons, traveled the globe and mapped its shifting nature, befriended the goddess of war, and dealt a blow to the evil body empire!" Bork shouted with glee.

"Also mom also said she'd like to see you in bed." Grob rolled her eyes.

"What, no, you must be misremembering!" Heckapoo quickly covered Grob's mouth before opening a portal. "Anyways, you should get going now before Yammy here loses another arm."

"Do you mind telling us the story of why he's called Yammy?" Star asked.

"Oh, look at the time, we better get going before Eclipsa enters our house." Marco quickly began shoving his friends inside the portal.

"Wait!" Bork stopped everyone before they could enter. "What about me and Grob? Will we still be sisters?"

"Guys …" The fusion smiled. "You already were growing up as sisters to begin with." They kneeled down and looked at the two of them in their eyes. "It doesn't matter who you share blood with, or how many dimensions apart you are, that love you share with each other will bond you for a lifetime and beyond."

Her two daughters wiped away teary eyes from that, before taking deep breaths. "We're ready." Gron nodded, holding onto Bork's hand.

"One more thing." Hekapoo said, handing back the cat. "Don't forget Hsh … even if i'm her favorite now." She smirked at the pink Lion.

"I am both extremely relieved and baffled by what's happened today." Marco huffed. "Alright, let's get moving."

"Wait, can't I stay? I want to meet up with Brunzetta.." Star grabbed the fusion by the hand before they could finish and shoved them through the portal.

"No hot abs for you today, Kurtz." Star mumbled as she walked through as well. "Not today."

She watched them all leave, even the pissed off lion, before Marco paused. "... Thanks for keeping them safe Hekapoo."

"No prob, Diaz." She waved him off and watched him leave, where she was finally free to cry alone.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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