Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 661

Chapter 652: Untrustworthy Person

Chapter 652 People who don’t trust

The news that New World Biopharmaceuticals is researching and producing special medicines has been exposed, and it has also caused heated discussions on the Internet for a period of time.

is both ironic and praiseworthy.

has not had much response abroad – except for a few cooperative countries.

Several partners have been selected, and there is a national leadership and strong local support.

Of course, there are also many promised benefits.

There are still some propaganda voices in the countries that have cooperation.

New World has invested some money in this aspect, and the partners have also invested some money to promote this matter.

It is impossible to hide this kind of thing from everyone.

After all, there are too many people to be recruited for the Phase III clinical trial. Now is the age of the Internet and the age of self-media, there is no way to hide it.

Since you can’t hide it, it’s better to publicize it well.

The pharmaceutical company that claims to be developing special drugs is not one or two. New World Biopharmaceutical is not particularly eye-catching here.

In the developed world, no one even noticed such a news.

Occasionally someone mentioned it, but also laughed a few times, thinking it was whimsical.

This is normal. In this field, China is indeed a lot worse.

The barriers to capital are not very big. If you really want to do this, you can also get that money by integrating some pharmaceutical companies.

The biggest problem is also the technical barriers.

includes patent barriers.

That one is too hard to bypass.

I have been catching up these years, but it is not something that can be done in a short time to catch up.

Moreover, an even more embarrassing fact is that this special drug invested by New World Biopharmaceuticals was not created by domestic researchers in the final analysis.

The discovery of this drug was an accident, but this lucky accident did not come from China, but from a foreigner.

However, it is a very lucky thing that this project can fall into China.

Liu Qing admired his good luck, and a big project came in vain from the sky.

For such a project, he is still very concerned, because this project can change the world if you are not careful.

This also makes him a lot less time to go to work and fish, and spend a little time every day to pay attention to the progress of this project.

The rest of the group is basically in charge of Su Qi. He just signs when it’s time to sign, and sits there for a meeting when it’s time for a meeting.

Sometimes I pay attention to my own companies.

The days are not as easy as they used to be, but there are still normal holidays, and rest when it is time to rest. It is not a particularly important thing, and he will not come to deal with it.

Su Qi is also like this.

Tianyuan Group used to be particularly involved in internal involvement, and 996 was nothing. The employees who worked 14 to 5 hours a day, and did not rest during holidays, caught a lot of them.

And they all work overtime voluntarily.

—There is too much work at hand, and it cannot be completed without working overtime, so you can only work overtime.

Now the company has advised everyone not to work overtime, the main measure is to reduce their workload.

Part of the reason for this is that the group has now entered a state of conservative investment. There are not many new investment projects, and there is not so much work to do.

Another part of the reason is that at the end of August and the beginning of September, some new employees were recruited.

The salaries of employees at the headquarters of Tianyuan Group are very good. Except for cleaning and security, after the probation period, the monthly salary can exceed 10,000 yuan.

The new employees they recruit are all fresh graduates, and many people come to apply, which also gives them more choices.

The last recruits are basically from universities such as 985 and 211.

With the addition of this group of new employees, the workload that falls on each employee is also less, and the phenomenon of working more than ten hours a day gradually disappears.

The most important thing is that the work tasks are lighter, and the wages are not reduced, and even slightly increased.

—In the past two years, the projects invested by the group have achieved good profits, and it is also necessary to increase the salary.

At the same time, there are many companies that are reducing benefits and reducing expenses.

Even some companies can no longer operate, and employees are facing unemployment.

In contrast, the employees of Tianyuan Group are quite happy, almost catching up with some state-owned enterprises.

Most employees now work no more than ten hours a day, and even some are eight hours a day, and they take breaks when they are on holidays.

The company has never forced anyone to work overtime. It is a voluntary principle. Of course, employees can choose to go to work normally.

When the entire online world is crusades against black-hearted capitalists to exploit employees, Tianyuan Group has such a situation, it can be regarded as a clear stream.

For this reason, some media interviewed Tianyuan Group and reported on the relaxed working environment of this group, which aroused envy, and praised Liu Qing, a conscientious entrepreneur, even higher.

—Of course, this interview was paid for by Tianyuan Group.

Doing such reports is to gain goodwill in front of the public and give yourself another amulet.

The reputation of a conscientious entrepreneur, a people’s entrepreneur, still has some effects.

Sometimes Liu Qing will also start live broadcasts to chat with fans, blow off special medicine, and then talk about social responsibility.

The tone of    is still quite high, and the whole thing is the incarnation of positive energy.

Once Yangcheng entrepreneurs held a meeting together, some entrepreneurs half-jokingly and half-seriously said to Liu Qing:

“Mr. Liu, your Tianyuan Group is now operating a nine-to-five work system, which puts a lot of pressure on us, and compares us to black-hearted capitalists.”

There are also people complaining:

“Mr. Liu, your family has a big business and you have made so much money from your investment projects. You can recruit more and better talents to help you, you can offer high wages and give them a relaxed working environment. But we Companies with small profits and small profits can’t really keep up. In the current situation, they lose money every month. If they increase their wages and reduce their working hours, they can only go bankrupt.”

Now the whole economic environment is like that, and the whole world can’t do it.

Relatively speaking, Huaxia is relatively good, but it does not have the same growth momentum as before the outbreak.

Many businesses close their doors every month.

The companies that are still persisting now do not make much money, and many are losing money and are using their old capital to make up for it.

In such a situation, it is really hard to make them pay attention to employee welfare.

Most companies, when the economic development is good, rely on squeezing their employees to make some money.

The so-called sweatshop is built on cheap labor, without advanced technology, and can only make low-end products.

Let them provide employee benefits and provide a more relaxed working environment, then there is no profit.

There are also some companies that are quite profitable to make money. The wages offered to employees are also very high, and the wages offered by Tianyuan Group are much higher.

However, the employees work more than ten hours a day, and the work pressure is very high. The young body is made like an old man.

Some became depressed, some died suddenly at work, and some jumped from the building when they couldn’t stand the pressure of work.

As for being bald at an early age…that’s really not a problem.

It’s better if everyone puts it together. The world is as black as crows, and they all look that way. If there is no contrast, there will be no harm.

Tianyuan Group has performed so well, in contrast, it seems that they are too harsh, and they also have a certain amount of pressure.

It’s not a state-owned enterprise, and it doesn’t have a monopoly. Why do you offer such good benefits?

Wouldn’t it be nice to make more money?

This made everyone feel a lot of pressure.

Liu Qing was also very embarrassed about such remarks, so he could only laugh and say:

“This is the voice of the employees. The employees feel that the profits in the past two years are OK, and they have made some money, which is inseparable from their efforts. Therefore, it is necessary to improve their benefits so that they can also enjoy the company. The dividend of development and the enhancement of the company’s sense of identity, I think this is quite reasonable, so I agree. This really does not mean for everyone here…”

I’m embarrassed to say a word – I think everyone here is rubbish.

Su Qi’s working hours are now normal, not as hard as before.

On the other hand, Feng Zhixuan and Li Han have a heavy workload. They spend more than 12 hours a day on work, and they have to deal with a lot of things during holidays.

No one asked them to do this, they asked for it themselves.

Liu Qing persuaded them that there is no need to work so hard, and some work can be distributed to other employees.

But they are not very worried about others, they must catch them by themselves, and Liu Qing has nothing to do about it.

The two children are growing up day by day, Ding Yun comes to see the children almost every day, sometimes Liu Qing and his family take the children to Ding Yun’s place.

Ding Yun was watching, which saved them a lot of trouble.

Ding Yun is the grandmother of the child and will not do anything to harm the child. With her supervising the two nannies, there is no need to worry about the nannies abusing the children in private.

On holidays, sometimes I accompany my children at home, and sometimes I take them out for a walk.

However, basically just strolling around the city and rarely going out.

is mainly for fear of accidentally contracting a virus.

Once when the virus was serious, Ding Yun said to Liu Qing: “It’s too unsafe in the city now, and people are infected at every turn. The countryside is pretty good, and there’s not a single case in my hometown. , why don’t I take these two children back to their hometown and let them live there?”

The hometown she was talking about was of course not Liu Qing’s hometown, because Liu Qing no longer had a home there.

She was talking about her natal family. Back then, she paid to build a large villa for her natal family. Because it was built in the countryside, the area was very large, much larger than Liu Qing’s current villa.

One of the reasons for making such a proposal is that she is really worried about the virus infection, and the other reason is that she wants the people of her parents’ family to take a look at her grandchildren and granddaughters.

This also means a little homecoming.

A few years ago, watching those brothers and sisters show off their grandchildren, she felt a little sour in her heart.

Now she also wants to show off.

If she had such an idea before, she would do it directly.

told Liu Qing that it was only a notification, not a discussion.

Liu Qing’s feelings were not within her consideration.

But now that Liu Qing’s reputation in Tianyuan Group is getting higher and higher, and the social reputation is getting higher and higher, when she talks to Liu Qing, she already has some concerns.

When you speak, you have to think about it and choose your words.

Although Liu Qing is her son, she does not have much confidence in being a mother to this son.

This son used to be inseparable from her. If you want a better life, you have to listen to her.

is different now.

Now this son’s wings are hardened and he has flown very high and far, out of her control.

If this son wants to leave her, she has no ability to fight back, and her old age will be miserable.

The shares of Tianyuan Group that    owns cannot give her any more sense of security.

She now has to consider Liu Qing’s feelings as much as possible.

Knowing that Liu Qing was very disgusted with her parents’ family, so she didn’t mention that aspect, only said she would go back to her hometown to avoid the virus.

Liu Qing did not agree with such a proposal, shook his head and said to her:

“The people in my hometown are very talkative. They like to inquire about other people’s affairs, and they like to spread the word. If people know Tingting’s identity and post it on the Internet, it will be bad.”

“Although the virus is scary, but be careful, there is no problem.”

“Also, now we all have special medicines. Although they are not on the market, but we are really infected, they can still be used. Don’t worry about any problems.”

“The countryside has the advantages of the countryside, but the city also has the advantages of the city. In this city, the medical conditions are better and the material conditions are better. It will be more convenient for them to live here.”

“So, let them stay here.”

The reason is not important, the main thing is that he doesn’t want his children to go back to Ding Yun’s family.

For that big family, he not only resents, but also has deep distrust.

At the beginning, he had a dream that it was his cousin Ding Yongyuan who drove him into the air.

Although it was just a dream, that dream made him quite disgusted with the Ding family.

Before his rebirth, he remembered that the president of Tianyuan Group became Ding Yongyuan.

As for what happened to Su Qi, he didn’t know. Before his rebirth, he didn’t even know that there was such a person as Su Qi.

Thinking about it, there is a high probability that he was defeated by Ding Yun, or he was forced to leave the Tianyuan Group, or he was suppressed in the Tianyuan Group so that he lost any status.

This means Liu Qing still believes that his mother can have it.

Ding Yun heard Liu Qing’s answer, her eyes were a little sad, then she laughed and said:

“You’re right. I didn’t think about it, so I won’t go back to my hometown, just stay here.”

After    finished speaking, he added: “There’s really nothing worth going to in the countryside.”

I’m still quite disappointed.

This child still can’t accept the people of her parents’ family.

And she, in order to take care of her son’s feelings, can only be farther and farther away from her parents’ family in the future.

More than two years ago, she chose to recognize this son. At that time, she also thought about whether she would be separated from her parents.

But he felt that with his own abilities, he should be able to control the situation.

Unexpectedly, now she has to obey her son.

The growth of her son is beyond her imagination.

There is some loss in my heart.

However, after the loss, I suddenly felt some pride.

thought: “He can get out of my control, which shows that he has the ability. My son is so capable, I should be happy, what is there to lose?”

“I’m just a man who can’t live much longer, what should I control him to do?”

“He can live happily and freely, that is the best thing.”

(end of this chapter)

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