Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 645

Chapter 639: Expose The Scam

Chapter 639 Expose the Scam

The domestic currency circle players and pox-print players do not seem to be in the same world. The clarification video released by Liu Qing on the pox-print platform has gained millions of views in a short period of time. no response.

Tianyuan Group also issued a statement on other platforms, clarifying that Liu Qing did not know about the so-called Wisdom Coin, and it would be impossible to talk about it if he was optimistic, and stated that it would reserve the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the rumor maker.

Such a statement, they bought the hot search, bought the popular, and also bought the marketing account to forward.

Released on multiple platforms and pushed to nearly 10 million users.

At this time, players in the currency circle still did not have much response, and they were still wondering why the Wisdom Coin, which was trending sharply, suddenly plummeted today, and there were so many shipments.

It wasn’t until someone moved these contents to the platform where players in the currency circle gathered that those people suddenly realized that this was a scam. The so-called business bigwigs were optimistic about Wisdom Coin, but they just made it up to cut their leeks.

There is no such statement. With the massive sell-off in the morning, the reputation of Wisdom Coin is almost the same – it is difficult for them to explain how there are so many Wisdom Coins all at once.

As soon as this statement appeared, the reputation of this coin was completely lost.

Combining the two, the blow to Smart Coin is devastating.

This is a scam product.

No one wants to keep this fraudulent product in their hands and sell it.

Cui Yunhao and Huang Jingyun also knew that the situation was over. They had no other way but to sell all the Wisdom Coins held by multiple accounts, hoping that there would be a big injustice who had not yet received the news to buy it.

It’s just that they shot a little late, and such a wronged seed can no longer be caught.

Even if you don’t know the clarification of Liu Qing and Tianyuan Group, you can see that this currency has been abolished by looking at the extremely abnormal data.

On this day, the Wisdom Coin, which had risen to dozens of pieces, finally fell to less than one cent.

hangs there and can’t sell it.

The number of Smart Coins sold on this day has exceeded several hundred times the number of Smart Coins that should appear theoretically.

If someone takes over, the three founders can sell more for a penny, and they can all take away a lot of money.

Because this is not a normal virtual currency based on mathematical logic at all, but a number that an operator can produce as much as he wants.

Seeing the transaction volume, Cui Yunhao and Huang Jingyun also knew that Qi Ranran did not use the money to raise the price, but sold the Wisdom Coins in her hand by a large amount while they were raising the price, and sold the two of them. The money that was taken out to save the market was also swallowed up.

In the crazy selling of this day, there is no doubt that Qi Ranran is the biggest winner, and madly dumped the coins in his hand before the market phenomenon collapsed.

Of the billions of transactions, more than half of them belong to her.

The two angrily called Qi Ranran, pointing to her market-destroying behavior.

Qi Ranran didn’t care: “Liu Qing already knows about this, even if I don’t do this, the currency will collapse within a day at most. Then why don’t I take this opportunity to make more money? ”

“But why did you hide it from us?” Cui Yunhao asked angrily.

“To make it easier for me to make more money.” Qi Ranran said calmly.

This shameless answer made both liars mad enough.

When things went down, not only did they hide it from them, but they also made each of them spend 50 million to raise the value of the currency and swallowed their 50 million.

This is the most annoying.

The money that was already in hand was taken out by this woman again.

Qi Ranran said confidently: “You two scumbags have nothing but this money-swindling model. You only hyped up this coin with the capital and connections I have. You only have dozens of cards from your cards. Wan Cheng now has several hundred million on his card, what’s not to be satisfied with? I spend so much capital, as much as the money you make, that’s unfair, understand? Brother!”

After the whole operation was completed, Qi Ranran was also shocked into a cold sweat.

If you hesitate a little more next time, Liu Qing’s clarification will be passed to the currency circle first, and she will be finished.

When Liu Qing questioned her, she earned hundreds of millions from the Smart Coin project.

But that’s not her goal.

Just for a few hundred million, she would not do such a thing.

Her minimum requirement is to be able to repay the money the Qi family borrowed from a private consortium, so as to ensure that she can survive overseas.

The higher requirement is that in addition to repaying the arrears, they can also earn a sum of money, which can be used for them to live happily overseas and have the capital to make a comeback.

The highest hope is to repay all the debts Tianpeng Real Estate owes to the bank, so that Tianpeng Real Estate can be resurrected with blood and continue to live in China as a legitimate businessman.

There are still more than 100 million owed to those private consortiums. If she pays back the hundreds of millions in her hands, there is still a gap of 700 million to 800 million yuan. That money can drive their whole family to death.

Now this wave of operations has taken away nearly 3 billion from the currency circle.

Not only can repay those borrowed goods, but also drop two billion.

is not as good as the previous time when the assets were tens of billions of dollars.

But these are all cash.

Even if it was tens of billions of assets in the past, it was absolutely impossible for them to come out with 20 to 100 million in cash.

For Qi Ranran, the most important thing is that the money is earned by her and belongs to her.

Her family relationship is quite harmonious, and she will also give money to her father and her brother, but the decision-making power on how to use this money is in her hands.

Since then, she is no longer a supporting role in this family, but the one who calls the shots.

Thinking about it made her feel pretty good.

As for whether her operation will make her a red pass, she doesn’t care.

It can’t be worse than dying at the hands of those private consortiums.

And in this world, there are a lot of rich people who have become Hongtong but live happily.

As long as you don’t go back to your country, it’s fine.

After decades of waiting, they have been forgotten in China. If you return to China as a patriotic Chinese, and invest in building your hometown, there will be no problem in thinking about it.

Even if you can’t go back to the country for a lifetime, with such a large sum of money, you can live a good life in this lifetime.

As long as there is no investment, the children and grandchildren can live well.

Thinking of these, I am quite proud.

After all, he escaped before the avalanche.

thought again: “Fortunately, that man chose to ask me first instead of clarifying on the Internet first, otherwise I would really die without a place to be buried.”

Originally, I thought that if I couldn’t find myself this time, I would expose Liu Qing’s anecdote on the online platform as an insider, including those who killed each other in the previous generation and Liu Qing’s own golden house hiding and raising a lot of women. .

It doesn’t matter whether there is evidence or not. If she broke the news in her identity, some people will believe it, which will have a great impact on Liu Qing’s reputation.

But this time, he got away and earned pension money, so he gave up the idea.

It’s not how grateful I am to Liu Qing.

But, since I am still a rich man now and can live a better life in the future, there is no need to offend another rich man because of disgust, and he is still richer than himself.

The private consortium can threaten the lives of her whole family.

With the capital Liu Qing possesses, as long as he wants, he can also threaten the lives of her whole family.

She doesn’t provoke Liu Qing, and Liu Qing won’t do anything to her, after all, it’s illegal.

But if she tried to destroy Liu Qing, people would definitely fight back, there was no doubt about that.

There is no future, she doesn’t mind dragging Liu Qing towards destruction together.

Now there is an acceptable future waiting for her, then there is no need.

This smart coin scam has been laid out for a long time, and finally collapsed in one day.

But the so-called crash, that is only for those who bought Smart Coins.

The three founders, even Cui Yunhao and Huang Jingyun, who were slashed on the last day, have earned hundreds of millions of assets through this scam.

The ones who lost money were those leeks who were tricked in by them. It can be said that they lost everything.

This is something that makes Liu Qing feel very depressed and helpless.

The    scam was exposed, but the liars were still alive and well and at large.

The money of those players in the currency circle cannot be recovered.

can only be regarded as paying the tuition once.

Those players invested in Smart Coins with the mentality of getting rich, thinking they were very smart, but they lost all their money and seemed very mentally handicapped.

Some people were also quite angry. They couldn’t find a few founders, so they vented their anger on Liu Qing who exposed the scam.

They felt that if Liu Qing hadn’t exposed this scam, the Smart Coin would not have collapsed, but would have continued to rise.

In the process of    rising, they will have the opportunity to make a lot of money and find a suitable opportunity to sell the Smart Coins in their hands, then they will realize the freedom of wealth.

As for whether more receivers will suffer, that is not something they need to consider.

What they consider is that their own interests are damaged, and if Liu Qing is silent, they can make a lot of money.

——This kind of mentality is not uncommon. In the past few years, many financial products that used high interest rates to attract reserves exploded. Those who were cut off their leeks hated most not the liars who cut their leeks, but the people who exposed and investigated those liars. .

They thought that if they let those liars continue to deceive and let more people take over, they could receive high interest and profit and leave.

So sometimes the liar is imprisoned, and the biggest request of the leeks is to let the liar out and let him continue to work.

To put it bluntly, it is to continue to use deception to find people who take over the order for them, so that they can escape.

On the day after Liu Qing released the statement, there were such remarks spreading-Liu Qing was a partner of several swindlers of Wisdom Coin and came to cut their leeks with those swindlers.

Their reason is that Wisdom Coin has appeared for more than a month, and Liu Qing has not come out to clarify this matter for more than a month, but it is only now that he has made enough money to talk to Wisdom Coin. do the cutting.

Before Liu Qing’s statement, there was a change in the transaction of Wisdom Coin. They thought that this was Liu Qing’s selling.

Waiting for Liu Qing to sell out before making such a statement, it is clearly to cheat other players, stop playing by himself, let others not finish it, and his character is quite inferior.

Their appeal is to let Tianyuan Group compensate them for their losses.

——It is quite normal to have such a request. At this time, several liars have already gone overseas, and it is useless to sue them.

And those liars don’t have much money, even if it is useful to sue them, they can’t recover their losses.

But Tianyuan Group is different.

Tianyuan Group has a big business and has more than 100 billion assets.

It’s still possible to lose their money.

For such a statement, Liu Qing also explained on the Internet – he has never paid attention to the currency circle, nor is he optimistic about virtual currency, so he does not know anything about the currency circle. When he knew about it, he was quite Shocked, he also confronted Qi Ranran, one of the three founders of Wisdom Coin. After Qi Ranran admitted it, he immediately clarified.

This explanation is also to explain why he clarified that the transaction of Wisdom Coin was abnormal before – because he had confirmed it with Qi Ranran before that.

He also said that he could be inspected by law enforcement to see if he was involved in the transaction of Smart Coins.

In order to explain this, he recorded a half-hour video and posted it on the acne scar platform.

In the end, he expressed sympathy for those players in the currency circle who were pitted, and also said that after this explanation, he also rumored that he was the man behind the Wisdom Coin, and he would use the weapon of law to safeguard his legitimate rights and interests.

The last sentence of    shows the fangs of capital.

He is not someone who hasn’t read social news. He knows that no matter how he clarifies, there will always be rumors.

Some of them are willing to give up their lives in order to recover their money, not to mention spreading rumors.

When it is time to use the law, use the law.

Anyway, he can withstand investigation.

His clarification still played some role.

In itself, his social image is relatively good, and since the assets of Tianyuan Group are there, anyone with a little brain will not believe it to say that he did such a thing for the mere billions of dollars.

Said to do this for tens of billions, and some people may still believe it.

For billions, that would be a bit too insulting to human intelligence.

If Liu Qing cared about those billions of people, at the beginning of the outbreak, he would not control the price of masks, and let the price of masks take off directly, and he could easily earn billions.

And it’s not illegal – at that time, the ex-factory price of masks in other mask factories was several times that of Liu Qing, and no one was investigated.

The charitable activities done by Tianyuan Charity Foundation later, everyone also has an impression.

The good public image that    has accumulated is there, and many people come out to protect Liu Qing spontaneously.

Someone took the rhythm in the comment area of the video posted by Liu Qing, but more people laughed and refuted it in the past.

In the end, this rhythm was still not brought up.

There are people who insist on making troubles. Some people even went to the Tianyuan Group headquarters to hold a placard, saying that Liu Qing was the mastermind behind the Wisdom Coin, and demanded compensation for their hard-earned money.

For such a person, Liu Qing did not hesitate and called the police directly.

A few were detained, a few were prosecuted, and the matter slowly subsided.

(end of this chapter)

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