Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 638

Chapter 633: First Day Of Work

Chapter 633 The first day of construction

When Liu Qing came over, it was already past ten o’clock. The employees of Tianyuan Media had been here for a long time. The red envelopes that should have been sent were distributed, and the red envelopes that should have been received were also received. Only Liu Qing was missing.

Before that, Qin Kun had already distributed a start-up bonus of 2,000 yuan to everyone on behalf of the company, and paid out a red envelope of 500 yuan to everyone by himself.

The performance of Tianyuan Media last year was quite good. At the end of the year, he also took out a part of the profit to distribute dividends. Qin Kun also received a lot of money, so he could also take out the red envelope of 500 yuan.

The success of a company depends on the efforts of all employees in the whole company, and it is definitely not something that only one or two leaders can do.

Most of the employees here were recruited after the company moved to Yangcheng, and some were dug from other companies.

Speaking of business level, it is much stronger than the grass stage team before.

Without their efforts, Tianyuan Media would not have its current glory.

The minimum monthly salary of the employees here has exceeded 10,000.

Employees who can create benefits for the company, of course, also let them benefit.

During the    annual meeting, some outstanding employees were rewarded with cars.

This is also to mobilize their enthusiasm.

Now they are waiting for Liu Qing to come and give them red envelopes.

It’s not how important the money in the red envelope is to them, but a celebration, auspiciousness, and a boss’s recognition of their work.

Seeing Liu Qing appearing, all the employees stood up to greet him.

Following such a boss, they also feel very proud.

This boss has won a lot of honors and has a relatively high social reputation. Last year, he took Tianyuan Media to win the title of No. 1 in double 11 live broadcast and sales.

These achievements are inseparable from their efforts, but without the driving force of Liu Qing, the locomotive, they would not have achieved such achievements no matter how hard they worked.

Obtaining these achievements is also beneficial to employees.

It’s not just about rising wages.

Have the qualifications who have worked in Tianyuan Media. If you go to other new media companies to apply for a job, you can get a higher salary.

It is also a lucky thing for them to be able to work in such an excellent new media company.

Their support for Liu Qing also came from the heart.

Compared with Tianyuan Group, Liu Qing has a more intimate relationship with Tianyuan Media. After all, this is his first company, which belongs to him, not Tianyuan Group.

But as the president of Tianyuan Group, he still has to give out red envelopes to the employees of Tianyuan Group first, and then it will be Tianyuan Media’s turn.

There is no more reason, the only reason is that Tianyuan Group is bigger than Tianyuan Media.

After    came in, seeing so many people warmly congratulating him on the New Year, and seeing the smiles from the heart of those people, at that moment, Liu Qing still felt a sense of accomplishment.

Come in and start giving out red packets.

From the front desk girl to the cleaning aunt, to the staff at each desk, send them one by one.

Even Qin Kun received a red envelope from him.

After sending out the red envelopes, Liu Qing did not go back to the president’s office of Tianyuan Group upstairs, but chatted with Qin Kun and several company executives about the company’s next big moves.

They are developing very well on the acne scar platform, but it is hard to say whether they will be restricted by this platform in the future.

Now the platform is really supporting them, giving them traffic, setting them as an example, and attracting more e-commerce.

But this platform is very vigilant about the development of private domain traffic, and has been restricting it all the time.

——The platform is to sell traffic, and to develop private domain traffic is to steal money from their pockets, which is of course not allowed.

Now Tianyuan Media has greatly helped the platform to expand the e-commerce field, so it did not make much suppression, but instead supported it.

But with reference to their attitude towards other companies developing on this platform, it is not difficult to see the future of Tianyuan Media.

If you want to continue here, you must give up your ambition to develop private domain traffic, and honestly rely on buying their traffic to sell goods.

Such a big platform, Tianyuan Media will of course not give up.

But they don’t want to put all their eggs in one basket. What they need to consider now is to use some of their strength to develop on other platforms.

Hurricane Media has been developing into the iron factory, and it has spent tens of millions in one or two months, launching a first-tier anchor and several second-tier anchors, but until now, the popularity has been made by throwing money. .

If you stop spending money, popularity may decline rapidly.

So it can’t be considered a success.

Before the Chinese New Year, Hurricane Media brought a New Year’s goods to the iron factory and sold several million.

grades are also acceptable.

It’s just that I didn’t make any money with that delivery.

The capital invested is much higher than the commission earned.

A shipment brought millions of dollars, not only did not earn a penny, but also posted hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you don’t invest so much money, you won’t be able to attract so many people to buy goods.

Competing with lions for food in the lion’s territory is a very difficult thing.

The good thing is that the quality of their products is up to standard, which is a relatively good grade in the iron factory, and they have left a good reputation for selling those millions of goods at a discount.

With such a reputation, the next time you bring goods, the results will be better.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they were going to bring goods there again. This time, Tianyuan Media also helped them save goods, and several well-known brands would join.

They were also going to pay for the delivery on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

The reason for    is to give back to the old iron who supported them. The actual intention is to leave an impression that their products are genuine and cheap in the minds of consumers on that platform.

Tianyuan Group did not want to compete with Tianyuan Media, a company under its own president, on the Poxyin platform, so it chose to develop in the iron factory.

Their development plan for Hurricane Media in 2021 is to invest about 200 million yuan on that platform to establish a brand like “Hurricane Preferred”.

They can accept a loss of 200 million a year.

This is the big group doing things, seeing the target, not afraid of losing money.

What Tianyuan Media wants to do is to cooperate with Hurricane Media’s big move over there, and also get a group of anchors to develop in the past, or sign a few anchors with a certain amount of traffic there to interact with Hurricane Media’s anchors, Make a large flow pool.

It is more difficult to fight alone, but it is much easier with the two.

In addition to the two largest short video platforms, they also plan to develop several other live broadcast platforms.

is not only focused on entertainment PK, but also wants to support several video accounts for content.

Qin Kun’s proposal was to invest tens of millions in Sima Station to do science teaching.

In addition, the public account should also increase investment and produce high-quality content.

At the beginning of 2020, Tianyuan Media was just a small company, or even a grass-roots team.

They can only focus on the pox and print platform, and put their main business on the live broadcast and delivery of goods.

In 2021, they have accumulated a lot of funds, and they are preparing for multi-platform development for the consideration of diluting risks and for becoming bigger and stronger.

In these platforms, the ones that are easier to monetize are chosen.

As for the Weibo platform, we didn’t consider increasing investment, just kept the dozen or so marketing accounts before.

That platform can’t make much money, and without the addiction to being an opinion leader, there is no need to invest too much there.

Liu Qing’s most taboo is to be an opinion leader, so it’s fine to maintain the status quo, to ensure that there is a place to speak in that place, and to be able to convey his voice at critical times.

The focus of development this year is, of course, still on the acne scar platform, or live streaming.

It’s just that some of the money earned here will go to other platforms to open the way.

Their risk-sharing development plan has currently set an investment amount of 200 to 300 million yuan.

Not necessarily every platform will be successful, but as long as you succeed on one platform and stand your ground, you can earn back the money you invested.

The bigger investment is still on the pockmark platform. In addition to making Tianyuan Select bigger and stronger, the key support is Ye Mo’s account.

The views of several executives are that Ye Mo is the kind of person who brings his own traffic. If he wants to better retain his traffic, he has to carry out fan circle operations.

However, Liu Qing, as a rebirth, deeply knows what kind of risks the fan circle operation has.

If you cultivate too many brain-disabled fans, and the brain-disabled degree is too deep, you may finally summon something.

He would rather not make that money than want such a result.

——He is not the only company Tianyuan Media, and Tianyuan Media is not the only anchor Ye Mo, there is no need to sacrifice the Tianyuan Group for the traffic of this anchor.

After the executives proposed to manipulate Ye Mo’s fans in a fan circle, Liu Qing made a firm objection, saying that they could not harm the minds of young people and children in that way.

Ye Mo’s fans have a certain tendency to be mentally retarded. If they are further guided to the depths, they will become real mentally retarded.

His fan base is so large that under the fan circle operation, hundreds of thousands of mentally abnormal teenagers may be cultivated, which is a huge threat to social stability.

Liu Qing felt that in the part of Ye Mo’s fan operation, it was not only impossible to carry out fan circle operations, but also frequent de-fan circle operations.

The team that manages Ye Mo’s fans must do a good job in guiding the fans, don’t encourage them to scold others, don’t guide them to vote for their favorite anchors, and spread the correct values, so that they have a certain ability to think independently.

——Whether it can lead to success, that is one thing. Whether there is such guidance is another matter.

Liu Qing’s speech was not very understandable to several executives, but Qin Kun could still understand it – just because he was afraid that those brainless fans would make something happen and drag the entire company into the water.

Although Qin Kun felt that the boss was a little too cautious, he still expressed his support for the boss.

He himself is now a boss. With a certain share of Tianyuan Media, the cash on hand has reached eight figures, and he does not have the same adventurous spirit as before, and feels that it is better to be stable.

At most it’s just making less money.

As long as the company is there, there is nothing to worry about.

If the company is gone, it means nothing.

After an hour-long meeting, we have a general framework for the development of the next period of this year.

Then Liu Qing went back to the Tianyuan Group headquarters on the top floor.

He didn’t go back to his office, but went to Su Qi’s vice president’s office.

There, a young and beautiful female secretary was working in the office outside. That was Su Qi’s current secretary.

The secretary’s surname is Xie, and he has been in Tianyuan Group for two or three years. After being selected as Su Qi’s secretary, Feng Zhixuan took him for a few months.

Feng Zhixuan is already the chief financial officer of Tianyuan Group and will no longer be Su Qi’s secretary.

In the future, this young and beautiful female secretary will be the secretary of the vice president’s office.

When she saw Liu Qing come in, she quickly stood up and said with a smile, “Mr. Liu, President Su and the chairman are resting in the office inside.”

Liu Qing hummed and walked inside.

Lihan and Qiaomu stayed outside.

Secretary Xie joined the company later than Li Han. Now that Li Han has become the secretary to the president, she is still quite envious.

When    saw her, he greeted her with a smile.

It was just that Li Han was a little wary of her.

Feng Zhixuan used to be Su Qi’s secretary, and later became Liu Qing’s woman.

She also served as Su Qi’s secretary for a period of time, and later, she also became Liu Qing’s woman.

Su Qi’s two secretaries became Liu Qing’s women.

For this third secretary, it was hard for her not to be vigilant.

It is not enough for several women to divide up one man.

Where can there be room for new members?

Although this new secretary is a colleague, he is also a potential competitor.

She still has some hostility in her heart.

With such a mentality, she just responded with a smile to Secretary Xie’s smile.

let Secretary Xie have some murmurs in his heart:

“Why does Secretary Li look unhappy on such a good day today? Could it be that her aunt is here?”

Thinking of this, I became cautious.

She herself is a woman, and she understands how unreasonable a woman’s aunt can be when she comes.

She is just a secretary to the vice president, but she doesn’t have the confidence to make trouble with the secretary to the president.

Lihan had a bad attitude towards her, and Qiao Mu was someone who didn’t like to talk much. After Secretary Xie poured a cup of tea for both of them, he returned to his post and continued his work.

Liu Qing didn’t know these things. When he arrived at the door of the inner office, he heard the voices of Ding Yun and Su Qi. The two were talking and laughing inside, and it sounded like a very harmonious atmosphere.

This also made him feel happier.

Home and prosperity.

The most difficult relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be good, then there is nothing to worry about.

knocked on the door and called, “Mom, Su Qi, I’m back.”

It was Geng Xia who opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Liu Qing saw Ding Yun lying on the sofa, and Su Qi was pressing her back, pressing her while talking.

Seeing him coming, Ding Yun smiled and said, “I was talking to Qiqi about your childhood, but you came unexpectedly.”

Liu Qing couldn’t help complaining in his heart: “Your old man has the face to talk about my childhood…”

But he didn’t show it, he laughed and hit a haha:

“Really? Say what happened to me when I was a kid?”

(end of this chapter)

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