Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 High Quality Leeks

In an abandoned church.

The vampire who was tied to the icicle looked in horror at the blood mist that wrapped around his body.

After being contacted by the blood mist.

The blood in their bodies has a tendency to rush out, how is this possible? ! !

[Extreme value from Blood Clan Baron Xiuvarie +875]

[The exclamation point from Blood Clan Marquis Berlein +1125]

[The exclamation value from Count Anhalt of Blood Clan +735]


The more frightened these vampires were, the happier Lu Cheng was.

Because every time they are afraid, they will provide a huge amount of exclamation points.

In a short period of time, they provided four waves of exclamation points, which added up to more than 200,000.

But it may be that the fear has reached the threshold, or it has become numb, and after that, no matter how much Lu Cheng scare them, they will no longer provide the exclamation point.

Uh…that’s not quite right, and there’s a vampire who gives exclamation points every time.

[Extreme value +800 from Blood Clan Baron Xiuvarie]

[Extreme value +800 from Blood Clan Baron Xiuvarie]

[Extreme value +800 from Blood Clan Baron Xiuvarie]


“The boy has a future!”

In the villa on the Upper East Side, Lu Cheng watched with satisfaction the pale face and trembling legs of Xiuirière.

Secretly ordered duplication [Blood Clothes] to keep the high-quality chives alive, Lu Cheng retracted his consciousness and turned to observe the situation on [Zhuge Qing]’s side.


“right here?”

At the moment it was late at night, outside the abandoned church, [Lu Xiaofeng] flew and hid in a big tree, quietly observing the situation inside by the cold moonlight.

Normally, churches do not have walls.

But after Mrs. Gao secretly purchased this abandoned church, she has done a series of renovations, including but not limited to burying bombs, erecting high walls…

“right here!”

Matt listened silently for a moment, nodded affirmatively, “I heard a lot of heartbeats, and they were lurking in the shadowy corners of the courtyard.”

“I heard it too!”

[Zhuge Qing] nodded with a smile.

“It should be the Hand Ninja and Mrs. Gao.”

Frank put down his night vision goggles and began to examine his dazzling array of gear.

5.56mm M16 selectable shooting mode automatic rifle, 9mm caliber Browning automatic pistol, Gobo fighting knife, shoulder pads, elbow pads, knee pads, bulletproof vests and other combat equipment…

Frank is undoubtedly a War Machine armed to the teeth.

With these gear and his skillful Fighting Ability, he can deal huge amounts of damage to enemies even without super ability.

“Then let’s go straight in?”

Jessica flew in the air, clenching her fists.

Her life motto is a stupid word.

This time they have more [Zhuge Qing] and [Hero Sword] on their side. Jessica feels that the odds of winning are very high, and there is no problem with reckless waves.


[Zhuge Qing] closed his eyes for a moment, shook his head and said, “I just calculated a hexagram. This place is fierce and contains great danger.”

“Then we should…”

Jessica was about to ask what she should do when she caught a glimpse of a man jumping over a high wall at a very fast speed.

“There… someone broke in!”

Jessica was stunned.

Her voice just fell.

The sound of fighting was already heard in the courtyard.

Matt’s hearing was superb, and he even heard Mrs. Gao, an old acquaintance, sneer and call out the word ‘iron fist’.

After that, the sound of fighting became more intense.

After listening for a while in silence, he found that the man named ‘Iron Fist’ was also here to stop the blood-clothed Hou, and Matt couldn’t sit still.

He clenched the short stick in his hand and said solemnly, “The man inside can’t hold it anymore, I want to save him.”

“I’m going too, I’m going too!”

Jessica, who couldn’t stand it for a long time, raised her hand.

Frank and Luke Cage also nodded silently.

“The minority obeys the majority, and I have no problem.”

[Zhuge Qing] shrugged and smiled, “As for what the danger is inside, I probably know it, and it should be able to solve it.”

“If that’s the case, then be reckless!”

[Lu Xiaofeng] pulled out the hero’s sword, the sword energy overflowed, and he was like a wild goose. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the high wall and slashed towards Madam Gao and the others inside.


Xue Liang’s sword light was colder than the moonlight in the sky, and the sharp sword energy condensed into an arc-shaped crescent.


The defenders who followed closely swallowed in unison.

Before, they thought that a sword could improve their combat effectiveness, which was a little exaggerated.

But now, they completely believe it.

This is not only to improve combat effectiveness, it is simply to raise, and it is to raise several floors at once.


When everyone’s thoughts were different, the Crescent Sword Qi fell to the ground, and the destructive power seemed to be mediocre, only cutting a crack like a sword mark on the ground.

But look closely and you’ll find it.

The sword marks spread very far and deep, and in the straight line where the sword marks were located, any obstacle within 100 meters was cut in half, the incision was smooth and even, and even faintly glowed.

[Extreme value from Daredevil Matt Murdoch +1321]

[The amazing value from Luke Cage +1132]

[Extreme value from Jessica Jones +1225]

[The exclamation value from the punisher Frank Custer +1024]

[The exclamation point from Mrs. Gao +1128]


The defenders were stunned by the scene.

At the same time, it was Mrs. Gao who was stunned.

She looked at her companion, whose expression was still frozen for a second, twitched at the corner of her mouth, and decisively pressed the explosive detonator in her arms.


PS: Ah, ask for an evaluation ticket, for the handicapped author, the fourth shift is already the limit, funny.JPG*

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