Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Are You Teaching Me To Do Things?

[The exclamation value from Mrs. Gao +100]

Inside the ice edge, Mrs. Gao stared at Lu Cheng and lowered her head slowly.

“I am willing to surrender.”

“very good.”

Lu Cheng nodded and stepped in front of Mrs. Gao.

A gleam of light flashed in Mrs. Gao’s eyes, who bowed her head. She moved her body and turned her palms to hit Lu Cheng’s abdomen.

“I guessed that you wouldn’t be so honest.”

Lu Cheng turned slightly to avoid Madam Gao’s attack, and slapped her heart back.

Mrs. Gao withdrew her hand, her arms crossed to block the incoming palm, and the person flew upside down ten meters away.

“Cough cough.”

Kneeling down on one knee, Mrs. Gao spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with Ice from the corner of her mouth.

So strong!

Looking at Lu Cheng unwillingly, Mrs. Gao’s voice was dry: “In blood, I would like to sincerely surrender.”

“True or false makes no difference to me.”

“After tasting the Gu worm, you won’t want to try it a second time.”

With a flick of Lu Cheng’s finger, the Gu worm landed on Mrs. Gao’s head. After a few turns, it burrowed into her ear.


“Forgive me, stop now.”

Feeling the pain deep inside her head, Mrs. Gao kept rolling on the ground begging for mercy.

“The first mission.”

“Call the other four leaders of the Hand.”

“I need you to do something.”

After teaching Mrs. Gao a lesson, Lu Cheng made Gu worm stop.

“Several others are not in New York and it may take some time.”

Mrs. Gao knelt in front of Lu Cheng, bowing her head respectfully, hiding the malicious look in her eyes.

[The exclamation value from Mrs. Gao +200]

“Not urgent.”

Hearing another beep from the system, Lu Cheng had a smile on his face.

Whether Mrs. Gao truly surrendered, he didn’t care at all.

What matters is how to get the exclamation value.

Judging from the exclamation value obtained by Mrs. Gao, the people with high fate in the Marvel world are obviously superhero and supervillain.

Such as the famous Iron Man Tony. Stark.


A few days later, the top floor of the New York landmark, the Stark Building.

The reporters of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Daily Clarion… huddled together with long guns and short cannons on their shoulders.

Today, Tony. Stark, who feeds most of New York’s entertainment tabloids, has another big news.

Stark Group will release his latest creation, the Jericho Missile.

This missile is powerful, has a long range, and is far more effective than ordinary missiles. The Ministry of Defense has already placed a large order.

It is foreseeable that the share price of Stark Group will usher in another wave of rises.


In their imaginations, Tony. Stark, who should be in high spirits at the moment, is in a bad situation.

“This… Mr. joker.”

“what is your purpose?”

“for money?”

“Let me go, and I will give you a number that will satisfy you.”

Tony. Stark was tied up tightly and looked utterly embarrassed, but he held his head up and said in a nonchalant tone.

“For fun.”

Lu Cheng tilted his head, the corners of his scarlet mouth slightly hideous.

He changed his face at the moment with funny makeup on his face, just like the ugly man in dc.


Tony. Stark’s mouth twitched as he reported a number.

“One hundred million dollars.”

“I gave you $100 million, and you let me go.”

While speaking, Tony inadvertently pressed a button on his left wrist watch with his right hand.

“You don’t have to delay.”

“The signal here has been blocked by me for a long time.”

With a smile, Lu Cheng searched out the smart devices on Tony. Stark’s body and crushed them one by one, then took out a cloth strip and tied his mouth.


Tony. Stark struggled to shake his head, staring at Lu Cheng with fiery eyes.

“Why are you so serious?”

“Come on, have a laugh.”

Lu Cheng pulled the cloth tightly.

Tony. Stark’s mouth was forced into an ugly smile.

“That’s what it looks like.”

Lu Cheng nodded with satisfaction and snapped his fingers.

A black shadow ninja emerges from the shadows.

“Find a remote toilet and tuck him in.”

Lu Cheng gave a light command, and his figure quickly changed to that of Tony. Stark.

“It’s time for my show, Tony.”

Facing Tony. Stark’s surprised eyes, Lu Cheng walked out with a smile.



“Tony. Stark is out.”

The reporter squeezed in the front shouted excitedly.

“Mr. Stark, can you give a detailed introduction to the performance of the Jericho missile.”

“Mr. Stark, can you tell me the amount of the Ministry of Defense order?”

“Mr. Stark, it is said that you were seen going in and out of certain special clubs. Have you changed your taste recently?”

Lu Cheng squeezed his hand, motioned the reporters to be quiet, and picked up the microphone.

“There’s only one thing I’m announcing today.”

“Stark Group will close its arms manufacturing division from today.”

“May God bless the world without war.”


Lu Cheng pretended to draw a cross on his chest.

The flashing lights suddenly became violent, and the reporters were like sharks smelling blood, and they began to ask questions.

“Sorry, Tony’s drunk.”

Obadiah Stan, who was on the side, hurried onto the stage, pulled Lu Cheng, turned his head and shouted, “Tony, are you crazy?”

“Old man, are you teaching me to do things?”

Lu Cheng shook off Obadiah Stan’s hand, his tone was arrogant, very much like Tony Stark’s usual appearance.



The sound of the flashing lights rang frantically.

“Remember, this is the Stark Group.”

“It’s all up to me, Tony. Stark.”

Facing Obadiah Stan’s unbelievable eyes, Lu Cheng raised his head slightly, turned and left gracefully. *

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