Becoming the Witch’s Familiar

37: The Negotiation

In her past life, Samuel was a fairly decent navigator.

Many months spent in tents just outside of combat meant many nights under the stars past the reaches of civilization. Without any bloodshed or training that could be done beneath the moon, there was very little to do but explore the local area before returning to the thrilling combat in the morning. Thankfully, her new monstrous form did little to impede this developed experience.

“Are you keeping up?” Sara asked, sore, but still taking point on their excursion. As the sun was waning, so too was the tiny witch, still silent after her failed negotiation. Having seen a great mountain in the distance after levitating above the tree line, she decided to take a gamble to see if it were a dwarven settlement or not.

She was just as unfamiliar with the land as ever, but if she ever had to bet on anything, it would be that dwarves inhabited any mountain that would hold them.

They were nearly an hour’s walk unmolested from their destination, but with the quickly draining sunlight on a continent neither of which knew, wizened minds would prompt them to hunker down for the night. Strange creatures could be seen eying the two foreigners as they poked and prodded aimlessly through the verdant maze.

As they drew close to the mountain range, it did not take long for the succubus to find a sheltered spot from both the rains and the creatures that moved through them. A small alcove, much similar to the one that provided shelter earlier in the day.

Ashara remained silent, useless in their survival efforts. Her sulking was more than just a spoiled child denied a toy, but something that appeared to be genuinely disheartened. Any time Sara prompted her, the tiny witch would continue to wordlessly look at the ground, her expression like that of a child who just witnessed the family dog being put down.

She was relieved to be free from her headache, but traveling along with someone that demanded her freedom from her made one wish for a slightly more lively companion. Thankfully, the slime appeared more receptive, except when thunder tore through the skies above.

Finding enough dry wood proved to be fairly difficult between thunderstorms, but once the mission was complete, Sara tried the rock magic she attempted with Faruzad but instead tried to create fire. The witch remained silent throughout the process.

“Damned brat.” Sara muttered as she concentrated on the mana around her.

With the night taking hold, only a few residual particles of fire mana hung in the air. With the sun setting, fire mana appeared to go inert in the lack of heat. Still present, but very much useless when it came to the task at hand. Only around seven particles remained, which failed to inspire confidence, but all she needed was a spark to catch some thin bark she wrested from a particularly tall tree.

The magician trainee held out her palm to the wood, careful not to move too fast, lest she scattered the mana she collected once more. She closed her eyes, allowing her to perceive the particles in greater detail and concentrate her efforts on the task at hand.

Uttering a silent prayer to any god that would listen to a hellish creature, she forced the mana into the shavings.

Her reward was in the form of thin smoke that tickled her nose.

“Yes!” She cheered to herself, immediately following the quickly burning tinder with some slightly larger pieces of wood. Each set back required careful usage of her rapidly draining wood but each success graduated the pile to a larger and larger amount, still being cognizant of the air flow required. Somehow, she had managed to keep the fire going, no matter how small, alive.

A handful of times, she had to duck down on her one arm and blow directly on the cinders, attempting to both supply oxygen to the fire and push the tiny flames onto another piece of fuel for it’s growth.

After a grueling half hour, the fire rewarded the three of them with it’s warm aura.

“Fuck yeah! Looks like I still got it!”

Sara cheered, looking to the witch for approval. After finding none there, she instead looked to the slime on the ground, now alerted by the fire nearby.

Her expression soured as well.

Standing up, Sara dusted off her bare knees and turned towards one of the ways out from their hideaway. With the rains quieted for now, she stepped outside, “Watch the fire, throw something on it. I’ll be back, I guess.”


 - - - -


While still full, her main mouth wanted some action. The lordling was not much, but even he would do for now as he at least was some stimulus not too far in from her lips. Her pussy throbbed as she walked, remembering the taste of his manhood as it worked in and out of her. It drooled as memories of his warm seed filing her forcibly rushed into her mind, the two conspiring against her to make her pleasure them both.

Still in the visual range of the shelter, Sara had the perfect chance while no one would investigate. Finally relenting to her urges, her fingers immediately found the spot she had been wanting to tease all day.

“Guhhh!” She almost came immediately.

The location was warm. In heat after just the past few hours of neglect. She found herself indulging in her womanhood more and more since her return from Merreign, as while she had cravings as a man, the highs of orgasm as a woman were far greater and much more recoverable.

Sara quickly slid off her shorts, and found her rosebud, greeting her finger back by extending as long as it could, sending a static through her fake body.

While routine, the feeling never felt dulled from the last time. With a body made for sex, it would do more harm than good to dull the senses even after using them a good number of times.

She ran a clumsy hand up her slit, greeting her back with a warm liquid coating. The succubus purred as she ran her hand up further inside, the sensitive muscle warm and sensitive in anticipation for the games she wished to play with it today.

Her clit felt particularly wonderful as she rubbed against it, the closest thing to a reminder of her old body. She considered using a shapechange to give her two adroit hands, but felt the need for the mana more than satisfying some urge that would return in just three or so hours.

She imagined the crystal dildo she had left at home under her bed. The smooth shape parted her like nothing else, something she almost wished she could just ask The Eternal to deliver. Not to difficult now that she-!

She could reach out to the Sage to take her home! All she had to do was…

Still riding the high the side of her hand could give her, she decided against it. It would not take much for the witch to figure out who bailed her former familiar out of this impromptu camping trip.

With a sigh, Sara returned to the task at hand.

The succubus found her clit again, deflated since her discovery, but something she could return to with just a bit of elbow grease. With a dull hand, she began to trace the rosebud, slowly bringing the miniature phallus back to life. In exchange for her good deed, her mind began to become wracked with pleasure once more as her hand danced around it, each time unleashing a torrent of heat.

Circling the nub a few times, she had a rhythm going until-

“Ow!” She pulled back from the pain. Without the ability to move each finger individually, her nail had stabbed some of her most sensitive flesh. Checking it for blood, she decided to sit down.

She tried to bite her lip. “Twelve hells…” She muttered.

With only one less dexterous hand adorned with long nails she had never thought to cut, her pussy begged for her to continue. She did not have the heart to tell her she could not.

“I guess I’ll have to-”

A cold finger touched her quickly deflating nub.

Sara’s legs turned into jelly, the multiple sensations overpowering her motor function. Looking down, she saw two small pale hands surgically play with her dark pussy.

“W-witch! What are you-!”

Wordlessly, Ashara stuck her middle finger inside, lightly grazing against one of the razor sharp teeth within.

The succubus’s eyes rolled back as she fell into the much smaller woman’s arms, breathing heavily.

“What would you do right now without me, Sarakiel?” The witch’s voice was layered with honey, threatening to cut her off if she did not hear the right words. To prove her power over her former familiar, a second finger joined in the exploration, stretching out Sara’s walls.

A veritable fountain of fluids coated the witch’s fingers, rewarding anyone that would satisfy the main mouth’s cravings.

The smaller woman’s digits were not terribly impressive, but to the succubus’s starved pussy, it was a cool drop of water on a summer day in the desert.

“You’ve been using this quite a bit…” Ashara whispered into Sara’s almost elven ear, sending goosebumps along the ebony skin. “You seem more comfortable with it than when I last tried this…”

Sara involuntarily responded by massaging the witch’s fingers back, undulating around the admittedly small digits of the tiny woman. Just by rubbing the teeth within, Sara was sent on a flight path to ecstasy with no hope for returning. They were sensitive as well, only having last found their meal on the elven ambassador weeks ago.

“Hm…?” The witch gripped the base of the succubus’s tail, an old sensation returning to grip the monster of lust, “You’ve been neglecting what I taught you though… Don’t you know you feel better when you do this?”

Firmly gripping the base of the tail, she slid down the scaly worm body tightly, causing Sara’s toes to curl as her main body seized with pleasure. Each scale clicked into place, as stroked the pseudo-dragon tail.

“Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!”

Fluid shot from the succubus’s main mouth. But the witch did not stop.

“That was a freebie…” Ashara whispered, her rosy cheeks now shining like mirrors, “But you know what I want, don’t you?”

Sara hung limp against the tiny witch, surprised she could even hold up the weight of her. Her breasts lay hanging to each side, each a hefty saddlebag heaving with every deep and rapid breath she had to take.

“I- I won’t-!”

Ashara’s expression darkened, grabbing the base of the tail of the monster once again, “Succubus Sarakiel… You think you can pull one over on me?”

The witch pulled once more on the tail, this time much rougher. Sara felt like her nerves were being pulled out with the worm that existed on the end of her spine. “Do you think you can just deny me of my ambitions?”

Pleasure quickly shifted to pain. The tiny woman pulled with a force that anyone would fail to recognize she could have.

Sara felt her eyes cross and a strange sensation in the back of her throat as her once most pleasurable spot became her most painful.

The witch grew manic, now grasping the tail, choking it and pulling it as if she intended to separate it from the false body, “Do you? Or Eldura? Or Asphodel? Or The Po-”

She stopped abruptly.

Quickly letting go of the tail, she stood.

“Never mind.” The witch began to walk back to the camp. “You will never understand after all.”

Sara sat. The height of orgasm had faded once the witch began to go on the offensive, the base of her tail sore from nearly being ripped free from it’s mimic. Her body burned with either the catharsis of sexual release or the sudden wall of pain she was made to endure. The worst part is that she was not sure which it was.

Questions swam through her still addled mind, trying to swim through the mire of discarded pleasure that once held her aloft. She tried to piece together what had just occurred, what the witch was saying behind her own bestial moans.

“Damned witch…” She concluded.

The succubus stood on wobbly legs and slowly hobbled back to the encampment as well.

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