Becoming Monsters

35: A Democratic-Party And A Larger Tale

The following may or may not be a dream. If it is a dream, it is a silly one. If it is something else, it has little to do with the characters of this story. Or it might. Regardless of being a dream or not, I hope you enjoy Honoka In Wonderland, inspired by the works of Lewis Carroll.

“That is a stupid idea, we should try my idea.”

Spinning around, only a few yards away, Honoka spied the dripping and drenched figures of three women. Ms. Rabbit was there, waving her arms in the air while she argued, her ears limply plastered against wet red hair. She did not appear happy, all wet and sticky, hopping around in agitation. When Honoka compared her newly grown black orbs to the freckled rabbit’s tits, they looked of a comparable size, though they seemed larger on Honoka because of her more demure stature.

Another woman stood like a small but hideously green and fiendish creature. However, she wore a mouse costume, so it was alright. The costume consisted of a round whisked nose put on top of her own prominent green nose, two large round grey ears on top of her head, a sheer grey nighty holding up fashionably small breasts and brief grey knickers with a white bow on them, a cloth tail trailing behind. The nighty had become saturated and transformed the entire outfit more risque than was appropriate, bright green nipples peeking underneath.

The third woman towered over the others, massive and partially furred arms folded under prodigious breasts. Honestly, even if Honoka grew twice her current size, even with the current state of her own boobies, she would remain less prodigious than this woman’s meat rack. The tall woman was also a cow girl, so she should show more patience. On the other hand, she was dressed up as a dodo, so maybe her bird brain held only so much waiting before she became irritated. The beak of her mask engulfed a bovine snout, the rest of her body sporting some bright feathers here and there. Her clothing consisted of something Honoka might find in a book of 1001 Arabian Pornos, the birdly bovine’s mighty tits held in place with only the briefest of bright yellow and red fabric, her lower half adorning a more modest and also more immodest pair of wide pantaloons of similar cloth, its shimmering quality becoming very opaque from the wetness and announcing to the field that this woman wore no knickers.

“Your idea is to jump in a lake,” Ms. Rabbit said, pushing a finger into one of Ms. Dodo’s boobs, causing the whole jug to ripple. “That will make us more wet, not less.”

Honoka decided she required respectable attire, taking off the pink bag of tinctures with the picture of a smiling striped cat and opened one of the wardrobes nearby. Inside held an extensive collection of undergarments similar to what the other women wore. Incredibly frustrating as it was, tiny women with overripe chest fruit could not be choosers, so she picked something that would provide the most coverage in the same blue color she favored and put it on.

“I’m pretty sure the only thing that would make us wetter is a big black cock,” the little green woman said, which Honoka decided to call Ms. Mouse.

“Shush you, I am trying to stay in character.”

Honoka paid little attention, the outfit she chose harder to put on than a loose petticoat over a tight bustle. She began with a corset that fit her current dimensions perfectly, the boning very discrete and giving her waist an appropriate womanly curve. Her black breasts, though, thrust sharply up and strained to stay in place when she examined herself critically. There were no proper knickers in this color blue, so she was left with a pair that rode low on her hips yet fit snuggly up into her womanly folds. She also didn’t want to catch a cold, so she found some white lace stockings and garters to hold them in place. At this point, it was as good as Honoka would likely find, but the deluge of milk must have reached the wardrobe because when she handled the garments, she discovered them even more covered in cream than her own black skin. Sighing, she picked up her pink smiling cat bag and walked over to the trio of women.

“Just ask Honoka, she’ll tell us what to do,” Ms. Rabbit said, grabbing the black woman by the arm and dragging her over. “We all need to dry off, how should we get this milk off us the fastest?”

Honoka didn’t like being the center of attention, but she would try her best regardless. “Um, what have all of you suggested?”

“I think we should jump into a lake,” Ms. Dodo said, giving the hopping rabbit woman a sharp look. “It will thin the cream into skim milk, and we will be able to drink it up without getting fat.”

“I think we should blow each other.”

There was a brief pause as the other three women looked down at the small Ms. Mouse as if to ask, really?

“You know, pshh pshhh,” she said, blowing small gusts of air between her lips. “If we do a good enough of a blow job, we’ll be dry in no time.”

Oooh, the rest of the women realized as they turned to Ms. Rabbit, ignoring Ms. Mouse.

“Drinking that much skim milk will make me tinkle, and a blow job will take too long,” the ginger wearing rabbit ears said. “We are all busy women and don’t have time for that. What we need is something hot. I suggest we purchase a sufficiently large radish…”

“We don’t have any money,” Ms. Mouse said.

“Oh.” The woman slumped to the ground, sitting in her own pool of lactation, understanding she will never be dry again.

Honoka thought herself a logical woman, and this sounded like the perfect kind of puzzle. “I’ve always found moving around and doing something helps dry a woman faster. What we need is to find something making us do lots of things without actually accomplishing anything.”

Hmmm. All the women thought, searching hard to find something that tries really hard but doesn’t do anything.

“I’ve got it!” Ms. Dodo exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “A democratic party!”

“I thought we were a Constitutional Republic,” Ms. Mouse muttered.

“Shush, stay in character!” Ms. Rabbit said, whacking the back of the green mouse’s head. “I have enough balloons, but we need an intern.”

“An intern?” Honoka asked, confused while the women ran around and set up the open field with a banner, streamers and putting a fun paper cone on Honoka’s head. “What does an intern have to do with a party?”

“The intern is the most important part,” Ms. Mouse said, handing Honoka a napkin with a small slice of cake on it with a plastic fork. “Otherwise, how will we know who gets elected to office?”

Plastic? Honoka wondered as the fork changed into more appropriate silverware and it was no longer a problem.

“Obviously, democracy is ruled by whoever can screw around the best. An intern is how you tally the score.” Ms. Dodo produced a record player and cranked up some victory music, getting the democratic party started.

“Obviously,” Honoka replied doubtfully, tasting a bite of cake. It was lemon and she didn’t like it, but it would be rude not to finish.

“Alright, everything is set up for the caucus, we just need an intern.” Ms. Rabbit hopped over and grabbed Honoka’s shoulders, peering down at her with solemn countenance. “Honoka, do you possess any useful skills that would get you hired by successful companies?”

Honoka shook her head, finishing her cake. “No, I don’t have any useful skills at all.”

“Great! You already grew the boobs, you are now officially our intern. Put these on.”

Honoka received a pair of glasses, which she put on and found they held no glass in them, they were just rims to make her appear smarter. Feeling smarter already, Honoka was excited to begin her first day as an intern. “What do I do now?”

“Suck my dick.”

Honoka was surprised to discover Ms. Rabbit wearing an imitation penis strapped onto her pelvis. It was bright blue, like candied blueberries, well-formed and authentic. Yet it was also disappointingly small in size at only four and a half inches (11 cm) long. Nevertheless, her glasses told her she was only an intern; if she wanted any more cake, she needed to learn to suppress her gag reflex. Kneeling down, Honoka put her mouth upon the imitation penis and slowly sucked the small blue thing into her mouth.

“We only have one intern and three candidates running for office,” Ms. Rabbit announced, Ms. Mouse and Ms. Dodo stepping forward with their own imitation penises strapped onto pelvises. Ms. Mouse sported five inches (13 cm) of red wood, Ms. Dodo wore the smallest at a purple three inches (7 cm). “Can you handle a full ballot?”

“MmmmMm,” Honoka replied through a mouth full of cock, which is to say she was okay handling everyone but that she would prefer no anal.

Honoka never had accepted a dick into her mouth before, disappointed her elocution tutors did not give her enough lessons in the proper technique of how to service a strapped on imitation penis.

(In all fairness to Mr. Darcy Watsonface and Mrs. Elenor Elizabeth Gaylordly - her tutors in speech and manners - Honoka’s education included a thorough grounding in classical and modern fellatio technique, including a live demonstration involving a particularly skilled midget. Honoka, however, suffered from the vapors that day and only vaguely remembered some of the critical points)

While she rocked up and down the imitation shaft, causing Ms. Rabbit to breathe forcefully and obliging Honoka harder and faster by grabbing Honoka’s blond hair and pulling her in with each stroke, Honoka discovered the entire affair lacked any substance. If the imitation penis proved a little girthier, maybe the entire affair would have been pleasurable. As it was, she might not like it, yet it would be rude not to finish.

A surprise arrived when Ms. Dodo lifted Honoka’s rear into the air, moving aside her small knickers and entering right inside without an engraved invitation or at least a garden social to break the ice. It might border rudeness if not for Honoka’s still wet and red pussy needing completion and satisfaction, taking the whole three inches (7 cm) with a happy schrup. The surprise, therefore, wasn’t the entering of imitation penis into dripping cunt but rather the difference in height from such a tall and brawny woman lifting Honoka’s petite form into the air by her spread thighs. Mouth still latched onto Ms. Rabbits' fake member, she was now pointed mouth-and-body downward.

Grasping out for balance, Honoka found purchase by grabbing the slightly larger imitation penis of the smaller Ms. Mouse, giving her enough steadiness to begin the democratic gangbang in earnest.

“It is much like dancing with several gentlewomen callers at a formal ball, only all at once and with their peni,” Honoka said, though as she currently gagged on a not-quite-big-enough prosthetic cock, the words <blumbled out as mmm-ing gibberish.

Honoka’s inclination remained that the whole experience implied excitement but lacked sufficient gratification. The fire in her snatch continued to rage, and though Ms. Dodo proved an energetic lover, three and a half inches (9 cm) is size enough for no woman. Even the five inches (13 cm) in her hand would probably only get her frustratingly closer instead of into the climax she craved.

Honoka was amidst wondering if she could call upon the midget her tutors employed when all three of the other women tensed and grunted, dribbling a frankly pathetically small amount of imitation ejaculate onto and into the black and blond woman. This made Honoka mad for a moment until she remembered she was an intern, this was how she would move up in the political world and obtain more cake. Swallowing and pulling out and getting pulled out of, Honoka stood and adjusted her glasses while wiping handjob splooge off her fingers into the grass.

“Now the caucus is over, you need to decide who gets elected to office.” Ms. Rabbit took off her flaccid strapon and discarded it, her ears limp and generally looking like she wanted to take a nap. When Honoka glanced around, the other two women were similarly tired and flaccid.

“Um, can I vote for all of you?” Honoka asked, going over to the wardrobe where she left her bag and fetched it.

“Yes, but that means this was a Millennial Election,” Ms. Mouse pointed out while she adjusted her nose back into place, “and you’ll need to provide prizes for everyone, or else it wouldn’t be fair.”

That sounds stupid, Honoka thought, before she remembered she wore glasses, searching through the vials. The other women buzzed with some excitement, though they all mostly wanted a nap.

“I am holding some excellent prizes that should cause no one any trouble whatsoever,” Honoka announced, handing out three bottles: AE, MB and VE. “Ms. Rabbit will get AE because her rabbit ears make her look Actively Energetic, I believe this will help her hopping. Ms. Dodo is wonderful already. She is Magnificently Benevolent, her feathers announcing the same. And Ms. Mouse has such a Victorious Ethos I cannot deny shines through her dominating nose and whiskers.”

The women took their brews, though they showed more prudence than a particular intern and only drank portions instead of the whole bottle. Ms. Rabbit changed first as her luscious backside took on a life of its own and grew in size towards two firm beach balls smashed together, her butt now easily her most prominent feature. It happened so fast it caught them all by surprise as Ms. Rabbit’s white knickers ripped with a thunderclap and flew off her like a broken slingshot. The change in balance tipped the rabbit devil entirely off her feet, bouncing to the ground in a hoppity flop, the soft ground indenting into the newly rounded rear-end shape.

Honoka’s hands twitched to grab onto those monster glutes, but the easily distractible intern was brought up short when two other women took office at the same time, both moaning loudly. Ms. Mouse was exploring her nighty, pushing the diaphanous fabric up so she could witness what was happening between her legs. It began as if something was growing, and at first thought, Honoka imagined the tiny green woman with a giant cock springing…

What is…where am I? Am I dreaming?

Honoka held her head, her thoughts jumbling as she took off the glasses and hat and desperately searched the area, trying to make sense of the world. She had to be dreaming, yet everything felt real. She also suspected this wasn’t the first time she visited this place. She needed to wake up, she needed to…

“How am I supposed to find a penis large enough for me now?”

Returning back to herself, Honoka found Ms. Mouse did indeed grow: her vagina at least twenty times larger than a standard womanly flower, swollen labia drooping on either side all the way to her knees and her knickers tightly swallowed inside the dripping mouth of such a sizable pussy. If the clit bothered to gain any length, it would serve as a respectable cock. Instead, it was only a large bright green protrusion between the woman’s legs. At some point, the change triggered an orgasm because the entire mass slowly contracted and the short legs of the mousy woman quivered, even the act of standing still likely enough to bring the erogenous nerve endings together and cause yet more climax for the greenie.

The last to change was Ms. Dodo, Honoka thanking Queen and Country she remained capable of focusing her full attention there. At first, Honoka thought this tincture affected the breasts of the feathered woman, both juggs jostling while the cow woman lowed. Then from under her massive tits, a second pair of breasts emerged, their turgid nips leaking thick whiteness as they expanded outward. It didn’t take very long, the second pair of boobs only about half the size of Ms. Dodo’s current upper pair, yet they still measured outwardly and spherically larger than Honoka’s current set. In an erotic frenzy, the large woman mashed these bosoms together, obviously reveling in the sensations of a second pair of sensitive fun bags.

Still unsatisfied, Honoka hungrily gazed upon the vials in her bag, their colors taking on a whole new and beautiful meaning. Surely, somewhere in there was the answer to her horny and incessant problem. The black woman almost reached inside when Ms. Rabbit interrupted and grabbed Honoka by the arm.

“I have an important job for you to do,” Ms. Rabbit said, looking very serious despite mostly nakedness and sporting a buttocks the size of two end dressers. “It might even be described as the most important job you will ever do.”

Frustrated, Honoka pushed her desperate need to orgasm aside and nodded. “Whatever way I can help.”

Waddling aside, Ms. Rabbit pointed at a small cottage a fair distance away. “I need to clean up after the party, but I can’t do it without a pair of knickers that fit. Can you go to my house over there and find a suitable pair of undergarments?”

Nodding, Honoka started walking immediately, happy to find she was dry, and the election was a success, yet unhappy at being unable to orgasm. The journey took her longer than she initially thought it would, distance apparently metaphorical instead of measured in actual units. This led the young woman to dwell on metaphorically getting some kind of penis inside her because by the time she arrived at the small cottage, Honoka was so worked up she felt ready to screw the next thing she saw that might maybe fit inside her.

“I wonder if Ms. Rabbit has any imitation peni here I might use?” Honoka mused calmly while her clammy hands threw open chests and wardrobes, even flipped a mattress to locate said peni. Growling, Honoka flung open her bag, nabbing the first bottle she found and downing the contents without reading the label or trying to guess what might happen.

The moment she finished, a clarity of thought suddenly dropped upon the woman like a guillotine made of common sense. Honoka honestly possessed no idea what that concoction was capable of. For all she knew, she would turn into a chair or grow into the world’s largest pumpkin.

(Henrietta Pumpkin, the world’s largest pumpkin, ironically often thought what it would be like to turn into a chair. You see, chairs are seen as a form of vegetable fetish - or, in other words, a fetish for vegetables. Virginia C. Pumpkin, Eveline’s mother, scolded her pumpkin daughter to not think such deviant thoughts and instead focus on her future as a delicious pie)

“PG,” Honoka read, carefully putting the empty bottle back in her bag. “All sorts of pleasant things could happen to me. Practically Gregarious, might mean I find myself suddenly at a nice social, or Premature Goodnight means I become tired and rest for bit, or…”


“…or maybe I should pay more attention to the previous elixir effects and realize something sexual is about to happen.”

*twitch twitch streeetch*

Inside the snug confines of her knickers, Honoka experienced a tightness. That is to say, the formerly snug panties were no longer snug and instead became rather tight. Glancing downward, Honoka found the front of her garments currently tented outward far more than should be probable. Inside the garment, throbbing and growing at an alarming rate, a black penis - that was in no way an imitation - thickened and elongated. Not wanting to ruin a pair of perfectly fine knickers, Honoka pulled the expanding meat stick out and pointed it upward to determine size. However, that proved a losing battle because in a matter of seconds, it doubled in length and girth and appeared to only begin bonering, it’s size as of that realization roughly the length and thickness of a cricket bat.

“I mean, not the actual dimensions of a cricket bat, that would be absurd,” Honoka spoke to herself even as her hands traveled up and down the hot skin of her own dick, sensations drilling like a spike directly into the pleasure center of her brain. “I am referring to the thickness of the wide part of the bat was in approximate diameter of the diameter of my penis. However, even if I compared it to the Monster Bat Incident of 1771, that metric is no longer even closely valid because I find myself looking at a cock about twice the height of my own body.”

This magnificent appendage would have held her undivided attention if it wasn’t for the pinching between her legs distracting her. Reaching down, she found that not only was she growing a cock that would soon be the most immense - imitation or otherwise - she also received a pair of testicles to pair with the size of her penis. When Honoka moved her knickers out of the way, she also cleared the growing ballsack from the blue cloth. Otherwise, Honoka imagined she would be in a whole different realm of pain and suffering. Her balls each boasted the size and heft of small twin boulders, growing past her knees and churning a river of semen inside the dark wrinkled skin already.

With a huff of air, Honoka tumbled backward into a convenient chair that may or may not have once been a pumpkin, her acquired organs too heavy for her weak body to hold up. She now pointed upward at a thirty-degree angle, spanning the length of the twenty-foot cottage, pressing up where the rafters and the wall joined together.

“I wonder if this particular tonic knew the length of the cottage and decided to grow in a perfect size to fit inside,” Honoka mused, her legs spread at this point in an almost uncomfortable split to account for testicles larger than the nearby mattress inflating between her legs.

With a touch of dramatic timing, the potion’s growth finished out all at once, violently and rapidly, more than doubling it’s current size and crashing through wall and ceiling alike. One side effect of growing so large so quickly is that the shaft of Honoka’s penis not only created a hole, it proceeded through in much the same way Honoka imagined it must feel when a man inserts his own thick rod into a virgin maiden. At least, Honoka believed this because the feeling proved indescribably fantastic and pure bliss, sending the woman into muscle clenching moans while her entire body wanted the growth to continue just so the feeling of penetrating a house would persist even as she expanded outside of it.

Yet end it did, and Honoka was left with the blue ball creating conundrum of figuring out how to move in such a way as to get herself off.

“Fifty feet (15.25 m) long, at least, or I’m a steamed oyster,” Honoka declared, looking through the window and getting an estimate of her final throbbing length. “And this shaft is minimum thirteen feet (4 m) wide or almost forty feet (12.2 m) around at its thickest. I might even venture myself able to generate a little movement if my testicles were not each seventeen feet (5.2 m) diameter and inside a sack which feels so full of semen it is a surprise I haven’t spontaneously erupted at this point.”

“Former intern, did you find my knickers?”

The front door presently opened, and in walked Ms. Rabbit followed closely by Ms. Dodo and Ms. Mouse. Ms. Rabbit needed to turn sideways, her booty a tight fit through the door, yet once inside she got a good look at the massive black penis plowing through the entirety of her home and the two black balls taking up nearly all the space inside, both gurgling like the massive cum factories they were. Walking silently over to the window to view the rest of the cock, Ms. Rabbit shook her head sadly and went over to a chest in the corner, pulling out a massive pair of white knickers and slipping them on.

“Still too small, though this is definitely an improvement,” Ms. Rabbit mourned before hopping out of the house and away down the main road.

Small? Honoka shook her head, turning her attention to the other two women, both plainly fascinated with the penis before them. “Excuse me, ladies, but I find myself in a bit of problem. As is apparent, I can do little but sit here and tweedle and dee and dum my fingers while I wait to reduce myself in size somehow. Would either of you be willing to help me with my problem?”

“I would love to,” Ms. Mouse replied, absently rubbing her massively enlarged clit while she drooled at the largest of dicks, “but even with my newly acquired size, I do not think you will fit.”

“Really, there doesn’t appear much we can do,” Ms. Dodo lamented, flexing her muscles absently as she thought about trying to move such a mountain of cock and balls. “Even if we were acquainted with a walrus to push, you would still need a carpenter to fix the house and a lot of oysters to help with the nutritional intake for such a large ejaculation.”

“Then how am I go get out of here? No amount of knickers is going to make me presentable to respectable company at this point.” Honoka, though she did love her new parts, found herself crying over never taking tea in a garden ever again.

“There is no helping it, you are too hard and need to go soft.” Ms. Mouse replied, sounding as if this was the worst idea ever.

“I would love to go soft after some enjoyable copulation, but as I mentioned before, this seems rather difficult at the moment,” Honoka said with more irritation than proper.

“No no, you misunderstand,” Ms. Mouse replied, shaking herself and slapping the taut skin of the massive ballsack in front of her, causing Honoka to yelp in pain. “You just need to blueball it and think unsexy thoughts. If you imagine enough unsexy things, you’ll soon find yourself no larger than every other manchild spending too much time daydreaming of women instead of rightfully pleasuring them.”

Honoka peered first at Ms. Mouse, her gigantic pussy and clit sopping with need while the green woman rubbed her legs together, one hand idly flipping a bit of labia around like a loose pancake. Then she turned her attention to the magnificent Ms. Dodo who looked like she suffered from lacking enough hands to grope herself, four breasts far too many to singularly handle. Altogether, between two erotic women and her own bonfire of need and throbbing penis, it made for a rather daunting task. “I don’t see how that will be possible.”

“Leave it to us,” Ms. Dodo said with confidence, walking up to where Honoka sat and leaned in uncomfortably close. “Naked grandpa with hairy legs!”

“Gah!” Honoka recoiled, the image coming unbidden to her mind.

“Your mother walking into your room while you’re jilling yourself and giving pointers!” Ms. Mouse joined in on the other side.

“No! Stop!”

“A pity BJ to the fat perv across the street, and he’s got something crusty on his junk!”

Honoka tasted a little vomit on that one, putting her hands up to her mouth to prevent an accident.

“Nice girl takes you back to her place: the sink is filled with rancid dishes, trash is rotting everywhere, the whole place smells like a queef from a coffin.”

“…I can’t…” Honoka was losing her will to live, much less screw.

“It is five am, you feel itchy down there, you throw off the covers and look down…oh, good, we’re done.”

Wanting to cleanse her brain with formaldehyde and fire, Honoka took a calming breath and opened her eyes. The house appeared wrecked, but a competent carpenter with his walrus should be able to fix the gaping hole. However, nowhere to be found were the massive appendages that previously filled everyone’s attention. Peering down, Honoka found that wasn’t quite the case, standing to better look at her two-foot-long (61 cm) and eighteen-inches-girthed (46 cm) flaccid penis with two testicles the size of grapefruits tucked behind the thick salami.

“While I appreciate being able to walk under my own power, I feel as if this will remain a complex problem to deal with long term.” Honoka didn’t want to touch it, all too aware any form of stimulation may be enough to put her in a similarly compromising situation, and then she would need to go through the whole ordeal all over again. “For instance, how am I supposed to return home with breasts the size of firm melons and a penis the size of a baguette?”

The other two women, putting their bird and mouse heads together, decided they did not possess the combined brainpower to formulate a solution. They did know someone who might help, so after obtaining another, bigger pair of blue panties to almost stuff most of her cock and balls into, the trio went down the road to meet a caterpillar.

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