Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Channel Excavation

The temperature in the big pit quickly rose, Ye Qiong took off the animal skin coat again, and wore a close-fitting animal skin vest inside, digging coal hard.

Now, Ye Qiong used a charcoal fire to melt the outside of the big pit, and an area with the big pit as the center, extending two meters from the outside, was formed.

The melted snow will automatically flow downhill. Ye Qiong built a small slope ten centimeters high on the edge of the pit to prevent the snow from flowing in.

As the amount of charcoal fire increased, the temperature above the pit became higher and higher, and inside the pit, Ye Qiong only used the hole that was dug out, and no coal was placed in other areas.

Just climbing up and down like this, Ye Qiong was so busy that he started to sweat, and the ice and snow above were melting faster and faster. The melted snow water gathered together and formed a small stream of water.

These waters flow downstream, and if all the snow in this area is melted, the most

It is worth mentioning that in the spring of next year, the lower part of the valley has indeed become a small lake, which has stored a lot of water for Ye Qiong and his tribe, and it is next to this coal mine, which plays a great auxiliary role.

Ye Qiong had been busy until noon, and then heard shouts from a distance.

Tang Ying brought the soldiers from the tribe and came to support.

This time, Rong Ling was leading the team. As soon as he heard that Ye Qiong was trapped in the avalanche, he immediately pulled over all the soldiers who could be mobilized, and there were seventy people in total.

After simply communicating in the most primitive way for a while, Rongling followed Ye Qiong’s instructions and led the soldiers around to the direction of the highest peak of the Dinglong Mountains, digging towards the hole where Ye Qiong was.

The tools in the hands of the soldiers are mostly used for mining stones and clay soils. In the face of snow, they are a little uncomfortable. The snow is very light, but the tools are heavier. If the frequency is increased, there will be a kind of energy. Feeling of nowhere to go.

In the afternoon, the second wave of support arrived, and Ye Tianlong brought Dakui over.

With the help of an adult long-tailed bear with a height of more than five meters, the speed of tunnel excavation has risen to a new level in an instant.

The soldiers are now following Ye Qiong’s instructions, and the tunnel dug is very wide, five meters in length, and can allow two carriages to pass through at the same time.

Although the soldiers were puzzled by Ye Qiong’s order, they didn’t ask why, and under the leadership of Rong Ling, they worked hard.

But since Dakui came, they could only take a back seat, because all of them together, if they were to dig from the front, they would not be able to dig faster than Dakui himself.

So more than 70 people followed behind Dakui and squeezed the snow dug out by Dakui on the sides to reinforce the passage.

Right now, Dakui and Danny are the main fighting forces, and Rongling is taking the soldiers to assist, just like the scene of hunting monsters in summer.

Humans and long-tailed bears have relied on each other for countless years, and the tacit understanding between them cannot be expressed in words.

Worked until the night, and the soldiers did not stop, but started their shifts, allowing the passage to move forward slowly.

At the same time, Ye Qiong was also digging coal, using the temperature to get through the snow. The speed was much slower than Dakui’s digging speed, but it was very stable.

Dakui needs to rest when he is tired from digging, but the burning of coal is very long-lasting.

The huge amount of snow, like a big mountain, blocked between Ye Qiong and Rongling.

Now, in the direction where Rongling and Ye Qiong are in a straight line, the average height of the snow is about 20 meters.

If you want to dig a channel with a width of five meters, you must open the top snow to the outside, so the amount of work is much larger than expected. From noon to night, under the leadership of Dakui, Rongling and the others advanced a distance of 200 meters.

Ye Qiong, on the other hand, used the burning of the charcoal fire to advance forward about thirty meters.

Above the ground, there were piles of charcoal fires that formed a straight line. The ones that were connected to the big pit at the beginning have been extinguished, and the ones along the Rongling Mountains are now burning vigorously.

The passages dug by Rongling and the others were straight, while Ye Qiong’s side melted through the temperature, which is an arc-shaped passage centered on the charcoal fire, like connecting many gourds end to end.

Every time an area melted, Ye Qiong pushed the charcoal fire forward a certain distance.

Just do this for a while, rest for a while, eat some jerky when you are hungry, and stuff a few mouthfuls of snow into your mouth when you are thirsty.

At night, Ye Qiong was going to sleep, and the soldiers continued to dig in shifts.

The wild horse king in the pit, Ye Qiong didn’t mean to let it come out. If Ye Qiong helped, the wild horse king could climb out of the big pit, but if this guy climbed out, not only would he not be of much help, On the contrary, it may cause trouble, so Ye Qiong thinks it is better to let it stay in the pit and talk about it.

Being hungry for a few days is something that Ye Qiong has to accept. Ye Qiong can only guarantee him a water source. There is definitely nothing that Ye Qiong can eat nearby. If he continues to dig, he may encounter edelweiss. It depends on luck. .

If the meat is jerky, the Wild Horse King will not eat it for the time being. After all, it is a herbivore, but after letting it continue to be hungry for another day, it will not be guaranteed…

So Ye Qiong still had some jerky left.

By the next morning, Ye Qiong and Ye Ma Wang had been trapped here for two days, Ye Qiong’s food was guaranteed, but Ye Qiong was obviously a little wilted.

The mental head is not very good, Ye Qiong tried feeding it jerky, but Ye Ma Wang just smelled it and didn’t eat it.

Ye Qiong didn’t force it, put the jerky next to the wild horse king’s head, and continued to work.

For a whole day, Ye Qiong continued to move the passage and advanced forward for a distance of almost forty meters.

On the other side of Rongling, under the leadership of Dakui, they advanced more than 400 meters day and night, a distance of three kilometers, and there were still just over two kilometers left.

In the evening, the Mustang King still didn’t eat the jerky, but nibbled some snow cubes that Ye Qiong took down.

After burying the charcoal fire, Ye Qiong slept wrapped in a fur coat.

Rongling and the others are still moving forward.

The next morning, after Ye Qiong got up, he could already hear the movements of Dakui and Rongling in the distance. Although it was very small, as the distance gradually narrowed, communication became more and more convenient.

However, he still had to scream.

By the end of the night, the distance had finally broken through half, and there was still one and a half kilometers left.

And Ye Qiong’s own jerky has also been eaten, but he still hasn’t touched the piece next to the wild horse king’s head.

Ye Qiong’s principle is that what is given out will not be returned under any special circumstances.

The jerky Ye Qiong has already given it, it can save the life of the Mustang King. It is up to him to eat it or not. According to the current digging speed, if there is no accident, it will take at least a day and a half to get through.

If there is a blizzard, it will be troublesome…

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