Chapter 13: Concerned CEO
Rex's POV.
“Andrew, Is my assistant still typing on her keyboard, until now? Rex inquired from his security staff once anew.”
“Miss Angela? Yes, sir, she's yet to leave the company premises. May I suggest calling her office line instead?”
How sarcastically witty, to indirectly ask his employee to grow courage. Well, he wouldn't be the chief security officer of Rex-field if he wasn't a professional after all and also right with the suggestion. Indeed, five times suffices to check in on someone through a third person.
Rex ends the call, feeling dissatisfied.
He contemplates calling Angela as suggested by Andrew or leaving her to fend for herself.
She's probably back there, trying to transmute her mortification into working overnight, and on her first day at work.
To this, the CEO, for the first time following a long period, felt the disappointment of another.
He held the steering wheel of the car he came in today with, willing himself to drive out of his private garage.
The future-oriented and handsome boss sat watching the evening lights coming alive, but with the thought of one female bugging him.
Still in a denial mood, he nonetheless correlates his attitude toward Angela this morning as, indeed, a show of poor berate.
What would have felt like a normal dismissal to yet another lady has today left him questioning his idealism of bedding the ladies not more than a night.
Gosh, to think he asked her to pretend like they never met? Rex, out of reflex, lands a hit to the car's steering, bringing his cheapest ride to life.
Its scream blasts the approaching silence of the night. Within minutes, two guards ran to where he parked, surrounding the car, hands gripping their machines, possessively pointing the edge of its weapon toward him.
Please… step out of the vehicle, and with your hands securely placed within sight, the senior officer shouted, prepared to defend what they perceived to be a theft attempt on their boss's car. Winding down his windscreen, the men meet their boss's calm face.
“Sir, are you alright? We heard zebra’s shout.”
The CEO is also of the belief that engines respond to relativism, and so he typically names each one of his mobiles, including the one he rode to work today.
Zebra and I are alright, Rex assured. He nonetheless continued.
If there was something amiss, the alert would have been transmitted to the IT department handling my garage.
“If you insist, sir.”
A few minutes afterward, after the guards were done with making a round of inspection, Rex was again left alone.
The CEO starts to feel the frost of the night, and so he picks up his suit jacket. Putting the expensive piece on, Rex found himself wondering why he was waiting for the assistant.
Except for his conscience which perceives giving her a lift as a form of an apology, for the way he berated her this morning.
Bringing his wrist upward to check on time, he finds his watch reading fifteen minutes past 8 pm, and already?
The female appears to enjoy working late like himself. However, recalling his priority to show up for an early morning appointment the next day, Rex keyed in his car's ignition.
In the next instant, Zebra comes to life, roaring like the perfect beast, and quite the least in an invested billionaire's garage like himself. Initially, he had intended to give the assistant a ride home, but she can as well take care of herself.
The slightest minimum he wishes not to expect, is for Angela to see his extended help as a display of a potential love interest.
Making the round turn, Rex faces his baby ride toward the company's exit, speeding as far as if to dislodge from his consciousness.
*Angela POV*
What could the issue be, to have a driver speed as if chased by a phantom? Angela wondered.
She was just stepping out of the company's building when she met a car taking a swift U-turn on the company's driveway.
Despite the long haul it took to pass through their company's scrutiny, especially after working this late. Angela's heart felt for the driver. The male could be rushing home to meet with a few winks.
Although the day was late, the company premises were however well illuminated. With that, Angela could have sworn the man wore the frame of resemblance to the CEO.
I must be getting delusional after staring at the system this long, Angela assumes.
Still, were all men as icy as him? She shuddered, just thinking about the possibility.
But, recall, he wasn't entirely that cold; he was matter of flatly, a thorough gentleman on that fateful night, and…
Not now, Flora. Let's focus on trekking to the bus stop please.
Angie, Reminiscing will take the edge off the lengthy walk.
Fine, what then do you want us to fantasize about?
How about the moment he penetrated, did you feel it too?
I can't kiss and tell, Flora.
Well, I care to know if it made you happy as it did to me.
It felt…
“Miss, are you on your way home?”
What a spoiler.
Play nice, Flora.
Whatever, I'm zoning out. And just like that, Flora dislodged, leaving Angela to face the concerned security overseeing the pedestrian exit gate.
Yes, I'm heading toward the bus stop, Angela answered.
“Ma'am, It's dangerous out there; wait, let's call a cab for you.”
Oh, no need to distress yourself over me, Mr.?
“Silas. And yet, I insist. The boss will not find it funny if we were to allow you, to journey the long way to the station, especially in this night's weather.”
Okay, responded Angela, wondering what he meant by the CEO will be bothered.
Arriving home, and right after paying off the taxi, Angela is horrified to find none other than her ex-fiancé waiting for her at the front of their house. Whatever was Benedict doing here? Angela thought, but deep down, she could sense the answer. Abandoning him at the altar, on the day they were supposed to tie the knots, yep, Benedict is here to make life more miserable for me. Angela thought.
Now, following his phone threat and watching most of it come to fruition, Angela briefly nurses the idea that Amelia could have been right with her analysis.
What if, indeed, Ben has been the part reason for the rejected applications I received? Angela analyzed,
To this, she brings her fingers into a fist. Gritting her teeth as if to surge out the audacity and capability to hurt another.
Reaching to where Ben stood waiting for her, Angela still couldn't find it to in her, to throw a punch. Not only because he was her childhood best friend, but the inability to cause pain just wasn't a part of her genetics.
As for how she got to know Benedict, their two families had them betrothed even before they could walk. They played and shared baby toys together. Angela grew up to be told that she was a female, while Benedict wasn't.
Doing things together like normal siblings, she grew up void of the sexual attraction she today feels toward Rex.
Getting to the day of their wedding. It was either to become married to the man she perceived as a relative or to inherit her family's investment. Viewing her potential marriage as incestuous, Angela eloped to restart her life.
Today she squats with Amelia and Maya, many cities away from her home. Which is why she's shocked to see Benedict at the front of their house, even after that horrible text he sent to her, right before Angela flung her old SIM card away.
Benedict, quit with the act. What are you doing here, and how did you find me?
“Easy, baby, you get crimson when upset.”
You irritate me further by addressing me as your baby.
“Not now, tigress; such fire would've been useful for a bedroom play, don't you think? Except… You ruined our day.”
And, haven't you made my four years of leaving you miserable. Ben, I couldn't get a job afterward just as you promised.
“But you did, and probably sold your virginity in exchange.” Benedict brings his limbs to trace the length of Angela's hand.
“So smooth, fair, and should have been mine. Tell me in your very word's, Angela, are you still a virgin or not?”
Let me go, Ben, you're hurting me.
“Answer me you ungrateful brat, all those years, I waited for you to love me, just a kiss, heck even a peck. But, what did you do? You gave it to him on first sight.”
You knew?
“Of course, I have been stalking you. I want to know why, why was I never adequate for you?”
Enough, leave the lady to be, Rex said, strolling into the scene like a man in oneness with time, rolling the sleeves of his shirt even as he ambled toward Benedict.