Be Gay Do Crime

Chapter 45

It hadn’t occurred to her until right then that there might be a fatal flaw in her plan.  Ashe was stuck on the other side of a window, where she couldn’t hear a word being spoken between the pair she had come to observe.  It defeated her purpose, at least in part, but she could still keep an eye on them. 

The pair of former bullies stared at one another for a moment, then Rachel was rushing forward.  Jessica barely had time to get to her feet and catch the now sobbing girl in her arms, which given what each endured, it should have been the other way around.  They held each other for a moment, then broke apart, Jessica pulling out a seat for Rachel before returning to her own. 

And from there, Ashe was left unable to manage much, because the pair had swapped to what looked like French of all things, so even lip reading was out.  English was the obvious one, but Jessica had shared her own Spanish and German classes, and now she could add French to the list.  Was her bully really so much of a nerd that she was a goddess be damned polyglot? 

“Oh good, I’m starving,” Crystal said, rubbing her hands together as their orders were being delivered.  “Skipped lunch since we planned to do this.” 

“Love the enthusiasm, girls,” their waitress said, setting down their drinks as she did.  The waitress smiled as she placed Ashe’s unsweet tea in front of her, then slid a sweetener tray over to her with a wink.  “Make this old southern girl proud.” 

Ashe chuckled, taking a pack of sugar and adding it to her drink before she gave it a tentative sip.  Yup, that was exactly how she liked it, just enough to take the bitter edge off without being sickeningly sweet like a damn soda.  She sighed in contentment as the waitress chuckled, walking off to check another table. 

“She is so getting a tip,” Ashe said, smiling. 

“Not like you can’t afford it,” Keiko said, waving a fry as she did.  “Think you can trust the girl?” 

Ashe’s eyes flicked back outside, watching the conversation.  The emotional charge was still there, but subdued, roiling just under the surface.  Based on the way that Rachel was flinching, Jessica must have been telling her about a particularly rough part of her story.  It was strange, watching two people that had tormented her so deeply for years, and feeling protective of them. 

Jessica had even been involved with the assault that started her down the road she found herself traveling.  Ashe should have hated her for that, and in some ways, she did.  Yet, when she saw the girl mixed in with the rest of the trafficking victims, that dead stare she had that hadn’t completely left even after everything. 

That begged the question, with Jessica already knowing who she was and what she was doing, would Rachel also be someone that she could bring on board?  It was dangerous for too many to know, and yet, she would need people close to her that she could trust to keep their mouth shut.  It wasn’t much of a stretch, especially after Rachel had put everything aside to approach her for help. 

She would need to talk to Jessica first, feel things out.  No doubt she would appreciate having a friend that she didn’t have to keep secrets from.  It was crazy that she was even considering it, but she needed people and those were still in short supply. 

“You’re getting that look again,” Crystal said, her voice slightly chiding.  “Out with it so we can tell you why you shouldn’t do what you’re thinking.” 

Ashe huffed, stealing one of Keiko’s fries as she did.  “I was just thinking that I need more people.” 

“Rachel,” Crystal said without missing a beat.  “You can’t be serious.” 

“Jessica already knows who I am,” Ashe began.  “Rachel reached out to me and already knows I’m connected to her recovery as it is.  I can feel things out, see where she lands.” 

Keiko swatted another hand away from her fries almost absently.  “Ashe, if she doesn’t work out...  Are you prepared to kill one or both of them in cold blood to keep your secrets?” 

“Because that is the only other choice you have if you tell them,” Crystal continued.  “Seriously, you’re just asking for trouble here.” 

“I know,” Ashe said softly.  “Fuck, I’m in so far over my head right now, and I’m planning to jump right into the deep end.” 

Keiko paused, a ketchup dipped fry halfway to her mouth that promptly dropped back to the table.  “I’m sorry, but I think I’m out of the loop on this.  I know she wanted to have the girls sell the drugs and find out if that intel on the Viuda had merit, but you’re making it sound like she has bigger aspirations.” 

Ashe took a deep breath.  “If the Viuda are dirty, then I just might.” 

The weight of the statement hung in the air, a declaration that held little weight at the moment, but Ashe knew that every gang leader started somewhere.  Some small decision led to something just a bit bigger, and soon the stone was rolling down the hill and nobody could stop it until it finally crashed. 

“Fuck,” Keiko said, sitting back.  “Ashe, do you have any idea what you’ll be getting into if you do that?  We’re small fries, we keep our heads down and do odd jobs for the real players.  We aren’t players, we’re pawns that go ignored.” 

“I think we stopped being ignorable after the pawn shop,” Ashe said, voice barely above a whisper.  “We can either take the money we have and run, or we can make something of ourselves and see where we land.” 

“A prison cell,” Keiko said.  “We land in a fucking prison cell, Ashe.  That’s the best outcome.  The other option is a box in the ground.” 

Ashe gripped her cup tighter, afraid she might break the glass.  “Maybe.  I know I’m relatively new to this, but I can’t help but think we should try.” 

“I can’t listen to this,” Keiko said, getting up.  “Crystal, please tell me you aren’t chasing this insanity with her.” 

Ashe didn’t dare look, but the silence that followed was answer enough.  A scoff from Keiko followed, announcing her departure and Ashe had to fight down the smile.  Crystal was sticking with her, even though Keiko left… 

She wasn’t sure how she should feel about that, but it made her happy. 

“Well, that could have gone better,” Crystal said after a moment.  “We’ll need to collect our cut, but something tells me Robbie and Keiko are going to cut us loose after this.” 

Ashe sighed, feeling a headache building.  She liked Keiko and Robbie well enough, but did she actually need them for what she had planned?  It was just splitting the cuts even further if they stayed on.  She needed to run things her way, not theirs.  That would start with the two girls sitting outside.  All she needed to do was vet Rachel. 

Ashe pulled out her main burner and sent a message.  Outside, Jessica checked her own and she had a front row view to widening eyes and a sharp intake of breath.  Well, she couldn’t fault her for that, given she did just ask her to message when she was all caught up because she wanted to meet Rachel. 

Jessica looked about frantically, but she’d picked that seat specifically because the glare would keep her from being easily seen.

“That’s probably a good idea,” Ashe said, setting her phone aside.  “You sure you want to stick with me?  I have a feeling I’m being rather stupid about this.” 

“A bit,” Crystal said, smirking.  “But then again, who the hell gets ahead in life by being smart about things these days?” 

Ashe snorted.  “Well, exploiting the stupid also helps.” 

“Anyone buying drugs off the streets these days isn’t all that bright,” Crystal said with an amused shake of her head.  “So, ready to go check on your minions?” 

Ashe groaned.  “Oh god, I do have minions, don’t I?” 

Crystal reached over, chuckling as she ruffled Ashe’s hair.  “Yes, you do.  Congratulations, you’re officially a respectable villain.” 

Ashe paused, her expression falling as the words hit her.  “I am a villain, aren’t I?” 

“Hey, no,” Crystal said.  Ashe then found herself wrapped in strong arms.  “None of that.  We’re all the heroes of our own story no matter what we do, and someone, somewhere, will consider us a villain in theirs.”

It was an unfortunate truth of things, one that Ashe wasn’t ready to confront.  Saving those girls had been heroic, as was taking down a drug distribution center.  That was immediately countered by her taking the girls on, and planning to distribute the drugs herself.  No matter her reasons, she was by most metrics a minor villain now, even if she was doing it for good reasons.  

Doing the wrong things for the right reasons didn’t change that it was wrong. 

Sighing, Ashe squared her shoulders and stood.  “Let’s go see my newest minion then.” 

“Yes ma’am,” Crystal said with a smirk. 

Ashe rolled her eyes as she left a couple of twenties on the table and made her way outside.  Jessica’s back was to her, but Rachel could easily spot her if she just looked up.  She didn’t, of course.  Despite the anxiety welling up in her gut, Ashe walked confidently up to the table and pulled out one of the extra chairs, taking a seat just as both girls nearly fell out of theirs at the sudden intrusion. 

Jessica was stiff as a board, glaring at Ashe, but she wasn’t paying her much focus.  Ashe’s attention was solely on Rachel.  There were thoughts racing across her face, connections being made, ideas considered then discarded.

“Wha—  Ashe?” Rachel said, suddenly wary.  “Why are you here?” 

“She’s here because I work for her now,” Jessica said, almost with a snarl.  “You’re hoping to bring Rachel in on this too, aren’t you?” 

“It would simplify things,” Ashe admitted as Crystal took the other seat.  “I need people I can trust, and as loathe as I am to admit it, I know both of you better than I know most.” 

“You’re not very good at this,” Jessica said with a huff.  “If you’re going to just sit down like this, don’t try to be all mysterious, just tell her how it is.” 

Crystal chuckled and Ashe had to glare at her, not that there was much heat to it.  Sighing, she leaned forward.  “Alright, fine.  When you asked me to help you search for Jessica, I did just that.  My friends and I staked out Patriot locations until we wound up raiding the building Jessica was moved to.  I killed quite a few people to get her out of there.” 

Rachel blinked, looking from Jessica, to Ashe, and back.  “Wait, little goodie here, with cops for parents, is the city’s newest most wanted?” 

“Alejandro still holds the most wanted title,” Crystal chimed in, a bit of a smirk on her face.  “Inferno remains a small fry at present, she’s just the hot topic of the hour.” 

Ashe flipped her off, more for the bad pun than anything else.  “Anyway, Jessica agreed to work for me while I keep her safe.  There’s more to the kidnappings than we thought and I want to get to the bottom of it since the police are being pressured to drop it.” 

“Seriously?” Rachel exclaimed.  “But I met your parents, they were interested!  They promised to help.” 

“They promised me too,” Ashe said with a touch of bitterness.  She pushed those feelings aside, they weren’t productive at the moment.  “Then everyone involved made bail and nothing was going to be done.  I know Jessica here gave them my name, hoping to get me killed no doubt.” 

The color drained from Jessica’s face as she looked away.  “I thought they were just going to scare you, maybe…  I didn’t…  No.”  Her fists tightened as she grit her teeth.  “I did know, I just didn’t want to think about it.  I knew what people like that tend to do to girls, but I still sent them after you.” 

The desire to just pull out her gun and end the woman was almost overwhelming.  Ashe forced herself to take a deep and steady breath, pushing back against the intrusive thought.  It would pass, but in that moment, it was a desire greater than most she had endured.  Killing Jessica would be counterproductive, especially in view of so many people.  No, she needed to keep a level head. 

“And you paid the price,” Ashe said, surprising herself at how firm her voice was.  “Now, you’re going to help me make sure what happened to us doesn’t happen to others, understood?” 

“Yeah…  That’s fair,” Jessica said, still looking away. 

“Shit, she’s really…” Rachel trailed off.  “What do you want with me then?” 

Ashe paused, mulling it over.  She’d had a few ideas for Rachel, but she didn’t want her to get caught up in the criminal side of things.  She was too soft for that, and she still had her civilian life besides, which also had value. 

“You’re going to be Jessica’s assistant, more or less,” Ashe said.  “She’s a missing girl who would be returned to her shit bag parents if picked up by the cops.  You don’t have that problem, so it’s a lot safer for you to be out in public than it is for her.” 

“You won’t be running drugs either,” Crystal cut in.  “Can’t have you linked to any of that either.  At best you might get us in touch with people willing to deal at your school.” 

“Lord knows there’s enough already,” Jessica muttered.  Ashe raised an eyebrow.  “Oh don’t give me that look.  I know you weren’t exactly invited to the parties but you had to have seen how many were snorting coke or smoking weed between classes.” 

“Like half the football team before they decided trying to beat me up was a good idea?” Ashe asked. 

“Oh shit,” Rachel muttered.  “That was you?” 

“Both of us, actually,” Ashe said, glancing at Crystal.  “Gray was pissed and decided to take it out on me.  I walked him into the alley and then took him and his buddies apart.” 

“I honestly didn’t have to do much,” Crystal added with a shrug.  “I just beat up their sentry and the guy that tried to bolt while Ashe was busy breaking bones.” 

“He’s due back soon, too,” Ashe said with a bit of amusement.  “I’m betting he’s going to try something.” 

“Fools bet,” Crystal said, rolling her eyes. 

“Well,” Rachel said, licking dry lips, “maybe I can give you a heads up if I overhear something.” 

Ashe blinked, then a grin began to spread across her face.  “See, you’re already proving useful.” 

Rachel looked away, but there was a slight smile on her face.  “Well, I suppose I do owe you for actually giving a damn about the missing girls, even if it was only because you had a stake in things.” 

“Yeah, she sure as hell didn’t do it for me,” Jessica said. 

Ashe couldn’t dispute that, but she did need to establish something.  “Well, that changes now.  Both of you are under my protection, not that it counts for much just yet, but if you need anything, just let me know.  Unlike some in this city, I take care of my own and both of you now qualify.” 

Rachel and Jessica shared a look at that, a silent conversation passing between them that only friends could have.  Ashe was just a bit jealous that they were close enough to have something like that.  Looking across the table, she smiled at Crystal.

Hopefully, someday, they would be just as close.

Author's Notes: 

Well, this can only end well...

The entire second volume is up on my Patreon, covering up through chapter 69, for those eager to dig into the story as well as throwing some support my way!

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