Battle Through The Heavens: Domination of The Ancient God.

Chapter 78

Soon, Xiao Ning hired the fastest carriage available in the town, and the duo started the next part of their journey. 

The town official was more than happy to offer his own horse carriage to send this plague god. He was afraid that if Xiao Ning stayed for a second longer, the latter might blow up another mercenary group. He didn't even have the guts to ask for money. 

As the carriage crossed the town's gate and continued moving forward, the guards breathed in relief and wiped off the sweat from their foreheads. 

The baleful and tyrannical aura surrounding Xiao Ning was enough to put them under pressure. 


Xiao Ning and Xi Yian sat comfortably inside the carriage; after all, it belonged to the wealthiest official of Qingshan town. 

This time, Xiao Ning aimed to get an alchemist badge from the alchemist association. Now that he had decided to cultivate his own power, Xiao Ning has to show enough capital to convince people. 

Only the large cities of the Jia Ma Empire had branches of alchemist association. To save his time, Xiao Ning decided to travel to the nearest city. Coincidently, the nearest city happened to be Black Rock city. 

After learning this, Xiao Ning's calm eyes showed a hint of interest. Now that he has decided to take over the Xiao Clan, how could a Xiao Yan affect his plan? Moreover, he looked forward to meeting Xiao Yan in Black Rock City. 

His trip to the valley was more fruitful than Xiao Ning had expected. Now; after, clearing the first trial of the mysterious Dou God, Xiao Ning has broadened his horizons. Even though he still has a long road to travel; still, the current him is a thousand times better than before. 


Xiao Ning and Xi Yian enjoyed this peaceful journey for some time, and then both of them closed their eyes and started training. 

Xi Yian focused on controlling her Dou Qi. Her Dou Qi has a rare poison attribute, and it would be a waste if she couldn't control it. While Xiao Ning, on the other hand, immersed himself into perfecting his self-created Dou technique, and at the same time, he also continuously scanned the surroundings with his spiritual strength. 

They traveled throughout the day and stopped in a small town to rest at night. The next day, as the rays of the sun brightened the sky, they resumed their journey. 

After a few hours, the carriage slowed, Xiao Ning and Xi Yian opened their eyes. Both of them could see confusion in each other's eyes. 

The next second, both of them smiled and looked out of the carriage. The duo looked ahead and saw a big city at distance. It was their destination the Black Rock City. 

As the carriage closed in, Xiao Ning and Xi Yian discovered that the city walls were comprised of blocks of black rocks. Looking at it reminded Xiao Ning of an old tale. 

It's said that two Dou Kings combined attacks couldn't breach the wall's defenses. After remembering this, a golden light flashed in his eyes. He clicked his tongue and thought, 'worthy of one of the strongest cities of the empire.' 

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes after he saw Dou Grandmaster-level soldiers positioned at the city gate. Soon, it was their turn; Xiao Ning paid the money, and the carriage passed through the gate and entered the city.

As they entered the city, Xiao Ning was lost in his thoughts and didn't pay any attention to his surroundings. 'A Dou Grandmaster who controlled the lifeline of Wu Tan City; is reduced to the rank of a soldier in Black Rock City,' a wry smile appeared on his face as he thought of this. 

The next second, he took a deep breath, adjusted his status, and said, "Stop here." 

The driver stopped the carriage, got off, bowed respectfully, and waited for Xiao Ning's order. 

Xiao Ning and Xi Yian got off the carriage, and their eyes brightened as they glanced around. Xiao Ning took out a few gold coins and handed them over to the old man. 

"Old man, here take it and live in the city for a while," Xiao Ning spoke politely. 

The carriage driver felt overwhelmed after seeing the gold coins in his hands. He respectfully bowed towards Xiao Ning and said, "thank you, young master." 

Xiao Ning nodded lightly; he held Xi Yian's soft hand, turned around, and walked away. The sun was still high in the sky, and they still had plenty of time to roam around the city. 

The two held hands and slowly strolled on the crowded streets of Black Rock City. All the people who saw them couldn't help but take another look. 

Xi Yian, who wore a white dress, looked similar to a white elf. On the other hand, Xiao Ning's appearance changed drastically. His short hair grew up to his waist and his muscular body slimmed down. A wild aura surrounded his body and replaced the original childish temperament. 

Xiao Ning didn't bother to cover up his aura and let it flow naturally. Like breathing, Xiao Ning wanted to fuse his baleful aura into his daily actions. 

Even though it won't increase his actual strength; yet, it could affect his opponent and suppress the latter's strength. 


As they roamed in the city, many people who harbored evil intentions were frightened by Xiao Ning's single look. 

After sensing, Xiao Ning's unrestrained wild and baleful aura, cold sweat appeared on their forehead, and they escaped quickly. 

Xiao Ning calmly glanced at them and didn't bother to deal with such people. After roaming to their heart's content, the duo walked into a medicine store. 

Their main purpose was to look for material to concoct poison mentioned in Xi Yian's scroll. Now that Xiao Xi Yian's innate physique, 'Woeful Poison Body,' has kicked in, there is no point going back.

Xiao Ning had confidence in his ability to solve the defect in Xi Yian's physique. The only thing he needed was time. 

Moreover, he also searched for suitable material to concoct pills suitable for Dou Master and below. 

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