Batman x Ironman: Multiversal conflicts [Marvel]

Ch: 6 [Harley’s rage]

AN: A bit late but big chapter over 2k words.


The giant mutant charged at Harley like a freight train, his massive fists raised to smash her into the ground. The earth trembled under his weight as he ran forward with a loud roar. Harley stood her ground, watching the mutant approach with a glint of excitement in her eyes. The thrill of the battle, the adrenaline surging through her veins—it was intoxicating.

"Bring it on, Rocky!" Harley shouted, bracing herself.

The mutant's fist came crashing down like a hammer, but Harley didn't flinch. Instead, she raised her hand to meet his attack, and the impact reverberated through the ground like an earthquake. But she was immovable. The ground beneath her cracked and buckled under the sheer force, but she remained standing, holding the mutant's fist in place.

"Is that all ya got?" she teased, her voice filled with mockery.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" The mutant cursed, trying to get out of her grasp, but Harley's grip was too strong. With a sudden twist of her wrist, she snapped the mutant's arm like a twig, sending a shockwave of pain through his body. "ARRRGGGG!" The mutant howled in pain, staggering back, clutching his shattered arm.

"Oops, sorry 'bout that!" Harley giggled, though her voice was anything but apologetic.

Before the mutant could recover, Harley shot forward with blinding speed, driving her fist into his stomach. The impact was devastating, sending the mutant flying across the compound and slamming into the side of one of the metal buildings with a loud crash. She flew up to him in the blink of an eye and grabbed his throat, pulling him up in the air. The mutant used his mutation again, turning his body into rock, and kept punching Harley over and over again, but it was useless. Attacks of this level were nothing more than a tickle to her.

"Nice try, but ya look better as a statue!" Harley snickered before crushing his neck with a sick crunch.

She dropped his lifeless body to the ground with a thud before looking around for more targets. The mutant guards were stunned by her display of power. Some of them were injured from the earlier fight, and those who were still standing were trembling in fear. There was no escape from that island. Their confidence, bolstered by their enhanced abilities and numbers, wavered as they watched their strongest ally reduced to a pile of rock

"Anyone else wanna play? Huh? Who wants to be next? C'mon, don't be shy..." Harley taunted. Her voice was filled with menace as she walked toward them, a sinister grin on her face.

The guards didn't have a choice but to continue fighting. Since there was no escape from that cursed place and even if they escaped, Magneto would find them eventually and kill them, they decided to fight back.

One of the guards, a telekinetic mutant, gathered his courage and launched a powerful telekinetic blast. The air rippled as the invisible wave of energy slammed into Harley, sending her flying backward. She crashed through the metal wall of the building behind her, and the entire structure shook from the impact. Dust and debris fell from the ceiling as the damaged walls creaked and groaned under the strain. Harley emerged from the rubble, her hair disheveled and covered in dust.

"Is that all?!" She scowled, shaking off the dust and debris from her body.

Another mutant guard, this one capable of generating explosions, created a large ball of energy and threw it at her. The explosive blast engulfed Harley, but the explosion dissipated harmlessly against her Kryptonian skin. She looked annoyed and flew straight at him, grabbing him by the head. With a quick twist of her wrists, she snapped his neck before throwing his limp body aside.

More mutant guards rushed forward to attack, using their various powers against Harley, but none of them was able to even scratch her. She retaliated swiftly and brutally, breaking bones and snapping necks without mercy. Her eyes glowed red again, unleashing a barrage of heat vision bolts that tore through the guards.

Harley was enjoying every second of this.

"Tehehehehe! You guys are so weak!" she giggled, her voice dripping with sadistic glee. "Hmmm..." She stopped for a moment, "Wait! With Di's armor, I'm Wonder Quinn or Harley... But with Sups power... Hehehe! Super Wonder Harley? No, no, nope! Too big of a mouthful. Hmmmm... Harley Woman? Nah, sounds like a brand of feminine hygiene products. Aha! Super Quinnwoman!" She paused, considering the name, "Nah, that ain't catchy enough. Arggg! I'm a woman, so, why the heck am I adding a woman? That's stupid... Super Sexy Batgirl? Nope, Brucey will smack me. Huh? Super Harley? Yes, yes, that's it! Teehee! Sounds perfect!"

She glanced down at the remaining mutants.

"Well, better take them out and see what they are hiding inside," She mumbled glancing toward the building behind her. "Maybe there are gold and diamond traffickers. No wonder there are this many metahumans. Hehehe! Harl's gonna get rich very soon."

Harley was a blur of motion, her enhanced speed and reflexes turning the battlefield into a whirlwind of chaos. Energy blasts, telekinetic forces, and elemental attacks rained down on her from all directions, but she dodged them effortlessly, weaving through the onslaught like a dancer in a macabre ballet. Each step she took left a trail of destruction. The guards barely had time to react before she was upon them. One by one, they fell beneath her unstoppable might until only a handful remained.

"That's right! Cower before the mighty Super Harley!" Harley laughed, reveling in her newfound power.

With a burst of superspeed, she reached one of the last guards standing and grabbed his head.

"So, what do ya say, buddy? Wanna tell me where ya keepin' your treasure?"

"Go fuck yourself!" The mutant snarled, trying to resist, but Harley's grip was unbreakable.

"Fuck myself?! You can do that?" Harley asked curiously. "Wowza! You're a kinky bastard!"

The mutant used his power of lighting, but it was useless. Harley shrugged off the electrical discharge as if it was nothing. She tightened her grip around his head.

"You better start talkin' before I lose my patience and crush ya skull like an eggshell!" Harley threatened, her voice filled with malice.

"Hahahaha!" The mutant began to laugh hysterically, despite the pain he was in.

"What the hell is so funny?!" Harley growled.

"You. Your ridiculous strength, speed, invulnerability, all those powers... It's funny to know that someone like you has been hiding all this time when the world was burning. Had you come a few years ago, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. So much death and destruction... The heroes were no match for Magneto's new power. If only he was still alive, maybe things would be different," The mutant said with a large grin as his chest began to glow with a red spark.

Harley focused on his chest and saw a weird device attached to his heart, a small red light flashing in the center of the device.

"What the heck is that thing on ya chest?" Harley asked curiously, narrowing her eyes.

"It's a bomb. It prevents us from opening our mouths about Magneto's secrets, but now that I'm dying... I don't care anymore," The mutant answered with a smirk. "We don't sell gold and diamonds, but something far more valuable... Human weapons. We provide Magento with enhanced soldiers, enhanced mutants, and superhumans. This is a lab. Inside..." He coughed up blood, clutching his chest as the pain intensified, "Inside are hundreds of children, kidnapped from all over the world. They are experimented on... To create the perfect soldier. There's a blue woman inside... Mystique. Save her. They are planning on completely skinning her alive today to extract her power... Cough! Cough!"

Before he could speak any further, the mini explosive exploded, blowing a hole in his chest.

"Well, that wasn't a nice way to die... Humm... Blue woman?! I have never seen a blue woman before! Must be some type of alien!" Harley mused. "Alien!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Better save her before they skin her or else she won't be a blue woman anymore! Savior Harley is on the way!"

Harley blasted the metal doors open with her heat vision before entering the facility. Inside, everything was dark and cold, illuminated only by the faint red glow of the emergency lights. The stench of death and decay hung in the air like a shroud, suffocating anyone who dared enter.

"Eeeww! Worse than the dump Mr. J used to sleep," She commented.

The hallways were empty, and Harley followed the sound of voices. She found a large room with dozens of metal tables lined up against the wall. On top of each table was a child, their bodies covered in bruises and scars. Some of them were hooked to machines that pumped strange fluids into their veins. Others were strapped to the tables, their limbs restrained by thick metal bands.


Harley's eyes widened. That sight made even someone like her feel angry, really angry. Their eyes were looking at her in fear as if she was going to hurt them. She scratched her head and began to walk back and forth near the door. A weird feeling, something she never felt before, began to grow inside her heart.

"Dammit! What am I supposed to do with these kids? Harl cannot just leave them here. Argg! What's this weird feeling?!" She grumbled. Her heart tightened as she looked at them again. "Ahhh! Stop it! Harl ain't softie! Why the hell am I worried about these kids?!" She felt something wet dripping down from the corner of her eyes, "Tears?! Am I crying? No, no, no! Harley ain't a crybaby! It's this place. This place is too dark and creepy. Ufff! Ok, ok, Harl. Stop being stupid. Ya gonna take them away from this place and then find a nice orphanage to dump them... Yes, that's it! Nice orphanage and lots of candy! Kids love candy, right? Hehehe!"

She entered the room, trying to act tough and not caring too much, but deep inside, she was growing angrier and angrier. The kids looked at her with wide eyes, and Harley could only see fear in those innocent gazes.

"Hey, ya little brats! Don't worry! Super Harley is here! Hehehe! Harl is gonna save ya and give ya all lots of candy!"

She began freeing the kids one by one, but she couldn't help but notice how weak and malnourished they were. Some of them had scars covering their bodies, while others bore the marks of countless experiments. Harley was no doctor, but even she could tell that some of those children wouldn't survive much longer in there.

"Who did this to ya?" She asked one of the girls, but the kid didn't answer. Instead, she hugged Harley tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Huh? Hey, kid! Come on, stop crying! Harl ain't good with crybabies!"

But the girl kept hugging her, sobbing uncontrollably. Harley sighed and awkwardly patted her head.

"There, there... Shh, shhh... Harl is gonna make them pay. Dammit! These kids are so annoying! Crying all the time! Argg! I hate kids!" Harley mumbled to herself, but a smile crept onto her lips as she continued to comfort the girl. The girl finally let her go. As Harley freed more kids, they began to cling to her legs, hugging her and crying.

"Super Harley to the rescue!" She said with a grin, trying to cheer them up. But her smile disappeared when she stopped near a bed. The boy, barely 5 or 6 years old, was lying motionless. She shook him a couple of times, but he was unresponsive. She put her ear close to his chest but didn't hear any heartbeat. "No! You can't die! Super Harley is here to save ya! Wake up, dammit!" She could see through his body. His heart wasn't beating, but Harley refused to accept that. "Wake up! Wake up!" She shouted, shaking him violently, but it was useless.

The boy was dead.

"The blue woman," She somehow controlled her anger and looked back, but tears were still streaming down her cheeks, "Where is the blue woman? Huh? Anyone know where they keep her?!"

"They took Mystique in the lab. I think it's on the top floor," One girl answered in a trembling voice.

Harley rustled her fingers on the dead kid's head, closing his lifeless eyes. Her fists were clenched so hard that her nails dug into the flesh of her palms.

"Thanks, kid. Stay here. Don't go out. Super Harley will be back!" She looked up at the ceiling.

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