Batman in the MCU

The Batman vs The Hulk

*Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support*


Multiple explosions resounded throughout the Helicarier. The explosion seperated the avengers sending Natasha, Batman and Banner down a few floors.

Natasha was awakened by the sound of alarms opening her eyes she saw the Batman standing and looking at something behind her.

Behind her Banner was in a fetal position letting out growls as he began to expand with his skin turning green. Natasha watched the entire scene with her eyes widening in pure terror.

"Run!" Batman's voice snapped her out off it causing her to spring into action. She turned around as she followed Batman through the debris that blocked the way.

Behind them the roars of the hulk could be heard as well as the crashing sound originating from him bulldozing through the debris.

The tremors from his feet making contact with the floor could be felt by Natasha which caused her heart to thump in her chest as she pushed herself to move even faster.

Natasha soon made it to an open area and jumped aside with the Hulk rushing out just seconds after.  Natasha sat on her bum as she stared at the Hulking green mass which had now locked on her.

As Hulk attempted taking a step Batman run up the wall, activating his shock gloves he jumped and delivered a full power hit to the Hulk's jaw.

The hit caused Hulk's head to snap to the right, Hulk paused for a moment seemingly not believing what had just happened before focussing on the culprit, the Batman.

His eyes narrowed at Batman who responded with his Bat glare. Hulk let out a roar and sent both his fists down on Batman who was quick enough to roll away and respond with a few exploding batarang.

The batarang caused next to no damage to the Hulk as he just charged at Batman let out roars to signify his anger. The Charge left a massive hole in a wall but failed to harm the Batman who was now behind the Hulk with a wire across the Hulk's neck trying to suppress him.

But his actions were of course futile as Hulk grabbed and threw him forward causing him to let out a grunt of pain as his back made audible contact with the floor.

Hulk moved in to finish everything with a stomp but Batman moved away and sliced at the Hulk's ankle with his batarang but was unable to break the skin.

Hulk attempted another smash but with his grappling hook Batman moved away in time to avoid the massive fist that left an obvious dent in the floor.

Hulk turning around laid eyes on Batman once more and let out a roar of anger and frustration at being unable to smash him, but his action was what Batman was waiting for.

Batman fired a canister straight into his mouth causing him to cough out before dropping down on one knee, "Anesthetic, enough to bring down a heard of elephants and then some."

Batman spoke as he looked down on the green beast, Hulk seeing that look tried to move forward, to keep fighting.

"humpf" Batman sent a batarang at the wall exploding it and causing a massive hole and breach that sucked the Hulk and some contents out of the Helicarier.

Batman then sent another batarang which produced a substance and sealed up the breach.

Natasha stood from her hiding place looking at Batman with a new found respect. The man had stood up against the the Hulk himself and won, a feat she had yet to see another man perform.

Batman seeing Natasha proceeded to look to his hands to only know discover he had lost the scepter, he did manage to plant his device earlier on so it wasn't much of a loss anyway.

"You take that way to check on the others, I'll find Loki" Natasha nodded before turning around and running to go find the others.

Batman seeing this also began to Sprint for Loki's cell. Batman had just taken a few turns when he came face to face with a group of men in Black combat gear with their most defining feature being their eyes, their bright blue eyes.

Batman pulled out two batarangs, them men began to charge at him but Batman sent one batarang into one guys knee before firing the second one into another's shoulder taking them both out of commission.

Another tried to shoot Bats with a shotgun but Batman grabbed the barrel snatching it out of the guys hand and using it like a bat to take the guy down in one swing.

Batman didn't let up moving in to take out another guy by sending the gun into a guys throat and turning that action into a swing as he swept another guy of his feet before dropping the but of the gun into his skull knocking him out.

Taking a firing stance Batman shot a guy straight into his bullet proof vest, the resulting force sending him flying headfirst into a wall which knocked him out.

With a few more moves all guys were down, looking around and making sure he dropped the shotgun and continued running straight for Loki.

Batman arrived at where the cell was supposed to be only to see an empty room with the door below open, that answered Batman's question of where Thor was.

Looking around he found Coulson bleeding in a corner, checking on him, he was just unconscious. He wasn't dead this time, Thor probably got here on time to stop Loki.

Batman quickly helped Coulson to stop the bleeding as Maria Hill and Fury rushed in with their guns. Maria and Bats shared a look before Batman spoke, "Loki escaped, Thor is down."

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