Back to the Peak

Chapter 122

Chapter 121 Encounter level 8

There is a huge training ground near the central city, even larger than a third-tier city like Spark City. Around this training ground are patrolled by the Radiant Guild, but there are many strange animals in the middle.

Some wealthy people go hunting out of the city, and they will come here if they don’t go to dangerous places, because there are a lot of prey here, but they are very safe.

The radiation association will arrange the game here. Although many people are dissatisfied with the fact that they cannot see the battle scene live, most of them are very supportive, especially after the radiation association stated that it will release the video after the game.

On the day of the game, Fan Jia specially used the mobile town she owned to watch the game in person on the periphery of the game field, and brought Cheng Ran with him. Besides him, Cheng Xuze also went there. He was also able to take care of it. Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang saw the situation, but was a little grateful. For the champion of this game, he also began to be determined to win.

“Qingyang, come on!” Cheng Ran looked at Shi Qingyang and said, “Sister Sisi said, there are no dangerous animals in this training ground, and there are many stone caves to rest…”

“I see, you have a good rest.” Shi Qingyang listened carefully and kissed Cheng Ran’s forehead. Cheng Ran insisted on helping him sort out the radiation energy last night, and he must be very tired now.

A few days ago, Cheng Ran helped Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia sort out the radiation energy, because he knew that it would reduce the radiation energy in Cheng Ran’s exhausted body, so he always disagreed with Cheng Ran helping himself. It was not until last night that he was in Cheng. Ran’s persistence felt the magic of Cheng Ran’s radiation energy.

Cheng Ran’s radiant energy is somewhat similar to him. When helping him to sort out the radiant energy, a lot of it will be integrated into his radiant energy. After sorting it out at a time, even the amount of his radiant energy has increased a lot…

Shi Qingyang has already had a practice experience. There is no barrier at the time of promotion. It is clear how to compress the radiation energy. The difference is only the accumulation of radiation energy, but the existence of Cheng Ran seems to be able to greatly increase To shorten the time it takes for him to accumulate radiant energy…

Of course, even though he knew this, he was unwilling to do so. After all, giving his radiant energy to others would cause some harm to Cheng Ran.

“I know.” Cheng Ran smiled, then watched Shi Qingyang enter the Radiant Guild’s chariot and was sent to a special entry point…Because the signal cannot be transmitted in the wild, he will have no way before the game. Get any news from Shi Qingyang.

For the fairness of the competition, although participants are allowed to carry therapeutic drugs and radiation soothing agents, heat weapons and the like are not allowed. At the same time, everyone will have cameras on their hands and heads to record everything they have experienced. .

These videos cannot be transmitted to the Internet in the first time, but they can be played after the fact to ensure the safety of the contestants and also serve as evidence for the final judgment of the results.

As soon as Shi Qingyang got his things, he checked them carefully. After finding that there were no problems, he carefully equipped them, and then put the medicines and food that had been checked on him one by one-this competition It takes two full days and forty-eight hours. One of the most important aspects is to let all the contestants show their ability to survive in the wild. Naturally, such things should not be forgotten.

Shi Qingyang has long been accustomed to the wild environment, let alone let him get the three metal medals in other people’s hands for another two days, it’s not difficult for him to find everyone out, and here’s Alien beasts may be able to threaten fifth-level radiation fighters, but there is absolutely no threat to seventh-level radiation fighters. Therefore, he is not worried about the game. The only worry is closing the family.

Shi Qingyang entered the training ground by a river, far away from the other contestants. Once he entered, he must prevent being hunted and work hard to hunt others…

Lush trees covered the entire training ground. During the period, there were many tall flowers and plants. The mutant plants were very tall and could be called shelter from the sky. Shi Qingyang entered slowly and waved with his hand. The radiant energy slowly rippled away, and at the same time feedbacked the surrounding information to him little by little.

He carefully avoided places where there might be traps, but the speed of his advancement was not slow at all. After walking for a while, he finally stopped after throwing away people, and then found a hidden place and took out a bottle of water. Mix a bottle of medicine, and finally use the water to wash the radiation protection suit on his body and the medicine bottle that was touched by those people just now.

In the wild, some strange beasts can find people by smell. He was worried that someone would put something with a special smell on him, so he took precautions from the beginning.

After doing all this, Shi Qingyang discerned the direction and began to dive aside…

All the contestants entered the training ground in the morning. At that time, there were many mobile towns and chariots outside the training ground to watch the excitement, but in the absence of any movement, gradually, people also left. Up.

At two o’clock in the afternoon that day, the first person in a certain area of ​​the training ground used the hungry flare to give up the game. This person was quickly taken out. Within half an hour, the second person gave up the game…

By this evening, seventy people had been eliminated. Most of these people chose to quit because they were robbed of metal cards and injured when fighting with others. However, two of them were due to encounters with other animals. , I will ask for help if I can’t fight…

It’s fine for those who are seriously injured. Those who are only slightly injured and those who can’t even be beaten by other animals have undoubtedly become objects of contempt for the whole country. Even if they are robbed of their metal medals, they can still try to **** someone else’s. , Even if they can’t get it, if they stay in there enough time, others can recognize their efforts, but these people actually gave up in the first place…

There are people who need to be despised, and naturally there are people who are worthy of admiration. Through the videos of the eliminated people, someone soon discovered that at least four people now have enough metal medals to advance.

Among these people, Shi Qingyang should get the most metal medals. He has already solved seven opponents. Because one of them has already obtained a metal medal from his companion, he has eight metal medals. The second most is Ding. Yifei, who is familiar with the wild environment, has at least seven pieces in his hand. The other two are Feng Linqiu and a sixth-level radiation fighter from Yellow River City. Both of them have at least five metal cards in their hands.

Before the start of this game, people’s expectations for Feng Linqiu were the highest. After all, he is a genius who has been publicized for a long time. However, after the start of this game, many people now think that he has no chance to win this time. , To win the championship, you have to wait for the next session-compared with Shi Qingyang, his performance is flat.

Feng Yunhong knew all these news and such a trend.

“How are the arrangements?” Seeing that the time was getting late, Feng Yunhong looked at the people around him.

“My grandfather, it has been arranged. There is our place. If that person goes out again, he will definitely be able to catch Shi Qingyang.”

“Just catch it, and send him directly to the laboratory.” Feng Yunhong said again. He is ambition to Shi Qingyang. After all, as long as Shi Qingyang is in his hands, he won’t want Cheng Ran to be obedient. Difficult.

“Old lady, do you really want that person to go?” The people next to Feng Yunhong couldn’t help asking again.

“This Shi Qingyang is very strong. To be on the safe side, it’s better to let that one go to the seventh level… He can even win the sixth level of the Ding family, and Fan Jia and Cheng Xuze prepare things… …” Feng Yunhong didn’t explain. If he guessed right, Cheng Ran is the mysterious pharmacist of the Cheng family, then there are probably many good things in Shi Qingyang’s body.

And in that training ground, there are likely to be a lot of people, if there are other contestants next to Shi Qingyang…

He has always been cautious, and naturally will not let his plan go wrong. Speaking of it, now is not the best time to deal with Shi Qingyang. Unfortunately, when Shi Qingyang went to hunt the locust beasts, he did not know Cheng Ran’s situation. , Now Cheng Ran and Fan Jia’s relationship is getting closer…

Fan Jia and Wen Zhuoyi have always been simple and simple, but they can value Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang so much. It can be seen that these two people are special and make him more and more eager.

Feng Yunhong looked at the moving town of Fan Jia not far away, and took a long breath.

When the lights of Feng Yunhong and Fan Jia’s mobile town were all lit up, Shi Qingyang just covered the fire in front of him.

Even if he is directly exposed to the wild food, he can eat it without any problem, so he has never used the food he brought, but killed an alien animal, and after it was cooked, he picked the most delicious one.

Seven or eight hours have passed since he entered into the present. He did not encounter any danger, but he was also extra careful, so he extinguished the fire as soon as it was dark and moved forward quietly at the same time.

There was a reason why he did not participate in a competition like the Sponergy Contest in his previous life. In some respects, it was really a game for the rich. Even if there were civilians in the contestants, they had such a game when they were less than 30 years old. Achievement, I am afraid that many people will rush to support them… These people are very good at playing with their companions in the city, and I am afraid that they are just normal in the wild. Now at night, some insects that appear at night will be very active. Maybe someone who can’t stand it will give up.

Shi Qingyang was always paying attention to the flare around there. Before, he saw someone sending flare nearby and hurried away. Only when he ran into a contestant who had just won the complacency of others, the fisherman finally made a profit.

I don’t know how long it took, Shi Qingyang suddenly saw the sky on his right lit up, and a signal flare instantly lifted into the sky.

Without thinking about it, he went in that direction, and slowly slowed down until he was about to get closer.

People from the nearby rescue team have arrived, and the person who sent the signal was taken away, but there are people lurking around…

Shi Qingyang saw the person who was taken away from a distance. One leg was already unable to move. There was no doubt that he had just experienced a fierce battle before that. The person lurking next to him was probably the creator of this fierce battle. , And the other party is now lurking next to him, probably to wait for someone like him who wants to pick up a bargain.

Shi Qingyang stepped back slowly and withdrew for a while. After he could not feel the other person, he ran to the side with his own impression, planning to make a detour to the person behind him and grab him, but didn’t want him to just run out for a while, a huge wave The power of squeezed towards him.

Level eight! This is the eighth level!

His eyes widened sharply, Shi Qingyang reacted in an instant, a roll and flew to the side, while holding down the signal flare in his hand-it was not a trivial matter to encounter a level 8 radiation fighter during the game!

But obviously, that eighth-level radiation energy warrior reacted equally fast. A few radiation energy flew towards Shi Qingyang, and the signal flare in his hand had already lost its effect. Not only that, a round protective shield was also enveloped. On him, the radiation energy around him was isolated, and his voice was also isolated.

The other party was clearly prepared, but he didn’t find any clues!

At this time, Shi Qingyang would naturally not hide his strength. Although the radiant energy was isolated by the protective cover, the radiant energy inside his condensed body made a strenuous blow, but he also pierced the protective cover in an instant, but even so, Shi Qingyang knew that he was afraid of trouble when he saw the situation outside .

This area has been completely shrouded by a huge cover, not only that, the eighth-level powerhouse is now standing in front of him.

This eighth-level powerhouse who dared to attack him is not anyone in his impression, not only that, she is still a woman, a woman who is blind!

Shi Qingyang is very confident of his own strength, even if an average eighth-level strong wants to get close to him, it is not easy, but what if he is blind? As a blind man, she might have been accustomed to using radiation energy to observe the surrounding environment. The combat skills he figured out to detect the surrounding environment are definitely not better than those figured out by the opponent. Not only that, as an eighth-level radiation energy fighter, the opponent Able to fly, it can be hidden in the tip of a tree tens of meters high, it is even more difficult for him to find the trace of the opponent.

Quickly sending out a seven-level combat skill towards the opponent, Shi Qingyang ran towards the edge of the huge cover, not only that, he had not forgotten to put on a protective cover for himself.

“Hey, level seven…” The eighth-level radiation energy warrior made a particularly hoarse voice, waved a combat skill, and the protective shield on Shi Qingyang’s body was broken. At the same time, the radiation energy in this shield, She was also momentarily evacuated.

It takes time to hold up the huge cover, and it can also extract the radiation energy inside. Even at level eight, it will take time. If Shi Qingyang takes the lead, he can definitely keep himself from getting into trouble, but now…

During the competition, the radiant explosion technique used by Zheng Gaoyuan was used by Shi Qingyang at a faster speed than Zheng Gaoyuan. Although he could not induce the radiant energy in the air, his full blow could also prevent the opponent from failing. Feel good.

That’s all, as a blind man who needs to use radiation energy to detect his surroundings, radiation blasting can also prevent the other party from detecting himself.

Shi Qingyang took out a bottle of medicament and drank it in one gulp, and then hit the edge of the transparent cover with a fist. The force he used was so skillful that the cover shattered in an instant, and his whole body rushed out quickly.

The eighth-level powerhouse instantly attacked, and the rope made up of radiant energy entangled Shi Qingyang.

By this time, Shi Qingyang had already determined that this eighth-level radiation energy warrior did not want to kill himself, but wanted to catch him alive, so he thought, Feng Yunhong killing him would only make Cheng Ran break with him, but instead would catch him. he……

If Feng Yunhong catches him and uses him as a threat, Cheng Ran can be obedient. As for being questioned by others…Who can show evidence?

This is undoubtedly my own opportunity! Shi Qingyang clenched his fists, relying on the opponent to not kill himself, even without supporting the protective cover, all the radiation energy was condensed to the soles of his feet, and he escaped quickly.

Shi Qingyang knew that the person would not kill himself, but was not sure if that person would kill others, so he deliberately bypassed the person hiding beside him, but turned on the light on his body again, and shouted: “Someone Murder! Someone wants to murder!”

Everyone who participates in the competition now knows him. If that person is smart, he should be vigilant and hide, and then help report the letter!

“What?” Ding Yifei had just dealt with a person. After that person used the signal flare, he waited on the spot to see if anyone came… He waited for a long time and didn’t wait for anything. He planned to find a place to rest. But I didn’t expect to hear Shi Qingyang’s voice, and ran towards Shi Qingyang: “Shi Qingyang, it’s you! Today we will come to divide the victory and defeat!”

“Stupid!” Shi Qingyang didn’t expect that the person was actually Ding Yifei, and only felt unlucky.

Ding Yifei ran towards Shi Qingyang at this time, intending to block Shi Qingyang’s path.

However, as soon as he had such a plan, he immediately paused. Shi Qingyang has now done his best, and the aura on his body has naturally fully revealed.

Level seven! Damn it turned out to be level seven! Ding Yifei made sure that at the beginning of the competition, Master Qing Yang only used the output of level 5 radiation energy, and the person who could win him at level 5, turned out to be not at level 5, but at level 7!

For a while, Ding Yifei couldn’t think of anything other than yelling at him. It’s a pity that the ensuing power made him completely awake-level eight!

Shi Qingyang is a seventh-level hell, but someone really wants to kill him, that person is still eighth! A spoke energy was violent to the eighth level that made him feel terrifying.

Ding Yifei’s first reaction was to use the flare. Unfortunately, he was different from an alert Shi Qingyang. He decided from the beginning that he would never use flare, so he put the flare directly in the innermost backpack. …

The blind eighth-level strong man would not give Ding Yifei time to take out the flare. Her attack quickly hit Ding Yifei’s body. Before the sixth-level Ding Yifei had time to react, he fainted. .

Shi Qingyang took this opportunity and ran out for a while. This eighth level expert was obviously very angry, and her attack was even more recklessly directed at Shi Qingyang. It seemed that she had no intention of taking care of Shi Qingyang’s life and death. .

When Shi Qingyang was at the first level, he could completely win the second-level radiation fighter with his own experience, and he could also avoid the attacks of the third-level radiation fighters. This is because he has an eighth-level vision, but it is different now. , And he was fighting against an eighth-level radiation fighter.

What if he is at level 7, the difference between level 7 and level 8 is not 1.2 points, and his radiation energy is stable, which is a good thing but prevents his attack power from being too high. On the contrary, it is this blind woman. The radiation energy is extremely violent, and the attack power is terrifying.

Not only that, her fighting tactics are also a bit unreasonable!

Her current violent method of Fu Neng is somewhat similar to Shang Yuhang, who in her memory will break through to level 8 in two years, and finally find people to fight with him. Such a person has very strong offensive power, but also has to Endure radiation energy riots far beyond ordinary people.

Shi Qingyang erected a number of shields in front of him, but he was still beaten by the opponent’s attack and flew out, but he did not suffer. A bottle of potion that could stimulate the radiation warrior and trigger the radiation riot was thrown out by him. .

This medicine was researched by Wen Zhuoyi inadvertently. He had never used it before. At the time, Wen Zhuoyi, who had stable radiation energy, accidentally ran into Metropolitan Radiation Riot. The person in front of him…

The originally violent radiation energy turned out to be even more violent, but Shi Qingyang was shocked that the man did not lose his mobility due to the radiation energy riot, but began to condense the surrounding radiation energy, attacking frantically, seemingly intending to riot in the body. The radiant energy was squandered, and the main one who was attacked was Shi Qingyang.

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