Back to the Peak

Chapter 106

Chapter 105 Locust plague

When Shi Qingyang arrived at the assembly point, many of the radiation fighters recruited in Central City were already there.

Cheng Ran gave a large box of medicines to Shi Qingyang, but finally did not follow-he has too much to learn now, and going outside the city with so many people is very likely to expose him Physical condition, he is not afraid of radiation energy at all now.

“Master, you must come back soon!” Zheng Gaoyuan said with a cry of tears, moving his hands, practicing the five-level protective shield.

“…I should be able to catch up and come back to participate in the radiation competition.” Shi Qingyang looked at Zheng Gaoyuan’s strange appearance and said.

This time the Feng family let Shi Qingyang go, but did not let other people who came to Central City follow, but in the team, Shi Qingyang still saw two acquaintances-Shang Mufeng and Fu Xiaoyang.

As for the reason why these two people would appear here, he already knew last night that Shang Mufeng would be selected because he forgot to apply for a disability certificate after his arm was injured. Because the preparatory work for the newly opened Qinghe Tavern in Central City has been completed, he has not exercised well after adapting to his artificial hands, so he simply agreed. As for Fu Xiaoyang, he took the initiative to join, for the sake of nothing. Metaphor.

For nearly a thousand years, alien beasts have always been the enemy of mankind. As long as human beings have the power, they will clean up the alien beasts that are too dangerous. The so-called alien beasts that are too dangerous are generally gregarious or breeding special animals. Fast monsters, such as wasps, termites, and locusts.

Three hundred years ago, a locust plague occurred near the Yellow River City. Countless locust beasts swarmed over the sky. Although they did not attack the human city, they ate all the alien plants where they passed. The class is completely destroyed…

Had it not been for the government organized a lot of people to hunt locust beasts for refrigeration, the Yellow River City would eventually lead to famine. After the locust beasts flew away, the alien plants near the city disappeared completely, and the alien animals that feed on the alien plants. Naturally all left.

However, no matter how much food is stored, people living in that area will still have to endure the doubling of food prices in the next few years. At that time, a mobile town in a nearby city went to Yellow River City and it was full of food. When I left Yellow River City, it was always full of people.

Because the damage caused by the locust beast is too great, this time the locust plague occurred, the central city will find a lot of people to go to the ancient city of Qing Dynasty.

“Fu Xiaoyang, although you can deal with locust beasts, are you sure you can deal with a group of locust beasts?” Shi Qingyang asked with some dissatisfaction. That’s it for Shang Mufeng. He is nearly 30 years old and is now a fifth-level radiation fighter. Although it is difficult to make progress in the future because of his physical disability, his strength is not weak, but Fu Xiaoyang is only third-level.

Such a shy Fu Xiaoyang knew that it was not easy to go with Shang Mufeng.

“Boss…” Fu Xiaoyang blushed: “Actually, many low-level radiators like me have come. We are mainly responsible for digging locust eggs…”

“I almost forgot about this.” Shi Qingyang reacted. When he first dealt with the locust beast, he had asked Zheng Gaoyuan to dig the locust beast’s eggs. He was out of appetite at that time, and now he wants to eradicate the locust plague. This is the top priority.

“All the radiation fighters entered the two mobile towns according to their numbers, and proceeded with registration arrangements!” The broadcast rang at this moment.

This time, there are four mobile towns from Central City to Qing Ancient City. They are all large mobile towns that can live in tens of thousands of people. Two are loaded with armies, and the other two are loaded with radiation fighters recruited from Central City. Shi Qingyang and Shang Mufeng Fu Xiaoyang happened to be on top of one of them.

The registrar registered each person’s data at the entrance and assigned the room. When he saw Shang Mufeng’s arm, he was a little surprised. He immediately asked Shang Mufeng if he needed to change the job of killing locust beasts to digging locust eggs, but was Shang Mufeng refused.

Nowadays, the mobile town they ride in is usually used to station the army. The rooms inside are divided into quadruple rooms and double rooms. Upon receiving this answer, the registrar simply assigned Shang Mufeng and Fu Xiaoyang, who followed him, a double room. Encouraging Shang Mufeng: “Brother, come on!” He couldn’t help but admire those who were injured but still didn’t give up on themselves.

“Shi Qingyang!” When it was Shi Qingyang’s turn, Liang Liang suddenly squeezed up: “I am an assistant pharmacist, and I can sleep in a double room. I don’t know anyone else. How about being with you?”

“Sorry, I can sleep in a single room.” Shi Qingyang waved the door key in his hand. Just now he donated a lot of money and got the treatment of living alone in a double room-there are always some people who are willing to squeeze with others for money. squeeze.

“That’s it…” Liang Liang was disappointed, and was suddenly “pushed” by the people behind him, and he planted his head on Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang quickly stepped aside, inevitably being speechless. Although he was thinking about showing Liang Liangyou after he came, he hadn’t done anything yet, and Liang Liang fell over.

Although Liang Liang took the initiative to chase him in his previous life, he did not have such a good temper, but he was very gentle with him before he was taken out of the city and seriously injured him.

At that time, he rushed to rescue Liang Liang, who was said to be surrounded by a strange beast, but stepped into the trap…At that time Liang Liang was the one he wanted to spend his life together, but he smiled and saw that he was injured and abandoned. It feels imaginable.

Shi Qingyang looked at Liang Liang who was still looking at him weepingly because he had let go and fell into the arms of others. Compared with Liang Liang’s original appearance, he only felt even more disgusted.

It took about two days to travel from Central City to Qing Ancient City, and everyone spent the two days in the mobile town. On the first day, Shi Qingyang and Liang Liang met by chance seven or eight times.

If someone else admires themselves and sticks to themselves, I’m afraid they would be very proud, but Shi Qingyang would not be happy because of such a thing, let alone he knew Liang Liang’s behavior very well.

“Boss… that person likes you?” Fu Xiaoyang found Shi Qingyang when he was eating that night, and he was very sure.

“Who knows?” Shi Qingyang said casually.

“I think that person has no good intentions.” Shang Mufeng has always said little, but at this time he also said that Shi Qingyang is already married, and there is nothing immoral with others.

“I think so too.” Shi Qingyang smiled, and suddenly asked: “Are there any young people with poor health in this mobile town?”

“Yes, there is a girl who has just grown up here. It is said that the family conditions are not good, and the money for this mission is a lot. She is 18 years old, a first-level radiation fighter.” Shang Mufeng said immediately, and then Looking at Shi Qingyang curiously.

“Look at that Liang Liang, I’ll visit that pharmacist.” Shi Qingyang smiled.

In their mobile town, in addition to the radiation warrior, there is also a pharmacist who will accompany her. She will allocate a lot of potions along the way. According to the number of potions allocated in exchange for contribution points, when Shi Qingyang passed by, the other party was busy. .

“Liang Liang is your assistant?” Shi Qingyang asked immediately after pushing the door in.

“Yes.” The female pharmacist nodded, but frowned slightly, and even looked at Shi Qingyang with dissatisfaction. She already knew Liang Liang’s behavior today, and it was natural to Shi Qingyang who was being targeted. No good feelings either.

Shi Qingyang smiled slightly when he saw the other party’s displeased look, knowing that it wouldn’t be too difficult for him to get things done.

Liang Liang felt very unlucky.

Since Feng Linqiu suddenly called him and asked him to find a way to seduce Shi Qingyang, he hasn’t had a day of liking.

His family background is indeed incomparable to that of Feng’s family, but he has never been wronged before, and he grew up spoiled by his parents, but facing Shi Qingyang…for so long, Shi Qingyang has not given him a good face. Even if he repeatedly comforted himself to teach Qingyang because someone else did not dare to do anything deviant, he knew that this reason was becoming increasingly untenable.

Shi Qingyang… It’s possible that he doesn’t like him at all.

Because of this, when he came to the mobile town this time, he even gave up his plan to make Shi Qingyang like him completely. He just wanted to make Shi Qingyang react to his pursuit a little, so he could make some ambiguous videos.

However, before he could do this, he was told that the position of the assistant pharmacist had been changed and replaced by a shriveled and weak little girl.

Didn’t Feng Linqiu say that he had arranged this position for him? Why is this happening? Before Liang Liang could react, the suitcase he placed in the two-person dormitory had been thrown out by the person who treated him weirdly at the beginning-he was no longer an assistant to the pharmacist, and naturally he had no chance to enjoy the room between the two. .

In the end, he had to move into the four-person room and endure other people’s fascinating eyes…

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that once he is not an assistant to the pharmacist, he needs to leave the mobile town to work!

He grew up so old that he had only played with others out of the city before. Whether it was killing exotic animals or digging up locust eggs, it was very far away for him…

“Teacher Zhang, didn’t you say that I will be your assistant? Now why…” After receiving the notice, Liang Liang was led to change his residence. After the change, he had time to find the female medicine surnamed Zhang. division.

“I chose you as an assistant at the beginning, but you look at you. How long have you been with me today? I can’t find you if I have anything to do. What kind of assistant is this?” The middle-aged woman looked at Liang Liang dissatisfied. .

She let Liang Liang be an assistant because someone gave her a sum of money. Why did she run around as a pharmacist? Isn’t it just for money? So even if she knew which young master might come to make a contribution but couldn’t work, she agreed.

But now, someone gave her more money, and also gave her some videos and experience of making medicine, so she naturally had other choices.

Liang Liang’s face became stiff. He did not stay with the pharmacist much before. Feng Linqiu said that his main task was to teach Qingyang when he was hungry. In this case, of course he had to be familiar with the situation of the mobile town on the first day. Shi Qingyang brushed his presence in front of…

“Sorry, it was my fault. I will definitely correct it. Teacher Zhang, I have learned a lot of knowledge about pharmacy since I was a child. I believe that if you let me be your assistant, I will do my best.” Liang Liang has always been able to. Shinobu, immediately began to apologize.

“No need.” The pharmacist refused: “I think the person I choose now is much better than you.” Although the girl is only one level and doesn’t understand pharmacy, she wins because of her diligence…not to mention, she can Reluctant to return the study materials that Shi Qingyang gave her.

“Ms. Zhang…” Liang Liang was rubbing pitifully at the door.

At this moment, a few people just came in from outside the door to get the medicine. When they saw him, those people laughed: “Some people think that they are good-looking and they can hook up people everywhere without working. This is good, people didn’t hook up. I also suffered…”

“What’s your name? It’s pretty good. The person you’re looking at doesn’t like you. What do you think of me?”

“This face is really good, but it’s a man.”

Even if Liang Liang can bear it, he is only 18 years old now, and the tears in his eyes will not fall.

The reason why the middle-level pharmacist lacked money was because he was divorced from her husband. Her husband also married a young girl. Seeing Liang Liang look like this, he suddenly became disgusted, and he might even offend the people behind Liang Liang. It doesn’t matter-this Liang Liang also has the ability to seduce people, what can the people behind him have? “You look like you cry and show it to others. I want an assistant, not a vixen.”

Liang Liang head cried and ran out, and almost ran into someone: “Shi Qingyang?”

Shi Qingyang came here to watch a good show, and was very satisfied at this time, so he simply smiled, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Liang Liang cried: “It’s okay, I…”

“I still have something to do, please work hard.” Shi Qingyang said again, Liang Liang was the most impatient to do dirty work. It would be nice to ask him to dig locust eggs, maybe he would get hurt…

Liang Liang watched Shi Qingyang leave with a complicated expression. Shi Qingyang hadn’t even said anything to him before, but now he comforted him suddenly, which made him feel flattered.

Liang Liang did not sleep in the dormitory of the two-person room at all. That night, he could only enter the dormitory of the four-person room. The other three men in the dormitory were all second- and third-level radiation fighters. Snoring is completely torture for him.

Lie on the bed, thinking of his previous life, Liang Liang felt more and more aggrieved, and finally couldn’t help crying again, and complained to Feng Linqiu who made him come here.

In the evening of the second day, the four mobile towns arrived near the ancient city of Qing Dynasty. Here, many locust beasts are jumping around among different plants. These locust beasts are not small and can jump very high. The pressure is also very high.

Although it was already evening and the sky was going to darken, the soldiers on the first two mobile fortresses all left the car and began to hunt down the locust beasts.

People who will join the army are generally not high in strength. Many of them are just radiators, but they have received formal training, have thermal weapons in their hands, and cooperate very well with each other. A few people will always be able to do so. Effectively kill the locust beast.

“This time, the contribution points are calculated based on the number of locusts killed or the number of eggs dug…” After the army began to take action, the other two mobile towns also drove to other places, and some people agitated the radiation fighters above.

Tonight, people are not forced to leave the mobile town, but since they are here, Shi Qingyang will not be lazy. He put on a combat uniform and came outside, and then various five-level combat skills were quickly used. The most popular is the “War Dragon” combat technique used by Feng Jia. Although this combat technique consumes a lot of energy at the beginning, as long as it is maintained well, it can be maintained for the rest of the time.

Shi Qingyang grabbed this long rope composed of spokes and led it to stab or smash, and quickly killed many locust beasts. After killing the locust beast, he would inject one into the locust beast. Metal beads for counting-wait a minute, someone will take away all the corpses of these locust beasts.

The fact that Shi Qingyang was able to do so without any blood stains on his body was undoubtedly fascinating, but the most concerned thing was Shang Mufeng.

Shang Mufeng only has one arm, and he would normally encounter a lot of trouble using combat skills, but his attacks are still very sharp. He often allows the alien beasts to approach him, and then the metal prosthesis will penetrate without hesitation. The body of the alien beast, and the splashed liquid fell on his combat uniform, making him look like a legendary demon.

Liang Liang stood on the edge of the mobile town. Many people went down to clean up the scene, looking for beast eggs, but his face was ugly-what will he do tomorrow?

His gaze fell on Shi Qingyang in the distance, thinking of his mission, and thinking of knowing Shi Qingyang’s comfort, he finally made up his mind-he could follow Shi Qingyang.

Wherever the huge mobile town passed, all the plants would be crushed into mud. Because of this, the four mobile towns lined up in a row when they came, and they finally divided into two groups when they arrived in the ancient city of Qing Dynasty. In a different direction.

Shi Qingyang and their mobile town stopped on a grassland with another mobile town full of soldiers. It should be full of alien plants that are taller than humans, but now it looks a little bald. The locust beasts swiftly chewed the green leaves around them, but fortunately, these locust beasts have not gathered together and flew to one place after another as they did three hundred years ago…

The mobile town will stay here for a day. During this period, everyone will go down to clean up the locust beasts, kill the strange beasts if they have the strength, and dig the eggs if they don’t.

Shi Qingyang is definitely one of the powerful people. If it weren’t for the protection of the less powerful people who dig locust eggs behind, he could even rush to far places. Of course, since he has joined the collective now, of course he must do his job well to avoid casualties – even if the locust beast has a low attack power, there are other strange beasts on this grassland.

In his previous life, there were a lot of things like watching his comrades die.

Shi Qingyang kills the locust beast very fast. If he kills all the locust beasts in front of him, he will help others to solve it, so he won’t take other people’s locust beasts.

Such a solution is not a life-saving grace, but it allows others to waste less energy and save more contribution points… Nowadays, many people know Shi Qingyang. Originally, others thought he was nothing but this, but now they feel that He is truly a good man.

After Shi Qingyang moved forward for a while, he found Liang Liang stumbled behind him, but did not dig locust eggs like others.

Shi Qingyang frowned and reached the edge of a fairly intact bush.

Sure enough, a small group of locust beasts flew over. This time, he did not kill all the locust beasts in the first time. Instead, he missed two injured ones, and added a few wind blades to drive them away…

Liang Liang ran with the large group and was already very exhausted. He was draped far behind Shi Qingyang, watching Shi Qingyang quickly kill the locust beasts, and finally felt a little safe.

However, he did not expect that dozens of locusts would suddenly come over! As the scope of the sweep increased, there were only a few people in front of them. Those people couldn’t stop the locust beast, and two rushed towards him…

“Ah!” Liang Liang screamed, his body ached. He used his combat skills very well in school, but at this time he couldn’t use any of them. He could only let the locust beast step on him. The internal organs are so painful.

The two locust beasts were already scared by him, and they would only escape for their lives. It’s really a pity… Shi Qingyang turned around to pick up the two locust beasts who wanted to escape after stepping on Liang Liang, and moved towards Liang Liang. Smiled: “Are you okay?”

Liang Liang’s stomach hurts, but he quickly raised a smile: “I’m fine, thank you.”

Shi Qingyang smoothly punched steel **** into the bodies of the two locust beasts, a little curious-Liang Liang’s thank you just now seemed to be very sincere?

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