Azarinth Healer

Chapter 886: Ilea

Ilea moved her wings to stay afloat, her magic deactivated as her mana started to recover. She felt spent, her cells frayed from the long use of her most powerful spells. Chunks of rock and debris were scattered everywhere, the entire valley still glowing with heat and fire. Warm winds moved in, the only present sound, now that the titan was slain.

She lowered herself towards the ground, and landed, the remaining heat comforting, nothing like the flames she had survived.

Dragonfire, she thought with a grin, then giggled to herself, checking behind to see if it all had somehow been a prank.

Quiet winds and moving flames were all that she could see. The mountains of the far north.

She breathed in as her wings dissolved, looking at the monument that she had left behind. The dragon was dead. Its form almost like another mountain, blending in with dark red scales and jagged wings of scales. Deep embedded in its chest remained the black lance of ash, towering up and away, the ashen surface showing cracks and splinters.

“That was me,” she murmured, almost to remind herself. She checked to see if there were any gods in the vicinity, but she was alone.


I forgot to invite Violence to this one. He’s gonna be pissed, she thought and smiled.

Ilea stretched and cracked her neck. Rip out some scales, or check my options?

She decided on the latter. The carcass could wait.

‘ding’ ‘You have killed [Dragon of Calamity – lvl 3105]’

‘ding’ ‘The Arcane Eternal has reached lvl 958 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘The Arcane Eternal has reached lvl 1004 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘The Ashen Titan has reached lvl 955 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘The Ashen Titan has reached lvl 1001 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘The Primordial Arbiter has reached lvl 956 – One stat point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘The Primordial Arbiter has reached lvl 1002 – One stat point awarded’

All three at once? Shit.

She quickly went through the remaining messages not pertaining to her Classes.

‘ding’ ‘Ashen Limbs reaches 3rd lvl 17’

‘ding’ ‘Identify reaches 2nd lvl 13’

‘ding’ ‘Spear of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 19’

‘ding’ ‘Spear of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Wind Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 27’

‘ding’ ‘New titles available’

- Dragonrider [You have ridden on the back of a dragon. Non draconic monsters fear your presence, and draconic monsters are more likely to surrender to your will.]

- Dragonslayer [You have slain a dragon and taken some of its power. Reduces all physical and magical damage sustained by 10%. Increases all magical damage by 10%.]

Holy fuck, that was so worth it. Ten percent?

She assumed the wording meant the increases were on top of everything else, like with her Godslayer title.

Ilea instantly changed her title to Dragonslayer. Who wouldn’t, really?

Now I have to find Pierce again, show up, drink a cup of tea, and leave again without a word.

Ilea grinned to herself as she read through the core skill point additions.

‘ding’ ‘You have seen Garonoth, Immortal Dragon of the North – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have joined the flight of a dragon as its rider – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have seen the fire breath of a dragon of calamity – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have survived the fire breath of a dragon of calamity – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have fought a dragon of calamity – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have defeated a dragon of calamity – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have reached level one thousand – One Core skill point awarded’

Nothing particularly surprising, after the battle.

She looked at the dragon once more and sat down on a still slightly glowing and half molten rock.

Then she checked her first option.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Arcane Eternal becomes The Azarinth Myth. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Bring life to what has once been lost.

- Has a Healing or Arcane Magic Class at level 1000

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has a Reconstruction based spell in the Fourth Tier

- Has surpassed the very Order from which their magic has originated

- Has formed a Healing Organization

- Has passed on the Bluemoon Grass

- Has attuned to the arcane

- Has killed a level 2500 creature while alone

- Has saved at least 100’000 beings from life threatening danger

- Has influenced the Healing Orders of the world

- Has inherited the Azarinth Star

- Has the Azarinth Barrier spell at the end of the third tier

- Has helped provide opportunities to hundreds of thousands of beings

- Is seen by hundreds of thousands as a saint or goddess

The Azarinth Myth brings back the name of a once renowned and subsequently disgraced Healing Order, not clearing their name and history, but taking the next step in forging a new path. A myth known throughout the world, a symbol of hope and healing for the people, a saint of restoration. They wield healing magic on a scale thought impossible, entire cities cleared of plague and rot, minds freed of corruption and hurt, fighting invasions and enemies to their people with the pinnacle of Azarinth magic. They stand for a unified world where beings of all awakened species are welcomed, where progress and cooperation may flourish under a new banner of hope. Bring forth the age of Azarinth!

Would you like to evolve your class [The Arcane Eternal] to [The Azarinth Myth]?’

Ilea read through and frowned. A little much, is it. A unified world? A banner of hope? And all that with the Azarinth name attached to it.

Clearing entire cities of plague and rot seems insane though. I hope that scale is going to be a theme, she thought with a grin and checked the next option for the Arcane Eternal.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Arcane Eternal becomes The Death Chosen. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Death comes for all.

- Has an Arcane Magic Class at level 1000

- Has aided in the creation of a Greater Lich

- Has aided in the restoration of a trapped soul

- Has recovered the Soul Forge of Khan Joggoth

- Has seen the Primordial Curse, and survived

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Acquainted with Necromancers, Liches, and Dark sorcerers.

- Has the Soul Perception skill in the second tier

- Has the Soul Magic Resistance skill in the third tier

- Has laughed in the face of death

- Has had their soul shattered and recovered

- Has fought and survived the battle with a divine being of death

- Has ended the lives of at least 100’000 beings

The Death Chosen. Untainted. Survivor and bringer of death. Soul shattered and restored, acquainted with the Primordial Curse, and friend to those dabbling in the arts of death. Thousands they have killed, and thousands they have saved. Souls reaped and protected, judged by the Chosen alone. Wielding the unstoppable forces of soul and death alike, the Chosen walks among the living, unnatural, unmatched, feared and loved alike. Neither cursed nor divine, they choose to wield their power in whatever way they wish, a path uncertain, but the end is inescapable.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Arcane Eternal] to [The Death Chosen]?’

Soul and death. First step to become a Lich? Or is this already a step above? Owl isn’t acquainted with the Primordial Curse after all.

Ilea pondered the realization of having ended the lives of a hundred thousand beings. She didn’t want it, but this was an option to become some kind of symbol of death. She had certainly earned it.

I wonder what I could’ve gotten if I had won against Savien.

She didn’t really consider the option, soul and death surely powerful schools of magic that she was certainly acquainted with, but while she liked the Vultures quite a bit, she didn’t want to join them as some sort of super death lord.


‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Arcane Eternal becomes The Arcane Apocalypse. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Wield the might of magic.

- Has an Arcane Magic Class at level 1000

- Has the Wisdom stat at 3000 or higher

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has the Arcane Magic Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has an arcane based spell in the Fourth Tier

- Has Meditation in the Fourth Tier

- Has killed a level 3000 creature while alone

- Has at least 150’000 mana

- Has brought devastation to beings of the void

- Has spent at least 500’000 mana in a single battle

- Is known throughout the lands

- Has intimidated at least three separate species

- Has defended the lands of her allies against outside invasion

- Has single-handedly turned the tide of battle

The arcane itself, bending to your will. Desolation to your enemies, you become the embodiment of magic. Reserves and spells to end entire nations, and to fight both godlike beings and Elementals alike. As the Arcane Apocalypse, you stand as a warning to all who would threaten your allies or be foolish enough to invade your lands. Combining incredible mana absorption and regeneration, the Arcane Apocalypse unleashes the very pinnacle of destructive power upon the battlefield, vast encompassing spells and precision blows, they mold the very arcane to their will. Known throughout the lands and realms, your enemies will speak your name in quiet voices. A figure of respect and admiration among all. You choose and forge the path, weapon and embodiment of the Arcane.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Arcane Eternal] to [The Arcane Apocalypse]?’

Oooh, I like this one. Pure arcane power. Her smile grew wider. Mana regeneration, absorption, and reserves are specifically mentioned too. And I’m not losing any spells, so Reconstruction will still be there in one form or the other.

Ilea jotted down the options into her notebook, summoning as much ice as she could to keep it from catching flame.

“Next,” she whispered.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Arcane Eternal becomes The Cosmic Immortal. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

The source of all.

- Has an Arcane or Astral Magic Class at level 1000

- Has the Wisdom stat at 3000 or higher

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has either Arcane Magic Resistance or Astral Magic Resistance at the end of the third tier

- Has a Reconstruction or Deconstruction spell in the Fourth Tier

- Has Meditation in the Fourth Tier

- Has seen and survived a primordial force

- Has killed a level 3000 creature while alone

- Has at least 150’000 mana

- Has absorbed or drained at least 10’000’000 points of mana from enemies or their spells

- Has fought and defeated a true Elemental

- Has used ten times or more of their total mana capacity in one battle

- Has attuned their body to arcane energies

- Has attuned their body to astral energies

The Cosmic Immortal has attuned their form to both the arcane and astral powers, has fought and killed creatures of divinity, they have reached Perfect Synergy, and pushed their arcane powers to the very limits of their cells. Through both battle and meditation, they have found the truth of magic, combining the inherent arcane and the power of the stars to wield the primal force of Cosmic energy connecting all. Their mana is boundless, their flesh and soul restored through perfect reconstruction. Enemies in your domain are faced with the very force that makes and unmakes all. Flesh and steel, fire and curse, all fades to cosmic power. Human made Immortal. Go forth, into the Cosmos.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Arcane Eternal] to [The Cosmic Immortal]?’

Ilea summoned a bottle of ale and drank a third of it. She liked this one. A lot. But she had liked the last one too.

The force that makes and unmakes all. Is this a combination like Devour magic? She noted it down, comparing the achievements from the Cosmic Immortal and the Arcane Apocalypse. She downed the bottle and decided to check the last option for now.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Arcane Eternal becomes The Storm Remnant. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Eye of the Storm.

- Has an Arcane Magic Class at level 1000

- Has the Intelligence stat at 3000 or higher

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 3000 creature while alone

- Has Meditation in the Fourth Tier

- Has at least 200’000 mana

- Has fought and defeated a true Storm Elemental

- Has found comfort in arcane storms

- Has the Lightning and Wind Resistance skills past level 20 of the third tier

- Has accepted a high risk of death for joy in battle

- Has survived the storms of Erendar

- Has survived at least 25 Fourth Tier spells aimed to kill them

Forged in the harshest elements of the world, the Storm Remnant is unmatched. They have battled against the pinnacle of magical power, have survived the spells of Elementals, and have prevailed through it all. Reveling in the storms and chaos of strife, of unbalance, and the upheaval of the magical equilibrium, they have forged their path to divinity, then rejected the divine, and chose their own path instead. Unpredictable, the Remnant commands the very arcane storms that had once defied them, wielding lightning, wind, and the arcane. Nothing will remain but devastation, should you choose to fight. You are chaos, you are change. The joy of endless battle lives on through your veins and through your lightning. Go, and hunt your prey.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Arcane Eternal] to [The Storm Remnant]?’

Fuck, this one is really cool as well.

Wielding arcane lightning. Ilea really liked the thought. To become some sort of northern storm herself. A last gift of Aveer, she thought and looked up towards the sky.

Looking back at her notebook, she tapped her leg with her free hand, the empty bottle stored again. Those are the five options. All great, but I’m leaning towards the last three.

She wondered if she should choose one already, but finally decided to check all of her options, for all of her Classes. There were three after all.

Let’s see what my ash can get me.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Ashen Titan becomes The Flame Touched Dragonrider. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Wings of doom.

- Has an Ash or Fire based Class at level 1000

- Has survived the fire breath of a dragon

- Has killed a level 2500 being with a companion

- Has the Heat Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has ridden a dragon

- Has burned away divine level beings

- Has befriended divine level beings

- Has ridden an Elemental into battle

- Has given hope to allies in the face of overwhelming odds

- Has an Ash or Fire based skill in the Fourth Tier

- Has the Veteran skill at the end of the third tier

You have fought the apex of the natural world, have wielded fire and heat to destroy your enemies. You have befriended ancient creatures, and you have ridden them into battle. As the Flame Touched Dragonrider, you learn to bond and summon those who would submit to your will. Creatures of the wild, coming to your aid as you battle with smoldering heat and fire, bringing destruction to those who would defy your will. Lead the charge of your allies and companions, and forge your path, with fire, and blood.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Ashen Titan] to [The Flame Touched Dragonrider]?’

Oh, so an actual summoner and monster riding Class? She smiled at the thought. It would be kind of cool. She wondered if she could convince Icy to bond with her. That would be nuts. Or the Trakorov, but I suppose he’d be a little weak at this point. Ilea shook her head at the thought.

No mention of ash at all. She wasn’t sure about that. Of course it was just her magic, but she found she didn’t want to let her ash go just like that.

Just feels wrong, she thought and looked at the next option.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Ashen Titan becomes The Blood Coated Warrior. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

The Undefeated.

- Has a Class at level 1000

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has the Blood Magic Resistance spell at level 20 of the third tier

- Has killed a deity of blood

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has matched a melee fighter at level 2000 or above in hand to hand combat

- Has the Monster Hunter spell at the end of the third tier

- Has the Veteran skill at the end of the third tier

- Has at least 100’000 health

- Has chosen battle over flight in the face of death

A warrior. No more and no less. Forged by countless battles. Undefeated, even against gods and Elementals. The Blood Coated Warrior is an unkillable fighter using both their body and powerful blood magic to continue on their path of strife. You stand unmatched. Hone your skill, against the ancient powers of the world, and emerge victorious.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Ashen Titan] to [The Blood Coated Warrior]?’

From that blood oracle, she thought with a smile. Not the worst option, but again, no ash! Still, she found she liked this one more than the rider class. In her early days in Elos, she may have ignored a blood magic option, but now, things weren’t exactly the same. A full on four mark body enhancement Class with a focus on hand to hand combat, she didn’t hate it.

But do show me some ash.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Ashen Titan becomes The Goddess of Ash. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Ash incarnate.

- Has an Ash based Class at level 1000

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has the Origin of Ash and Embers skill in the Fourth Tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has trusted their ash in the face of death

- Has killed a true Elemental while alone

- Has faced death countless times

- Has created ashen copies and infused them with their will

- Has at least 10’000 beings thinking them a deity

- Has at least three General skills related to ash

- Has the Monstrous skill at the end of the second tier

Beyond comprehension, the might of ash, the power of divinity. Become the element itself, and wield it to the truest of its will, to the pinnacle of its creation. You are the goddess of ash itself, on par with Elementals, and unmatched in the mastery of your creation. Wield ash and devastate all. Nothing will remain on the path you have chosen. Blessed be those who kneel and trust in Lilith, guardian of the Accords, embodiment of ash!

Would you like to evolve your class [The Ashen Titan] to [The Goddess of Ash]?’

Ask, and ye shall receive. Ilea laughed, knowing this evolution would turn her into a goddess herself. At least one defined by the magic within her, and the make of the world. So far, she wasn’t particularly convinced that being a goddess was something she wanted to do. Most of them seemed like shits, or straight up monsters.

I did get my ash though.

She noted down the option, unsure so far between the blood one and this. Normally she’d have straight up ignored anything mentioning the divine, but there were a few mentions here about choosing her own path, though she didn’t miss that one line about wielding ash to its truest will, not hers.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Ashen Titan becomes The Alloyed Titan. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Steel and Fire.

- Has an Ash or Fire based Class at level 1000

- Has defeated the Champion of the Forged Dome

- Has reclaimed the Soul Forge

- Has wielded a weight of 100 tons

- Has acclimated to a set of living metal armaments

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has survived the fire breath of a dragon

- Has befriended the Taleen, the dwarves of the Pit, and an Ascended of Kohr

- Has several resistances against different types of metal magic

The Alloyed Titan stands above, steel clad and undefeated. No walls will remain, no armor will suffice. Create and wield steel and fire at your will, forged into your chosen war machine of living metal. Weight and armor unmatched as you enter arena, lair, or battlefield. The earth shall tremble. Flame shall spread. Shields shall be broken. For she cometh!

Would you like to evolve your class [The Ashen Titan] to [The Alloyed Titan]?’

What do you mean a hundred tons? Are you fucking kidding me?

Ilea stood up and started pacing, grumbling to herself and cursing the Baron. For certainly, it was his fault.

Straight up an insult, she thought and sat back down. Thinking of her war machine and her time in the Pit, she couldn’t help but like the Class option anyway. Becoming a literal tank was not the worst, she decided.

Last option already. Let’s see.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Ashen Titan becomes The Pyroclastic Storm. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Heat and ash, inescapable.

- Has an Ash or Fire based Class at level 1000

- Has survived the fire breath of a dragon

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has the Heat Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has the Veteran skill at the end of the third tier

- Has killed a dragon

- Has the Origin of Ash and Embers skill in the Fourth Tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has trusted their ash in the face of death

- Has at least two volcanic element manipulation skills

You have stood in the flames of a dragon, and found them wanting. The might of a natural disaster, summoned to your will, and brought upon your enemies. The Pyroclastic Storm is inevitable, ceaseless, and certain death. A moving cascade of smoke, ash, and volcanic glass, burning with the heat of a planet’s core, summoned by the Pyroclastic Storm, embodiment of heat. No magic, flesh, nor space itself shall stand in the face of your creation. Bring terror to the very hearts of your enemies, as ash and heat descends, blotting out the very suns.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Ashen Titan] to [The Pyroclastic Storm]?’

Fuck yeah. Now this, this is what I want! Ash, but not divine. Smoke and volcanic glass as well? That’s like becoming an actual volcano, without the lava I guess, but ash is better anyway.

Between the goddess one and this, we have a clear fucking winner.

Ilea didn’t decide immediately, wanting to look through her third Class options as well, before she chose anything.

Primordial Arbiter.

She wondered what her adventures since reaching level five hundred would unlock.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Starbound Calamity. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Wrath of the stars.

- Has a Space or Astral Magic Class at level 1000

- Has flown into space

- Has Meditation in the Fourth Tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has the Star Touched spell

- Has fought in the storms of an eclipse

- Has killed 10 or more Daughters of Sephilon

- Has survived several Fourth Tier astral magic spells

- Has trained with the Endless Meadow

- Has a space or astral magic skill in the Fourth Tier

At the edge of the atmosphere, the Starbound Calamity resides, seeking prey beyond comprehension. Through realms they travel, in the search of their destiny, guided by the stars. You have killed the unkillable, have survived the incomprehensible. Learn to wield the might of astral magic, empowered by your control of space itself. Burn through all, with the powers from beyond, and become the Calamity that claims entire worlds. A path in the light of the stars. Your will, to navigate.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Starbound Calamity]?’

From healing cities to claiming entire worlds. Calm down, description texts.

It does sound powerful as fuck though, and I wouldn’t lose my space magic either.

What else?

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Fortified Ascended. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Born of Steel and Space.

- Has a Class at level 1000

- Has fought the Architect to a stalemate

- Has found and secured the location of a Source

- Has fought void abominations in Kohr

- Has the Space Magic Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 2000 creature while alone

- Has found and returned the Splintered Spear of the Black Leaf

- Has befriended a Mind Weaver

- Has traveled to at least three different realms

- Has allied themselves with Nes Mor Atul of the Navuun

A human entwined with the fates of the Olym Arcena. Not born Navuun, nor forged into an Ascended, but brought to their heights by the strife of battle. Wielding steel and space, the Fortified Ascended is as durable as the strongest of the Ascended. You are a master of the fabric, and wielder of the Fires of Creation. You will choose your fate. Rise now, Ascended!

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Fortified Ascended]?’

How cute. An Ascended? Killed a level two thousand creature? Fought the Architect to… a stalemate? Ilea smiled to herself. She then rolled her eyes just to underline the point she made to herself. Just in case an Ascended was watching her through divination, and somehow knew she was making fun of them.

Guess Ker Velor wasn’t wrong in offering me to become one of theirs. Funny that he thought I needed his help at all.

She wrote down the option and immediately scratched it through. With quite a bit of satisfaction.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Fabric Shaper. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

One with the Fabric.

- Has a Space Magic Class at level 1000

- Has spatial anchors in at least three different realms

- Has the Space Magic Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has the Primordial Shift spell in the Fourth Tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has visited the realm of a Fae

- Has befriended a Fae

- Has permanently killed a planetary spirit

- Has found and returned the Heart of Verivyen

- Has witnessed the Faen Fires of Creation

- Has matched the Endless Meadow in a battle of space magic

- Has hunted and fought beings of the void

Unmatched and all encompassing. Maker and destroyer. You have seen creators who wield mana in the shape of space. You have witnessed the true might of the Fae. You have traveled to other realms within the fabric, have fought the horrors of the void. As the Fabric Shaper, you create your own reality, bend space to your will, and dominate your enemies with absolute control. Nothing in your domain will escape. No chains shall hold you. No spell shall reach you. All is burned away by the Fires of Creation.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Fabric Shaper]?’

Now that, is what the fuck I’m talking about. She scratched the previous option through one more time, just to hammer it home.

Fabric Shaper. I do like the sound of that. And the Primordial Shift is a requirement.

She went on to the next.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Warrior Goddess Lilith. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Sentinel unmatched.

- Has a Class at level 1000

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has the Veteran skill at the end of the third tier

- Has at least 100’000 health and mana

- Is a founder of the Accords

- Has defeated the One without Form

- Has freed the Taleen

- Is seen by thousands of Taleen as a warrior goddess

- Has fought the most powerful of Taleen creations

- Has endured the power of Fourth Tier spells

Founder of the Accords and protector of its lands and peoples, the Goddess Lilith has risen beyond myth and legend. Metal creations move to her command, enchantments strengthen her form of flesh and steel. Undefeated and unstoppable, expanding territory and defeating invaders, freeing the shackled, and ushering in a new age for the Accords. A symbol of power, of divinity, and of honor. Fight on, for eternity!

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Warrior Goddess Lilith]?’

Ilea summoned a meal and started eating. Eh. I do like fighting, but for eternity? I’m not so sure about that. And again, with the divinity. I suppose I should be flattered by the Lilith title. But really, I’m not.


‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Fat Faen Fisherwoman. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Fisher of divine monstrosities.

- Has a Space Magic Class at level 1000

- Has the Monster Hunter spell at the end of the third tier

- Has the Veteran skill at the end of the third tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has traveled through realms to find dangerous creatures to hunt

- Has the Deviant of Humanity skill at the end of the third tier

- Has killed divine level void creatures

- Has killed a true Elemental

- Has killed a planetary spirit

- Has conquered their fear of the Ocean

- Has conquered their fear of space

- Is exceedingly dense

- Has befriended a Fae

A fisherwoman like none other. Fishing pole made of space itself, a boat that travels through the fabric, and bait made of voice and flesh. A creature heavy and laden with the food they consume, their hunger unending, their density incomparable. Cast your rod into the unknown, and reel in the horrors from beyond. Kill them with your absolute control of space, and sear their skin with the Fires of Creation. Consume their flesh and power, until nothing remains, but you.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Fat Faen Fisherwoman]?’

As fucking stupid as this is, she thought and ate, pausing to look down at her food. I bet this one is fucking powerful.

But no.

Don’t want to become an all consuming space monster.

Thank you.

Please, leave me alone.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Sunforged Realmwalker. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

The first flame.

- Has a Space, Light, or Fire Magic Class at level 1000

- Has survived the heat of a star

- Has the Heat Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has the Space Magic Resistance skill at the end of the third tier

- Has spatial anchors in at least three different realms

- Has seen and survived a primordial force

- Has the Primordial Shift spell in the Fourth Tier

- Has flown into space

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has killed a level 3000 being while alone

- Has found the location and been in the presence of two solar Sources

- Has burned away a Daughter of Sephilon

- Has learned from Fae, Ascended, Elemental, and the Meadow

Walking in the heat of a sun, you have endured. You chose to hunt planetary spirits in the light of an eclipse. You have traveled realms to find the limits of your magic, to battle godlike creatures, and to befriend the most ancient creatures in the fabric. An Arbiter of beings. You walk onward, trained and taught by the most powerful wielders of magic, forged by the fabric and the suns, you emerge not student, but among the pinnacle yourself. The Sunforged Realmwalker is an instinctual master of the fabric, bending space to their will, and creating their very own reality. Bring upon your foes, the heat and fusion of the suns, and become the first wielder of the Primordial Flame.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Sunforged Realmwalker]?’

Oh, yes. I like this one too.

First wielder of the Primordial Flame? As in, like, the first? The first time ever someone has wielded it?

Might just have to get this one just to fuck with Savien, calling me a savage or something. I’ll burn away his curse…

Ilea smiled to herself and looked through the last option.

‘ding’ ‘Requirements met for class evolution: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Undying Queen. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

The Living.

- Has a Class at level 1000

- Has fought the Sanguerrihn and survived

- Has endured the Primordial Curse

- Has freed Paarah of its curse

- Has a Flesh or Curse magic spell in the Fourth Tier

- Has the Curse Resistance spell at level 20 of the third tier

- Has killed divine level beings while alone

- Has the Soul Perception spell in the second tier

- Has recovered 300’000 health in a single battle

- Has acclimated to a cursed divine artifact

- Has the Deviant of Humanity skill at the end of the third tier

The whispers of the Curse have brushed your soul, and yet you stand, defiant. An affront to the primordial curse and a beacon for humanity, the Undying Queen remains, their flesh and soul warped to carry regenerative and curse riddled properties. Slay your enemies in a maelstrom of flesh as their insides rot away to your far reaching curses. The rotted battlefield shall move once more, death reborn as you raise your fleshbound servants to fight for their queen. Empires shall fall, worlds shall be brought to ruin. The Undying is here.

Would you like to evolve your class [The Primordial Arbiter] to [The Undying Queen]?’

Yeah. Speaking of Savien. I do believe I’ll pass on that one.

Finishing her meal, Ilea kept her eyes on the options listed in her notebook. Glancing up, she almost choked when she saw the dead dragon. Still the same. Still the one you killed. Relax.

She took in a deep breath and stored her empty bowl.

So. What to choose?

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