Avatar: Tower Master

Chapter 61: Setting off

POV Haru

"Master, I have been doing this for four hours," I complained. 

"Then you are about halfway done," Master Jeong Jeong said. 

Looking down at the leaf in my hand I could see the small burnt hole in the center, I could feel the fire waiting, I knew that at any second I could force the heat to grow creating fire, but I couldn't, or I would have to restart. 

Looking over at Master Jeong Jeong I watched as he drank tea with Master Iroh, both ignoring me expecting me to follow along with whatever they said.

"Status" I whispered, hoping they didn't hear it. 

Name: Haru

Class: Avatar

Level: 14

XP: 12/35

Strength: 8


Agility: 8

Constitution: 5

Will: 14

Mind: 5

Spirit: 22

Skills: [Earthbending 5] [Firebending 3] [Airbending 3] [Waterbending 4] 

Abilities: [Limit Break] [Spirit sense]

[Ability: Limit break-this ability allows you to transcend your own limits for a time vastly increasing your mental and spiritual stats. Use with caution this abilitie puts a significant strain on the user]

[Ability: Spirit sense-this ability allows you to sense spirits and energy around you. It can be used to sense a person's spirit as well, allowing you to tell their relative strength, personality, and even emotions] 

[Class: Avatar: this class is focused on not just one bending form but all four, the class bearer gains significant power as they level. The abilities for this class center around connection with themselves and the world around them.]

[Stats per level: +2 Spirit, +1 will, +2 free point] 

Using spirit sense I closed my eyes feeling the spiritual energy around me. Focusing on both Master Jeong Jeon and Iroh I tried to glean anything about their emotions but all I could feel was them being content to keep drinking tea. Holding back a groan I just kept staring at the burnt part of the leaf continuing the exercise that I have been doing for months. 

"You can stop now" Iroh cut in. 

"Oh, thank the spirits" I said, letting the leaf burn in my hand then extinguishing the flame. 

"Now it's time for your waterbending practice" Pakku said entering the clearing. 

"I just got done though" I exclaimed. 

"Then a quick sparring session will do," Master Pakku replied. 

Sighing I walked to the other end of the clearing where a small stream was and I relaxed into a ready stance. 

"Begin," Pakku said, smirking. 

Hoping forward I brought both hands from my hip in a diagonal line throwing a long strip of water at Pakku. As the water approached Pakku he leaned into it spinning in a circle bringing the water with him launching it directly back to me. Raising my hands I split the oncoming water letting it flow back into the river. Before I could continue Pakku moved, drawing a large amount of water out of the stream Pakku launched a spinning bullet of water. Pulling some water from the stream I turned it to Ice over my feet holding me down. The water bullet hit, if it wasn't for the ice I would have been out for the count. As soon as the water dispersed I got ready to throw another attack but Pakku was already at it throwing wave after wave at me. I blocked most of them but I wasn't a master yet. The ice cracked with every block and on the last one the ice shattered sending me back into the stream. 

"You did better than last time," Pakku commented. 

Standing I gave a formal bow "Thank you master" 

"How is your airbending coming along?" he asked. 

"It is at level three" I replied. 

"What have I told you about using status to measure progress?" Pakku sighed. 

"That it doesn't accurately show someone's competency. But isn't that exactly what it does?" 

Signing again Pakku answered "If you rely on the status to measure your progress you will end up relying on it to get stronger as well. There is more to fighting ability than numbers". 

"Yes Master" 

"Now go, you can be done for the day" 

"Yes, Master," I replied. 

Running out of the clearing I made my way through the bustling streets of Gilded spire, it never really calmed down as there was a lot of money to be made. Rounding a corner I walked to a door pushing it in.

"Mom, I'm home" I yelled. 

The home we rented was quite small, only having three rooms including a kitchen. While I was training, though my mom was working, she was able to find a job working for one of the water tribe traders as a clerk in their store. 

"I'm in here" I heard her call back. 

Walking into the bedroom I saw her standing over the bed stuffing some stuff in a backpack. 

"What are you doing?"

"Adding some more money to your stash" 

I looked over her shoulder at the backpack, it was filled with survival supplies, tents, sleeping rolls, money, even some fire starters which were now useless. 

"Have we reached the goal?" I asked. 

Turning back to me with tears in her eyes she answered "Yes, you can go rescue your father" 

Eyes widening a bit at the good news I rushed in giving her a hug "I will bring him home, I swear it" 

"I have found a trading caravan that will take you most of the way. They agreed to a lesser charge in exchange for protection" she mentioned. 

Still hugging her I asked, "When do they leave?" 

"Tonight, you will need to get ready now if you want to catch them" 

"Remember to give the Cravan manager some extra coins as well"

"Yes mom"

Stepping out of the hug I walked over to a small closet opening it. I began pulling out a set of sturdy travel clothes and as my mom left the room I began to change. Once I was done I picked up the pack leaving the room. 

"I am ready," I said resolutely. 

Giving me another hug Mom said "Be safe my little avatar" 

Giving her a wordless hug I felt her tears soaking into my clothes. Pulling away I gave her a determined look then walked out the door heading towards the town gates. I snuck through the streets mostly staying in the fire nation's area to avoid anything reaching my masters. Soon enough I was at the gate and right outside it was a small caravan of carriages. Approaching a man holding a scroll with some list on it I tapped on his shoulder. 

"What do you want?" he asked with a sneer. 

"I am supposed to be going with you," I replied. 

"Oh, you the earthbender?" he asked without dropping the sneer "What is your level?"

"Yes, I am, and I am level fourteen" 

Nodding his head he replied saying "That will do, payment up front"

Pulling out the required cash I handed it over to him along with a coin or two extra to get on his good side like my mother suggested. 

Giving me a smile the man said "That will work, your spot is right up there" he gestured to a seat at the front of a nearby carriage "We will be leaving in thirty minutes".

"Alright" I said, jumping up to get into my spot and thirty minutes later we set off. Them to wherever they are going, me heading back home, to save my father.

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