Chapter 7: Chapter 6 : Elizabeth
Two month later ]
Silver sat in what seemed like a small pit filled with a large amount of greenish substance which seemed weird to others but it is a substance he concocts which has the ability to cleanse the body and being soaked With it was a very relieving but somewhat uneasy activity.
It's been two months since he arrived and silver had done nothing but training hard trying to awaken his innate power which was supposed to be revealed in the later part, he wasn't ready to die and being weak for him was very boring.
Silver as a character had a special body in the story which is known as the primordial dragon body, which is a constitution is so rare that only one appear in a whole generation, it allows him to use the power of dragons but was very limited since he wasn't a real dragon, one of the many attributes of dragons is their extremely high affinity for magic and he wants to utilize it to the fullest, using every single method he knows to cleanse his body until he can achieve a state of awakening.
He was currently being soaked in the pit for at least a month and three weeks, a few days after curing himself of the poison and the pit had already lost it's value as his body had absorbed every single sign of mana inside of it,
Green goo began to ooze out of his body increasing the pit till it was overflowing and he never had to keep that in mind since he wasn't in the Royal Palace but in a secluded cave very far from the palace.
It took a long while before he became fully cleansed from the but he was totally covered in it and Silver had to confess that it stink, so badly that he could even be killed by it if he wasn't careful, without wasting time he made his way out to the cave to a river where he took a really long bath before changing to an outfit he took from one of the guards and made his way to the room.
"I don't need your help any longer " Silver said in a calm tone having a nonchalant expression , Anera didn't receive this news well, she was expecting to receive errands from him but this news was shattering for her since it would mean she was going to be useless to the queen and being with him was the job she was assigned to.
She obviously couldn't take it but her disappeared for close to two months only to appear different, losing him the first time made her face serious punishment from the second queen and she wasn't ready for another round of any sort
" I'm sorry I can't do that my prince… I was assigned by an authority and I request that their word's to leave my post " She replied with her head down, Silver had expected this a continued with a smile " You were assigned by the queen if I don't remember correctly when I was ill and couldn't do things on my own right? " Silver asked, Anara agreed with a nod
" And now I'm well …. And if I recall correctly a child of the house of arcania has the right to pick their maid and guard if they don't like their attitude only with the exception of the branded servants, ones of the once older and in higher authority than the person in question….. So I'm entitled to say you are fired " Silver said the last part in a low tone very close to her ears. With this she lost all the strength to argue with him and left without saying anything.
A few minutes later another maid walked in who was totally different from anara " Elizabeth taren " Silver called out her name making her have a weird expression she had almost never met with any of the prince and Silver knew what she was thinking instead of clarifying her thoughts her opted to keep Quite since she was someone who was going to be one of the most important people in his journey .
" You are going to be working for me from now on so you are going to be relived of any of your other duties starting now " Silver said to her, she was initially surprised but quickly got a hold of her self and bowed before nodding in agreement , with this Elizabeth got to work with a bunch of chorus that he brought up re-cleaning the room and getting rid of almost everything that he could put his eyes on, soon the whole room was almost empty .
" What are you going to do now ? " Elizabeth asked with a weird gaze that showed that she was both surprised shocked and any other expression that could be used to explain how she was feeling because he obviously had changed in different ways that made him seem like an opposite to the rumor or what she knows, the Silver in front of her was tall, handsome, somewhat cute of it could be added, hard working and strong since many of the things he did was something the ugly, fat, weak and food loving Silver couldn't do.
" Well we would have to go shopping to replace all the useless things we threw out " Silver replied nonchalantly, the main reasons aside from the things been either old or broken , many of the stuff in his room were already coated with slow acting poisons and observation spells which is used to try and control and monitor his. It was a very rash decision for him to make but he was still going to make it anyway, because hiding wasn't going to help him in any way.
They left after a short while because Silver had to clean himself up, the market place in the imperial market was something very large and difficult to go through so silver had to take another maid so as to lessen the job they had to do.
He made the other maid to sit with the driver outside the carriage so he could speak with Elizabeth who seemed somewhat nervous " Ok so if I may so politely ask how does it feel to not weild the blade for the dark hand" Silver asked and his answer was answered with a bloodthirsty aura that almost completely caught him off guard, he raised his head to look at Elizabeth who was now in front of him with a dagger very close to his neck even prickling his skin causing a drop of blood.
" Depending on your answer i might kill you without a trace " Elizabeth now had a haunting look that was seriously terrifying to look at but Silver didn't flinch much , it was his day and night job back on earth to kill people so such bloodlust wouldn't have much of an effect on him. " Well… after that you you go into hiding, where? While the almost whole continent is out for your head with your bounty increased to 15 billion gold coins ? " Silver asked multiple questions with a smile that didn't seem normal .
Elizabeth real identity is similar to that of Ash but her family was almost wiped out and all the children had to seperate to different part of the world to Seek shelter, Elizabeth on her own worked for an organization known as the " THE DARK HAND " a mysterious organization that does almost all form of shady things under the nose of the empire and are almost untraceable, she was brought in with the hope of a family but only met more of what of she hated, she was made to commit murder to the extent that she got her own urban legend ; the blood oni which is very similar to her name .
In the original story she meets her end in the hands of the second queen Lira grand plan but Silver isn't going to let something as precious as her go to waste, instead of pushing himself away he leaned closer to Elizabeth who tried to create space between them giving him the opportunity to get a hold of the dagger whilst also getting close to her.
" You are a nothing but a useless child that no one cares about " Elizabeth said this time pushing it deeper giving him more cuts in his smooth hand
" Well you can try it now… . I know the bounty would increase regardless of whether you kill me or not but what if we have a deal … you work for me and I will help you get your desired revenge on those people who have done you harm including the dark hand if you so include them " Silver proposed calmly, but although tempting Elizabeth had no way she could believe he could do it talk less to even trust him we'll of course he is the useless child of the arcania " Well you just have to trust me it's not like you have any choice " Silver said still leaning towards her.