Chapter 3: Chapter 2 : start (2)
The olz family is known in the inner society as the powerhouse of the country " ven " which to the outside world is known as a democratic country which even has a president and ministers and everything you look for in a country but the truth is that the strings are being pulled behind the scenes by the power full family which is ruthless in its own ways.
The kendren family which is the powerhouse of another country got into fault with the olz family and war was eminent between the two countries so in order to curb the losses that both side would incur the olz family despatched one of the hounds codename "seven " To eliminate three of the high elders and somehow even with the high level security he managed to execute the plan and still escape but not completely as a strange man dressed in black stood behind Ash olz A.K.A " Seven " .
" What an interesting Game you got yourself there " The man said in a calm tone which made Ash a bit tense, the person in question entered into his room without even alerting the security system that he had put in place and without even making a single sound like a ghost.
" Do I have the honor to know who my dear visitor is ? " silver asked trying to look for openings that could give him an advantage but somehow there were non existent and strangely he was too calm , any move he makes would lead to a hole drilled through his head " Hmmm ... my name… .. " He said with a pause in between maybe trying to make himself mysterious " I go by a lot of names but if I go with Richard kendren that would ring a bell " The man said to the suprice of ash who on hearing the name gave up hope, the Richard kendren that he had heard about was someone that no one he has ever set his eyes to kill in his thirty year career as an assaian has ever seen the light because he was worse than a nightmare .
" But you surprise me kid, being able to kill three kendren and walk away at the age of seventeen is an accomplishment that no one would ever expect I don't think anyone can beat that record, well too bad no one would even know it " Richard said with a pitiful smile.
" Why do this when there's nothing to gain, your family has a bounty on your head and hate you more than they hate people stealing from them " Ash replied calmly trying to weigh his chances of survival.
" Well they hate me but what can I do its for my freedom, … … let me tell you a little secret… . You were nothing but a sacrificial lamb in the first place no one really cared about you kid ... the three elders you took down were the only reason the kendren family stood, so with them out of the way " " The family will fall so the olz can rule and all variables would be cut off " Ash completed Richard statement this time with a smile which only showed how miserable he was " No one really cared about you from the start, you were just a disposable tool that could easily be gotten rid off like I was, but you were not as lucky as I was … .. So I'll have to lead you to the after life " Richard said as he cocked the gun when ash quickly called out
" Can you grant me a minute or two to take care of a something ? " ash asked , Richard looked at him for a few seconds thinking it over before letting him . Without wasting time he rushed back to the game where Lisa was still online and wrote a good bye message which was quite short
" Ok I'm ready " Ash said with a calm voice knowing fully well that nothing at this point can save him, as an olz you are always taught to face a death you can't avoid with open arms but even if it was strange that everything was occurring in such manner, losing hope without even trying wasn't his manner of doing things but he couldn't mutter any strength as if he had lost control of his body even his speech were obviously not his , " In you next life I hope you don't become someone's toy, try and live a happy life….. " Those words were the last thing he heard before everything in line of sight turned blurry and quite
[Three days later ]
It's been three days since Lisa talked with Ash and she was growing me concerned due to the fact that he almost never miss a day of game play and anytime he wants to he would give her a valid reason and the time he would be back but he gave none of that.
Just as she was thinking about what to do an idea struck her, she quickly grabbed her system and began tracking his id which for a long time she tried and failed but this time she used a method completely oblivious to others .
The reason for tracking was to find his location so she could pay him a surprise visit. She somewhat had the freedom to do so coming from a rich family. It was normal for her family members to take a trip or two but not for her who preferred being locked up in her room all day either gaming or sometimes studying which depends on the case .
It took a while before she got a ping on his location which surprised her, " What is he doing in Ven? " She asked herself several times , just as she was about to dig deeper a knock came to her door, " Lisa you have a visitor " A calm voice came from the door and it was the family butler who called for her.
" Tell the person that I'm busy " Lisa replied trying to go back to work " She said she is related to Ash " Those words surprised her. Without wasting more time she quickly cleaned herself up and rushed down to meet the young lady who looked like one in her twenties she was elegantly dressed in a white corporate gown and wearing a drape coat to top it.
Lisa wasn't interested in that, she looked at her with a calm expression, " You must be Lisa, I'm Julie , Ash elder sister " The strange woman introduced herself with her hand stretched for a handshake but Lisa could only stare confused, the lady was clearly from Ven partly confirming her suspicion " What do I owe this visit ? " Lisa asked " Well we came to see you personally… .. Because well... I'm sorry but Ash passed away three days ago " Julie said with a pause looking at Lisa who had nothing but genuine shock .
It wasn't something she was expecting , one of her only friends and trusted ally is said to have died. It was obvious she wasn't going to take the news well, " What happened? " Lisa asked " he was shot in the head in his room …. we don't know how the person got in even with having the highest security level as an olz it's impossible to… .. " " As what ? " Lisa asked with a surprised expression nothing expecting that other part of the bomb, " Ash is the youngest son of olz main family… . Didn't he tell you? " Julie asked as she was also surprised " Well I wouldn't blame him for that, when you are from a mess of the olz family it's normal for… . " Julie paused as she noticed something was already off about the place quickly she grabbed Lisa to make a run for it
Lisa who was genuinely surprised tried to resist " Someone found out about you and is trying to clean you up. Do you want to… " Just then a loud bang resounded in the main room causing Lisa to move even more quickly trying to escape, just then Julie received a phone call " Hello honey… .. I'm sorry but you would have to go with the little girl … " " You bitch… what do you think you are doing " Julie screamed at the person beyond the line who seemed rather amused " Well you already know too much and you are too much of a variable to handle, and by the way don't even think about escaping it might hurt a bit more if you do so " The person was very concise and brief but Julie still pulled Lisa along with her looking for a escape route.
" What is going on? " Lisa asked as ran towards the roof trying hard for an escape route " We are from a messed up family that would kill for anything, Ash was given a mission to eliminate a target and he completed it , the next day he was found dead in his apartment, I found out about it and looked for you since I know you are his only friend, now we are on the kill list of someone I'm sure is from our family, so if we somehow escape from this … . " Her words were caught short and she fell to the ground when Lisa checked her pulse had somehow stopped completely
" I didn't expect her to go cold that easily " A familiar voice said not to far to see the butler holding a small spray and wearing a mask to cover his nose but not restricting his identity, " Why are you doing this " Lisa asked as she began to feel her head spinning and her vision began to blur, she tried keeping her consciousness but it seemed to be failing her at the moment " Don't resist it , even an elephant would be knocked out cold in a minute I'm surprised you even lasted this long… . No wonder the boss said you weren't human in the first place " The butler said, confusing her more, she wanted to say something but her consciousness suddenly slipped droping into what seemed like a void the last words she heard were
" How can the boss call himself her father? "
" Huh ? "