Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 525

Chapter 520 : Three Tango


Governor Panticapone, the Queen of the High Elves, Sabina Blue Sky’s Song made a tempting breath. The long platinum hair that had been wet with sweat clung to her blushing cheeks messily and slender and graceful. On the top of the snowy peak that is held with Yingying.

The noble elf queen is naked, her slender arms are tied behind her back, and the soft mountains on her chest are more prominent and taller because of the clever tying method. The delicate skin, even more tightly bound by the rough rope, showed the red mark of tyrannical debut.

Because of the huge difference in body size between centaur and humanoids, when they do something they love to do, they must resort to the help of some foreign objects.

Painhurst deliberately built a pulley block in accordance with the method of the green leather skill tyrant, and pressed it on the beam of Sabina’s bedroom. When going to the cloud and rain, he can tie the elf queen tightly with twine. , The rope wraps around the pulley block above his head, pinching the end in his own hand.

Painhurs was lying on the elf’s bed comfortably with four hooves facing upwards, while the Song of the Blue Sky was hanging on his two hind hooves.

As long as he pulls the rope, the elf queen will be hoisted high and relaxed slightly, and her delicate and pleasant body will sink between her hooves.

“Warchief, slow…slowly.”

Sabina breathed in seductively again. Her eyes were full of spring, crystal clear beads of sweat covered every inch of fair skin, and her graceful and seductive curves, illuminated by the light of candlelight, Reflecting intoxicating light.

After listening, Painhurs slowly slowed down the speed of pulling and releasing the rope, but never thought that the elf queen, who was constantly ups and downs between her hooves, swallowed her buttocks subconsciously and asked for it. With infinite happiness.

This act of desire and dissatisfaction aroused the **** of the Pale Warlock even more. After pulling the rope with his right hand, the original speed was restored, and it even became faster and faster! When the elf queen was hung high in the air, she almost let go of her flesh and blood, causing Sabina to scream and sink into the abyss of happiness. Accompanied by the constant collision of the two fleshy bodies, the lustful voice of the elf queen, who is usually noble and elegant, made a more cheerful sound.

“Huh-huh-I’m almost recovered.”

Seeing the two of them playing together, Herniwell, who was also unstretched, was also panting and struggling to get up from the carpet. She looked very embarrassed, like a waterfall with long silver hair hanging down to her ankles. Beaded by crystal beads of sweat, and white turbid mucus, clinging to the silky, dark skin, this incomparably seductive and moving ketone body, after a period of profanity, it has become even more fascinating. Blood spurts.

The drow turned the high elf hanging in the air over, exposing her attractive back and hip arcs under Painhurs’ eyes, and then Henriweier herself lay down. On top of the soft belly of the white horse, a two-headed dragon was inserted into the valley, while the other end gently rubbed Sabina’s back door.

“Heniwell? Don’t you dare! Believe it or not, when you hang in mid-air for a while, I did the same to you, and it was a thousand times more powerful!”

The high elf’s scared Hua Rong turned pale, struggling to twist her attractive body, but she was **** by the five flowers, Governor Panticapeng, who had never learned the magic of magic, had no way to escape from the palms of the two.

The drow made a playful sound. She straightened up and quietly moved to the side of Song of Blue Sky. With a red tongue that looked like a viper, she gently licked the white pointed ears of the other party, and slowly used a charming voice. Said.

“I can’t ask for it.”

Amidst a burst of joyful laughter, the warchief jokingly tightened the rope and lifted the elf queen again. After finding the angle, Herniwell patted the white horse’s belly lightly, Painher Si loosened the twine in the whistling sound of Song of Blue Sky, allowing two spears to pierce through her seductive body at the same time.

That intoxicating sensual pleasure, like the waves on the seashore, was constantly beating against the moist beach, and the waves were higher than the waves, and the waves were more violent, and finally pushed her to the peak of bliss.


After a fornicating three people tango, the two weak elf women were tired and half dead, nestling on the pale body of Painhes. Sabina was puzzled. Her original plan was to have **** with the tribal chieftain a few times, conceive and give birth to his child, to strengthen the alliance between the Machu clan and the Panticapeng city-state.

In the battle with the Sassanid Persian Empire, Song of Blue Sky witnessed the tribe with his own eyes, and because of the news of the disappearance of the white horse, how turbulent and chaotic it has become. I must take precautions and leave a successor for my beloved city-state and tribe.

However, seven or eight years have passed, and both of them have gone from a political deal with ghosts to close friends who have been in contact with each other frequently, but they are still not pregnant! Not only that, his two wives, as well as other bed partners, have not had any changes in their stomachs in the past few years.

Faced with the doubts of the high elf governor, Painhurs shrugged, not knowing how to answer. My own flesh and blood body is not a natural product of this world. Maybe it is reproductively isolated from all species in this world, and there may be no way to fertilize their eggs.

Regardless of him, isn’t it good to enjoy carnal lust?


The next day, the energetic warchief quietly covered the two extremely exhausted elves, covered them with quilts, and then returned to the grassland. In such an ancient time with extremely backward productivity, the old Roman soil such as Pannonia was basically already It has been developed to its limit, just keep it as it is.

However, the vast land and sparsely populated grasslands still have great development value. With the huge taxes collected over the years from the population of more than 8 million, the tribe also has the confidence to buy cattle from the two Roman empires on a large scale. Sheep and other livestock are reclaiming the three grasslands of Salmatia, Transcarpathia, and Hiparil.

Now the herdsmen of the tribe, especially the people and horses, are rich and oily, and the number of cattle and sheep in every household is counted in the thousands or tens of thousands. The warchief taught them more standardized and modern pasture experience, making them more handy in managing livestock. The number of nomads, that is, the number of cavalry in the tribe, is also increasing day by day.

Previously, the old Roman land controlled by the tribe faced a series of minor problems. One of the most troublesome was the contradiction between the old Roman nobles and the new inhabitants of the barbarians. The old Roman nobles relied on the resources accumulated by the family through generations. And wealth, with 10% of the total population, firmly holding 90% of the official positions, large and small, and their power is so large and complicated that whether it is Alaric or Painhus, only Can choose to join them to ensure the stability of the land.

Other farmers have long been used to it, and farming in peace and contentment is nothing. But the problem is that this is the frontier of the empire, and there are too many Germans influx. These thorns do not have the slightest affection for the nobles who are pressing on their heads. The two sides often clashed over trivial matters. What’s more, This is only one-third of Dacia’s small land with a population of four million. The land’s capacity to carry the population is estimated to have reached its limit. Therefore, these outsiders and local farmers are also in conflict with the local farmers because they compete for survival resources. Heavy.

Pain Hess sighed and gave these migrants a better choice: Don’t want to stay here? can. The tribe gives you the nomadic survival method for free, telling you how to live by the water and grass, how to make the horses, cattle and sheep in your hands obedient, and eat fat and strong, how to control the horses under the crotch to drive the flocks, or Bend a bow and set an arrow on the horse’s back, hunt a few yellow sheep, wild deer, and fight the teeth.

Let me tell you that the nomadic life is good, the nomadic life is wonderful, free and unrestrained, it is much better than the days when you bend down and plant for a lifetime, or go fishing and hunting, and have a meal without a meal.

Then, the people began to settle accounts for these crippled Germanic barbarians: If you have money, then you can buy enough cattle, sheep, livestock, tents, bows and arrows, etc., go to the grasslands to graze, there are no nobles to oppress you, remember Pay tithes to the warchief on time, and only one person from each household can participate in the war.

However, how could the Germanic barbarians who had fled from the north and came to Pannonia and couldn’t get on with money? They can only choose the second way: take a loan from the chief to buy the necessary items and livestock enough for the family to live, and then, the monthly tithe is raised to the tithe to repay it slowly, ah, these people also have to During the war, each household sent a soldier to join the war.

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of these new herders to ride and shoot, and to be responsible for religious rituals, all the druids, who are usually idle anyway, are all out to drive and abduct some wild creatures to approach the grazing areas of these Germanic herders, sometimes yellow. Sheep, sometimes a pack of wolves, force them to exercise their riding and shooting skills.

After a whole year of training, in the spring of the following year, 220,000 Germans left Pannonia and plunged into the vast sea of ​​grass. The local people, horses, orcs and herdsmen were also under the command of the warchief, kindly answering various questions they don’t understand, and teaching them some practical operations.

In the winter, when they drove the herd and returned to the warm south, these blond Germanic barbarians with sheepskin coats, felt hats, and short bows on their backs looked like that.

In the winter of the third year, according to statistics from household registration officials, many Germans who fished, hunted, and farmed were unable to adapt to the nomadic life, or gave up returning home, or died in the sea of ​​grass. However, there are still 150,000 Germans who have survived completely. Adapted to the life of galloping on the grassland, bowing and archery.

According to the concept of conscription of five people in one household and one soldier in each household, in just two years, the tribe spent a lot of money (or the kind that can be repaid in the future), and made 30,000 bows and horses alive. German hussars.

And the money consumed is compared with the total tithe tax of more than 8 million people in Pannonia and other places. It is really nothing. The wave of Germanic immigration due to the white disaster does not destroy the already saturated Rome. The old land, instead, was ingeniously led by Peinhurs to the sea of ​​grass that could not see the end, and these fierce, blond barbarians were cultivated in batches into tribes, brave and capable cavalry forces. .

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