Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 2 (8)

Great Holy Land (1st)

Quite some time had passed since we departed the docks for the airships.

Our Hero guide led our small group through the city streets to our eventual destination of a large stone structure. The interior of this building was easily on par with the castles I’d been inside in the Penny Empire. The one word I’d use to describe this place is: gorgeous. I’d imagine this is what the Buckingham Palace looks like on the inside.

I was told that this place serves a similar purpose to the imperial castle back in Kalis.

We continued following after the Hero of the West.

Corridor after corridor, we proceeded through the outer chambers of the castle until we had progressed much further towards the heart of the complex.

There were strange objects and paintings of some religious meaning that I couldn’t quite grasp. It gave me the feeling that if I were to ask for more information about a single item, I’d receive an hourslong lecture about its history and significance to this world’s religion.

After passing through a few more ornately decorated halls, we arrived in the waiting room outside the audience chamber.

We were told that the Saint was waiting for us on the other side of the door.

This title of ‘Saint’ may be ambiguous but I’ve been able to gather that she holds similar power to that of a king. Although, I still don’t know if she holds real power. I’ve also picked up on context clues that suggest she’s a woman and I fully expect there to be a council or maybe an elderly man standing beside her that holds the true power. This is a medieval age after all.

“It seems rather strange that a foreign noble can so easily get an audience with someone of such high standing.”

This question naturally came to mind and I felt the need to ask it.

Of course, my question was directed at the Hero of the West.

“I have to agree, but this is what she requested herself.”

“…I see.”

This supposed ‘prophecy’ that she had is seeming more like this woman satisfying her own interests rather than anything miraculous.

Is this normal? I wonder if there’s any legitimacy to her other prophecies.

“The Saint has requested a meeting with you alone. I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to accompany you any further. The customs we follow in the Great Holy Land may differ from the Penny Empire, but if you practice the same conduct you’d show in front of your King, it should prove acceptable for the Saint.”

“Of course.”

The only thing I have to look forward to is this Saint being a woman.

The word ‘saint’ has also got my imagination running wild.

Maybe I’m being too hopeful, but I want her to be in her teens. Maybe she’ll sit on a raised throne with a short that borders on just too short. There’s a small chance for an amazing view. With that thought in mind, I was prepared to enter with a glimmer of hope in my heart. There’s no chance I’m skipping this cutscene.

“Do you have any further questions before entering?”

“No, I’m ready.”

Any more information might ruin that small hope I have.

If he were to tell me that the Saint is older than me, I’d lose all of my motivation. I’d be tempted to just turn around and leave now. With a title like Saint, she must be in her teens. At worst, she’s in her twenties and I’ve already met a beautiful twenty-something year old woman in the thick thighed Dark Elf.


“…is something the matter? You’re making a strange face.”

“No, I’m fine.”

While I was lost in my delusions, Edita Sensei suddenly spoke for the first time.

“G-Great Hero of the West, I-I have a question!”

She wore a nervous expression as she stared intently at the Hero of the west. Ever since she first boarded the airship until now it’s seemed like she’s been unable to settle down. Something’s been on her mind concerning this place or the people she was traveling with.

I couldn’t help but think she may have fallen in love with the Hero of the West. If that turns out to be true, my virgin heart will shatter.

“What is your question?”

“W-W-What kind of person is the current Saint?”

That’s a good question to hear. I guess she’s more interested in the Saint than the Hero of the West. Does that mean she’s a lesbian? No, I remember reading about her ex-boyfriend in one of her books.

“Do you have an interest in the Saint?”

“No, i-it’s not so much of an interest….”

The Hero of the West was met with a deflated response from Edita Sensei. The way she so suddenly lost all of her enthusiasm was so cute. However, if she had no interest, why would she even bother asking?

“I’m just…curious is all.”

“I see.”

The Hero gave her a small nod before continuing,

“She is a very personable woman with a kind heart.”

“S-She’s that great?”

“That’s just what I’ve been able to gather from my limited interactions with her.”

“…I-I see.”

Sensei looked apprehensive after hearing his answer.

What about his answer caused this reaction in her? Maybe she just has a general distrust of all religions. As an alchemist and an intellect she may not believe in anything that can’t be verified through repeated experimentation.

“What’s on your mind?”

I figured the best way to get an answer was to ask her directly.

“Ah, i-it’s nothing. Absolutely nothing!”

“Are you sure?”

“Ah, of course! I told you it’s nothing! Nothing for you to worry about!”

“If you say so.”


She was acting strange and I couldn’t help but be suspicious of her, but I suppose she’s always like that.

There’s no reason for me to push any further. If she ever finds herself in serious trouble, that may be the time I force her to accept my help. However, until then, I won’t gain anything by forcing her to answer awkward questions just to satisfy my own curiosity.

“Are you ready?”

“Ah, yes.”

I entered the audience chamber at the behest of the Hero of the West.

The design of the audience chamber was different from those I had seen in either Kalis or Tricklis. There was a strong religious feel present throughout the room. The windows were all stained glass and stone statues depicting religious figures I knew nothing about lined the walls. This just made me realize that Dragon City has nothing like this.

Maybe I should ask the loligon if she wants one.

“Thank you for coming here. I’m sure it was difficult for you to find the time to do so.”


I was currently kneeling with my head lowered toward the floor.

I’m only familiar with the etiquette practiced in the Penny Empire, so I was doing what I hoped was appropriate for this place too.

“Please, raise your head.”


I think sticking to just a ‘yes’ response is the best course of action for now.

At least I hope it is.

“It’s just as I’ve heard. Yellow skin and a flat face.”

“Yes, this is a common appearance from the country I come from.”

Please, don’t lay into my looks too hard. Ever since I’ve arrived in this world, I’ve been surrounded by ikemen which have just made my own lacking looks ever present in my mind. I think finding at least one other Asian person in this world would have helped me. Even if only a little.

“You’ve traveled far in your journeys and now I wish to welcome you to our great city.”

“Thank you.”

Incidentally, the Saint is an exceptionally beautiful girl.

She wore pure white vestments and a veil covering her face. The best description I can think of is a custom made naughty nun’s outfit worn during Halloween that a lot of money was put into. Even the quality of the fabric looks more expensive than the clothes I’ve seen nobles wearing in the Penny Empire.

The part of her dress that stuck out the most to me was the shortness of the skirt.

Her thighs are fully exposed.



To go on even further, the vestments she wore were made from a thin fabric that was designed to show all of her curves. My virgin eyes locked onto her exposed flesh and I was able to confirm with only a brief glance that she had massive boobs.

Her exposed belly was surprisingly firm while her ass was soft and plump.

She looked to be in her late teens. Without a doubt, she’s young. However, the maturity of her body and the gentle tone of her voice gave off a strange motherly vibe. I think this girl would happily spoil me and it created a strong sense of desire for me to rest my head on her lap.

“I’ve been told that you’ve only just arrived in our city.”

“That’s correct. I came straight here after arriving by airship.”

“I’m sorry that everything happened so suddenly.”

“No, there’s nothing for you to apologize for.”

You’re doing great things here, Great Holy Land.

I never expected to be this happy about coming here.

The best part is that it’s just the two of us in the chamber. Back in the Penny Empire, I’d be surrounded by other nobles and the time keeper standing next to the King. This created an uncomfortable environment. Here, it’s just the two of us in a large room of nearly 100 square meters.

Speaking of other people; Edita Sensei, Drill-chan, and the Kimoronge were all left outside in the waiting room just as the Hero of the West had. I was the only person invited into the audience chamber.

Thanks to this, I’m able to almost openly stare at her exposed thighs.

“The urgency comes from my desire to tell you something.”

“Tell me something?”

“Yes, you heard correct.”

The Saint looked straight into my eyes as she spoke.

I thought there was an unwritten rule about only beautiful people being allowed to look into each other’s eyes. If a busamen like me were to make eye contact with a beautiful woman, the sound of a security buzzer would shortly be heard. Yet, the Saint is refusing to break eye contact with me.

What a good woman.

“Is this concerning the prophecy I’ve heard about?”

“The prophecy that led you here and the prophecy that will affect our world and the lives of everyone on it.”

“…what does that mean?”

“Currently, our world faces the threat of the returning Demon Lord. The Demon Lord is an immeasurably powerful foe that will require all of the great powers of our world to work together in order to defeat it. We must unite as one and transcend any and all boundaries that separate us.”

Oh, a sudden mention of the Demon Lord.

I expected as much.

“That’s a story I’m already aware of. The Heroes that I’m familiar with have been selected as this generation’s defenders against the growing threat of the resurrected Demon Lord. I’ve already encountered them when they’ve been battling against the Demon Lord.”

“Yes, that is all accurate. However, the Demon Lord of this generation is far more powerful than the last. With each subsequent resurrection of the Demon Lord the creature has grown stronger. With this knowledge in hand, we as the human race have a responsibility to make adequate preparations for the resurrection of the Demon Lord.”

“I see.”

She’s basically saying that the Heroes of the West and East aren’t strong enough on their own.

There’s something off about this whole Demon Lord story.

There are two stories that have great differences. The first comes from the Great Holy Land as well as the Saint. They claim that the resurrection of the Demon Lord happens roughly every hundred years or so. The other story comes from the Kimoronge, an actual demon. He claims that the true resurrection of the Demon Lord happens once every several hundred years.

Which of them is lying?

I’d bet on the Saint.

It would fit in a book. A powerful force behind a worldwide conspiracy that keeps the populace under their control by way of fear.

“I’m going to be blunt, Baron Tanaka. We need your help. I was told about your efforts to save Academy City. The Great Holy Land needs your power.”

“I’m more than open to listening to what you have in mind. As a member of the Penny Empire, I can’t make any decisions that would impact my country. Would it be okay for me to learn a little more about what you intend?”

“…I suppose that’s fine.”

The Saint fell into silence as she looked deep in thought.

Even her troubled expression has a certain charm to it.

“I’m not sure what rumours you’ve heard about me, but I’m nothing more than a simple baron who serves the Penny Empire. I feel that this story involving a great, eternal battle between the Demon Lord and the chosen Heroes is a bit beyond my means.”

“You have reasonable concerns, Baron Tanaka.”

“Thank you.”

“Even so, it would be foolish of me not to utilize everything at my disposal. This is why I didn’t hesitate in inviting you here. I do not expect you to solve all of our problems, Baron Tanaka. Nor do I wish for you to think that we intend on using you as a means to an end.”

“I understand that.”

As a former wage slave, I feel like I’ve heard all of this before.

“What exactly would you like to know?”

“It’s hard for me to answer when I don’t know the full story.”

“Would you agree to staying here in the Great Holy Land for a period of time? Our city would be delighted to welcome you. If you can spend time in our city, experience our culture with your own eyes and ears, I’m confident that you will be able to see the amazing qualities of our country.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just not sure if….”

“I understand that we interrupted your vacation when we brought you here. If you would be so kind as to accept, we would spare no expense in offering you world-class hospitality like only the Great Holy Land can. I believe even the resort you were staying at would pale in comparison.”


What should I do?

A choice between a luxurious resort and the unknown quality of the Great Holy Land’s hospitality. The former has the memory of the maid trying to kill me while her panties are fully exposed weighing against it.

There’s nothing to guarantee that won’t happen a second or even a third time if I return.

If it was just me, I’d be able to protect myself, but now that Edita Sensei is here, I have to consider her as well. Especially now that I know how weak her stats are. If there is ever a situation where she was on her own and caught off-guard, even a basic enemy would be able to take her out.

“I understand. I’m sorry for imposing, but I’ll be staying for the time being.”

“I’m pleased to hear this, Baron Tanaka. Please, treat our city as if it were your own.”

“Thank you for accomodating me.”

I don’t doubt that the hospitality of the Great Holy Land will satisfy my needs.

End of Chapter 2

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