Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 2 (4)

Great Holy Land (1st)

On this day, I can no longer call myself a human. I am a horse.

I slowly proceeded down the hallway on all fours as we searched for the dining room. I wasn’t a riderless horse either. No, the weight of a human rested on my back. To be more descriptive, a soft and warm virgin ass rested on my virgin back.

“Come on! Get a move on!”


Drill-chan slapped my butt as she spoke.

This is the type of service most people would have to pay for.

I want her to stick a finger up there too.

“Oi, are you…?”

“Am I what, Gerosu-san?”

The Kimoronge began to ask something before letting his words trail off. He was still standing on his feet which gave off the impression of him looking down on him. However, none of that matters to me. The warmth permeating through my back from Drill-chan’s ass is so warm that  nothing else matters. I’m in love with this warmth. I wouldn’t even mind if she peed.

“…are you enjoying this treatment?”

“What a ludicrous accusation.”

The Kimoronge looked confused, but his guess was completely right.

I’m loving this.

However, I need to keep my true feelings hidden. I need Drill-chan to continue ‘punishing’ me without realizing I enjoy it. That way she can enjoy the rest of the vacation while I secretly enjoy her punishments. If she discovers that I’m actually enjoying myself, she’ll begin to question why I acted so reluctant to accept the slave agreement, and it won’t be hard to find the answer.

“If it were up to me, I’d happily stand up and knock your master to the ground right now.”

“Yes, but if you do that, you’ll never get your hands on the recipe.”


I figure an annoyed ‘ku’ is enough of a response for now.

This feels so good.

My back is so warm.

“This feeling of dominance is the best! I feel so good!”

As Drill-chan gave voice to my own thoughts, the vibrations caused by her yelling travelled through her body and into my own. The subtle trembling of her ass was the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced. I can clearly feel her ass rubbing against me. This is a dream come true.

I made the right decision.

I’m glad I allowed Drill-chan to come with me and nobody else. If Ester-chan, Edita Sensei, or Allen were here, I wouldn’t be able to live out my dream like this. If any of them saw me in this state, I’d imagine it would be more difficult managing them or my territory in the future.



Drill-chan’s ass is the best.

I think she has what people call ‘birthing hips.’

Her chest is massive and now I learn that she has a huge ass too. Are there no limits to this big-breasted blonde loli?


It’s inevitable that Goggoru-chan will learn of this later when she mind-rapes me.

Although, that would probably feel good too.

Something like a second rape. As long as nothing actually happens between us, Goggoru-chan can read as much as she likes. And if she takes the initiative and does it without my consent, it would be like a second reverse rape.

“Hurry up already! What kind of useless horse are you!?”


I think this is becoming a habit.

This horse will do his best to make it to the dining hall.

I’ll beat out the Kimoronge and become Drill-chan’s favorite pet before this vacation ends.

I won’t let him win.

“M-Master, over there! That looks like a dining hall!”

It was clear that the Kimoronge didn’t like the treatment I was receiving. He began frantically looking for the dining hall, and when he found it, he started desperately shouting and waving his hands around. I’m sure he wishes he was in my place right now.

I never expected you to fall so far, Kimoronge.

He’s starting to act like a slave who has lost everything.

A powerful demon has lost to a lowly virgin.

“Ara~n, that’s too bad.”

“I-I’ll act as Master’s horse from now on.”

The desperation was clear in his eyes.

He acted in an instant and before I knew it, he was at the same height as me in the pose of a horse. His long legs allowed him to take longer strides than I could.

This is the difference between a pony and a racehorse.

“Is that so? I was hoping my current horse could at least take me to my seat.”

Continuing to play the role of Drill-chan’s horse could prove dangerous.

If we enter the dining hall like this, it’s guaranteed that we’ll eventually run into some of the maids and butlers.

If I wanted to save face, it would be smart to pass off the title of horse to the Kimoronge. I could renounce my title of horse and wait for the two of them to find their seats before entering a little while later so people won’t associate me with them.


As if I’d give up this opportunity to feel Drill-chan’s warm cheeks on my back.

I know what I must do.


I continued my annoyed grunts, but continued with happiness in my heart.

I accidentally let out two.

I took steady strides as I continued on all fours toward the dining hall.

“Ufufu…ufufufufufu, that’s right. That’s a good horse.”


Drill-chan couldn’t hide her pleasure.

I swear it feels like my back is getting even warmer.

This feels great.

This is the definition of a win-win situation.

A winning relationship.

“Hurry up now! Take me to my seat right now!”


Slap Drill-chan blessed my ass with another slap.

The slaps were actually making me move faster too.

I entered the dining hall in the position of a horse but with the heart of a man who’s accomplished his dreams.

Naturally, our strange appearance drew the eyes of the maids and butlers, but I didn’t mind their stares. The warmth of Drill-chan’s ass is all that matters, everything else is trivial.

Breaking her hymen would bring me to nirvana.

I was already at full mast.

It’s fine though. It’s impossible to notice when I’m on all fours.


The strange sight coupled with Drill-chan’s outrageous cry made it impossible for anyone watching us to tell what was happening.

This virgin will become a thoroughbred.


A vaguely familiar voice cried out my name.

My attention was naturally drawn toward the voice. Due to my position as a horse, I had to lift my head up to see the faces of anyone looking down at me. It took me a moment to find the person that said my name. Directly ahead of me were several familiar faces seated on a cushy sofa.

The Heroes of the East and West along with their parties.

It was the Hero of the West that said my name. I knew I recognized the voice. This is the first time we’ve seen each other since Academy City. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these heroes without the other.

The rest of the party appeared to be so shocked by my appearance that they were stunned into silence.

“Why are y-you…no, why is someone sitting on you…?”


What are the Heroes doing here?

They’ve seen everything now.

Just as I was starting to worry about what consequences my indulgences may have caused, a maid rushed to my side.

“The Heroes arrived here and mentioned they were acquaintances of Baron Tanaka’s. We brought them to your room so they could visit you. I sincerely apologize if we should have asked first….”

I see.

She said she brought them to my room, but isn’t this the dining hall?

“A-ara~n? What a troublesome situation.”

Drill-chan seemed genuinely surprised to encounter someone that recognized me.

Every time she moved the feeling was transmitted through my back.

It seems that Drill-chan recognizes the Heroes. They were both in Academy City at the same time and met each other there, but those two are great Heroes so it’s likely their faces are known throughout the world.

Well, I guess there’s no point worrying about it now.

What’s seen cannot be unseen.

“…what is your relationship with this woman?”


Would master and slave be a bad answer?

I wanted to remain a mysterious stranger to the Heroes while occasionally acting as their benefactor. I suppose this encounter adds to my mystique but not in any way I would’ve wanted.

“T-This is the dining hall, right?”

“This is, um, the reception room….”

The maid provided me with an answer.

“…reception room?”


Damn it. The Kimoronge is a terrible navigator.

Where the hell is the dining hall?

I should’ve checked myself rather than blindly listening to him.

What am I supposed to do here? I’m not even sure where to start if I wanted to speak to them. The Heroes didn’t seem to have the same trepidation as me.

“I can only imagine what type of person she must be for you to serve….”


Despite the ridiculous situation the Hero of the West has been presented with, he’s still maintaining a serious expression.

His face was tense and I could see his Adam’s apple moving up and down as he swallowed his saliva. It looks like he’s mistaken about the relationship between Drill-chan and myself. Despite the clear evidence presented before him, he’s convinced himself that this is not just a simple sadomasochistic relationship.

Similar expressions could be seen on the faces of his party as well. Both the female priestess and the female magician were just as scared. The Hero of the East and his parties were also looking apprehensive.

All of them must believe that Drill-chan far outranks me. Back in Academy City we were seen together as well so they may have formed this impression back then and now it’s been cemented in their minds after seeing us like this.


The melodious ohohos resumed which inevitably drew the attention of everyone in the reception room. Drill-chan had thrown her head back and was now holding the back of her hand in front of her mouth. Her violent laughing sent tremors through her body which continued down through my back. This feels amazing.

“I have some other business to attend to so I’ll leave you with your friends! Don’t forget to report back to me later to receive more orders!”

Drill-chan stood and got off my back.

The departure of her weight was accompanied by the loss of warmth from her backside. This sudden loss was traumatizing. It was as if I had lost a part of myself. The warmth was comforting, but now I feel cold and isolated.

She turned and left the reception area with the Kimoronge right on her heel. This left me alone on all fours, surrounded by people I know. What a pathetic sight.

As I stood there tightly holding onto the title of ‘World’s Most Pathetic Horse,’ the Hero of the West spoke to me once more.

“Baron Tanaka, we need to talk….”

Please, stop this.

Don’t speak to a middle-aged man on his hands and knees in such a serious tone.

“…what about?”

I don’t have much of a choice.

I stood to my feet, relinquished my horse crown, and sat on the sofa opposite them.


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