At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

049 The Indestructible Ghost Sedan! Pounce! (5) Ask for subscription

Among the ghosts, the bride in the wedding dress with the red hijab on her head walks neither fast nor slow.

On the ground, I don’t know when there was a red carpet.

This red carpet extends from the bride’s boudoir to the door.

In short.

The whole house.

A wedding atmosphere.


No music, no gongs and drums, no bridesmaids.

Except for Lin Feng, there are only wedding brides.

The bride in the wedding dress is like this, alone, stepping out of the door step by step.


“Go and see the ghost sedan first!”

Lin Feng rushed to the door quickly.

He was going to take advantage of the slow walk of the bride in the wedding dress to see if the ghost sedan chair was outside.

The door is now open.

Lin Feng’s speed is very fast.

Immediately rushed out.

After rushing out, Lin Feng found that there should be a wilderness outside the gate. It looked quite desolate, and he didn’t know where it was.

Lin Feng was not in the mood to appreciate the style.

His eyes swept out the door.

Soon, Lin Feng saw it.

To the left of the gate, a big red sedan chair was parked there.

This sedan chair is the standard sedan chair in ancient times.

It’s just that the sedan chair is red.

There are many festive decorations on it.

There was no one in front of or behind the sedan chair.

I didn’t see any ghosts either!

Its car curtain is open, and you can see that it is also red inside. The structure is quite simple. There is only one seat on which the cushions are placed.

Inside the sedan.

No people, or ghosts, were seen either!

It just stood alone outside the house.


Quite weird!


“Ghost sedan chair!”

Lin Feng whispered.

This is the ghost sedan chair for the bride in the wedding dress!


Lin Feng couldn’t have let it pick it up!


Lin Feng called Tongtong out.

Why shout out.

It was because Lin Feng was worried that there were ghosts hidden in the ghost sedan chair.


If Tongtong senses danger, he will run out immediately.

If it doesn’t come out now, it means that there are no ghosts in the ghost sedan chair!


“Prevent the bride in the wedding dress from boarding the ghost sedan… Then I will burn you to try!”

Lin Feng took out a bottle from the storage space.

What’s in this bottle… is alcohol!

This is 95% medical alcohol, and the concentration of such medical alcohol is quite high.

This is what Lin Feng brought in the storage space, so it can be used for disinfection in case he gets injured in the wild.

After taking out the alcohol, Lin Feng quickly opened the lid, then tore off a piece of clothing to cover the mouth of the bottle, poured the alcohol bottle upside down, and soaked the cloth with alcohol.

After soaking, Lin Feng took out a lighter and lit the cloth.

Then, Lin Feng threw the alcohol bottle in his hand to the ghost sedan.


I saw the alcohol bottle smashed directly onto the ghost sedan chair.

Alcohol splashed out.

Then, the raging flames burned.

The ghost sedan was ignited at once, burning rapidly.

“Can it actually be ignited?”

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Such a strange thing, Lin Feng felt, should not be so easy to destroy.

The ghost sedan burns very fast.

In a short period of time, the entire ghost sedan was surrounded by flames and burned to black.

However, seeing that the ghost sedan has been completely burned, a change has come.

As soon as a gust of wind blew, those charred parts were blown away, and a brand new ghost sedan appeared again!

“It really isn’t that simple!”

Seeing that it won’t burn, Lin Feng is not a special accident!

He just tried it, and didn’t expect it to destroy the ghost sedan.

“It can’t be burned, it seems that it is demolished, and maybe there is no way to destroy it.”

Lin Feng thought.

He turned his head and saw that the bride in the wedding dress had passed through the largest yard in the middle, two-thirds of the way.


“Tongtong, can you destroy it?”

Lin Feng asked.

Tongtong stared blankly at the ghost sedan chair, and then… she shook her head.

Tongtong’s movements are increasing.

“Can’t Tongtong be destroyed?”

Lin Feng gave up the idea of destroying the ghost sedan chair, mainly because there was not much time, otherwise he could try some more methods.

Now, the bride in the wedding dress must be prevented very much.

Or she’ll be out!


The bride in the wedding dress is walking out along the red carpet.

Her hands were folded in front of her, and she walked like a gentle lady in ancient times.

Lin Feng ran back again.

“45-point bondage… It should be no problem to stop her directly.”

Thinking of this, Lin Feng ran back quickly, opened his hand… and stopped in front of the bride in the wedding dress.

The bride in the wedding dress stopped.


She disappeared.

Lin Feng turned his head and saw that the bride in the wedding dress appeared behind him as if flickering, and continued to walk out firmly.

“Can’t stop?”

Seeing that the bride in the wedding dress was about to walk out the door, Lin Feng could only take a risk.

“Then it can only be hard!”

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he rushed up with an acceleration, hugged the bride in the wedding dress from behind, and suddenly… threw her to the ground!

This is the only way to stop her!


PS: The picture of the bride in the wedding dress has been updated, and the cover has been changed. Don’t get lost!

PS: Thanks to 18112 [588] for the reward of VIP points, thanks to 15267 for the two rewards, and thanks to Swordsman Romance [788] for the reward of VIP points!


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