At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

047 A bowl of rice! eat! It’s only 5 o’clock! (3) Ask for subscription

Lin Feng exited the room.

He didn’t take those ghostly things.

Although the bride in the wedding dress doesn’t care now, these things are hers after all. Before binding, Lin Feng will not do such things that may affect the bond.

After exiting, Lin Feng returned to the previous room and was ready to sleep.

He didn’t take off his clothes, just took off his shoes, then covered the quilt and got ready to sleep.

It was cold in this ghost.

Some toss.

Lin Feng was actually a little tired.

after all.

Lin Feng hasn’t slept well these days.

“Tongtong, go back to the bow, you don’t have to wait.”

Lin Feng said.

At 30 o’clock, the fetters, the bride in the wedding dress should not have any unfavorable actions for themselves.

Tongtong obediently returned to the bow.

Because he was too tired, Lin Feng fell asleep shortly after lying on the bed.



Not knowing how long she slept, Lin Feng heard the sound of a door opening not far away.

Lin Feng woke up, walked to the door, opened it a crack, and saw that the door was open, and the bride in the wedding dress walked out.


After the bride in the wedding dress went out, the gate was closed again.

‘she went out?”

Lin Feng whispered.

Lin Feng has no plans to go out.


After completing this task, there will be 40 points of fetters, only 10 points away from 50 points of fetters!

So Lin Feng will not do anything extravagant now!

And he does need to rest.

Soon, Lin Feng fell asleep again.

This time, I don’t know how long I slept.

Then, Tongtong pulled the corner of Lin Feng’s clothes and woke Lin Feng up.

Lin Feng woke up and saw that the sky seemed to be bright, and there was a red dress outside the door.

The bride in the wedding dress is here.

“The task is completed, the bride’s bond +10.”

The sound of the system sounded.


Fettered to 40!

Lin Feng opened the door, walked out, and saw a bowl of rice floating in front of the red wedding dress.

No, not floating.

It was carried by the bride in the wedding dress!

It was a delicate ceramic bowl.

There is a pair of chopsticks beside the bowl!

The bride in the wedding dress brought herself a meal?

Lin Feng was a little surprised.


After the accident, Lin Feng hesitated, that is this bowl of rice, do you want to eat it?

This is ghost rice!

Ghost rice…is that delicious?

The devil knows what it will be.

“Take it first and talk about it.”

Lin Feng reached out to pick it up.


He also said a word.

Then, Lin Feng’s hand touched… Under the bowl, the soft/lazy fingers of the bride in the wedding dress!


I accidentally touched the little hand of the bride in the wedding dress!

However, the bride in the wedding dress did not seem to have much reaction.

Lin Feng never thought that although the bride in the wedding dress could not see it, it could be touched/touched.

Of course, it is also possible that she condensed the ghost energy there.

Her fingers…really tender.

Lin Feng didn’t take advantage of her too much, just took the bowl and the chopsticks.

Take it first, eat it or not.


But what surprised Lin Feng was… the bride in the wedding dress didn’t leave!

Still standing there, motionless.

This is to keep the rhythm of Lin Feng eating?

“Fetter task four, eat the meal given by the bride in the wedding dress, the task reward: the bride in the wedding dress +5 bond.”

At this time, the sound of the system rang.

That being the case.

Then eat it!

The system should not pit Lin Feng.

So, Lin Feng took a small bite.

Well, a sip.

After taking this small bite, Lin Feng found that… it was real white rice, not ghost rice.

“Did she go out last night for this?”

Lin Feng had a guess.

Although the bride in the wedding dress is a nightmare-level ghost, it is impossible to make real white rice out of thin air. Thinking of her going out last night, Lin Feng feels….

The bride in the wedding dress went out last night, maybe to get this bowl of white rice.


A little hungry anyway, Lin Feng finished the bowl of rice.

“The task is completed, the bride’s bond +5.”

The sound of the system sounded.


The bond has reached 45, only 5 points away from 50, and there is another small task… It should be able to bind! *

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