At The Beginning Of The Three Thousand Dao Scriptures, I Became A Saint

Chapter 281


Chapter 281 Self-destruct

Azure Dragon is the Dragon Clan Imperial Family, its status is extremely noble, Above the Five Clawed Golden Dragon. If Dragon Clan has Azure Dragon born, these Dragon Clan experts will never be ignorant.

So, this Azure Dragon isn’t Dragon Clan’s?

Thinking of this, the faces of the Dragon Clan experts suddenly changed greatly, and they stared at the Azure Dragon that Jiang Chen transformed into.

Since this Azure Dragon is not from Dragon Clan, it must be faked by outsiders, and what is the purpose of his fake Dragon Clan?

Reminiscent of Azure Dragon’s actions just now, all the Dragon Clan powerhouses guessed his purpose and made it clear that they wanted to blame Dragon Clan.

“The thief, go away!”

After realizing this, all the Dragon Clan powerhouses hurriedly came out of the dark and chased Jiang Chen angrily.

The loss of the treasure is already worrying enough. If they are framed and blamed again, then these Dragon Clan powerhouses are really going to be pissed off. If the treasure was really acquired by them, it would be framed and framed, and they would admit it reluctantly.

But the Innate Blue Dragon God Bead and their Dragon Clan haven’t even touched the Dragon Clan, so how can they be willing to take the blame? If this black pot is real, then Dragon Clan is afraid that they will become the public enemy of the Profound Yellow World and will be targeted by all influences.

“thief crying, “Stop thief!” !”

Seeing the Dragon Clan powerhouse suddenly rush out, the Barbarian Race powerhouse couldn’t help but shout out angrily, cursing at them unceremoniously .

Although the experts from the other forces did not speak, the doubts in their eyes showed that they thought so too.

“Fellow Daoists, this is a misunderstanding, that Azure Dragon is not my Dragon Clan’s expert at all, this is someone deliberately framed and framed my Dragon Clan, since ancient times, I Profound Yellow World Dragon Clan has never been born. Over Azure Dragon.”

A Dragon Clan powerhouse shouted anxiously, trying to clear Dragon Clan’s suspicions.

“Fart, that Azure Dragon is so real, Dragon’s Might is so strong, even Innate Blue Dragon God Bead can be motivated, who else can be except you Dragon Clan?”

“You can’t have a fake Dragon’s Might from a foreign race, more pure than your Dragon Clan, and more favored by the Innate Blue Dragon God Bead, right?” There is no reason for it, only that the Azure Dragon installed by Jiang Chen is too similar, and there is no difference between it and the real Azure Dragon.

Everyone is very confident in their own strength. If they don’t believe it, they are all wrong. Moreover, even if they are really wrong, Innate Blue Dragon God Bead can’t admit wrong, right?

If it’s not the real Azure Dragon, how does Innate Blue Dragon God Bead recognize him and spontaneously complete the recognizing Master?

Innate’s attitude of Dragon God Bead has confirmed the identity of Azure Dragon. In this way, how can people believe Dragon Clan’s words.

It’s okay if they didn’t show up. Once they did, everyone became more suspicious, thinking they were thief crying, “Stop thief!” to clear their suspicions.

“Fellow Daoists, you have to believe me, this matter really has nothing to do with my Dragon Clan!”

Being framed twice in a row, these Dragon Clan powerhouses are really The only thing is that they are angry, they are really innocent, but why don’t people believe it.

If they really did it, they would have stopped everyone long ago. How could they join forces with everyone to hunt down this Azure Dragon.

“Hey, forget it, let’s not talk about whether Dragon Clan’s Fellow Daoist did this. In short, Dragon Clan can’t wash away the suspicion.”

“So, I also ask Dragon Clan’s Fellow Daoist to step down for the time being. After taking down the Azure Dragon, I will sort out the process of this matter.”

Spirit Race expert once again became a peacemaker , let Dragon Clan expert leave.

In this regard, Dragon Clan powerhouse is naturally reluctant. Compared with everyone else, they hate the Azure Dragon who framed them and want to get rid of their skin and cramps. How can they be willing to retire?

But, before they could speak, the Barbarian Race powerhouse said in a sombre tone: “Dragon Clan’s friends should leave now, otherwise, who knows if they are here to cause trouble. , so as to give the Azure Dragon a chance to escape.”

As soon as these words came out, the Dragon Clan powerhouse suddenly stopped talking, because they realized that the powerhouses of the other clans had locked them, but if they If they dare to say no, then they may not be able to live without opening the Demon Ruins today.

This situation is very familiar, just like the scene reappeared a few days ago. At that time, their Dragon Clan was also framed and had to withdraw from the battle of the magic market.

“Very good!”

The Dragon Clan powerhouse, headed by him, waved his sleeves and led the dragons away.

The meaning of everyone is very simple, no matter if this is what Dragon Clan did or not, they do not want Dragon Clan to continue to intervene in this matter. This Innate Green Dragon God Bead has nothing to do with Dragon Clan.

Everyone’s communication was conducted with Divine Sense. It seemed that a lot of words were said, but in fact, it was only a matter of moments, and it didn’t take much time.

At this moment, Jiang Chen transformed into Azure Dragon and rushed towards the depths of the turbulent void.

Not to mention how unwilling Dragon Clan is, it is said that after several forces joined forces to force Dragon Clan back, they rushed into the turbulent void without any hesitation.

“It’s good to come, just to use your hands to erase the last hands and feet, so that everything that happens in the turbulent void will be buried in history.”

See everyone After chasing, Jiang Chen was not panicked, but very happy.

He felt that he had left too many traces in the turbulent void, and that just one attack might not destroy all the traces.

It happened that everyone was chasing after them, and they could use their power to completely destroy the turbulent flow of the void. That way, no one can find out what he’s doing inside.

Jiang Chen jumped over a distance of thousands of miles, stopped in front of a turbulent void, and stopped moving forward. This is the limit he can reach. Going forward, the turbulent void here can tear him apart.

Originally, the power of Void Turbulence has dropped a lot, but Jiang Chen’s previous blow made the place riot again and became extremely dangerous.

“Hand over the Innate Blue Dragon God Bead, I’ll let you go.”

Void turbulence is a dangerous place, and everyone dare not force Jiang Chen too much, lest he act impulsive As long as he handed over the Innate Blue Dragon God Bead, let him go.

But, facing the danger of everyone, Jiang Chen’s huge dragon face suddenly showed a weird smile.

“Not good!”

Seeing this, everyone had a bad premonition in their hearts, and they wanted to retreat to the back, but it was too late.

The dazzling azure light rose up, like a flame burning, the huge Azure Dragon body suddenly disintegrated, turned into an endless lightning sweep, hiding the sky and covering the earth, rushing in all directions.

Jiang Chen’s self-destructed body of Azure Dragon has transformed all the golden aspirations that make up this body into Innate Second Wood Divine Thunder, allowing it to explode and destroy everything.


Azure Dragon’s self-destruct immediately triggered a chain reaction. The turbulent void in the riot stage became even more violent. The void was shattering, revealing the deep space inside, and rolling up a storm of destruction. .

ps: Happy Children’s Day everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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