At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

For a moment, lips parted.

“You liar!” Feeling the changes in his body, Erno pouted and said.

“However, you can’t get rid of me now!”

Er Nai hugged Shen Ming tightly again, although the speed of the two falling faster and faster, she was not afraid at all now.

“You still talk about me! Didn’t you lie to me too, now you are not just Ernai! ”

Shen Ming felt the existence of five souls in Er Nai’s body, and it was obvious that the girl in front of him was a combination of five sisters.

“I don’t care, in short, you lied to me, then accompany me well!”

“Nina… What should I call you now? ”

“Just call me Ernai, we have already discussed, who dominates the consciousness of the combination, whose external makeup is!” Er Nai said that her makeup changed, and she became Sanjiu’s appearance of “five, six, seven”.

“They didn’t push me out!” Sanjiu curled up in Shen Ming’s arms, extremely shy.

“Sanjiu!” Shen Ming reached out to tidy Sanjiu’s hair, and Sanjiu tried a few times, but at the insistence of the other sisters, Sanjiu still couldn’t hide in the depths of consciousness.

“Where are we?” Sanjiu plucked up the courage and said.

“It should be regarded as the sky over Kyushu, let’s find an island to land later, you try to trigger the beast you got from me, you five sisters should be able to use its power!”

Shen Ming felt it and said, not surprisingly, in addition to the demon Ji ice and lion gold booked by the sisters under the snow, Shen Ming’s twelve beasts only the silver mist of the carapace has no medium, and it is this dependent beast that the five sisters obtained, so Shen Ming began to guide Sanjiu to trigger his own power, with the power of atomization, falling from the sky did not pose any threat to the two at all.

At this point, Shen Ming already has twelve blood companions, and the twelve beasts also have their own spiritual mediums, and perhaps there will be miraculous changes after Shen Ming returns to the present.

Shen Ming and the two fell rapidly from the sky, and at the same time, on the island that Shen Ming chose as the landing site, a young girl fell into deep despair.

Yukoshita Yono watched as several women carried their unconscious sister in a van and flew away, she had the intention to catch up, but how could two legs catch up with four wheels, even if she shouted loudly, no one around offered a helping hand, and finally Yono sat down on the road exhausted, and the van carrying her sister Yukinoshita Yukina gradually disappeared from sight.

Regarding the other party’s intentions, Yukinoshita Yono is actually very clear, if nothing else, it should be the political enemy who competes with his father for Councilor Chiba, and the Yukinoshita family is engaged in business, and the other party is unable to compete with each other to come up with such a vicious scheme. Although Yukishita Yukino will never be in danger of life if she is taken as a hostage, her sister is the cutest girl under the sky after all, and if she is targeted by a pervert, she is likely to leave a lifetime of pain.

The desperate Yukishita Yang Nai actually began to pray, she pinned her hope completely on the ethereal god, and as if hearing her prayer, Shen Ming took Sanjiu and fell straight towards the snow under the Yang Nai.

Yukoshita Yono suddenly heard the panic around her, looked up, a huge fireball fell from the sky, and the surrounding crowd scattered and fled, but Yukishita Yono, who had long been exhausted, could only calmly wait for the arrival of death, and in the end she only had one regret, that is, she could not see Yukino return safely.

“I wonder if Yukino will be sad when she receives the news of my death?” Yono Yukinoshita slowly closed his eyes, it might not be bad if he could turn into a demon and rescue his sister Yukino.

Just as the fireball was about to hit the ground, Yono suddenly heard a female voice shouting timidly:

“Listen to my orders, come quickly, Carapace Silver Mist!”

Then Yono found that her surroundings were shrouded in mist, and the surrounding buildings were all translucent, even she herself was looming, and a silver-white crustacean behemoth appeared in the sky.

“Sanjiu, nice job!” There was another male voice in the mist, and two figures appeared in the mist, although the figures of the two were a little hazy through the fog, but Yono under the snow was still able to recognize the two as a man and a woman.

Yukinoshita Yono immediately realized that these two must be legendary superpowers, and if they were willing to make a move, Yukino would be saved! Yang Nai puffed up his strength out of nowhere, and rushed directly to the two people.

“Please, help me!”

Yang Nai actually knelt directly in front of Shen Ming and begged, which was unimaginable to her who was proud before, this was for Xue Nai’s safety, she was willing to abandon her dignity……..

Shen Ming looked at the Yang Nai under the snow in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh at the strength of fate, so he directly stretched out his hand to help the Yang Nai under the snow up, but then just looked at her quietly, didn’t say anything, Sanjiu also hid behind Shen Ming, looked up at Yang Nai from time to time, and got the memory of that day, she immediately recognized this girl as Shen Ming’s blood mate, although it looked exactly the same as at that time, but why didn’t she know Shen Ming, did she and Shen Ming go back in time?

Xuexia Yang Nai looked at Shen Ming, a very clean boy, who should be two or three years younger than himself, but the determination in his eyes revealed maturity, and the school uniform should be from which key high school. And in front of him, Yang Nai didn’t dare to play those little tricks at all, if she wanted Shen Ming to help, the only weapon was sincerity.

“My sister has been captured, please help!” Yang Nai under the snow was about to kneel again but was directly pulled by Shen Ming, looking at the Yang Nai who was almost exactly the same as the snow under the snow in front of him, Shen Ming’s eyes also changed a little, even if Yang Nai did not say that he would lend a hand. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I’m willing to pay anything!” Under the snow, Yang Nai finally made up his mind and threw himself directly into Shen Ming’s arms, which also made Shen Ming understand one thing, sure enough, Xue Nai still had a long way to go.

“It’s fate’s choice, are you ready to be an outlier?” Shen Ming said that fangs appeared in mouth 2.2, and he intended to transform Yang Nai into a vampire.

“As long as I can rescue Yukino, no matter what it becomes, I am willing to serve by my lord’s side!” Seeing hope, Yukoshita Yang Nai said happily, although she didn’t know what powerful ability Shen Ming had, but this was already her only hope.

Shen Ming nodded, gently ruffled Yang Nai’s short hair under the snow behind his ears, Yang Nai’s body was also trembling slightly, Shen Ming even felt that the beast in his body was a little impatient, so Shen Ming no longer hesitated, and directly lowered his head and bit the snow neck of Yang Nai under the snow.

“Yukino, wait for me, my sister will come to rescue you immediately!” Yukinoshita Yono felt a tingling pain in her neck, her ice-blue pupils gradually turned blood red, and strange feelings rose from the bottom of her heart, but at the end when her consciousness was overwhelmed, she was still thinking about her sister.

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