At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

But just when the roller was about to fall on the head of Father Pucci who could only close his eyes and wait for death, Shen Ming suddenly felt a sense of discord, and the roller fell heavily on the ground, but Shen Ming knew very well that Father Pucci was no longer below, and he looked at the bush that Father Pucci rushed out of before.

Father Pucci is still hiding there, as if he had never attacked. And the priest is also frightened now, what did he see just now? Due to Shen Ming’s influence, Father Puqi still retained his previous memories, so he was very sure that the other party was hiding, Shen Ming could stand still for far longer than his nine seconds, if he really attacked Shen Ming, his end would only be dead.

Shen Ming summoned the Platinum Star Requiem Song, and the image of the insect arrow appeared in the gem on the forehead of the Platinum Star, and now Shen Ming somewhat understood the cause and effect of the matter, if he guessed correctly, it was just Joruno’s Golden Experience Requiem that launched the skill, going back to time, although he was immune to this effect, but Puqi’s time returned to a minute ago.

Sure enough, Father Pucci was able to go to heaven, and the Joestar family was the greatest meritorious 770 minister, and this certain death situation could be avoided by him! A trace of fierceness rose in Shen Ming’s heart, he had to leave Father Puqi here today!

And Father Puqi, who has been hiding, seems to have noticed Shen Ming’s killing intent, and at the moment he does not dare to think of anything to snatch the platinum star, turning around and running away, Shen Ming’s eyes stared at the powerful gravity applied to the priest’s body, but the next moment, the priest’s white snake and the world suddenly appeared, and then the two directly fused together, Father Puqi actually had part of the crescent moon’s ability to control gravity in advance.

Pucci didn’t know what was going on yet, he only felt his body light, and ran directly towards the sewer not far away, as long as he could get there, he could successfully escape.

“Still want to run?” Shen Ming clenched his fist, and the platinum star appeared again.

“Smash Valudo!”

“Smash Valudo!”

“Sprinkle hot sauce in the canteen – smash Valudo! (StarPlatinum—TheWorld)”

When Shen Ming and Father Puchi activated the time pause at the same time, Jotaro suddenly appeared at the end of the street, and Jotaro also launched the time pause at the same time, and the three felt that time stood still for three seconds at the same time, and in these three seconds, even the three people who activated the time stop skill could not move at will, after the time stop three seconds, the time stop of the three people all went into cooling, and Shen Ming felt that he was specially targeted, and his time stop CD tripled.

Father Pucci also understood that Jotaro was chasing him, so he did not want to delay time, pulled out his legs and continued to run towards the sewer not far away.

“Is this the arrangement of fate?” Shen Ming glanced at Jotaro helplessly, but he hadn’t given up yet.

“Listen to my orders, come quickly, Demon Ji no Cang Bing! Freeze him for me, and freeze the sewers too! ”

The huge mermaid figure shrouded the entire street with a thick white fog, with Shen Ming as the center, a thick layer of ice crystals quickly spread in all directions, and it seemed that Father Puqi would also be frozen.

“Sun!” Father Pucci suddenly threw out a disc, and the disc fell to the ground and turned into a huge fireball, directly blocking the spread of the cold, and the strong light also provided cover for Father Pucci to escape.

Shen Ming was really shocked, in order for Father Puqi to survive, the world is working too hard, maybe, since this is the case, he is making one last effort, if the priest can still escape, then let him go.

“Listen to my orders, come quickly, Lion Gold!”

Several golden lightning bolts fell from the sky, the priest looked up, and took out a disc and stuffed it directly on his brain, and suddenly dense dark clouds appeared in the sky, countless electric (befa) snakes flowed, under the interference of electric snakes, none of the falling thunder of the lion’s gold could hit Father Puchi.

In the blink of an eye, the priest ran to the sewers, and at this time, he could no longer hold on, and the disc inserted in the brain door before was directly ejected and fell to the ground, but the priest did not dare to delay time to pick it up and jumped directly into the sewers, and his figure finally disappeared in Shen Ming’s perception.

After the priest disappeared, the dark clouds in the sky and the fireball turned into discs also changed back to their original form, and only two discs remained on the ground as proof that the priest had come. Shen Ming also restored the battlefield with the white steel of water essence, and then put away all the three major beasts.

“Mr. Shen Ming!” Jotaro walked to Shen Ming’s side and told all the origin and intentions of the priest, and he now realized that if it were not for himself, Father Puqi would have been ambushed.

“Mr. Kujo! You’ll have to be more careful in the future! When he separated from Jotaro, Shen Ming reminded that since the priest had comprehended the power of gravity in advance, the priest would definitely speed up the pace of seizing the Jotaro memory disc, perhaps the priest would soon evolve the crescent moon and prepare to go to heaven.

Before, Shen Ming may have been worried that even if he could be alone, he could not prevent the priest from restarting the universe, but now it is different, the disc of the weather forecast is in his hands at the moment, in other words, the future of the priest has been taken care of by him.

Shen Ming walked towards the house, and what he didn’t know was that the five sisters had made a huge breakthrough at this moment.

Time went back to half an hour ago, Shen Ming left the five sisters’ home, and the five sisters not only did not go to their respective buses, but continued to clasp their hands and form a circle.

Ichika began by saying, “We experienced a magical journey of merging and separating! And after this incident, I don’t want to separate our five sisters! Regarding whether the five of us should maintain the state of five-person integration in the future, I agree! ”

“I agree too!” ×4。

Er Nai looked at the other sisters and said: “There is a very important thing, that is, our future, I like Shen Ming!” I won’t limit whether you can like other people, but our union must inherit this relationship of mine! ”

“Agreed!” ×4。

The other four were of different colors, and their eyes were a little evasive. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“You guys!” Er Nai originally thought that Yihua also had some interest in Shen Ming, but he didn’t expect that the other sisters were also raided.

“The five of us sisters are of the same heart, we can always feel each other’s hearts, maybe the future of the five of us has been bound together from the beginning!”

“Well, the five of us will never be separated!”

At this time, Shen Ming and the three of them simultaneously launched a time pause, and three times the fluctuation rose in the five people, and after the three-second time stop, only one figure remained in the room.

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