At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

“Is it? Thank you! Shen Ming nodded, he now understood that although the five sisters had separated, the impact they had caused had not disappeared, in the cognition of the classmates, the five sisters were actually still a person, although they could call different names, but they were just the code names of Nakano’s classmates.

Nakano Nino quickly went and returned, and the reason was very simple, the substitute teachers of all subjects were very surprised by her results, after all, Nakano-san’s grades were the first in the school when she first enrolled, although she has now become the first place in another sense, but the penultimate first is really impossible to explain, looking at the whole school, only the same class of the night sword god Juka can compete with her, but people have the joint endorsement of Nangong teacher and Hiratsuka teacher.

“I decided, I’m going to study hard!” As soon as Nakano came back, he swore that she looked like she would not give up if she didn’t improve her grades.

“Well said! I will study hard together! “Yosaber God Juka is infected by Nino Nakano’s ambition, and she also has dreams of becoming a good student.

“But what we learn is really difficult!” However, Nakano Erno turned to look at Shen Ming, “Can Shen Ming help me, I feel that it is simply impossible to learn well with my own ability”

Shika was stunned, what’s going on? I treat you as a comrade, but you set your sights on Shen Ming in my family?

“Yes, after that, you can study with Shixiang, the study of the two of you can be regarded as half a pound and eight taels!” Shen Ming casually agreed, it was a big deal to bring all the five sisters, as long as they used a little seductive ability when teaching, they could remember as much as they taught.

“Then count me in!” Mad San also stepped in horizontally, and the others naturally had no opinion.

The time soon came to the end of school, Madzo directly returned home with Toka, Shen Ming and Nakano Nino walked towards the home of the five sisters, on the way Shen Ming also received a message from Yukino under the snow, it turned out that Shinomiya Kaguya had completely controlled the Shinomiya family, and specially invited her, the head of the Tokyo area, to help the scene.

Shen Ming couldn’t help but sigh that Miss Kaguya and several people were really doing things resolutely, according to his previous guess, it would take at least a week for Shinomiya Kaguya to smoothly complete the change of power, it seems that with the help of Yukishita Yono, they used more drastic means. However, Shen Ming didn’t care about this, as long as it didn’t disturb his peaceful life.

“What’s wrong? Shen Ming? Nakano Nino noticed Shen Ming’s movements and asked, and Shen Ming suddenly found that Erno’s movements suddenly stopped in place, this is time stands still, I don’t know where the battle of the substitute messenger broke out again.

Shen Ming was a little helpless, he could only keep the original action and wait for the end of the stop, and what Shen Ming didn’t notice was that in a high-rise apartment a few kilometers away, a priest was peeping at him with a telescope, but the priest was very smart, he didn’t dare to stay on Shen Ming, just stared at Shen Ming’s shadow tightly.

The two counted the numbers in their hearts almost at the same time, and at the sixth second, the priest could clearly feel that Shen Ming’s life had entered stillness, so he lifted the time pause at the seventh second.

Seven seconds of time stop, that should be the silver royal double-in disc is working, Shen Ming thought secretly in his heart, but he did not pay attention to it, just the suspension of time did not pose a threat to him.

“Oh, why did you have a strange feeling just now?” Nakano felt a strong sense of discord, and just now she seemed to sense the presence of other sisters.

Shen Ming suddenly glanced at Er Nai in surprise, could she feel the time that was being stilled? Is she a special person or is it because the five sisters work together? Shen Ming was immediately interested, and he planned to go to the home of the five sisters and use the time to pause to see if there was any different phenomenon.

“What’s wrong? How do I feel a little scared! Nakano Erno directly hugged Shen Ming’s arm and said weakly, looking at her appearance, I didn’t know that I thought she had encountered something terrible.

Shen Ming sighed and withdrew his arm, since the morning Er Nai had already launched an attack on him, he really didn’t miss any opportunity! Now he was also a little hesitant.

Shen Ming no longer spoke, just grabbed Er Nai’s hand tightly and walked towards the residence of the five sisters, while Er Nai felt the temperature coming from Shen Ming’s hand, his face was blushing, and he also kept silent and followed Shen Ming’s footsteps.

Seeing that he had already arrived home, Er Nai walked quickly to open the door, but at this time the door was opened from the inside, and a girl with long pink hair poked her head out from inside and smiled at Shen Ming.

“Classmate Shen Ming, guess who I am?”

Shen Ming carefully scanned it, the long pink hair, although he was still walking distance, he had already smelled a faint scent of cherry blossoms, and the white dress was very decent, highlighting her delicate body, which was the common dress of their five sisters, and they liked to play this five-sister game with their better friends.

“It’s a flower!” Shen Ming said helplessly, if the five sisters were there, he might have to work hard, but in the case of only one person, only one flower would have this bad taste.

“.~ Okay, Ichika, how are they now?” Erno directly pushed Yihua into the room, and then pulled Shen Ming back to the house with both hands.

“Separated, we’re back to the state of still five people!” Ichika said regretfully, it is estimated that they will transfer schools again.

“Classmate Shen Ming! Good afternoon! When we first met, I was Nakano Yotsuba, so just call me Yotsuba in the future! As soon as Shen Ming changed his shoes, he saw Shitaba with a green headband greeting him excitedly.

“Well, hello, Yotsuba-san!” Shen Ming beckoned to Yotsuba, and then looked at Yihua, the other sisters.

Feeling Shen Ming’s gaze, Yihua smiled, she read Shen Ming’s question, and then made another atmospheric expression: “Shen Ming’s classmate is too much!” Obviously they already have me, and they even set their sights on my sisters! ”

“Ichika, you guys?” Erno was shocked, in her memory, Yihua should not have had much contact with Shen Ming, could it be what happened when she watched the electricity (money) shadow that day?

“Alas, there is no way, I had to sacrifice myself to save my sisters!” Yihua said cryingly, and rushed towards Shen Ming again, but was directly stopped by Ernai.

“Sanjiu, they should still be in their respective rooms, you go and say hello to them first!” Erno hugged Yihua who seemed to have ulterior motives and said to Shen Ming. Since the five sisters have separated, then Shen Ming’s purpose for coming here today no longer exists, and he can just formally get to know the five sisters again.

Shen Ming nodded, walked directly to the second floor, crossed the room of Yihua and Ernai, stopped directly in front of Sanjiu’s door, and knocked lightly on the door.

“Come in!” Sanjiu still thought it was his sister, and shouted without turning his head, and hearing her words, Shen Ming directly opened the door and walked in, while Sanjiu was still playing his game intently, and did not realize who was coming.

“This should be Lu Bu!” Shen Ming glanced at the computer screen and said.

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