At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

“Ripples? No, come back quickly, it’s not something you can handle next! ”

Shen Ming suddenly said to Yukoshita Yukinai, now Kaz already has the ability to kill Yukinoshita Yukino, only the absolutely immortal himself can also confront him!

When the women heard Shen Ming’s words, they hurriedly retreated a hundred meters, because the buildings of the Four Palace Family had been atomized, so they could still see the figures of Kaz and Shen Ming.

“You have a good eye! Ripples are no matter how much it is the power of breathing, but creatures imitate the sun with life energy, at most it can be called flame energy, and what I am using now is the real solar energy that belongs to the star! ”

Kaz didn’t care about Yukino and the others, he brought his hands closer in front of him, and a golden ball of light appeared between his hands.

“This, is this Turtle Sect Qigong!” Toka exclaimed.

“What a terrifying force, we have to retreat again!” Mad San’s expression was solemn, and the current Kaz reminded her of the original Chonggong Mio.

Nangong Nayue directly launched a large-scale spatial transfer without saying a word, and fled with everyone several kilometers away, although Kaz was only a 517 small ball of light in her hand, but she felt no less than the energy of the lion’s gold burst with all her strength.

Under the snow, Yang Nai slapped his hands on the ground, and an ice mirror appeared in front of everyone, and after heavy reflections, the figures of Shen Ming and Kaz appeared in the ice mirror.

“What kind of power is that?” Chika Fujiwara asked.

“I feel the power of radiation, and if I’m not mistaken, I’m afraid Kaz has mastered the power of atoms!” Yukino Yuki’s expression was solemn, and the moment the ball of light appeared, she felt that the magnetic field around her was all disturbed.

“Brother… Godzilla! Chika Fujiwara was dumbfounded.


Kaz gently pushed the golden ball of light directly towards Shen Ming, and a beam of light suddenly shot towards Shen Ming.

“Listen to my orders, come quickly, King Kong of the Divine Sheep!”

A piece of crystal appeared in front of Shen Ming, but it was instantly shattered by the beam, and the King Kong of the Divine Sheep directly used his body to resist this attack for Shen Ming, and the energy contained in the beam instantly scattered, directly destroying the surrounding buildings that had been atomized.

“Come on!”

As soon as Shen Ming beckoned, the King Kong of the Divine Sheep turned into a crystal shield and fell into his left hand, different from the offensive giant axe of the Four Palaces Kaguya, he chose defense, after all, defense is what the King Kong of the Divine Sheep is good at.

Kaz once again emitted an even more powerful beam, but it was also blocked by the shield in Shen Ming’s hand, and the entire Fourth Palace Family had turned into ruins.

“Fun power! As long as I defeat you, these forces are all mine! ”

Kaz looked at Shen Ming with burning eyes and said, he felt a longing, as an ultimate creature’s desire for a new species, his body can already be said to be flawless, but his own ability is somewhat lacking, but Shen Ming can make up for all this.

“Don’t be too soon!” For Shen Ming, Kaz is not too tricky an opponent.

“Listen to my orders, come quickly, Amber of the Minotaur King!”

The huge bullhead god appeared out of thin air, but the next moment it merged with the giant axe in his hand, and then fell into Shen Ming’s hands.

The King Kong of the Divine Sheep, who can reflect the attack, can only be attacked by the amber of the Minotaur King who is physically defensive, and Shen Ming must force out all of Kaz’s abilities.

Shen Ming suddenly rushed towards Kaz, an axe fell towards Kaz, Kaz did not understand Shen Ming’s ability, just raised the ball of light in his hand high, but to his surprise, the beam emitted by the ball of light was directly split in half by the giant axe, and then the giant axe actually passed directly through the ball of light, Kaz subconsciously tilted his head and dodged the giant axe.

But Shen Ming’s giant (BCAG) axe was fast and fierce, and Kaz could not dodge, and the giant axe slashed at his shoulder, and one arm fell with it.

Due to the loss of an arm, the small ball of light created by Kaz lost his control and actually began to expand.

The next moment, a strong golden light illuminated the night sky, Shen Ming saw this and directly magnified the shield in his hand several times, completely blocking himself, and also took the time to look back at Xue Nai and the others, and only breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that several people had evacuated to more than ten kilometers away.

Kaz picked up his arm and kicked the ball of light again, and he took the opportunity to quickly retreat tens of meters as well.

The ball of light flew towards Shen Ming with a violent golden light, and when it fell on Shen Ming’s shield, the ball of light had swelled to the size of two human heads, and the moment it hit the shield, the energy in the ball of light was finally all released, and a terrifying explosion instantly stirred up countless dust. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A small mushroom grows slowly.

Shen Ming forcefully resisted the crystal shield in his hand, he could completely dodge this explosion, but he wanted to feel this ability up close, he had a hunch, this ability he could also master.

The terrifying wave of fire instantly scattered and drowned everything, and only a gap appeared where Shen Ming stood, but even behind Shen Ming, the terrifying high temperature directly broke Shen Ming’s atomization, destroying buildings, ground, vehicles, etc.!

But Shen Ming doesn’t care, these things can be recovered by hooking the fingers of the white steel hook of the water spirit, he is glad that fortunately, because of its transcendent status, the surrounding houses are still relatively few, and the casualties should not be too serious, no, under such a terrifying explosion, there should be no strong people.

Shen Ming looked up, a slight crack had appeared on the shield in his hand, and the next moment the shield was back to its original state, and Shen Ming could detect that the shield’s defensive ability had almost doubled!

“It turns out that this is the way for beasts to grow!” Shen Ming thought happily, and then put away the shield and giant axe, and used other methods to deal with Kaz.

“Kaz, don’t come out yet? You guided the explosion just now, and I don’t believe you’ll be hurt by it!” Shen Ming looked not far to the side, although Kaz entered the mimicry, shielded all vital signs, and even blocked the biological magnetic field.

But Shen Ming would open the epitaph every once in a while to look at it, and he knew very well that Kaz would attack from the side in a dozen seconds.

Kaz didn’t reply, he suspected that Shen Ming was just deceiving himself, so he wouldn’t be deceived! And he has long been ready.

“Don’t underestimate me! I am here! Show me here! ”

The direction in which Kaz was retreating before suddenly came out, and Kaz’s furious roar suddenly came out.

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