Astral's Adventures

Chapter 197: Subsequent Fall Part 37: Hurdles

They got to the next planet as things got quiet between the top brass. Astral's communication stopped completely as the rest of them all stayed at the opposite bridge and let Astral alone in the northern bridge to update the software and to make it better. Jaimie became worried as they found the next planet.

"If Astral's improvements worked, we should have all of the answers by scanning the planet once." Jaimie pressed the button as the planet became scanned. Showing the resources that it had as well at the threats that were there.

Airsoft read the reports as they appeared. "We want this one?" Airsoft read the part with the plant like zombies and their issues they would be facing. "Or do you guys want to hear the plan I have?" He pointed to the five still healthy members of the Dogpound.

"Sure, we won't dare touch it ourselves." Nevada crossed his arms. "What are you thinking of?" The Dogpound were skeptical to join up but didn't have a choice. 

"It's a plant like hive mind consuming organic material to reuse into a floral substance. So, if we roll in with a small infiltration team, loaded with fire ammunition and preparations for what they will throw at us." Airsoft held the report up. "We can burn the planet to a crisp and take the resources."

Jaimie looked at their resource coffers across the rings, they were still full for the most part. Looking at the milky way and its development, painted the other scene of why it was needed in the first place. "If you want to take this planet, it helps earth and the milky way build up and catch the Merle in technology."

All of them shot up, helping to rebuild earth, a planet they said would never be able to be visited once again. One where they would never go back to. "Does this mean we could go to earth if we wanted to?" Minn asked quietly, her little sister was still stuck on the planet.

"Yes you could. Once we establish their tech on our level so we could make travel instant rather than months." Jaimie smiled as the rest of them all looked around confused.

"Why isn't our travel instant now?" Washington asked due to the confusing nature of it all.

"We can instantly travel, but the time spent preparing on the way there is more helpful than jumping people right away." Jaimie showed some of the technology that would not be accessible in the universe for the most part for a trillion years.

All of them were amazed as they readied themselves for the small insertion mission. The eight of them went to the armory and armed themselves with their standard weapons and a fire toggle mode. They loaded up and realized that it was much quieter than before as they boarded the shuttle. It lifted off and took off to the planet's surface as Anders entered the southern bridge and stared at Jaimie.

"What is on the planet that is just stopping us from harvesting it outright?" Anders looked at it.

"Nothing, they asked about the planet."

"But isn't it putting them deeper into danger?"

Achilles scoffed. "That isn't her worry, her worry is keeping the one shutting us out in check and keeping the two twins in check." The twins looked over then went back to their learning lessons of more standard math and reading.

"Adam is up there with him and the two have more brain power than the rest of us put together." Jaimie shrugged as Anders tugged at her side.

"What about the plant like parasites? Can I study them if I get down to the surface?" Anders asked gently as Jaimie rolled her eyes.

"If you get down to the surface, I will lock you in my room and give you a night you haven't forgotten." Jaimie walked to the doorway. "I am going to check on the two boys. You." she pointed at Anders. "Don't do anything foolish." Jaimie sprinted off in a bang as she went to the other bridge.

"Achilles I have a favor to." Anders started speaking as Achilles stood up.

"Doc, you don't have to convince me to help break some rules." Achilles waved for her to follow him slowly. As they left the twins realized they were the only ones in the room.

"Should we keep working on the lesson?" Angel asked.

"Nah, I wanna spar versus that Titan hologram." James felt ready as Angel agreed, and the two took off to the training room. Jaimie arrived at the northern bridge as Adam and Astral were talking to Shiro and reevaluating the stockpile they had inside of the milky way versus the projected universal numbers. They looked over and saw it was just her and kept looking at the numbers.

"You need to give it a break and relax a little bit, working yourself to death is a bad thing." Jaimie stood by his side and rubbed his shoulders.

"I don't want anyone else to die due to our incompetence." Astral rested his head on her shoulder as they looked at the current equipment settings and levels they can withstand. Wondering if they can improve it well beyond the weapons they will face.

"The armor levels are different due to each weapon type we have faced has its own effects on the clone armor, or the Dogpound armor's." Shiro started the Titan program for Angel and James with a flicker. "Their suit's abilities are helpful but it's so malleable, which is what caused Oregon's death."

"But they need lighter armor than the clones, or Astral and Jaimie. They just don't have the density to hold the high weight armor without crumpling over or they lose the mobility that their's provides." Adam showed their armors.

"I figured it out. Can you send them up here Jaimie?" Astral asked as she sputtered jibberish into the air. "The undersuit." Astral fired his suit up and took a sample of his undermesh. 

"This stuff is the best, lightweight and even more protective than any other armor outside of my or her plating. We need to make this standard issue yesterday. We should have a drastic reduction in deaths." Astral figured it out, it gets worn down easier than the current undersuit, but it makes the clones get a better armor design that's less blocky.

"Well, can you get the Dogpound and the clone general's?" Astral asked as Jaimie lost all the wind in her sails and whispered really quietly as she saw a second shuttle lift off. "What?"

"They are taking down the plant zombies on the surface of that planet and Anders is going down there to do science and I gave the Dogpound approval with the help of Airsoft, Proto and Omaha." Jaimie blurted out as Astral shrugged.

"Adam, you can handle the redesign process of the armor for the clones and start producing the mesh right? Overdrive the factories and max out production for all of it! We need as much as possible, with any excess send it to the milky way." Adam took notes as Astral spoke. "Well, want to go save some people?" Astral slapped Jaimies ass as he took off out the door and emergency hatch as she followed close behind.

"May all the clone generals come to the northern bridge." Astrid asked through the communication network as the clones were excited for this meeting, wondering what it could be. Once they heard a redesign coming from Adam's mouth and an undersuit upgrade, they all cheered with excitement.

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