Assassin Farmer

Chapter 154.2

Chapter 154.2

Currently, the willow trees and the maidenhair trees growing along the streets have become lushly green. As summer came, the tree branches had reached out, shading the streets inside the village. There were only some lucky sun beams getting through the leaves. It could be said that the road from He Yuan’s entrance to the main houses of the private mansions was in spring time year round. It was cool during the summer and warm during winter. If the villagers weren’t worried about interrupting the horse carriages traveling on the streets, they would bring their lazy chairs and take a nice nap under the shades. 

On the way, Aunt Lao listened to Old Xia excitedly rant about the news of He Yuan. For example, the pickle shop was about to open a new branch in Shui Yue City, or a new shop would be opened soon in the main street of the city. He also mentioned that Fan Luo City was about to become Fan Luo County… 

“What? When did this happen?” Aunt Lao was surprised. She had heard the other stories from the Town Elder. But why the Town Elder didn’t mention the big event of Fan Luo City changing its name? 

“Hehe, I just heard this from the Chief Manager this morning. I heard it’s news from the imperial city.” Old Xia scratched his head. Actually, he had accidently heard the news from the Chief Manager and his wife when he came to see him to report the lotus lake’s catching. If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com

“No wonder! This is really good, but why would they change Fan Luo City into Fan Luo County? Is there any other county in our Da Hui?” Aunt Lao didn’t get it. However, it was a political matter issued by the imperial court, which had nothing to do with peasant farmers like them. In a harsher way, even if Da Hui had changed its dynasty, their lives wouldn’t change much. Now that their taxes were also exempted,, there was nothing that could affect them. 

While talking, they reached the major kitchen of the main house. As Aunt Lao was about to enter the kitchen together with Old Xia, she heard Liang-momo’s voice. “Aunt Tian! I saw you in the distance. Madam said that after you have lunch, please come to the study room to meet her. She has something she wants to discuss with you!” 

“Sigh, Momo, don’t treat me so formally! I heard that the kitchen’s cooking beef brisket today so I’m here to ask for cooking tips. I’ll go see Ma… Madam now.” Aunt Lao blushed as if she had been caught doing something bad.

“Haha! Aunt Fang, our chef, was taught by the chefs from the imperial kitchen. You can come here to exchange tips with her anytime. I’ve sent the message, so I’m going to deliver the meals to Young Masters and Young Lady now. If you haven’t had lunch, come to the kitchen and try Aunt Fang’s talent!” Liang-momo politely replied. After she delivered Su Shuilian’s message, she went to deliver the meals for her little masters. 

Aunt Lao gave an embarrassed smile. Remembering Liang-momo said that Su girl wanted to see her, she immediately thought that it would be about the blacksmith workshop of her oldest son. Previously, she had heard about that from Aunt Tian and the Town Elder. However, after the harvest season, she had almost forgotten, and she didn’t expect that Shuilian would want to talk to her today.  If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com

It was a good event. She had always hoped that her oldest son’s family could earn a stable and decent wage. 

With that thought in her mind, she didn’t rush to have beef brisket anymore. She must go and talk to that Shuilian girl first… A, wrong, she must address her Madam! Or else, the helpers in the main house would laugh at her for being unruly. 

Su Shuilian stood at her desk, frowning and contemplating. She had just written to Liang Xuan Jing and his wife in the imperial city a moment ago. Yesterday, she received the news about the imperial city from Guangci House, which had startled her. 

Da Hui’s Emperor had imparted his throne to the five-year-old Ninth Prince due to his serious illness. Prince Xiang – Lou Xia Er was ordained to be the Regent. Before the ninth prince turned eighteen years old, Lou Xi Er would help the new Emperor solve the nation’s affairs. 

It was acceptable, however, what made people startled was that Liang Xuan Jing – An Wangye– retired and returned to his hometown; Liang En Zai who controlled the military power now lost his power and became the Wangye of Fan Luo County, managing only Fan Luo County. 

Fan Luo County was Fan Luo City. Ten days ago, the new Emperor had changed its name and separated it from Da Hui’s territory, which made the place a relatively independent county. Starting from the seventh lunar month, all the policies on management of Fan Luo County would be under the Wangye’s command. The people there didn’t need to pay any tax to Da Hui. Fortunately, the procedures for entering and leaving the county are much looser than those for entering and leaving the Dahui national border. This was a positive outcome in terms of business and trading between Fan Luo County and the other countries. 

And that was how Fan Luo County became an independent city that wasn’t under the governance of Da Hui’s Emperor anymore. Wangye Liang En Zai ‘s previously bound arms and hands were released and he no longer needed to worry about being careful when reforming this country. 

However, Su Shuilian worried about the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei. Although her brother sent her a letter saying that they were all fine. They had been recently dismissing their servants and packing up to move to Fan Hua Private Mansion to live their retired life.

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She couldn’t suppress her worries so she wrote a letter to her parents. She didn’t mention her worries or reluctance in the letter. She just asked her to take care of their bodies and come home soon. Yes, here it was their home from now on. 

“Madam, Aunt Lao’s here. This maid had her wait in the main house.” Xin Zhi softly reported, cutting her train of thought. 

“Ok, I’ll be right now.” Su Shuilian nodded. She put her brush aside and used red clay to seal the letter and handed it to Xin Zhi. “When you have free time this afternoon, please send this to Guangci House for me, and then go to the clinic to tell Jing Zhi that my brother is about to come back.”

“Yes,” Xin Zhi carefully put the letter into her sleeves then cleaned the table before walking to the main living room with Su Shuilian. “Madam, are you going to have lunch in the main living room? The kitchen made beef brisket today. Everybody said that it’s really delicious.”

“All right, you should go and have lunch too. Ah, please also ask if Aunt Lao has eaten yet. If she hasn’t, invite her to have lunch with me in the main room.” Su Shuilian washed her hands in the simple sink in the study room before heading to the main living room. 

It was true that she wanted to see Aunt Lao because of the blacksmith workshop. One month ago, Yang Xin House had sent the news that the two blacksmith workshops in the city had a fight because of competing for customers. Someone from the blacksmith workshop had used a hot fork to stab a man from the other workshop in the eye. He must be blinded now. The attacker was jailed by the representative of Castellan.

The workshop’s family were all unfamiliar with blacksmithing, so they couldn’t receive big orders. So, the Castellan’s representative had talked to A Yao to “borrow” Lao Yong Fu of He Yuan to work in the city. 

Shuilian had planned to discuss this with the Lao Family by the Dragon Boat Festival, but so many things had happened, she had forgotten it. Today, as Liang-momo said that Aunt Lao was near the mansion, she hurried to call her here for a talk.

“Aunt Lao, you should discuss with Uncle Lao. If he agrees, the official will find a shop for you. You don’t need to pay the rent for the first two months. Later on, you can pay the average rate of rent. If he agrees, you can start to work this month. Of course, He Yuan doesn’t expect Yong Fu to close the shop here. Every month, he should come here to fix the tools for the villagers.”

“No problem. Girl, ah, I forgot my manners. Madam, on behalf of Yong Fu, I agree. There should be more commissions to do in the city. It should be easier to feed the family. Let alone coming back several days a month, he can do ten days or so.” Aunt Lao patted her thigh and frankly agreed. The official would find a shop for them. Such a good opportunity couldn’t be found even if they looked with a lit lantern. Only the idiot would refuse this offer. 

“Aunt Lao, why are you so polite to me? I’m still used to you calling me Su girl.” Su Shuilian smiled. Aunt Lao agreed immediately then there should be no problem. As Su Shuilian had solved a knot in her heart, she invited Aunt Lao to have the beef brisket cooked by Aunt Fang.

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Currently, the willow trees and the maidenhair trees growing along the streets have become lushly green. As summer came, the tree branches had reached out, shading the streets inside the village. There were only some lucky sun beams getting through the leaves. It could be said that the road from He Yuan’s entrance to the main houses of the private mansions was in spring time year round. It was cool during the summer and warm during winter. If the villagers weren’t worried about interrupting the horse carriages traveling on the streets, they would bring their lazy chairs and take a nice nap under the shades. 

On the way, Aunt Lao listened to Old Xia excitedly rant about the news of He Yuan. For example, the pickle shop was about to open a new branch in Shui Yue City, or a new shop would be opened soon in the main street of the city. He also mentioned that Fan Luo City was about to become Fan Luo County… 

“What? When did this happen?” Aunt Lao was surprised. She had heard the other stories from the Town Elder. But why the Town Elder didn’t mention the big event of Fan Luo City changing its name? 

“Hehe, I just heard this from the Chief Manager this morning. I heard it’s news from the imperial city.” Old Xia scratched his head. Actually, he had accidently heard the news from the Chief Manager and his wife when he came to see him to report the lotus lake’s catching. If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com

“No wonder! This is really good, but why would they change Fan Luo City into Fan Luo County? Is there any other county in our Da Hui?” Aunt Lao didn’t get it. However, it was a political matter issued by the imperial court, which had nothing to do with peasant farmers like them. In a harsher way, even if Da Hui had changed its dynasty, their lives wouldn’t change much. Now that their taxes were also exempted,, there was nothing that could affect them. 

While talking, they reached the major kitchen of the main house. As Aunt Lao was about to enter the kitchen together with Old Xia, she heard Liang-momo’s voice. “Aunt Tian! I saw you in the distance. Madam said that after you have lunch, please come to the study room to meet her. She has something she wants to discuss with you!” 

“Sigh, Momo, don’t treat me so formally! I heard that the kitchen’s cooking beef brisket today so I’m here to ask for cooking tips. I’ll go see Ma… Madam now.” Aunt Lao blushed as if she had been caught doing something bad.

“Haha! Aunt Fang, our chef, was taught by the chefs from the imperial kitchen. You can come here to exchange tips with her anytime. I’ve sent the message, so I’m going to deliver the meals to Young Masters and Young Lady now. If you haven’t had lunch, come to the kitchen and try Aunt Fang’s talent!” Liang-momo politely replied. After she delivered Su Shuilian’s message, she went to deliver the meals for her little masters. 

Aunt Lao gave an embarrassed smile. Remembering Liang-momo said that Su girl wanted to see her, she immediately thought that it would be about the blacksmith workshop of her oldest son. Previously, she had heard about that from Aunt Tian and the Town Elder. However, after the harvest season, she had almost forgotten, and she didn’t expect that Shuilian would want to talk to her today.  If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com

It was a good event. She had always hoped that her oldest son’s family could earn a stable and decent wage. 

With that thought in her mind, she didn’t rush to have beef brisket anymore. She must go and talk to that Shuilian girl first… A, wrong, she must address her Madam! Or else, the helpers in the main house would laugh at her for being unruly. 

Su Shuilian stood at her desk, frowning and contemplating. She had just written to Liang Xuan Jing and his wife in the imperial city a moment ago. Yesterday, she received the news about the imperial city from Guangci House, which had startled her. 

Da Hui’s Emperor had imparted his throne to the five-year-old Ninth Prince due to his serious illness. Prince Xiang – Lou Xia Er was ordained to be the Regent. Before the ninth prince turned eighteen years old, Lou Xi Er would help the new Emperor solve the nation’s affairs. 

It was acceptable, however, what made people startled was that Liang Xuan Jing – An Wangye– retired and returned to his hometown; Liang En Zai who controlled the military power now lost his power and became the Wangye of Fan Luo County, managing only Fan Luo County. 

Fan Luo County was Fan Luo City. Ten days ago, the new Emperor had changed its name and separated it from Da Hui’s territory, which made the place a relatively independent county. Starting from the seventh lunar month, all the policies on management of Fan Luo County would be under the Wangye’s command. The people there didn’t need to pay any tax to Da Hui. Fortunately, the procedures for entering and leaving the county are much looser than those for entering and leaving the Dahui national border. This was a positive outcome in terms of business and trading between Fan Luo County and the other countries. 

And that was how Fan Luo County became an independent city that wasn’t under the governance of Da Hui’s Emperor anymore. Wangye Liang En Zai ‘s previously bound arms and hands were released and he no longer needed to worry about being careful when reforming this country. 

However, Su Shuilian worried about the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei. Although her brother sent her a letter saying that they were all fine. They had been recently dismissing their servants and packing up to move to Fan Hua Private Mansion to live their retired life.

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She couldn’t suppress her worries so she wrote a letter to her parents. She didn’t mention her worries or reluctance in the letter. She just asked her to take care of their bodies and come home soon. Yes, here it was their home from now on. 

“Madam, Aunt Lao’s here. This maid had her wait in the main house.” Xin Zhi softly reported, cutting her train of thought. 

“Ok, I’ll be right now.” Su Shuilian nodded. She put her brush aside and used red clay to seal the letter and handed it to Xin Zhi. “When you have free time this afternoon, please send this to Guangci House for me, and then go to the clinic to tell Jing Zhi that my brother is about to come back.”

“Yes,” Xin Zhi carefully put the letter into her sleeves then cleaned the table before walking to the main living room with Su Shuilian. “Madam, are you going to have lunch in the main living room? The kitchen made beef brisket today. Everybody said that it’s really delicious.”

“All right, you should go and have lunch too. Ah, please also ask if Aunt Lao has eaten yet. If she hasn’t, invite her to have lunch with me in the main room.” Su Shuilian washed her hands in the simple sink in the study room before heading to the main living room. 

It was true that she wanted to see Aunt Lao because of the blacksmith workshop. One month ago, Yang Xin House had sent the news that the two blacksmith workshops in the city had a fight because of competing for customers. Someone from the blacksmith workshop had used a hot fork to stab a man from the other workshop in the eye. He must be blinded now. The attacker was jailed by the representative of Castellan.

The workshop’s family were all unfamiliar with blacksmithing, so they couldn’t receive big orders. So, the Castellan’s representative had talked to A Yao to “borrow” Lao Yong Fu of He Yuan to work in the city. 

Shuilian had planned to discuss this with the Lao Family by the Dragon Boat Festival, but so many things had happened, she had forgotten it. Today, as Liang-momo said that Aunt Lao was near the mansion, she hurried to call her here for a talk.

“Aunt Lao, you should discuss with Uncle Lao. If he agrees, the official will find a shop for you. You don’t need to pay the rent for the first two months. Later on, you can pay the average rate of rent. If he agrees, you can start to work this month. Of course, He Yuan doesn’t expect Yong Fu to close the shop here. Every month, he should come here to fix the tools for the villagers.”

“No problem. Girl, ah, I forgot my manners. Madam, on behalf of Yong Fu, I agree. There should be more commissions to do in the city. It should be easier to feed the family. Let alone coming back several days a month, he can do ten days or so.” Aunt Lao patted her thigh and frankly agreed. The official would find a shop for them. Such a good opportunity couldn’t be found even if they looked with a lit lantern. Only the idiot would refuse this offer. 

“Aunt Lao, why are you so polite to me? I’m still used to you calling me Su girl.” Su Shuilian smiled. Aunt Lao agreed immediately then there should be no problem. As Su Shuilian had solved a knot in her heart, she invited Aunt Lao to have the beef brisket cooked by Aunt Fang.

Currently, the willow trees and the maidenhair trees growing along the streets have become lushly green. As summer came, the tree branches had reached out, shading the streets inside the village. There were only some lucky sun beams getting through the leaves. It could be said that the road from He Yuan’s entrance to the main houses of the private mansions was in spring time year round. It was cool during the summer and warm during winter. If the villagers weren’t worried about interrupting the horse carriages traveling on the streets, they would bring their lazy chairs and take a nice nap under the shades. 

On the way, Aunt Lao listened to Old Xia excitedly rant about the news of He Yuan. For example, the pickle shop was about to open a new branch in Shui Yue City, or a new shop would be opened soon in the main street of the city. He also mentioned that Fan Luo City was about to become Fan Luo County… 

“What? When did this happen?” Aunt Lao was surprised. She had heard the other stories from the Town Elder. But why the Town Elder didn’t mention the big event of Fan Luo City changing its name? 

“Hehe, I just heard this from the Chief Manager this morning. I heard it’s news from the imperial city.” Old Xia scratched his head. Actually, he had accidently heard the news from the Chief Manager and his wife when he came to see him to report the lotus lake’s catching. If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com

“No wonder! This is really good, but why would they change Fan Luo City into Fan Luo County? Is there any other county in our Da Hui?” Aunt Lao didn’t get it. However, it was a political matter issued by the imperial court, which had nothing to do with peasant farmers like them. In a harsher way, even if Da Hui had changed its dynasty, their lives wouldn’t change much. Now that their taxes were also exempted,, there was nothing that could affect them. 

While talking, they reached the major kitchen of the main house. As Aunt Lao was about to enter the kitchen together with Old Xia, she heard Liang-momo’s voice. “Aunt Tian! I saw you in the distance. Madam said that after you have lunch, please come to the study room to meet her. She has something she wants to discuss with you!” 

“Sigh, Momo, don’t treat me so formally! I heard that the kitchen’s cooking beef brisket today so I’m here to ask for cooking tips. I’ll go see Ma… Madam now.” Aunt Lao blushed as if she had been caught doing something bad.

“Haha! Aunt Fang, our chef, was taught by the chefs from the imperial kitchen. You can come here to exchange tips with her anytime. I’ve sent the message, so I’m going to deliver the meals to Young Masters and Young Lady now. If you haven’t had lunch, come to the kitchen and try Aunt Fang’s talent!” Liang-momo politely replied. After she delivered Su Shuilian’s message, she went to deliver the meals for her little masters. 

Aunt Lao gave an embarrassed smile. Remembering Liang-momo said that Su girl wanted to see her, she immediately thought that it would be about the blacksmith workshop of her oldest son. Previously, she had heard about that from Aunt Tian and the Town Elder. However, after the harvest season, she had almost forgotten, and she didn’t expect that Shuilian would want to talk to her today.  If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com

It was a good event. She had always hoped that her oldest son’s family could earn a stable and decent wage. 

With that thought in her mind, she didn’t rush to have beef brisket anymore. She must go and talk to that Shuilian girl first… A, wrong, she must address her Madam! Or else, the helpers in the main house would laugh at her for being unruly. 

Su Shuilian stood at her desk, frowning and contemplating. She had just written to Liang Xuan Jing and his wife in the imperial city a moment ago. Yesterday, she received the news about the imperial city from Guangci House, which had startled her. 

Da Hui’s Emperor had imparted his throne to the five-year-old Ninth Prince due to his serious illness. Prince Xiang – Lou Xia Er was ordained to be the Regent. Before the ninth prince turned eighteen years old, Lou Xi Er would help the new Emperor solve the nation’s affairs. 

It was acceptable, however, what made people startled was that Liang Xuan Jing – An Wangye– retired and returned to his hometown; Liang En Zai who controlled the military power now lost his power and became the Wangye of Fan Luo County, managing only Fan Luo County. 

Fan Luo County was Fan Luo City. Ten days ago, the new Emperor had changed its name and separated it from Da Hui’s territory, which made the place a relatively independent county. Starting from the seventh lunar month, all the policies on management of Fan Luo County would be under the Wangye’s command. The people there didn’t need to pay any tax to Da Hui. Fortunately, the procedures for entering and leaving the county are much looser than those for entering and leaving the Dahui national border. This was a positive outcome in terms of business and trading between Fan Luo County and the other countries. 

And that was how Fan Luo County became an independent city that wasn’t under the governance of Da Hui’s Emperor anymore. Wangye Liang En Zai ‘s previously bound arms and hands were released and he no longer needed to worry about being careful when reforming this country. 

However, Su Shuilian worried about the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei. Although her brother sent her a letter saying that they were all fine. They had been recently dismissing their servants and packing up to move to Fan Hua Private Mansion to live their retired life.

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She couldn’t suppress her worries so she wrote a letter to her parents. She didn’t mention her worries or reluctance in the letter. She just asked her to take care of their bodies and come home soon. Yes, here it was their home from now on. 

“Madam, Aunt Lao’s here. This maid had her wait in the main house.” Xin Zhi softly reported, cutting her train of thought. 

“Ok, I’ll be right now.” Su Shuilian nodded. She put her brush aside and used red clay to seal the letter and handed it to Xin Zhi. “When you have free time this afternoon, please send this to Guangci House for me, and then go to the clinic to tell Jing Zhi that my brother is about to come back.”

“Yes,” Xin Zhi carefully put the letter into her sleeves then cleaned the table before walking to the main living room with Su Shuilian. “Madam, are you going to have lunch in the main living room? The kitchen made beef brisket today. Everybody said that it’s really delicious.”

“All right, you should go and have lunch too. Ah, please also ask if Aunt Lao has eaten yet. If she hasn’t, invite her to have lunch with me in the main room.” Su Shuilian washed her hands in the simple sink in the study room before heading to the main living room. 

It was true that she wanted to see Aunt Lao because of the blacksmith workshop. One month ago, Yang Xin House had sent the news that the two blacksmith workshops in the city had a fight because of competing for customers. Someone from the blacksmith workshop had used a hot fork to stab a man from the other workshop in the eye. He must be blinded now. The attacker was jailed by the representative of Castellan.

The workshop’s family were all unfamiliar with blacksmithing, so they couldn’t receive big orders. So, the Castellan’s representative had talked to A Yao to “borrow” Lao Yong Fu of He Yuan to work in the city. 

Shuilian had planned to discuss this with the Lao Family by the Dragon Boat Festival, but so many things had happened, she had forgotten it. Today, as Liang-momo said that Aunt Lao was near the mansion, she hurried to call her here for a talk.

“Aunt Lao, you should discuss with Uncle Lao. If he agrees, the official will find a shop for you. You don’t need to pay the rent for the first two months. Later on, you can pay the average rate of rent. If he agrees, you can start to work this month. Of course, He Yuan doesn’t expect Yong Fu to close the shop here. Every month, he should come here to fix the tools for the villagers.”

“No problem. Girl, ah, I forgot my manners. Madam, on behalf of Yong Fu, I agree. There should be more commissions to do in the city. It should be easier to feed the family. Let alone coming back several days a month, he can do ten days or so.” Aunt Lao patted her thigh and frankly agreed. The official would find a shop for them. Such a good opportunity couldn’t be found even if they looked with a lit lantern. Only the idiot would refuse this offer. 

“Aunt Lao, why are you so polite to me? I’m still used to you calling me Su girl.” Su Shuilian smiled. Aunt Lao agreed immediately then there should be no problem. As Su Shuilian had solved a knot in her heart, she invited Aunt Lao to have the beef brisket cooked by Aunt Fang.

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