Ascension: Online

Chapter 130: Direct Disciples

"Within the Blessing Nature Sect, disciples are split among four ranks: outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, and direct disciples," Elder Ning explained. "Outer disciples are the lowest tier and there are thousands of them within the sect, while direct disciples are the highest rank. There are only a few of them within the sect."

"So… what exactly is the different between the ranks other than the population distribution?" I asked, urging her to get to the main point.

"Outer disciples are taught like in schools, split into large classes and taught by a single instructor each. Inner disciples are similar, but they have access to special facilities around the sect and various resources extremely useful for cultivation. Core disciples are grouped up in cohorts of roughly five, and taught by an elder of the sect. But direct disciples…"

She smiled wryly. "… They are taught by the patriarch himself or his two closest elders."

"In other words… you are one of the patriarch's closest elders?"

At this, Elder Han broke down in laughter. "Oh, clueless boy… Elder Ning is the patriarch's daughter!"

I blinked. "Ah, no wonder you look so young."

She blushed. "You know how to talk, I'll give you that."

This woman… she's so cold and formal on the outside, but when it's just the sect's members here… is this her true self?

"But… I can't help but wonder. Are you strong enough to be an elder?"

She snorted. "Are you doubting my abilities?"

"Sorry, it's just… you don't seem all that much older than myself. Two or three years at best."

"… How rude. Elven lifespans are different from human ones," Elder Zhang explained, glaring at me coldly. "Five years for a human is equivalent to one for an elf."

I blinked in surprise, glancing at Elder Ning. "So… you're over fift-"

"DON'T SAY IT." She stared into my eyes threateningly. I paused my words.

"Fifty is considered young for an elf," Elder Han laughed, then shrinked away as Elder Ning shifted her glare to him. "O-Oops, my bad…"

"A-Ahem, anyway…" Elder Ning cleared her throat and moved on from this topic. "Becoming my direct disciple will grant you many advantages over other disciples. You will have access to all the best cultivation resources within the sect and also be treated with respect by your peers."

"Respect? More like jealousy…" I muttered.

"Well, that will be part of it too, naturally. But if you can convince them you are worthy of being my direct disciple, then…"

"I have no intention of convincing anyone of anything," I snorted. "Too much of a hassle. That said, it would be dumb to turn down such a tempting offer, so…"

"Great. Then, from today on, you will address me as Master, and you will be my only disciple."

"Are you sure, Elder Ning?" Elder Zhang asked, glaring at me with hatred. "You have never taken in a disciple before… and I must say, I do not have a good feeling about him. Being too clever may be a downside as well."

"You're afraid he's going to turn the tables on me one day and stab me in the back for his own gain?" Elder Ning laughed. "He can certainly try, but it will take a lot to beat me. And besides… so what if I have never taken in a disciple before? He can be my first."

Her 'first'… yikes. That could have a very different meaning if the context had not been there.

"Hold on," I interjected. "I have a condition."

"A condition?" Elder Zhang narrowed his eyes. "Elder Ning is already making you an incredible offer she has not given to anyone else, yet you still have a condition to accept it?"

"Calm down, Elder Zhang," Elder Ning said, shooting him a disdainful look, then turned back to me. "What is it?"

I glanced towards the girls with me, sitting within the shadow of a large tree a short distance away. They had not participated in our conversation since they were busy resting.

"I want them to join me," I said calmly. "As in, become your direct disciples as well."

"This…" Elder Ning fell into thought, glancing over at them. "What is your relationship with them? A little more than just acquaintances, I think?"

I shrugged. "The one with long black hair is my older sister, and the other two… I suppose you can call them my allies."

"You were born with both a younger sister and an older sister?" Elder Han laughed, referencing Aisa. "I can't imagine how much pain that would've been, growing up."

"Elder Han, I believe your sister will not be happy to hear that, once I tell her…"

"No!" Elder Han quickly bowed respectfully. "Elder Ning, please. I beg for mercy."

"Hmph," she smirked, then turned back to me. "I've seen your 'allies' fight. They are all good seeds with high talent, comparable to my own. They are good-hearted but also merciless when needed. However, I am concerned about one of them…"

"Nadeshiko, yeah?" I sighed. "To be honest, I'm concerned about her myself. She went through a harsh past, resulting in her psychopathic personality seen today. But I think she isn't all that evil, just… addicted to killing. I know that sounds contradictory, but…"

"I understand. I already accepted her into the sect anyway… she may be a problem child, but it is exactly my duty as an elder to change that. I will take your word for it and assume she is not evil at heart."

"Does this mean you accept my conditions?"

"Yes. It should be interesting, teaching the four of you at once… heh."

"One more thing," I added, pushing my luck. "About Aisa…"

"She can stay at my place as well, along with you four. That way, you should be able to visit her whenever you wish."

I smiled. "I see. Thank you… Master."

I bowed down respectfully, secretly laughing smugly in my heart.


"Elder Ning… why are you so lenient towards that boy?" Elder Zhang asked after thinking I was out of earshot. "He figured out our true intentions, but like he said, it really was not all that difficult — just a little logical thinking and observation skills would do the trick. We are not currently in lack of disciples with those qualities within the sect."

"… You don't understand," Elder Ning chuckled. "I had a strange feeling about him from a while back, when he used his wish to bring his little sister into the sect as well."

"A strange feeling…?"

"Yes. At the time, I searched his mind since I was doubtful of the girl being his little sister because of their hair color deviations, but what I saw was… quite interesting."

I stopped walking, wanting to hear this. Searching my mind, huh…? So that's why she was staring so intently at me back then.

… That means she knows about everything.

"What did you see?" Elder Zhang asked, extremely curious.

"… Heh," she chuckled, avoiding the question, and instead walked away. Elder Zhang was confused, but couldn't really keep pestering her about it.

I sighed in relief. At least… she wasn't going around spreading the news.

Still, with this, I now determined she was a threat.

One that needed to be either subjugated… or removed.


After I informed the other girls of the news, we quickly moved away from the rest of the group to talk, while the elders attended to Koroth.

They were surprised to hear how I managed to convince Elder Ning to do this, but after I told them it was mainly because she read my mind and found out about pretty much everything related to me, including reality rifts, players, Earth, and more, their expressions turned worried.

"So… what do we do about her?" Hina-nee asked. "Have Aisa trap her here as well?"

"Didn't Aisa say she can't trap anyone else right now, since the Creator's shadow is onto her?" Furuwa raised an eyebrow. "We don't want another round of reality rifts, do we?"

"Eh~? But aren't reality rifts the best way to obtain Blights and erase more of Kaze's emotions?" Nadeshiko wondered aloud, tilting her head. "They're good, aren't they~?"

"Not when there are too many for us to handle," I muttered. "We have loads of time before the Creator's plan is set in motion. There's no rush. Besides, I would like to keep my emotions a bit longer. So far, I've only lost pretty much unimportant ones, but… if I lose something like love or happiness…"

"Hehe~ you won't even be able to feel sad about it since you lost that too~" Nadeshiko giggled.

"It's no laughing matter…" Hina-nee frowned worriedly. "Losing emotions of love and happiness… how painful that's going to be…"

"Like I said… there's still time," I sighed. "For now, though… we should devise a plan to deal with Elder Ning. If the things she found in my memories gets out, such as the Creator's plans and whatnot, this world will be thrown into chaos. I'll also be marked as a target of interest… that will make getting around a lot more difficult."

"Yeah… the knowledge of 'players' and such getting out wouldn't be too much of a problem, but the Creator, reality rifts, and the existence of other worlds…" Hina-nee sighed. "I can't think of a way to silence her other than… well, killing."

"Killing~?" Nadeshiko's eyes lit up. "Where, who, when!"

"… Killing her is not going to be easy. I would like to enjoy the Blessing Nature Sect's resources to the fullest, which being her direct disciple will give. If possible, I'd like to avoid sabotaging that."

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Furuwa asked. "Usually, you'd already have a plan in your mind formulated."

"I'm not Sun Tzu or some genius who can develop flawless plans instantly, okay?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't know yet. I'll need some time, but I have a general idea — and this can be applied to pretty much anyone, if you want to control them."

"Hm…?" the girls leaned in, curious.

I grinned. "… Blackmail."

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